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private Artificial Love. (with Dynamo Pad)

Catpone Cerberus

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@Totally Cerberus

Dynamo nods as he sat down on the couch. He watched as Jade had entered the living room with coffee and sat down in his chair. Dynamo was mesmerized at how Jade's disguise disappeared instantly, revealing his true artificial form. "I'll never get tired of seeing that happen. It just looks so cool. At first, I was shocked when I saw that happen to Sunny, but I understood and was amazed at how she had a different form, or something along those lines." He noticed that Jade's form looked slightly different compared to Sunlight's. His marefriend seemed more advanced with her artificial form, where Jade's seemed more modern, so to speak. "I did ask a few questions from Sunny, so I might not have many right now. However, I noticed that she fell asleep after having her emotional breakdown. She told me that she had to build up energy again and fell asleep, so as to conserve power." He said as he took her hoof into his own hoof. "Do you both run on a set energy supplier? As in, do you have a limited power and then shut off to conserve that power?" He placed his other hoof under his chin. "That would make sense since you would act like other ponies and all. Have you just had a random crash and shut off during the day?" He asked in case of a crazy, yet random possibility. "Also, how does it feel to be artificial? I know you're both made of metal and other parts and not like a real pony. I just wonder what it's like, since I've never seen an artificial being like you both before."  

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@Dynamo Pad
Jade seemed not-surprised about Sunlight having had an emotional breakdown and looked rather interested as he listened all the Dynamo's questions before replying, "Those are good questions..." He took a deep breath "We don't know how exactly we store the energy we use, but we can fill it by eating, drinking, or sleeping, and again, don't know how it works, but it happens." "And we don't shut down to conserve said energy, instead we get sleepy and fall asleep like you do when you run out of energy, and like you, we can wake up at any point, meaning that we don't shut down." "And no, neither of us has yet to shut down, and we hope it will never happen since we can't be sure if we can turn on again." "And how does it feel?" "I can't really answer that, what's it feel to not be? Can't really describe it since we have nothing to compare to." his voice was friendly and calm the whole time. Sunlight too listened his brother interested while holding hoofs with Dynamo, she had never really thought about things in that way.

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@Totally Cerberus

Dynamo listened intently as Jade answered all of his questions. He was surprised by what he had been told, but he nodded in understanding. "That's pretty interesting when you put it that way. So, you're just like everypony else when it comes to conserving energy. I guess whoever made you wanted you to be like other ponies, so as to not avoid any suspicion or something like that." He gripped Sunlight's hoof a little tighter in relief. "I'm glad you both can't shut down randomly. I would be worried if you just glitched or had an error out of nowhere. I'd be worried for you both and I'd do all I can to help you guys." He nods at the explanation of how it felt to be artificial. "I get what you're talking about. It just seems like everything's different when you're artificial, but at the same time it feels the same as a real pony." He said, before continuing. "I guess that's why you said you couldn't answer your favorite color or anything else. Being artificial, you never really had an opportunity to really choose a favorite or something like that." He raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Speaking of which. Sunlight told me that you're both about twenty years old. However, you were both made about fifteen years ago. Do you both know when your birthday's are? I would guess it's the day that you both first awakened, right?" 

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@Dynamo Pad
"I'm glad to hear that you're so worried about us, and more importantly, I'm thankful that you take care of my sister, it allows me to finally focus on myself." Jade turned back to 'pony-form' "And I wouldn't necessary say it feels same as being biological pony, there are some things that remind us about our artificiality, but it just is the only thing we have ever known, so it is to us like your body's functions are to you." he moved his head in 'not really'-manner when Dynamo talked about the favorite color thing "It's not that we can't choose favorites, it's just that neither of us sees any reason to do so, why would you raise one thing over the others if all of them are good? What purpose it serves?" Before Jade answered Dynamo's question, he drank rest of his coffee on one go "Well, we weren't necessary made back then, as far as we know we could have been made tens, hundreds or even thousands of years ago, we even might have been activated before for what we know, after all, memory wipes aren't out of question." "But yes, that is the day we say when somepony asks about our birthday, last of October if Sunlight didn't tell it already." "But we haven't really celebrated it because we have found it to be pointless to celebrate something like that among ourselves." Sunlight cut in and looked at Dynamo "But we could do so now that there's somepony else too."

