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private Redemption

Scare Effect

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The Alpha was once a conqueror, a ruler of a nation, a killer, and now she was a beggar. Her actions are what caused her down fall and it was her choice to be a beggar. staring at the starry sky of the night, unable to sleep for fear of what she did long ago will come back to haunt her.

"How am I ever gonna be rid of these nightmares?" she asked the sky though it did not reply, like everything else it couldn't for it did not possess the capability to respond. sitting up she looked at the nearby town of hoofington and sighed it was a decent town with decent folk in it. This town has been her home since she moved here from Canterlot where a lot of snobs who used to call her names, sure she could easily make them pay and the name calling never worked on her anyway. with a yawn she slipped into dreamland, where she dreamt some of the most horrifying things she ever done.

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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It was a long journey from Whitetail Woods, but Snow had finally arrived at the town of Hoofington. He had never heard of this place, so perhaps they've never heard of him. He thought to himself "I don't know how they'll react to a masked pony wandering their town, hopefully they don't think I'm a thief." He kept his sword hidden to his side, and his eyes covered by his hat, giving him a mysterious vibe. Snow wasn't here to do any harm, only to gather resources from the surrounding area. He realized it was beginning to get late, though instead of camping out like he usually would, he went in search for an inn of some sort.


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Finally after another week of traveling Alamo made it to Hoofington. He comes out here every once in a while to sell the town some of his inventions, of which were often heavy enough that he needed to pull them with a cart. He had done the same routine with every town, arrive late, sleep then set-up his stand in the morning. Some of the town residents had brought some of his smaller knick-knack inventions, like the eating multi-tool and couple of the board-games he had made using the game-play of the different types of checkers and chess. He often get word back that they were of some use but he could never get a sale on some of his larger inventions which made him feel a little depressed. He finally paid attention to where he was walking enough to see he was about to walk into the wall of the inn. He set his cart down and put a tarp over it, not really needed in this town but he had a routine to follow. He went into the inn to pay for his time to sleep away the night.

Edited by Catsle
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  • 2 weeks later...

Oak and Glory had been traveling for a while now, only traveling at night and hiding during day.  It was a long ways from their home, and it would be odd to see them out during the day, or night. For they were a sight to behold, after all, it’s not everyday you see a Timberwolf and a Tailmouth traveling together, or alone, both of their species are dying out from poachers.  Glory opened her maw to let out a small yawn and moved closer to Oak, they were walking on the side of the road, and would possibly be hard to spot.

Mirage , MistletoeAmanita

Here’s Amanita, Mirage, and Mistletoe my friends! Let me know if you ship Mistlerage!(MistletoexMirage) 

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@MiragetheChangeling @Snow Frostflame @Catsle

Alpha's eyes shot open out of reflex she felt something off. Looking around she noticed some movement by the road, but something told her that is not why she awoke looking to the stars she noticed something off about them. there seems to be less of them than a few hours ago, getting up from the ground her eyes trained on the sky. What is going on? Alpha asked herself only to be answered by several bright lights streaking across the sky and they impacted all around Hoofington except for one which landed in the center of town. looking back up to the night sky she now saw a massive black object that seems to be held in place by massive clouds.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@Scare Effect , @Snow Frostflame & @Catsle

Oak and Glory looked up as their sensitive ears picked up the sound of whooshing in the sky and then they saw what looked to be bright lights, squinting they looked back at the ground to see the mare ahead of them. Glory nudged Oak further to the side of the road and into a small bush so they could hide. Oak whimpered quietly and snuggled close to Glory.

Mirage , MistletoeAmanita

Here’s Amanita, Mirage, and Mistletoe my friends! Let me know if you ship Mistlerage!(MistletoexMirage) 

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Snow, hiding in his room he rented out decided this town shouldn't be introduced to Snow Frostflame just yet. he dropped his saddlebags near the edge of his bed and pulled out a white alchemist robe. He was sure that nopony watched him enter, and the innkeeper did seem rather distracted when he received his key. He took off his attire and replaced it with his robes. He hid all of his belongings inside of a wardrobe including his sword and hat. Snow never liked being away from his sword, because not only was it a family heirloom, but a powerful artifact. Though if he wanted the others to believe he was a wandering alchemist he couldn't bring it with him. Snow turned around grabbing his saddle bags with his magic, setting it into the wardrobe as well, then all the sudden he heard a noise. He ran towards the window, and saw several objects raining from the sky, he looked back towards his sword and put a magical barrier around his stuff before locking it in the wardrobe and running outside.


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@Snow Frostflame @MiragetheChangeling @Scare Effect

Alamo was sitting in the lobby of the inn playing one of his board-games against the innkeeper. The innkeeper had greeted him with a smile and had told him that he was excited to see him, apparently Alamo's board-game was a hit with travelers who stayed for more than a few days. Alamo was happy to hear this although it was quite the work making all the pieces to the game, the innkeeper had been training and wanted to test his skills against the game's creator. "I see, so that how you were attempting to take my master ship well you should pay more attention, you put your escorts in the worst way!" The innkeeper was getting good at the game he had taken two of Alamo's escort pieces, but Alamo was the game's maker so he knew it well, he moved his last escort piece jumping over all three of the innkeeper's escort pieces and trapped the master ship with his second move. "A fair game friend!" Alamo laughed as he reached out to shake hoof with the innkeeper, suddenly heard a loud bang and rushed out the door to see bright objects falling outside. "My Cart!" Alamo shouted, rushing to try and keep anything inside it from being hit.

