Buck Testa 5,505 November 5, 2017 Share November 5, 2017 (edited) @Lektra Bolt @WiiGuy2014 @silvermoon15000 @Denim&Venom OOC is Here The clouds were thick over the docks tonight. Guards patrolled in teams of three, armed to the teeth with automatic weaponry. They had no concern with concealing their weaponry out here at night. The police had been already payed off by their employer. All they needed to be concerned about now was nosey vigilantes butting into things that do not concern them. All was quiet except for the sounds of the ocean and the ambient noise of distant traffic. The air itself was thick with tension as it was with precipitation. They were receiving important cargo tonight. The contents of the shipping crates coming in were worth millions to the Talons. The new drug that was going to be debuting onto the scene was called Poison Joke. It's effects were as varied as there were people on the planet, but it was extremely addictive nonetheless. Standing on the edge of the dock was a solitary woman with a Trenchcoat, puffing on a thick cigar. Her hair was white and almost feather like, and her skin was deeply tanned and smooth. She stood in her expensive coat with an air of authority, intimidating even the armed guards as they walked by her on their patrols. Her sharp eyes scanned the waters like a bird of prey, breathing out smoke rings into the misty air as she waited for her cargo ship to arrive. Though there was very little chance of this shipment going wrong tonight, she felt she needed to be here personally to make sure that was the case. She was not the head of the Talons quite yet, but her particular set of talents and abilities had moved her up the ranks quite quickly. Her ear twitched as she heard metallic tethers starting to give way. She knew this rusty dock equipment was bad, but she hadn't anticipating it being this bad. Workers let out yells of warning as a shipping crate for their suppliers snapped away from the crane moving them. They all braced for impact for the huge box of metal to hit the ground, but they were only met with a small thud. The men in the area looked over and watched in awe as the white haired woman held aloft the massive shipping crate above her head. Her knees had not even buckled under the weight of it when she had rushed beneath the merchandise, nor did she seem particularly strained as she walked it over to where it was supposed to be. In a loud, clear, and calm voice she spoke out to her employees. "Check the rest of the equipment. Make sure no more of these accidents happen when our suppliers arrive." As she said this, she casually slid the metal crate into place with frightful ease. Though she didn't show visible signs of anger at the moment, they knew that retribution was coming after business was done. That was the scariest thing about her. She didn't get mad, or give warning, she just struck like a bird of prey when they least expected it. Truly a fitting member of one of the leaders of the Talon Organization. Meanwhile, despite their careful planning, several heroes begin to make their way into the docks... Edited November 6, 2017 by Buck Testa 1 http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Billy%20G%20Gruff http://billyggruff.deviantart.com/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPVpSXbUpDYTcaFHTPiPjYA Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Denim&Venöm 19,435 November 5, 2017 Share November 5, 2017 @Buck Testa @Lektra Bolt @Techno Universal @WiiGuy2014 @silvermoon15000 She watched. She observed. She listened. And she studied. No one knew she was there. Cause she never left. Where she was. What she was, happened to be essential for her birds eye view of the entire operation. The shipment that was causing so many problems at school, and wreaking havoc on the streets. She wouldn't let Manehatten end up like Detrot. Even if she could only do so little, she would do her part regardless. Just hopefully no one suspected the cardboard box in the middle of the pier. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Techno Universal 2,575 November 5, 2017 Share November 5, 2017 (edited) 33 minutes ago, Buck Testa said: @Techno Universal @Lektra Bolt @WiiGuy2014 @silvermoon15000 @Denim&Venom OOC is Here The clouds were thick over the docks tonight. Guards patrolled in teams of three, armed to the teeth with automatic weaponry. They had no concern with concealing their weaponry out here at night. The police had been already payed off by their employer. All they needed to be concerned about now was nosey vigilantes butting into things that do not concern them. All was quiet except for the sounds of the ocean and the ambient noise of distant traffic. The air itself was thick with tension as it was with precipitation. They were receiving important cargo tonight. The contents of the shipping crates coming in were worth millions to the Talons. The new drug that was going to be debuting onto the scene was called Poison Joke. It's effects were as varied as there were people on the planet, but it was extremely addictive nonetheless. Standing on the edge of the dock was a solitary woman with a Trenchcoat, puffing on a thick cigar. Her hair was white and almost feather like, and her skin was deeply tanned and smooth. She stood in her expensive coat with an air of authority, intimidating even the armed guards as they walked by her on their patrols. Her sharp eyes scanned the waters like a bird of prey, breathing out smoke rings into the misty air as she waited for her cargo ship to arrive. Though there was very little chance of this shipment going wrong tonight, she felt she needed to be here personally to make sure that was the case. She was not the head of the Talons quite yet, but her particular set