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Gutsy the Brave

Buck Testa

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You have a very interesting art style. I like the perspective and rich colors you used. Plus you also kept it closer to the original G1 form. Grogar looks quite menacing and you've captured Gusty's pissy expression nicely.

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I don't recall Grogar being able to summon fire, (or the ponies trying to take him head on to begin with) but the blazing inferno  gives off the illusion of heat and light. I also like that you can capture forms without lines.

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2 minutes ago, Leave a Whisper said:

I don't recall Grogar being able to summon fire, (or the ponies trying to take him head on to begin with) but the blazing inferno  gives off the illusion of heat and light. I also like that you can capture forms without lines.

Grogar's power comes from fear. If he can stoke that fear with necromancy, or even causing a forest fire to strike terror in the hearts of creatures nearby, it would be a means to an end to gather more power for himself. Its my reasoning for it anyway. 

As for the pony trying to take him on, its an origin story I'm playing with of why Gutsy the Brave eventually would fight Grogar. 

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1 hour ago, Buck Testa said:

Grogar's power comes from fear. If he can stoke that fear with necromancy, or even causing a forest fire to strike terror in the hearts of creatures nearby, it would be a means to an end to gather more power for himself. Its my reasoning for it anyway. 

As for the pony trying to take him on, its an origin story I'm playing with of why Gutsy the Brave eventually would fight Grogar. 

What? No he isn't. I'm tired of the misconception that he's a necromancer being thrown around.

He is all about conquest and capture. He's a Magical Warlord. He defeated and enslaved the Troggles to work in his army and ran roughshod over Dream Valley and was fully prepared to send the residents back down with Tambelon to the in-between dimension they were trapped in. He creates magical cages to capture and sends out bolts of magic to enforce his will. 

A necromancer is one traditionally who speaks to the dead, usually one's ancestors and more immediately departed relatives. Necro=dead, mancer= divination. Hollywood's popular misconception of voodoo added  zombies to that title.

Now I can imagine him ordering his army to set fire to a forest to flush out any remaining resistance.

Understand that I'm not arguing with you, I'm correcting you.

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Just now, Leave a Whisper said:

What? No he isn't. I'm tired of the misconception that he's a necromancer being thrown around.

He is all about conquest and capture. He's a Magical Warlord. He defeated and enslaved the Troggles to work in his army and ram roughshod over Dream Valley and was fully prepared to send the residents back down with Tambelon to the in-between dimension they were trapped in. He creates magical cages to capture and sends out bolts of magic to enforce his will. 

A necromancer is one traditionally who speaks to the dead, usually one's ancestors and more immediately departed relatives. Necro=dead, mancer= divination. Hollywood's popular misconception of voodoo added  zombies to that title.

Now I can imagine him ordering his army to set fire to a forest to flush out any remaining resistance.

Understand that I'm not arguing with you, I'm correcting you.

I've seen the original version of him, but it's generally been adopted into his character that he is a necromancer at this point. Nearly everything written about him since his origins has recorded him as being a necromancer and has built upon that idea. If anything it adds an interesting angle to his character, cause without it he's just a reskinned Tirek and not a sufficiently unique character on his own. 

Necromancy also plays up on the idea that he draws his power from fear in the Gen 4 version. Nothing is scarier than death to the living, and when your fear of death actually makes him stronger as a result it would only serve to redouble the fear his enemies feel. 

Zombies have also been introduced in Gen 4 multiple times in passing, once in season 1 and last season via 28 pranks later. Its certainly not out of the realm of possibility that a Y rated equivalent of necromancy could be introduced into the show via Gen 4's Grogar.

Fiction is a malleable thing and is open to change and interpretation over time, as are the characters that inhabit them. Generally accepted tropes become integral to characters even when they were not part of their original makeup, because those new tropes and characteristics make that character more interesting as a result. Case and point, if we were to restrict ourselves to the pure original version of Batman, he'd look like this. 



But the malleability of his mythos over time has turned out many varied interpretations of him. You could say that Batman for instance is not a Lego figure, yet that was one of the best versions of him to come out in a decade. 

In summary: No character is set in stone, everything is open to interpretation and can evolve into something new and interesting. Restricting yourself to the prototype of a character is to restrict creativity itself. 






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I understand and agree that fiction is malleable. But it's also not right to state personal head canon as if it were fact. 

If I wrote a silly parody of Batman as a super goofy high school stud, who botched missions, played tricks on his teachers and scratched his butt before forcing his enemies to sniff his stank finger and it caught on and became popular, it still wouldn't make it true and it would be worse still to lie and say that he's always done this.

So people can claim Grogar is a necromancer and his powers come from  fear, but that doesn't make it true in the least. He's a very powerful, very capable Magical Warlord with a very vulnerable weak spot and I don't see him as similar to Tirac at all. That's not constricting him as a character. That's simply telling people the truth.

They're still excellent pictures 


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Do remember that this section is solely intended for the showcase of mlp-related art pieces. If its resumption takes place, I'll proceed by locking it.

I encourage you guys to continue via PM if there's a desire to continue.

Have a lovely day, and those are actually really good Buck. I especially like the second one, you managed to make the fire look truly incandescent.

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