Edited by Catsle
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Alpha looked back to the road she could have swore there was something nearby but she shook it off she needed to find out what those things that came from the weird black thing from the sky were. Her horn ignited with it's crimson glow as she teleported to the center of Hoofington where one of those things landed, however when she arrived there was a crater with nothing in it.

"What in the name of chaos is going on," She muttered as her red eyes began to search the area to see if there were any clues of what was in it as it landed.


Hidden in the dark alley stood a metallic being it's glowing green eyes that observed the crimson cloaked unicorn, it took note that it found it's target.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Snow, or Azure as he was no longer his alter ego stepped outside and noticed the crater in the middle of town. He heard distant chatter of the curious townsfolk, but faded it out. He noticed a sign on the ground, and a few odd contraptions in the dirt. Upon closer inspection he realized that this was the  work of his old friend Alamo. Fearing the worst Azure ran towards the pit searching for his old traveling companion. The dust had not set, so he couldn't see anything, it also didn't help that night had fallen upon them. Just as he was about to search the pit, he noticed a red aura coming from the pit. "This can't be good" he thought to himself. He stood back and waited till the dust set so that he may see what was down there.


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Alamo was scavenging through what remained of his cart, "I spent days building these things!", Alamo said yelling in disappointment. "None of this is saveable, my stand sign is missing, and my cart I had that for ages!" Alamo took his last look at the cart then focused on town around him. "Does any pony know what happened, is anyone hurt?" Alamo looked at the main crater in the center of town and saw another pony standing on the edge looking into the crater.

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@Scare Effect , @Catsle & @Snow Frostflame

As Oak and Glory looked out from their hiding spot, they saw the crimson glow and blinked, their now glowing eyes (in Glory’s case, always glowing), watched as the light just... disappeared? Confused, they crawled out of their hiding spot and looked at each other, and, something weird happened, although Oak seemed eerily calm about it, his tail moved on its own accord towards his head, and it had a mouth. Oak looked at it, opened the mouth, and took out a bag.

”A-Are you hurt Glory?” He asked quietly but loud enough to be heard by the Timberwolf.

”No, you?” She shook her wooden head and nudged him with a front paw.

Edited by MiragetheChangeling

Mirage , MistletoeAmanita

Here’s Amanita, Mirage, and Mistletoe my friends! Let me know if you ship Mistlerage!(MistletoexMirage) 

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@MiragetheChangeling, @Snow Frostflame, and @Catsle

With a huff of frustration as it was difficult to find any clues with the dust clouding her vision, her horn ignited once more as she cast a small vortex spell to remove the dust once gone she looked up seeing that several ponies surrounded the opening,


On the outskirts of town more metallic beings began entering the town sticking to the shadows to avoid being spotted.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Azure jumped back when he saw a spell being cast from within the pit. He walked closer and saw a mare standing down there. He slowly approached and said "Who are yeh?" He looked around and noticed everyone else was as confused.


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Aeolia steps out of a building while talking to a reddish stallion. “Honestly, I thought that Hoofington was an unlikely place for a facility like this. But when I heard you were working here, I figured I might, ya know, come see it while I was still in southern Equestria.”

“Hey, at least it’s better than happened in Whinnyapolis,” the stallion chuckles.

“I know,” the monochrome mare replies, “I can’t believe that I tho—“ She cuts off as her gaze captures the commotion coming from within the town. “I’m gonna... leave for a minute,” she says distractedly before cantering away toward the town center.

The stallion sighs reminiscently, “she hasn’t changed a bit.”


Aeolia approaches the crater surrounded by ponies with extreme caution, being careful not to be noticed. She was not expecting the dust to be dispersed, and is mildly startled when the vortex spell is used.

I wrote this thing.

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Cruiser, a small yellow Sphinx was soaring just below the clouds heading in the direction of Hoofington. Her attention was occupied by the map in her paws and she wasn’t watching where she was flying. 

While she was distracted she didn’t notice the large shadow just above her. Suddenly  a large black mass plummeted from above and nearly knocked her out of the sky. The wind current was strong enough to knock her backwards unexpectedly.

”What in the..?” She said out loud. Her eyes followed as the black object crashed down below her and landed in the middle of a town. 

She swooped down and landed at the edge of a massive crater generated by the force of the impact. There was dust flying everywhere and she couldn’t tell what had caused it. 

She cautiously approached the edge of the crater when suddenly a small tornado appeared, clearing the dust. 

After the dust cleared, she was shocked to find the crater to be empty. Whatever had crashed landed and apparently vanished at the site. 

Cruiser glanced around nervously to see if  anypony has been hurt in the incident.