of talents and abilities had moved her up the ranks quite quickly. Her ear twitched as she heard metallic tethers starting to give way. She knew this rusty dock equipment was bad, but she hadn't anticipating it being this bad. Workers let out yells of warning as a shipping crate for their suppliers snapped away from the crane moving them. They all braced for impact for the huge box of metal to hit the ground, but they were only met with a small thud. The men in the area looked over and watched in awe as the white haired woman held aloft the massive shipping crate above her head. Her knees had not even buckled under the weight of it when she had rushed beneath the merchandise, nor did she seem particularly strained as she walked it over to where it was supposed to be. In a loud, clear, and calm voice she spoke out to her employees. "Check the rest of the equipment. Make sure no more of these accidents happen when our suppliers arrive." As she said this, she casually slid the metal crate into place with frightful ease. Though she didn't show visible signs of anger at the moment, they knew that retribution was coming after business was done. That was the scariest thing about her. She didn't get mad, or give warning, she just struck like a bird of prey when they least expected it. Truly a fitting member of one of the leaders of the Talon Organization. Meanwhile, despite their careful planning, several heroes begin to make their way into the docks... Techno was sneaking around through the containers and he was also trying to test a hacking program he was working on that was on his phone. It was a program that was designed to hack into CCTV cameras and it would work with most CCTV systems so far. Techno was also wearing his massive cape and it was navy blue with blue cercit board patterns all over. Plus Techno could use it as a way to hide himself so he would just look like a normal item with a blanket over it when he hid himself by draping it over himself. He was also closely listening in onto the environment like a cat and he was highly aware of everything around him. His eyes were also constantly scanning the environment for movement... Edited November 5, 2017 by Techno Universal Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @Kyoshi) My theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Techno Universal 2,575 November 5, 2017 Share November 5, 2017 (edited) 3 hours ago, Lektra Bolt said: @Techno Universal @WiiGuy2014 @silvermoon15000 @Denim&Venom@Buck Testa Ever since I'd saved an elderly man passing near my apartment complex by charging a girder that was going to fall on him I'd found that I could do this again, but only while in this area. Later I found this ability got stronger the higher up my building I went. Eventually when I found a way up there I'd found a strange golden rock attached to the antenna on the roof. How it ended up there I had no clue, nor did I care at the time. When I touched it I felt that it was mine, that it should be mine, like it was a part of me. I'd welded it to the back of my necklace and mostly forgot it was there. Nowadays this power had become part of my everyday life, not to mention how much I saved on the electric bill. By rewiring the apartment to run off a gigantic battery I'd recharge semi regularly, I was able to live off the grid for the most part. Sure I still had an electric bill, but it was way lower than most. If anyone asked how, I had very authentic looking solar panels on the roof looking like they were collecting power for me. So why was I at the docks at night? I really had no idea. All I knew was that the thieves I'd been tracking that broke into the school library to steal a rare book were going to try to pawn it off here. So far this stakeout had yielded nothing. No book thieves, no books of any kind, just guards and a sinister looking lady. How did I know this? I'd broken their encryption remotely and had several holo panels mirroring their camera feed. Then I locked it down to anyone else. Until my mirroring of was discovered, anyway. This looks fishy. Maybe I'd never find the school's history book that was stolen, but this looked bigger than a lost rare book. Like take over the city big. I was pressed flat on the containers, having a high view of the goings on if I wanted to. Shuffling my feet, adjusting my white mask and goggles, and stretching to get rid of numbness, my left hand touched a lumpy cardboard box. Really who places a cardboard shipping container among huge metal locker types? I shrugged, laying on my back again to watch the feeds. So boring with nothing going on @Lektra Bolt Techno had his massive five meter long cape wrapped around himself as he was sitting on a crate in the shadows of the containers. He was attempting to hack the CCTV system with his phone app and it then encountered an error that said that another unauthorised hacker had locked down the CCTV network. It then gave Techno the exact location of where the signals were coming from so he snuck through the shadows to then climb up a pile of containers to see lektra there in front of him. Techno remembered Lektra from school so Techno walked up to her with a smile. His cape was flowing in the wind behind him and the fluttering of it could we clearly heard... TU: So aren't you Lektra? Like I believe I remember you from school as your like an old friend of mine! (Trying to get some interaction going here! ) Edited November 5, 2017 by Techno Universal 1 Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @Kyoshi) My theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Will Guide 21,362 November 5, 2017 Share November 5, 2017 (edited) To think a week ago, recent graduate of Manehatten University and a would-be writer Will Guide would