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A Chilling Retreat

Blood Moon

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42 minutes ago, Acnologia said:

@Techno Universal

Kyubi nodded slightly. Of course, she wouldn't be able to see the screen, but she didn't exactly want to point that out. "It makes sense. The staff have been acting strange." She said. It was either that, or they were just like that naturally.

@Techno Universal

Kyubi nodded slightly. Of course, she wouldn't be able to see the screen, but she didn't exactly want to point that out. "It makes sense. The staff have been acting strange." She said. It was either that, or they were just like that naturally.

TU: Plus another theory I came up with now is that all of the stuff have had a second completely separate intelligence system installed into their minds so they all have the exact same personality. But in actual fact none of them are actually themselves as they are completely under control by the second intelligence system that's running on top of the original one. Now that's just what I think is going on with the staff here but still it might not be true as it's only a theory!


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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Maia nodded slightly and remembered hearing about a bat pony that could do something similar from a few of the ponies she had met. The griffin was brought out of her thoughts when Silver asked about her music. This was a rather touchy subject for her, but she felt likeshe could trust him. "When I was younger, I fell into a lake during the winter when I was ice skating." She said, hesitating slightly as she continued. "The exposure to the cold and duration of time I spent in the water caused major nerve damage to my wing joints, so I can't really fly. Heck, I can barely manage a steady glide. Either way, I was given a violin one day by one of my teachers after I heard some of the other students playing. When I joined in, it felt like I was flying. My body was lighter, I couldn't pay attention to anything else, and I felt every part of my body move in tandem with the music I was creating. I don't know if ponies go through the same thing when they get a cutie mark, but it was pretty close if anything."

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@Drago Ryder

Mint brought a hoof up to her muzzle in thought, a soft hum escaping from her. Shifting her eyes back towards Gale, the mare shook her head. "Sadly, no... Well, nothing conclusive anyway. You know how rumors go. Somepony hears one thing, then they pass it on to somepony else, but it's not quite right and then that pony passes it on and so on." She stated with a practiced calm in her tone of voice. "Just don't be alarmed if you find me snooping around anywhere. I'm determined to find this spirit, monster or whatever it is. Heck, even if it is just a pony doing something way up here, I did some good if I found them."

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9 hours ago, Drago Ryder said:


Maia nodded slightly and remembered hearing about a bat pony that could do something similar from a few of the ponies she had met. The griffin was brought out of her thoughts when Silver asked about her music. This was a rather touchy subject for her, but she felt likeshe could trust him. "When I was younger, I fell into a lake during the winter when I was ice skating." She said, hesitating slightly as she continued. "The exposure to the cold and duration of time I spent in the water caused major nerve damage to my wing joints, so I can't really fly. Heck, I can barely manage a steady glide. Either way, I was given a violin one day by one of my teachers after I heard some of the other students playing. When I joined in, it felt like I was flying. My body was lighter, I couldn't pay attention to anything else, and I felt every part of my body move in tandem with the music I was creating. I don't know if ponies go through the same thing when they get a cutie mark, but it was pretty close if anything."

@Drago Ryder

Silver felt bad for Maia, not being able to fly is like not being able to music magic and he didn't know what he would do if he couldn't do magic,

"Wow, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up," he then thought about the last bit about the cutiemark,

"You're not wrong about the cutiemark thing, when ponies get them, they change in a sense, like they are happier and get better at that talent, its am amzing thing, maybe one day I can hear you play your violin...anyways your turn,"

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@Techno Universal

Kyubi shrugged slightly. Mind control was a possibility, but there were others. "It honestly wouldn't surprise me if that was the case." She said. The bat pony then sighed and leaned back against Techno's mane. "Wouldnw't surprise me if they did that to the guests."

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Maia shrugged a bit, before giving a gentle smile. "It's ok. You didn't know. That, and it isn't really that big of a deal. Either way, I wouldn't mind playing for you." She said, before thinking about what she wanted to ask. "Out of curiosity, where do you teach?"

@Blood Moon

Gale nodded slightly and took note of how Mint behaved. It seemed familiar to her, but she couldn't quite place where she had seen it before. The dragoness then shrugged, before continuing. "Yeah. Let's just hope that it's nothing." She said. "I have a  friend who tends to get himself involved in all kinds of weird stuff. Granted, he works in Luna's guard so I guess that makes sense." Now that she thought about it, she actually had quite a few friends like that.

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33 minutes ago, Drago Ryder said:


Maia shrugged a bit, before giving a gentle smile. "It's ok. You didn't know. That, and it isn't really that big of a deal. Either way, I wouldn't mind playing for you." She said, before thinking about what she wanted to ask. "Out of curiosity, where do you teach?"