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@Totally Cerberus

Dynamo smiled and chuckled slightly. "Of course I worry about you guys. You're my friends and I'll always worry about you guys. Also, it's no worries about looking after your sister. She's my marefriend, so I'll always protect her if she ever needs help." He nods at the mention of artificial and biological ponies aren't necessarily the same. "I guess that makes sense. For example, I have a heart and a heartbeat, but you guys might not have a heart. However, you have something similar, but it's not truly like a biological sort of thing." He felt like he got the gist of it, but hearing everything sounded somewhat confusing. "I can see what you mean on favorites, but I guess it's because we all think differently. We can have one opinion on why one thing is better than another. So long as it's a good debate instead of others hating one another for one opinion or another." He remembered many arguments over which game character was the strongest in certain games. His eyes widened at the mention of possibly being made years ago. "I never really though of it that way. I wonder if that would be the case. Having all the knowledge from many years ago, so you would have the knowledge now without realizing it. That could be a theory, yet it sounds like it can't be proven to be either fact or theory." He shrugged his shoulders and shook his head. He nodded towards Jade's explanation of birthdays, before turning his attention towards Sunlight. "That's true when you put it that way. I never really had anything special to celebrate my birthday. I didn't have friends, so I felt there wasn't much of a point. I do know celebrating a birthday is celebrating you being born and that you are here with those you love. Now we can celebrate your birthday's when the time comes." He says with a smile. 


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@Dynamo Pad
"Naturally, but I'm still glad and thankful for it." Jade answered to Dynamo's promise, he nodded at the point about the heart "And that is the thing, we don't know if we have something similar to a heart, we have a heartbeat, but that doesn't mean it actually serves a purpose other than making us seem biological." "It's kind of funny when you think about it, our talent is to learn and know things, yet we don't really know anything about ourselves." Sunlight seemed like she didn't like the topic on hoof, and she didn't, her artificiality had always been unpleasant topic for her, and she would have given anything to be normal, or at least be ignorant about her artificiality. Jade just nodded in agreement to Dynamo's point about opinions, he didn't have anything to add to that. "Indeed, we'll never know if we are new models created for certain purpose, or if we are some old trash that has been thrown away after thousands of years of use, anything is possible since I doubt we originate from Equestria." "And that's the reason why we try not to think about it and just try live as normal as possible life."

Sunlight smiled "And yours, I need a day to avenge all the praise and such you throw at me." she chuckled a bit, she had tried to sound serious when saying it but she wasn't a good actor.

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@Totally Cerberus

Dynamo nodded in agreement towards Jade's statement. "I can see that. This way, anypony can tell that your biological without knowing your secret. I think that will be something interesting to look into later on down the road. Learning so much knowledge on many different things, then learning more about yourselves, as well. True, you might not go down that path, but it's something to look into." He frowned slightly and shook his head. "Please don't say that about yourselves. No matter what, I will never think of you both as old trash being thrown away. You both are awesome, kind, helpful, funny and all around a joy to spend time with. Anypony would be lucky to have you both as friends. I know I am." He smiled, before continuing. "I don't think I have any more questions to ask. It's so much info to take in, but if I have any questions later on down the road, then I'll make sure to ask you both."

Dynamo turned to Sunlight as she spoke about getting revenge on all the praise he gave her. He smirked and stuck his tongue out at her playfully. "I can't help it if all the wonderful things I say about you are true, Sunny. You're my marefriend, so of course I'm going to praise and tell you each and every time, on how much you mean to me." He says while wrapping an arm around her shoulder. 


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@Dynamo Pad
"I didn't mean it like that" Jade mentioned when Dynamo thought he thought himself as trash "I just meant that....it could be the case." "Sure we are very impressive compared to what we know." "But in where ever we were made, we could be just some old malfunctioning junk that was dumped and ended up here by accident." "We can't rule that out." "But like said, we probably shouldn't talk about that any further" Jade looked at her sister who really didn't like to think about that.