discovered something that would change his life forever. He was in the park thinking about what to write about for his first story, and narrating some practice sentences out loud. "The weather was lovely, so I decided to sing a little tune like from a musical." Suddenly, while the weather remain unchanged, Will felt compelled to sing a song from a fairy tale he heard as a kid. He sang it hitting all the right notes. "I want adventure in the great wide somewhere / I want it more than I can tell / And for once, it might be grand to have someone understand / I want so much more than they got planned." He sang beautifully. Will was amazed. He's usually a terrible singer. How was this possible? He soon discovered the source when he aloud said he would do so. He found a red Geode that complimented his suit hidden in the nearby bushes where he was. He quickly learned for himself that there's Magic in the Geode. Magic that helps give himself a talent boost. No lasers or anything, but skills his body was weak in like singing and acrobatics were now done beautifully whenever he would narrate out loud. He decided to use this power to help make a difference in the world. As for why he was at the docks? Well, at first he didn't want to get involved, especially since he heard rumors of a shifty organization partaking in shady businesses around town. But when he saw Techno, a young man Will knew from his few final years at M.U. heading into the private parts of the Docks, Will was concerned. Being a few years older than the blue-haired boy, Will wanted to make sure Techno would be okay. "I-I-I w-w-would find out what Techno's up to-to-to." At first, when Will tried to narrate about finding out what's going on, his stuttering made it so nothing happened. After taking a deep breath, he tried again. "I will find out what Techno's up to quietly and without being seen." Sure enough, his red Geode glowed and worked its Magic. Before too long, Will followed Techno with no alarms and such being set off. Eventually, Techno would climb a butch of crates to join another person Will knew from M.U.: Professor Lektra Bolt. @Techno Universal @Lektra Bolt For a few moments, Will was not sure if he should join them. On the one hand, he wanted to know what the 2 teens were up to. On the other hand, he didn't want them all to be caught. In the end, he narrated loud enough for his Geode to work. "I would go over there and ask what are they doing here" And that's just what happened as Will confidently climbed up the containers to join them. "What are you two doing here?" He asked without activating his Geode. Edited November 5, 2017 by WiiGuy2014 Better grammar tense A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Techno Universal 2,575 November 5, 2017 Share November 5, 2017 29 minutes ago, WiiGuy2014 said: To think a week ago, recent graduate of Manehatten University Will Guide would discovered something that would change his life forever. He was in the park thinking about what to write about for his first story, and narrating some practice sentences out loud. "The weather was lovely, so I decided to sing a little tune like from a musical." Suddenly, while the weather remain unchanged, Will felt compelled to sing a song from a fairy tale he heard as a kid. He sang it hitting all the right notes. "I want adventure in the great wide somewhere / I want it more than I can tell / And for once, it might be grand to have someone understand / I want so much more than they got planned." He sang beautifully. Will was amazed. He's usually a terrible singer. How was this possible? He soon discovered the source when he aloud said he would do so. He found a red Geode that complimented his suit hidden in the nearby bushes where he was. He quickly learn for himself that there's Magic in the Geode. Magic that helps give himself a talent boost. No lasers or anything, but skills his body was weak in like singing and acrobatics were now done beautifully whenever he would narrate out loud. He decided to use this power to help make a difference in the world. As for why he was at the docks? Well, at first he didn't want to get involved, especially since he heard rumors of a shifty organization partaking in shady businesses around town. But when he saw Techno, a young man Will knew from his few final years at M.U. heading into the private parts of the Docks, Will was concerned. Being a few years older than the blue-haired boy, Will wanted to make sure Techno would be okay. "I-I-I w-w-would find out what Techno's up to-to-to." At first, when Will tried to narrate about finding out what's going on, his stuttering made it so nothing happened. After taking a deep breath, he tried again. "I will find out what Techno's up to quietly and without being seen." Sure enough, his red Geode glowed and worked its Magic. Before too long, Will followed Techno with no alarms and such set off. Eventually, Techno would climb a butch of crates to join another person Will knew from M.U.: Professor Lektra Bolt. @Techno Universal @Lektra Bolt For a few moments, Will was not sure if he should join them. On the one hand, he wants to know what the 2 teens were up to. On the other hand, he didn't want them all to be caught. In the end, he narrated loud enough for his Geode to work. "I would go over there and ask what are they doing here" And that's just what happened as Will confidently climbed up the containers to join them. "What are you two doing here?" He asked without activating his Geode. Techno then tuned to Will with a smile... TU: Ohh you're here to Will! Anyways me and Lektra were trying to experiment with hacking into the CCTV systems in this place with our own programs we created. Anyways I guess my massive cape looks amazing as it's flowing in the wind up here! Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @Kyoshi) My theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buck Testa 5,505 November 5, 2017 Author Share November 5, 2017 3 hours ago, Techno Universal said: Techno remembered Lektra from school so Techno walked up to her with a smile. His cape was flowing in the wind behind him and the fluttering of it could we clearly heard... TU: So aren't you Lektra? Like I believe I remember you from school as your like an old friend of mine! 18 minutes ago, WiiGuy2014 said: and that's just what happened as Will confidently climbed up the containers to join them. "What are you two doing here?" He asked without activating his Geode. She let out a deep sigh, smoke billowing out of her mouth as she stared forward towards the ocean. Whoever these intruders were, they were amateurs. First she had noticed the cameras turning on from the little red lights they had on them. She had kept one in her periphery in case something like that had happened. She had made it explicitly clear that she wanted those cameras off for the job tonight, and to just have repeat footage for their records later. This meant either someone had reneged on their deal, which she doubted was possible, or someone who fancied themselves a hacker decided to meddle. She was going to let it slide until her keen hearing picked up that loud cape and voice that was not even attempting to be that quiet. From the sounds of them there were at least two. Her guards had noticed the loud talker as well, they started making gestures with their hands and started moving towards the location with their weapons at the ready. It was probably some brats who thought themselves being clever being around their work. No matter. At least they had a convenient Ocean to dump their bodies afterwards. 5 minutes ago, Techno Universal said: TU: Ohh you're here to Will! Anyways me and Lektra were trying to experiment with hacking into the CCTV systems in this place with our own programs we created. Anyways I guess my massive cape looks amazing as it's flowing in the wind up here! Several guards lifted up their automatic rifles as they caught sight of the garishly colored cape and loudly spoken character that was with the other two and a strangely out of place box. The masked men didn't even yell when they started to open fire. They'd let the burst of bullets do the talking. http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Billy%20G%20Gruff http://billyggruff.deviantart.com/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPVpSXbUpDYTcaFHTPiPjYA Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Techno Universal 2,575 November 5, 2017 Share November 5, 2017 9 minutes ago, Buck Testa said: She let out a deep sigh, smoke billowing out of her mouth as she stared forward towards the ocean. Whoever these intruders were, they were amateurs. First she had noticed the cameras turning on from the little red lights they had on them. She had kept one in her periphery in case something like that had happened. She had made it explicitly clear that she wanted those cameras off for the job tonight, and to just have repeat footage for their records later. This meant either someone had reneged on their deal, which she doubted was possible, or someone who fancied themselves a hacker decided to meddle. She was going to let it slide until her keen hearing picked up that loud cape and voice that was not even attempting to be that quiet. From the sounds of them there were at least two. Her guards had noticed the loud talker as well, they started making gestures with their hands and started moving towards the location with their weapons at the ready. It was probably some brats who thought themselves being clever being around their work. No matter. At least they had a convenient Ocean to dump their bodies afterwards. Several guards lifted up their automatic rifles as they caught sight of the garishly colored cape and loudly spoken character that was with the other two and a strangely out of place box. The masked men didn't even yell when they started to open fire. They'd let the burst of bullets do the talking. The moment Techno heard the gunshots he spawned in a neon rectangular polygon box behind him that the billets were being deflected off. He then tuned to look at the guards with a really annoyed face... TU: I don't think it would be that easy to kill us! Especially when it's already going to be a real hard task to kill me! Though I guess you're just being idiots by wasting your bullets! Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @Kyoshi) My theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Will Guide 21,362 November 5, 2017 Share November 5, 2017 Before being spotted, Will said to Lektra, "Yes, it's me, Will Guide. I was one of your students at M.U." Unfortunately, once they were spotted, Will retreated to the shadows with Lektra. @Buck Testa How the heck did I get caught? I clearly narrated that I wouldn't get caught! Darn the powers that be! A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buck Testa 5,505 November 5, 2017 Author Share November 5, 2017 (edited) 21 minutes ago, Techno Universal said: TU: I don't think it would be that easy to kill us! Especially when it's already going to be a real hard task to kill me! Though I guess you're just being idiots by wasting your bullets! Quote Electrifying the bullets one by one as they exited the barrel, I redirected them back at the attackers in the air, releasing them as the force pushed them forward right where they came from. I'd calculated the angle of trajectory so they'd point at the shooters thighs to disable them. The guns were then melted into slag by a gloved hand, as well as possibly other things on