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My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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@Scare Effect , @Snow Frostflame , @Catsle , @SummerHaven & @Sinusoid

Oak looked at Glory as she nudged him, “What is it? Is something wrong?”

Glory shook her head, then nodded towards the movements in the shadows. “No, but look over there. I think somethings moving.”

But, when they looked again, they saw only shadows, because the metallic beings had already disappeared. Glory paused, blinked and looked again to try to make sure that they had only stopped moving, but they had disappeared on her. Oak looked behind him to see, but, upon seeing nothing, looked back at her. “What? T-There’s nothing there...”

”I must have imagined it... Come on, let’s keep moving before daylight comes..” and with that she moved towards Hoofington, after a few moments, Oak galloped to catch up with her, and they continued walking in silence.

Mirage , MistletoeAmanita

Here’s Amanita, Mirage, and Mistletoe my friends! Let me know if you ship Mistlerage!(MistletoexMirage) 

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  • 3 weeks later...

@MiragetheChangeling, @Sinusoid, @SummerHaven


Alpha looked up at the many ponies that looked at her with nervous looks on their faces. "Um Sorry I was just investigating the crash site I don't mean to alarm any of you," The masked mare said trying to ease the nervous tension the town seemed to give off.


The metalic creatures waited for the signal by their leader.


Another small creature about the size of a house cat watched the Tiberwolf and the strange creature that had a mouth for a tail it's glowing blue eyes watched with a strange curiousity.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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On 22/02/2018 at 5:05 PM, Scare Effect said:

several bright lights streaking across the sky and they impacted all around Hoofington except for one which landed in the center of town.

Blood was in her cave at the time, though the impact's shockwave caused her to wake up. She blinked and frowned coming out of her hibernation early as with every hibernation she woke up grumpy, though that would soon turn to hunger in maybe a few days time at the latest. She slowly stretched her green form flicking her greyish mane while doing so, opening her jaws for a yawn showing her sharp teeth, much sharper then regular ponies at any rate. She glanced around the cave before giving the air a sniff, she caught the faint trace of ponies from the nearby settlement along with a new scent, something metallic. She moved to the entrance which was blocked by a boulder she had dragged there before starting her hibernation, she pushed it aside slowly before glancing up. It was hotter then normal though she moved outside of her cave.  

She glanced around her eyes also being much better then ponies after all she was a predator and they were her prey. She gave the air another sniff and glanced upwards at the sky, It didn't look like her normal wake up sky though she twitched her ears as she picked up the faint sound of movement. Her crimson eyes narrowing at the possibility of intruders, she was very protective of her territory after all. She growled and moved forwards tracking the movements, the scent of the metal increased and she headed towards the pony settlement, she frowned thinking of its name. She glanced up seeing a sign on the path 'Welcome To Hoofington'. She kept to the forest since that was her territory, she left the ponies to there territory unless challenged of course then she would eat them.

On 24/02/2018 at 8:20 PM, Scare Effect said:

On the outskirts of town more metallic beings began entering the town sticking to the shadows to avoid being spotted.

Blood sniffed the ground and growled louder, she was still in her territory though something metal had been here, something metal and alien that was heading in the direction of Hoofington, she assumed it was a pony from the town, though she was rather angry they had come in her territory at all. If they had come into her territory she would go in theres and she would find one of these metal things and teach it a lesson, she after all was a Zombie and maybe these ponies needed reminding of there place in the world. She then moved towards Hoofington keeping to the cover as much as trouble, the scent of the metal things and the ponies becoming fresher 






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@Scare Effect , @BloodDrops , @Sinusoid & @SummerHaven

Glory and Oak were both looking around themselves nervously, Glory because she was wanting to make sure that she had not imagined the movements in the shadows, while Oak did because he pretty much always did.  Oak’s glowing orangish eyes flicked around and almost passed over the glowing blue eyes, but went straight back to them as he froze up.

Glory was ahead of him so she didn’t notice him not walking with her for a few seconds, but when she did notice him not walking, she stopped and looked at him, and asked, “Oak? What’s wrong?”

When he did not respond she walked back to him, then followed his line of sight to the blue eyes staring at them both. She tensed up as she saw them, but went into a sort of protective stance in front of Oak, in an attempt to block any harm that might be coming from whoever’s eyes they’re staring back at.


Mirage , MistletoeAmanita

Here’s Amanita, Mirage, and Mistletoe my friends! Let me know if you ship Mistlerage!(MistletoexMirage) 

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@Scare Effect, @MiragetheChangeling, @Sinusoid, @BloodDrops

(Fixed/changed the response due to continuity error) 

Cruiser cautiously crept around the crater in the middle of hoofington. A sparkling gleam caught her eye that was coming from one of the alleyways. Her catlike curiosity got the better over her and she slowing strode over to where she saw the shining object. To her disappointment however, whatever had caused the reflection of light was no longer there. This struck her as odd, and she naively continued down the alleyway in search of an answer. 

(She saw one of the metallic beings)

Edited by SummerHaven
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My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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