Sunlight chuckled "I know silly, but that won't safe you" Jade chuckled too, he enjoyed seeing his sister happy, he didn't know if it was because of programming or if it was his own care for his sister, but he didn't really care which one it was as it made him happy regardless.

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@Totally Cerberus

Dynamo nodded while giving them both an apologetic look. "I understand and I'm sorry for assuming things that way. It's just...I hate when people are picked on or labeled as something. It's not right to be judged one way, before getting to see how truly capable one can be. I had that happen to me when growing up and I chose to be myself. I admit I hated being called names and never given a chance. Sometimes I almost gave in to what everypony else thought. When I met my boss/teacher, I knew that I should become stronger and not let others judge me." He smiled softly, before continuing. "So that's why I could never see you both as trash, or something that's just thrown away. I understand on how that possibility can't be ruled out, but I see otherwise."

The blue unicorn sighed, before shrugging and putting his arms into the air in defeat. "Okay, you win, sweetheart. I know when I can't argue against you." He chuckled while shaking his head. "I guess there's no way in getting out of this, is there? I guess I'll have to wait and watch out for when you get your 'payback' on all of my praising." He looks to the time on the wall and saw that it was about early afternoon. "A little bit of time has gone by. Did you guys have plans for the day? Is there anything that you wanted to do, today? I'm pretty much free and didn't have work. I do have to work with Button Prompt tomorrow at the arcade." He says as he informed the siblings of his job at the local arcade. 

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@Dynamo Pad
"You don't need to apologize or explain, I can see where you're coming from." "After all, like Sunlight has most likely told you, we have had our fair share of.....undesirable experiences with ponies" "And though it doesn't really effect me in any way, I have seen what it can do to a pony." Jade said while looking at his sister.

"Nope, there is not" Sunlight chuckled as she playfully booped Dynamo again after he said about there being no way out of her 'payback'. For his question, both siblings shook their heads "Not really, I didn't really have any time to make plans before you arrived." "And for me there is only what you suggested." They both just nodded at Dynamo informing about his work, after all, they both knew already that he worked in the arcade since he had told that already, and what was there really to say about it other than aright or something along those lines.

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@Totally Cerberus

Dynamo nodded understandingly to Jade. "You're right about that. She did tell me some things when we hung out yesterday, as well as this morning. I guess it's how you view things and not letting things get to you. I've had name calling and bullying from others get to me. Over time after I gained my cutie mark and magic, I just stopped caring what others thought or said. I knew I had to live my life the way I wanted to. I guess it's how one sees things and if one can ignore the ridicule or handles it in an well mannered situation." He shrugged his shoulders as he really didn't have the best answer.

Dynamo scrunched his nose as Sunlight playfully booped said nose. He gave her a fake glare, but it soon melted away into a laugh and smile. He nods to both of their remarks and thought for a moment. "Hmm...is there some place you want to go and visit today? Otherwise, maybe we can walk around town and see what we can do. What do you guys think?" He asks as he awaited for their thoughts on the idea.

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@Dynamo Pad
Both of the siblings nodded in understanding to Dynamo's explanation, neither of them had anything to add to the conversation.

"Not really, now that we have visited the arcade too there isn't any places we could go where we haven't been, so I'm up for anything." "So I'm perfectly okay with just walking around." Jade explained before Sunlight gave her opinion "Same here, after all, it's like I said before, it's fully up to you what we do, as long as we both do it." She knew it wasn't word to word what she said, but she purposely changed it bit because she felt that saying 'we do it together' could be understood in a way that she didn't want Jade to come with them, sure it was stupid to assume that they would understand it like that, but she wanted to play safe.

