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Might be a bit harder to tickle your friends when you don't have fingers. That's why ponies use raspberries.


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IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub:

Cookies... who doesn't love 'em! I love cookies, you love cookies, everypony loves cookies. And apparently, as this next pic makes abundantly clear, Princess Woona loves cookies too!!!

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Next, here's some cuteness between Derpy and the Doctor, which, as I've stated many times before, is one of the few shipping pairings that I actually support in the fandom!

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And finally, here's me taking a shot at the captioning that Chaotic Discord does all the time on this thread, so here it goes. Wish me luck!!!

Ma- Mama? MAMA!!!

Oh Derpy, there you are, I was wondering where you were! I was just dropping by Ponyville today to see how all of my ponies were doing, and nopony seemed to know where you were!!

I've missed you Mama!!!

I know you have Derpy, everypony has, and I've missed you too! I'm sorry that I can't visit more often.

I love you Mama!!!!!

I love you too Derpy, so very much, now and always; don't you ever forget that!

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D'AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub:

Edited by Batbrony
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"My Little Dashie", told through pictures, note, not for the faint of heart! You may want to listen to

for added affect.


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Don't feel sad though, because there's a little surprise waitng for you, click the spoiler ;)



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Can anypony tickle another pony with hooves?

Or can all they do is just blow belly-raspberries?


Excellent question. My guess is hooves can be used minimally for rubbing on stomach areas that are open enough for such things, as this next picture will show, but I figure raspberries must work better, as you can can actually grip onto them somewhat while doing so.


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Courtesy of our very own Mayuen <3 This was a request they did for me and I was blown away by how adorable and fantastic they did on it.


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Dude, I mean't to comment on this one earlier; thank you sooooooooooo much for making and posting this pic. Definitely the sweetest Applejack comic I've seen in awhile!!! :wub:


Anyways, I'll start my post with a really cute Derpy and Golden Harvest comic; it's kinda funny too, especially in the art style (kinda reminds me of the Animaniacs), but it's mostly just really, really cute!


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Next... :wacko: huh... apparently Rainbow Dash is a cat. Who knew?

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Here's some techno-AppleDash

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Here's some Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo having some fun in the clouds!

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And finally... well, words need not describe how or why this is cute...

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:wub: :wub: :wub:

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Dude, I mean't to comment on this one earlier; thank you sooooooooooo much for posting this pic. Definitely the sweetest Applejack comic I've seen in awhile!!!

Not only did I post it, but it's thanks to me it exists at all :3 It was a request of mine. An RD & Scoots one will be in the works before too long.

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Dude, I mean't to comment on this one earlier; thank you sooooooooooo much for posting this pic. Definitely the sweetest Applejack comic I've seen in awhile!!! :wub:


Anyways, I'll start my post with a really cute Derpy and Golden Harvest comic; it's kinda funny too, especially in the art style (kinda reminds me of the Animaniacs), but it's mostly just really, really cute!




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found one more of them, same style at least ^_^


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oh, AJ, but don´t worry, help is coming...


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btw, am i the only one who noticed colgate and dr. whooves have the exact same cutie mark... :blink:

Edited by Yo Dawg
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Not only did I post it, but it's thanks to me it exists at all :3 It was a request of mine. An RD & Scoots one will be in the works before too long.


Aw shucks, I forgot about that. Don't worry, I went and fixed my post so that I mentioned your creation of said pic as well! Can't wait to see the RD and Scoots one!!!! :wub:

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Ooooooo, here's a pic of the Mane 6 (+Spike) filified that I've never seen before!


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:wub: :wub: :wub:

So, ya'll remember that Fluttershy-Toothless pic that I posted awhile ago?

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Yeah, that's the one; anyway... as this next pic shows, not only did Fluttershy keep Toothless, but... well... he grew up.

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:wub: :wub: :wub:

And finally, here's a little something for my little sister, who'll be leaving next week to go to Grand Valley University!!! Love ya little sis!!! You'll always be my LSBFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub:

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Awww, poor Applejack :(. I get this depressed vibe from her when I see this pic

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Even the description shares this feeling (This is by WhiteDiamond, of course).


"Poor, sweet, adorable Applejack! :( Consistently placing last or very near it on the Mane Six ponies popularity polls, and the subject of "background pony" jokes and the like. I've never understood why more people don't care for her, because in my opinion she has a fantastic personality and a very appealing design. Who wouldn't want a pony like her as a friend, really? But even I, who decidedly adore her admittedly don't draw enough of her I'm ashamed to say, something I figured I should start trying to remedy now. So here she is, in all of her loose-hair (just because) lovable glory.


Go Applejack~ Posted Image"


I care for her :(......

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