@Blood Moon

Gale nodded slightly and took note of how Mint behaved. It seemed familiar to her, but she couldn't quite place where she had seen it before. The dragoness then shrugged, before continuing. "Yeah. Let's just hope that it's nothing." She said. "I have a  friend who tends to get himself involved in all kinds of weird stuff. Granted, he works in Luna's guard so I guess that makes sense." Now that she thought about it, she actually had quite a few friends like that.

@Drago Ryder

"Cool," he replied,

"Well I'm a freelance teacher, so I teach from my home, I have a spare room that I use for teaching my students, usually its only one student but sometimes a group will come in and want to learn, I don't have trust issues mainly because nothing in my home is valuable, I care more about sentimental things which are usually in my room locked up. I earn bits for teaching them and sometimes parents will send their young ones in to learn too, but that's it really," he smiled,

"So when you have free time what do you do with it?" He questioned.

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2 hours ago, Acnologia said:

@Techno Universal

Kyubi shrugged slightly. Mind control was a possibility, but there were others. "It honestly wouldn't surprise me if that was the case." She said. The bat pony then sighed and leaned back against Techno's mane. "Wouldnw't surprise me if they did that to the guests."

TU: Yeah... The only issue is that with mind control on me they would have to find a security exploit in my system that I don't know about. So they would have a real hard time trying to get into my system but it still might be possible.


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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@Techno Universal

Kyubi nodded slightly, but she wasn't expecting Techno to be a robot. It did make sense, though. "Well, at least I have one pony I can trust." She said, smiling lightly. The bat pony then closed her eyes and relaxed as the steam washed over her fur.

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19 minutes ago, Acnologia said:

@Techno Universal

Kyubi nodded slightly, but she wasn't expecting Techno to be a robot. It did make sense, though. "Well, at least I have one pony I can trust." She said, smiling lightly. The bat pony then closed her eyes and relaxed as the steam washed over her fur.

As Kyubi closed her eyes she could hear something that sounded like a networking server room. She could also hear what appeared to be the clicking of a hard drive and the strange computer sounds appeared to be coming from Techno's head. Techno also went to sleep but while he was sleeping a massive cape appeared on him and it was attached to his collar. It was around five meters long and it was a dark navy blue with light blue cercuit board patterns all over it. Even though it appeared to be made of a lightweight cotton it was still extremely soft and warm like if it was a blanket at the same time as a cape...


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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2 hours ago, Drago Ryder said:


Maia nodded slightly and gave a slight smile. "To be honest, I don't really do anything specific. I either read or spend time in the forest near my home." She said. "What about you?"

@Drago Ryder

"I usually just read, practice, go to events and when it comes down to it, have magic duels with others to earn some extra bits, otherwise I just relax," he said with a grin, he then decided to go on to a touchy subject,

"So...do you have a special somepony at home," he asked, trying not to blush.

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Kyubi glances at Techno and couldn't help but giggle slightly. She honestly wasn't expecting him to fall asleep, and ti did make the moment a bit awkward. "I wonder what the others are doing." She thought.

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Maia had to stop herself from falling over and onto the carpeted hallway floor when Silver asked his next question. To be honest, she was going to ask him that next, but she could already guess the answer now. "No, I don't. Granted, it's not that I don't want one. I just haven't met anyone I liked in that way before." She said, blushing lightly. "What about you?"

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22 minutes ago, Drago Ryder said:


Maia had to stop herself from falling over and onto the carpeted hallway floor when Silver asked his next question. To be honest, she was going to ask him that next, but she could already guess the answer now. "No, I don't. Granted, it's not that I don't want one. I just haven't met anyone I liked in that way before." She said, blushing lightly. "What about you?"

@Drago Ryder

"Same with me," he sighed,

"Wish I did though, I would probably be a lot happier if I did," he couldn't think of any more questions so he just kinda walked beside her silently, his heart was having the same feeling as before but stronger. He felt some magic leave his body and he stopped to stare at the one 3D constellation he didn't want to talk to right now, Shian, his best friend,

"Finally I am free," he laughed,

"Hello Shian," Silver mumbled,

"Hey Sil-" he looked at Maia and gasped,

"Did I interrupt something," he wiggled his eyebrows at Silver before floating upside down to Maia,

"Names Shian, been with my buddy here since he could do magic, nice to meet ya, miss..." He held out a paw.

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2 hours ago, Acnologia said:

Kyubi glances at Techno and couldn't help but giggle slightly. She honestly wasn't expecting him to fall asleep, and ti did make the moment a bit awkward. "I wonder what the others are doing." She thought.

