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A Chilling Retreat

Blood Moon

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@silvermoon15000@Blood Moon

Gale heard the announcement over the PA and felt a pang of hunger run through her. "Maybe I should've been a bit more demanding with that fish." She thought, realzing that she never got it. The dragoness then headed for the dining room and took a seat once she got there.

Maia blushed slightly and gently nudged Silver. "It certainly isn't something to be ashamed about. Come on, why don't we get something to eat." She said.

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21 minutes ago, Acnologia said:

@Techno Universal@Blood Moon

Kyubi was about to answer when the the announcemnet was made over the pa. Her stmach then gave a low growl. "I am actually a bit hungry. Maybe we should get something to eat first." She said, before standing and moving towards the exit.

Techno followed Kyubi to the main hall where lunch with taking place...


TU: To be honest I might as well get something myself! Anyways we could still have some fun with our capes outside later after lunch!

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1 hour ago, Drago Ryder said:

@silvermoon15000@Blood Moon

Gale heard the announcement over the PA and felt a pang of hunger run through her. "Maybe I should've been a bit more demanding with that fish." She thought, realzing that she never got it. The dragoness then headed for the dining room and took a seat once she got there.

Maia blushed slightly and gently nudged Silver. "It certainly isn't something to be ashamed about. Come on, why don't we get something to eat." She said.

Silvermoon nodded his blush making his blue face pink,

"Sure," he took a deep breath, this could only get better right.

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@Techno Universal

Kyubi nodded as she headed for the dining room. "Yeah, that sounds like fun." She said, gently nudging Techno in the side. The bat pony eventually reach her destination and took a seat. She then turned her thoughts to what had happened so far and she wasn't disappointed.

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Maia giggled a bit before nudging Silver gently. "Calm down. It's not like you're taking me out to dinner or something." She said, smiling gently. Of course, she was also a bit nervous. She honestly liked Silver, and she didn't want to mess this up.

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7 hours ago, Acnologia said:

@Techno Universal

Kyubi nodded as she headed for the dining room. "Yeah, that sounds like fun." She said, gently nudging Techno in the side. The bat pony eventually reach her destination and took a seat. She then turned her thoughts to what had happened so far and she wasn't disappointed.

Techno then took a seat right next to Kyubi...


TU: Okay Kyubi I'll still reject the food if I find something dangerous about it. Anyways just keep nice and cuddly!


Techno then used his magic to wrap Kyubi's cape around her body...

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4 hours ago, Drago Ryder said:


Maia giggled a bit before nudging Silver gently. "Calm down. It's not like you're taking me out to dinner or something." She said, smiling gently. Of course, she was also a bit nervous. She honestly liked Silver, and she didn't want to mess this up.

"Then lets get out of here, I'm starving," he said.

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50 minutes ago, Drago Ryder said:


Maia nodded and headed for the dining hall. Thankfully, it didn't take them that long to reach the area. She then took a seat near the window and was curious as to what they would be served. 

Silver followed happily, sitting down in front of her, "hopefully what they serve is good," he said, he then smiled,

"Now what shall we talk about now,"

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16 minutes ago, Acnologia said:

@Techno Universal

Kyubi blushed slightly as she felt the cape Techno gave her wrap around her. "Thanks." She said. She figured that it'd be natural for Techno to reject any food that had been tampered with, so she didn't question it to much.

Techno then also wrapped his cape around himself and his mane also wrapped itself around Techno's neck as if it was a scarf...


TU: Now this feels really cuddly and nice! Anyways if my food has something in it I shouldn't get effected but you will for sure get effected by it Kyubi if there's something in the food. Anyways I'll try to stop you from eating if I discover something dangerous in your food. It's just I seriously don't want anything bad to happen to you because of something in the food.

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Min cantered her way into the restaurant, bag no longer with her and tucked away in her room. Sliding herself into a booth, she waited patiently to be given a menu of some sort. To her surprise, a collection of staff members suddenly came from the kitchen doors, wheeling in buffet carts filled to the brim with pastas, breads, salads, meats and fruits of all kinds, setting them up on the far end of the room. Just as quickly as they appeared, the employees set everything in place neatly before disappearing again, leaving only two behind to run the station.

"Welcome our esteemed guests! Thank you for staying with us tonight. This buffet is all-you-can-eat, so help yourselves until you have your fill! Though be careful, there are some desserts in the works, and you might just want to save some room for those!" A mare in a cook's uniform said with a wink to all the guests present.

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When Techno head that they said that you would want to save room for desserts this made him a bit suspicious over the deserts...


TU: To be honest Kyubi I'm now a bit suspicious with the deserts as they said that they are the best part. There's something telling me that the deserts are the complete opposite and have something dangerous in them. Anyways when we get over there I'll need to try to analyse the food that you pick up just in case there's something dangerous in it. It's just I seriously don't want you to get poisoned from eating something here! Anyways let's keep a low profile about it so the staff don't know that we're onto something and if the staff find out about what we're saying they might try to take us away to a dungeon somewhere so we don't make the other guests aware of what's potentially going on!

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Cinder looked around to see anyone watching before she levitated some stuff, including some meat, and started blending it in mid air. Of course, it was in a bubble to keep it from flying around and making a mess. She gulped her drink down and placed the mixture in. 

Rose piled the food on and once she sat down, she tore at the food, even though she was taught manner, she hasn't anything really.

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Maia thought for a second, but was distracted when the servers brought out the food. "Looks like they work fast." She said, before standing to get something to eat.

Gale looked on as the food was brought out and walked towards it when it was ready. "At least if something happens, the others here will know when it does." She thought to herself. The dragoness also slid a cookie or two onto the plate as well, before heading back to her seat to eat her meal

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@Techno Universal

Kybui smiled lightly and gently nuzzled Techno. "I'll be fine. There are others eating the food, and they don't seem to be affected by it." She said, before standing to get something of her own to eat. While she was still up there, she figured that she might as well get a small snack and quickly ate a cookie out of sight of everyone else, before returning to her seat.

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4 hours ago, Acnologia said:

@Techno Universal

Kybui smiled lightly and gently nuzzled Techno. "I'll be fine. There are others eating the food, and they don't seem to be affected by it." She said, before standing to get something of her own to eat. While she was still up there, she figured that she might as well get a small snack and quickly ate a cookie out of sight of everyone else, before returning to her seat.

Techno then quickly got his food and returned to his seat. Techno had also picked up a couple of cookies and he then started eating...


TU: Yeah you are right about the food as there's legitimately nothing wrong about it Kyubi! It's just I strangely enough don't feel comfortable about eating this cookie here and that's rather strange of how my system doesn't like it. Anyways I'm really excited about playing around with our capes outside later! It's just I haven't had that sort of fun for years now!

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On 8/6/2017 at 9:11 AM, Drago Ryder said:


Maia thought for a second, but was distracted when the servers brought out the food. "Looks like they work fast." She said, before standing to get something to eat.

Gale looked on as the food was brought out and walked towards it when it was ready. "At least if something happens, the others here will know when it does." She thought to herself. The dragoness also slid a cookie or two onto the plate as well, before heading back to her seat to eat her meal

"Agreed," Silver told her, he looked at his food, looks pretty good, he thought,

"Hmmm, this place is so quiet isn't it," he said.

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