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@Totally Cerberus

Dynamo nodded at their responses as he got up from his seat on the couch. "Okay and that sounds good to me. We can go walk around town until something catches our eyes. Then we can just go from there. That sounds perfect to me." He smiles as he makes his way to the front door. "Onward and upward to fun and adventure!" He exclaimed and chuckled. He felt motivated and full of energy. He looked behind him to see that the siblings were following him. He slowed his pace down as he grinned sheepishly. "So, is there any place that you want to visit first? That way, we can plan a course to go around town, or something along those lines." He was about to continue, but stopped as he saw Button Prompt was flying towards him. "Dynamo! I'm glad I found you. I was looking for you everywhere. I stopped by your house, but you weren't there." The Pegasus arcade owner had said, before noticing the siblings next to Dynamo. "Hey. You're the two siblings from yesterday. It's nice to see you again." He smiled, but frowned as he got back on track. "Anyway, I really need your help. Something happened at the arcade and I need you three to join me at the arcade. I'll explain on the way!" He exclaimed before flying off towards the arcade. 

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@Dynamo Pad
The siblings followed Dynamo, Sunlight quickly catching up to walk next to him while Jade stayed behind them, turning off lights and locking the door. Both of the shook their heads for his question and Jade was going to answer but was interrupted by both Dynamo trying to continue and by sudden appearance of the arcade's owner, both of the siblings looked first at each other confused and then Dynamo, but right after that Jade shrugged and took flight, following Button in the air. Sunlight kept looking at Dynamo "Well I guess we'll need to quicken up our pace a little?" She wasn't sure what to expect, if it was Frozen, Button could just call the guards if needed, and she didn't really know what else it could be.

Edited by Totally Cerberus
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@Totally Cerberus

Dynamo watched as Button had flown away and back to the arcade. He noticed Jade had taken flight, as well, so he could catch up. He looked to Sunlight as he nodded in agreement. "I guess you're right. Hopefully, it's nothing serious, so we can go out and explore the town." He said, before breaking off into a sprint towards the arcade. It didn't take long for the group to reach their destination. Button had landed and took a few brisk steps to the front doors. "Please don't be shocked by what you're about to see." He turned to them, before turning back and opening the doors to let them into the shop. Dynamo's eyes widened as some of the game machines were broken, turned over, or both. The arcade was completely trashed and in ruins. The blue unicorn looked like he was going to fall down. He shook his head slowly as he thought this was all a nightmare. "No...t-this can't be. What happened here? Who could have done this!?" He turned back to Button, who could only sigh and point forward.

Dynamo turned to see where Button was pointing to, only for his eyes to widen in shock at who was here. Frozen had returned, but with him was a neon green unicorn. This unicorn had golden eyes, light blue and purple and spiky mane and tail. Dynamo could only take a shaky breath and narrowed his eyes at the newcomer. "Cosmic Clown." The mentioned pony was sitting in his own creation of a throne while other gamer's were kneeling in defeat. The neon green unicorn's ears perked at his name being mentioned. He looked and smirked, before speaking up. "Well, well, well. Look who it is. I gave that Pegasus a chance to escape, but he tries to bring in reinforcements. He even brought me who I was looking for. I didn't think I'd ever see you here in Ponyville, Kyubiki." Dynamo narrowed his eyes and took a deep breath. "What are you doing here Cosmic? I thought I'd seen the last of you back in Fillydelphia." He knew Frozen had brought Cosmic here, but he didn't know for what purpose. He only assumed that he would know soon enough. 

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@Dynamo Pad
Both of the siblings looked slightly shocked when they saw the destruction, not too much, but enough to make it clear that this wasn't what they expected, they had thought that worst thing could be Frozen picking a fight with sompony, but clearly they were wrong. Sunlight noticed Dynamo's reaction and without thinking moved closer to him to give him mental and physical support, while Jade just looked at Button with serious look "Have you called guards yet?"

When Button pointed towards the culprit, they too looked towards him and right away their expressions turned to disgust, they had thought that Frozen had been bad, but now there in front of them was pony so self-absorbed and arrogant that he had build a literal throne to himself. When Dynamo said Cosmic's name out loud, Sunlight muttered under her breath with combination of disgust and slight amusement, barely loud enough for even Dynamo who was next to her to hear "Quite unfortunate name.". Jade came little closer now too, going next to Sunlight in a way that he was just a bit closer to Cosmic than his sister. Both of the siblings kept their heads high as they stared at the two pests, but Jade wasn't sure if he would have the patience to just listen this time, so he waiter for an opportunity to speak up.