After sleeping for a few seconds Techno then jumped awake to see the massive cape that he was now wearing...


TU: This is rather strange. I literally fell asleep for a few seconds and then this massive cape gets spawned in on me! But still I actually really like it as it's really soft and warm to plus it looks really good on me! I probably look fabulous now but still it's interesting of how my mind did that within a few seconds of me falling asleep. Or maybe it might of been the companion AI system on my laptop that spawned it in for me. 


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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@Drago Ryder

"The night guard, huh? Yeah, those ponies do tend to get up to some interesting things." Mint responded with a good-natured chuckle, seeming to relax a bit more. She shifted her eyes slightly towards the side as she felt the bellcolt's eyes still watching her and Gale converse. A chill ran down her spine. "Well, I at least have a good sense for when things don't feel right, and there's definitely something that's not right with this place. The problem is just finding what it is..."

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Maia nodded slightly and couldn't help but giggle a bit when Shian was let loose. "My name's Maia. It's nice to meet you, Shian." She said. The griffin didn't know that summons could... summon themselves, but she didn't really question it.

@Blood Moon

Gale nodded slightly. "You remind me of a friend of mine, Tempest to be precise." She said. "He's also the pony I know in the night guard, but that's beside the point. As for finding out the mystery behind this place, why don't we start looking? Of course, we'd have to wait until you get off your shift."

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@Techno Universal

Kyubi shrugged slghtly. "To be honest, I don't know. It was there when I woke up." She said. The bat pony ad to admit that Techno did look nice in the cape. That baing said, she hoped he didn't overheat because of it.

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37 minutes ago, Drago Ryder said:


Maia nodded slightly and couldn't help but giggle a bit when Shian was let loose. "My name's Maia. It's nice to meet you, Shian." She said. The griffin didn't know that summons could... summon themselves, but she didn't really question it.

@Blood Moon

Gale nodded slightly. "You remind me of a friend of mine, Tempest to be precise." She said. "He's also the pony I know in the night guard, but that's beside the point. As for finding out the mystery behind this place, why don't we start looking? Of course, we'd have to wait until you get off your shift."

@Drago Ryder

Silver, irritated by his friend spoke up,

"He is the only summon to summon himself, I summoned him when I was young and he has had free reign since...why are you here Shian,"

"I got bored, your head is filled with so many boring thoughts about this and that, plus the newest thoughts just sit there and never change," he said flying around Maia,

"So, obviously there are some emotions flying around between you two, you both have a particular aura around you, so another reason why I'm here...to play matc-" blushing Silver stuck a hoof over the wolf's mouth,

"Do me a favor and shut up," Silver glared at him,

The wolf still smiling shook his head.

Edited by silvermoon15000
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Maia's blush deepened as she heard what Shian had said. He may not have been able to finish, but she could guess as to what he was goong to say. "What did he mean when he said all of that." She thought to herself. Could Silver possibly have feelings for her? What about her? 

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Cinder walked into the lounge and sat down. She decided to write alternates to the spells that are commonly used, maybe make them stronger. She teleported her books onto the table. The table rattled and cracked from the weight of 5 thick books landing on it at once. She spread them out and started writing in the newest one.

Rose woke up from her head sliding into the water. She lifted herself out of the pool and picked up the towel. Her knife fell into the water. She sighed and she reached into the water.

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3 hours ago, Drago Ryder said:


Maia's blush deepened as she heard what Shian had said. He may not have been able to finish, but she could guess as to what he was goong to say. "What did he mean when he said all of that." She thought to herself. Could Silver possibly have feelings for her? What about her? 

@Drago Ryder

Silver noticed the blush and managed to get Shian away,


"S...sorry about him he is a bit outspoken," Silver apologized,


"Anyways shall we continue," he let out a nervous laugh,


Did she have the same feeling that he did? He wanted to know but wasn't going to push it.

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4 hours ago, Acnologia said:

@Techno Universal

Kyubi shrugged slghtly. "To be honest, I don't know. It was there when I woke up." She said. The bat pony ad to admit that Techno did look nice in the cape. That baing said, she hoped he didn't overheat because of it.

TU: Plus also if you think I'm overheating with this cape on then your completely wrong! Just believe me that I've had times where I've gotten up to thousands of degrees doing some things! Anyways I'm starting to get into a mood where I strangely enough want to roll around in this massive cape like a cat! Plus you would probably enjoy cuddling in it. 


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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@Techno Universal

Kyubi blushed slightly and shrugged. "Well,you wouldn't be wrong." She said, smiling slightly. The bat pony then realized what she had said, but honestly didn't really mind. She enjoyed spending time with Techno.

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