their bodies that were made of metal. Not destroyed, just damaged and unusable She rubbed the bridge of her nose with a gloved hand as she heard what had to be the dumbest vigilante she had run across yelling out loud across the docks. Yes he had blocked the gunfire with some kind of....box? She looked over her shoulder slightly at the display. It was some kind of glowing neon thing that could block gunfire. Still other bullets were changing trajectory and taking out the few guards that were on them. Hit them in the thighs from the sounds of it. Well even if their tactics were amateurish, they at least had super powers to back it up. Guards and workers alike dropped what they were doing at the proclamation and began firing on the extremely noticeable figure from all over the dock, moving in closer for a better shot. It would take MUCH more than a simple box to block all of this gunfire that was for certain. Edited November 5, 2017 by Buck Testa http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Billy%20G%20Gruff http://billyggruff.deviantart.com/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPVpSXbUpDYTcaFHTPiPjYA Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Techno Universal 2,575 November 5, 2017 Share November 5, 2017 12 minutes ago, Buck Testa said: She rubbed the bridge of her nose with a gloved hand as she heard what had to be the dumbest vigilante she had run across yelling out loud across the docks. Yes he had blocked the gunfire with some kind of....box? She looked over her shoulder slightly at the display. It was some kind of glowing neon thing that could block gunfire. Well even if their tactics were amateurish, they at least had super powers to back it up. Guards and workers alike dropped what they were doing at the proclamation and began firing on the extremely noticeable figure from all over the dock, moving in closer for a better shot. It would take MUCH more than a simple box to block all of this gunfire that was for certain. Techno was starting to approach his maximum brain processing capacity so he started so slowly walk backwards away from the gunfire as he knew he wouldn't be able to hold the box there for much longer. He then laid down on top of the container and he was now out of the line of fire plus he then removed the neon box... TU: Okay I literally almost burnt my system out then! Though I should be safe like this as the containers are very thick. Though really the only way they would get us now is if they had RPGs or explosive missiles. Let's just hope they don't have any super lethal weapons like that! Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @Kyoshi) My theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
silvermoon15000 337 November 5, 2017 Share November 5, 2017 @Buck Testa Silver stared at his hands and manipulated a few shadows. He took a deep breath, the fight had only begun between a few people and he was still very well hidden. He tightened one of his fists and stared at one of the guards who was close to a shadow. He stepped into a wall of shadow and appeared behind the guard, his silver outfit covered in slight shadows as he lifted his closed fist and flung it forward into the back of the guard's head, hopefully knocking him unconscious. He jumped into the shadows again and reappeared behind another releasing another powerful punch into another guard. My OC Silvermoon: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/silvermoon-canon-r9883 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Will Guide 21,362 November 6, 2017 Share November 6, 2017 15 hours ago, Techno Universal said: Techno was starting to approach his maximum brain processing capacity so he started so slowly walk backwards away from the gunfire as he knew he wouldn't be able to hold the box there for much longer. He then laid down on top of the container and he was now out of the line of fire plus he then removed the neon box... TU: Okay I literally almost burnt my system out then! Though I should be safe like this as the containers are very thick. Though really the only way they would get us now is if they had RPGs or explosive missiles. Let's just hope they don't have any super lethal weapons like that! Will realized that Techno was in trouble. Thinking quickly, he called on his Geode. "I would save Techno!" At these words, Will's body was magically compelled to move as quick as a ninja. His body started leaping toward the container where Techno was. Time seemed to move slowly around him as he was moving so fast. As he got to Techno, he quickly wrapped the cape around the teen like a mummy and quickly zipped back to the shadows where Lektra was with the boy in his arms. "Come on," Will alerted. "We need to get out of here" 1 A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Techno Universal 2,575 November 6, 2017 Share November 6, 2017 11 minutes ago, WiiGuy2014 said: Will realized that Techno was in trouble. Thinking quickly, he called on his Geode. "I would save Techno!" At these words, Will's body was magically compelled to move as quick as a ninja. His body started leaping toward the container where Techno was. Time seemed to move slowly around him as he was moving so fast. As he got to Techno, he quickly wrapped the cape around the teen like a mummy and quickly zipped back to the shadows where Lektra was with the boy in his arms. "Come on," Will alerted. "We need to get out of here" When Techno was wrapped in the cape he was calming down and starting to relax. His cape did have a very soft and cuddly texture so it had a real calming effect on Techno... Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @Kyoshi) My theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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