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@Totally Cerberus

Button looked to Jade, who had asked him about the guards. Button regrettably shook his head. "I did, but they were literally taken out by this guy. He's...different than Frozen. He's a threat and you need to take caution." He looked to the neon green unicorn, who had waved lazily at the purple Pegasus. Cosmic's ears perked at the snide remark, while narrowing his gaze at the female unicorn. "Oh, so you think my name is bad, huh? I didn't ask for your opinion. Plus, who needs to hear it from the peanut gallery? I sure don't!" He slammed his hoof on the arm of his makeshift throne, causing the room to shake slightly. He noticed Dynamo, who was trying his best to hold in his laughter from Sunlight's comment. "What about your name? I could imagine it would be an abomination and not as good as my name." He shouted, before turning to Dynamo. "What do you think you're laughing at, Kyubiki? What are these ponies to you, anyway?" 

Dynamo stood his ground and kept his fixed glare at the neon green unicorn. "I asked you a question, so tell me now. What are you doing here, Cosmic?" Cosmic rolled his eyes and sighed. "Fine, then. If you must know...I was bored. I grew tired of the games at the arcade, that I decided to look for a challenge. When I heard that a member of my clan was beaten, I decided that I should find the culprit and take them down. So, what do you think of when I heard that it was you?" Frozen could only wave with a sly smirk on his muzzle. "I told you that you were going to regret picking a fight with me. Plus, this is payback for beating me at cards yesterday." Dynamo could only look at Frozen with a deadpanned expression. "Seriously? You would bring this guy over a card game? That hardly seems like revenge." The ebony Pegasus could only growl as he fixed the positioning of his glasses. "You be quiet! I went into the regional's and lost because of all of you. Do you know how embarrassing that is!? I lost the first two games and didn't get far at all in the rounds. I was humiliated! Now I want to show you what humiliation is!"


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@Dynamo Pad
"Peanut gallery?" Sunlight repeated after Cosmic's attempt to insult her, or, at least it sounded like an insult "If that was supposed to be an insult it was terrible, I have met foals with better insults." and after he asked Sunlight's name, she looked him right into eyes "And my name? I'm surprised your little servant didn't tell you already." "Sunlight Lavender, it's displeasure to meet you mister Clown" she put emphasis on 'Clown'.

Jade became annoyed immediately after Frozen opened his mouth, so he decided that h wasn't going to stay silent this time, he shook his head slowly "You too must be the two most pitiful ponies I have ever had the displeasure to meet" "You act like foals, because not only did you feel humiliated for losing in a game, you feel to need to commit crimes to fill that hole in your ego." his tone and expression were emotionless, but he wasn't sure how long he would be able to hide the disgust towards them, "No, scratch that, even foals don't act like that."  

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@Totally Cerberus

Cosmic raised an eyebrow in slight disgust over Sunlight's words. "Oh, I know of your names. I only seemed to recall them, since Frozen had told me about you. I only care about Kyubiki, so I can get some fun, little payback. You two mean nothing to me. Why should care about nobodies like you?" He grinned in delight, but Dynamo wouldn't have it. "Don't you dare talk about my friend's like that. They're a lot nicer than you'll ever be." Cosmic paused briefly at the blue unicorn's declaration. He huffed, before cackling like a madman. "Oh, this is too rich." He used his hoof to wipe a stray tear from his eye. "I guess you took comedy lessons because that was funny. You mean to tell me that those two are you friends. He used his hooves to put the word 'friend' in air quotes. "Oh, please. What pony, no. What, creature, or even anything would want to be your friend? Friendship is for the weak and a complete and utter sin. It only make you weak and gets in the way of the more important things in life." 

