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Nymira - Your Memory [Trap]


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  • Brohoof 1
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That's a nice track, just sometimes some sounds don't fit, like DT samples - this song doesn't have enough boost for that.

BTW, congratulations, you just made an almost perfect example of what can be called as "techno trap", so you've discovered a new music genre! :muffins:

  • Brohoof 1
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It's an ok listen. However, you limited yourself to the tonic key of C major and the suspended 4th of C. I suggest you use a steady 4-chord progression. I know I sound like a drone right now, but...it seems like most of your last pieces you've published seem to stale out early. By using a 4-chord progression, you could develop your ideas easily and create effective scenes that your listener can relate to. Furthermore, watch your title matching. If you're going to name the song "Your Memory" you're going to have to make the melodies and styling relate to your title. Right now, the song does not really convey any thoughts of memory. Remember, there are endless possibilities in music and many genres to play with. 

In terms of your sounds, I wouldn't have gated that piano. A piano isn't designed to be gated, rather have repeated notes using slapback delay or continuous delay. Arpeggiated runs would work with the piano. Some polysynth sawtooth strings would work on the build-up. The low sine bass hum was sort of off-key. Make sure you make your low bass consonant with your upper melodies. That upper square/triangle wave on the melody during the breakdown needed a little more on the back triangle wave. On longer notes, why not add vibrato?

In terms of your percussion, gotta work on adding those fills. Percussion is probably the one thing that can cause a piece to stale out quickly. Also, watch the pitch on those vocals just before the drop to the breakdown. You could soft stretch up to C major if necessary. 

All in all, this piece could use quite a bit of development. I'm always here if you need me. Shoot me a PM at anytime if you have any questions on my critique. 

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