Frozen narrowed his eyes and shook his head at Jade. "Our ego? Sorry to disappoint you, brat. We do what we do, so we can prove a point. If you want to get in our way, then we stop at nothing until we see you suffer. That, or we continue until we become bored. It's how we messed with your supposed punching bag." He pointed a hoof at the mentioned pony that they were waiting for. "You seriously need to take it easy. You should really stop talking about yourselves like that. Give yourself some more dignity and self respect, you know?" Dynamo smirked as he usually never made a comeback. "I'd watch what you say, if I were you. You should be considering yourselves lucky at what we did with this place. The last place we trashed was a lot of fun. Even the old man doesn't know." Dynamo's eyes widened at Cosmic's last remark. "Wait...what do you mean by that?" Cosmic smirked as he knew he struck a nerve. "Oh, you mean you didn't hear? Since you left, we took over that old arcade you used to go too. Since we never belonged there, we decided to take it as our own. Don't worry though. Pinball left a while ago since he had to leave to Las Pegasus. However, we trashed all the games and broke the high scores and then grew bored." Dynamo could only growl and shake with slight anger. Button decided to walk up to the group. "How dare you! You have no right to disrespect what a gamer is! You'll be sorry you came to Ponyville. We'll stop you, catch you and report you to the guards and authorities." Cosmic could only wave a hoof at the purple Pegasus. "Your idle threats don't scare me." 


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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight just looked at Cosmic unfazed, he calling them nobodies felt like absolutely nothing to her, after all, they were purposely trying to blend in. She continued staring at him unimpressed as Dynamo and him had their little interaction, after which she shrugged "It's true that we are nobodies and that you won't get any use out of us, but we aren't here for you." She smirked "In fact, I'd like to answer your question for Dynamo." she knew that what she was going to do could make Cosmic and Frozen more unbearable, but she also knew it was most likely going to annoy them, which was something she wanted. She suddenly grabbed Dynamo's head, turning his face towards herself, after which she gave him a long and passionate kiss, and after backing away from it, she started talking with a smirk "I hope that was clear enough answer, since based on your little speech you don't really have experience in somepony actually liking you"

Jade had amused smile on his face for a moment after Frozen called him brat before returning to his uncaring face "I'd like to see you try, I have had my fair share of ponies devoted to ruining my life, yet here I am." "You really need to try harder than that to scare me...Brat" he then listened rest of the conversation before replying "Two counts of vandalism, illegal threat, even resisting arrest from what I heard....Dynamo's threats really aren't that idle." "But I don't expect you to know something as basic as law."

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@Totally Cerberus

Cosmic and Frozen raised an eyebrow in curiosity as to what Sunlight was talking about. Dynamo felt Sunlight turn his face, so that their eyes could meet. Dynamo was surprised at first from the sudden passionate kiss, but he slowly closed his eyes and returned the kiss. As he pulled back from the kiss, he blushed, but smiled and hugged the orange unicorn. Cosmic and Frozen were surprised by the answer, but Cosmic shook his head and felt nauseous. "Well that was unexpected, but I should be surprised. I didn't expect you to find a special somepony. After what happened all those years ago, I thought you gave up on relationships." Dynamo sighed and shook his head. "I almost did, but it was thanks to Mr. Pinball, that I didn't give up yet. Sunlight is really important to me and I love her." Cosmic could only smirk in response. "You say that now, but what if she's using you. Just so she can play at your heart strings and get rid of you later on. I mean, who would love a failure like you. Remember the last mare that dated you?" Dynamo shook slightly and almost gave into his words. He knew what Sunlight and Jade truly were, so he was afraid of some things he didn't get a chance to ask. He hoped what Cosmic said wasn't true. "Why don't you grow up and leave us alone!? You don't know her and you don't know me. So, what make you think you can say and do whatever you want, huh? Besides, you set that mare up to use me, so what do you know?" Cosmic's eyes widened slightly, but his smirk grew into a wide grin. "Whoa! Well, look at you. When did you go and grow yourself a spine?"

Frozen scoffed as he listened to Jade's remarks. "Oh, please. The law is beneath us. We do whatever we want, whenever we want. What do you think you are? The authorities? I don't think so." He shook his head and chuckled. "Oh, I wouldn't stand there acting all tough, now. You pick a fight with Cosmic, then you're in for some trouble." Button was surprised at first by the sudden affection between Dynamo and Sunlight, but he knew there were more important matters. "He's right, Jade. Cosmic did things that aren't considered normal by pony standards. His magic was more powerful than a regular unicorn. It was just...unnatural. It's best to be careful and not pick a fight with him." Cosmic chuckled widely and clapped his hooves together. "Finally! Somepony who actually makes sense around here. Make them cower in fear and they'll be too fearful to fight back!"

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight rolled her eyes when Cosmic pulled the 'what if she is like the another'- crap, "Sorry to disappoint you Clown, but you're simply wrong." "Besides, the true failure is sitting on the throne." but she felt sting in her heart after she noticed Dynamo's reaction, he thinks it may be true? she automatically blamed herself, Have I done or said something wrong?. She didn't say anything else regarding the topic. 

Jade started looking visibly inpatient and almost irritated, and he dismissed Button's warning with a wave of a hoof, "Blah blah blah, can't you two be any more obnoxious." "And all that worthless threatening....you really need to try harder." He walked closer to the two ponies, keeping his head high challenging their superiority, he felt his anger towards them growing, he had reached the point that this time he wasn't going to a bathroom to calm down. "Maybe you should stop talking and start doing, or are you scared of ponies of your own size?" "After all, you keep picking on those weaker than you." Sunlight watched his brother as he did his thing, and though she didn't say anything, her expression told that she knew where this was going, and that she wasn't happy about it.

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“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Totally Cerberus

Cosmic narrowed his eyes at Sunlight's remark, but soon grinned at seeing the look upon her face. "Judging from your look, I can tell that I'm right." He waited for a response, but it seemed like she was being quiet due to the topic. "Aw, what's wrong? Got nothing to say to that? I guess I shouldn't be surprised that I had that mare use Kyubiki. I wanted to show that love and friendship can be controlled and used at it's worst." Dynamo was starting to become furious, but he took a deep breath to hold back his anger. "If you came here for some payback, then let's settle this. Right here and right now. We'll settle this like we always do with a video game battle." Cosmic tapped a hoof to his chin, but grinned as he got the blue unicorn in his clutches. "Very well, then. However, since you issued the challenge and all. I'm going to be the one who picks the game. I make the rules and you have no choice, but to accept the terms. So, what do you say?" Dynamo bit his lip as he knew what Cosmic was trying to do. He had no choice, but to reluctantly agree. "Okay. I still won't lose to you, Cosmic. So, go ahead and pick the game."

Cosmic took his time in looking around for an undamaged arcade machine. As he looked he decided to put his plan into motion. "Have you ever thought of the possibility of different dimensions out there? Say...a video game world?" Dynamo raised an eyebrow in slight curiosity. "Why do you ask? I have thought about that kind of possibility. I remember Pinball Wizard had discussed it, but he always played it off as saying the gaming world is not real." Cosmic kept on walking as if had heard nothing, but soon stopped at his desired arcade machine. A Naruto Storm 4 arcade machine, to be exact. "What if Pinball was lying? What if the gaming world did exist? I can even show you how real that world is."

Frozen walked along with Cosmic, but could feel the presence of Jade following them. He could feel the anger radiating off of the green Pegasus. "Oh, we try to be obnoxious, but nopony ever seems to argue back to us. That is, until we met you. You seem to be different than the rest. Why don't you join us in our little conquest? You seem pretty strong. We could always use some muscle to help us bail out of situations." He chuckled and shook his head. "Nah. I don't think it would work out. You don't seem to be the 'bad guy' type. Oh, we'll stop talking and start making actions. You'll find out soon enough." He said as he neared the arcade machine. 



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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight didn't give Cosmic the pleasure of her arguing with him and kept quiet as he planned a game with Dynamo, she found it quite odd that somepony as Cosmic would actually accept a game duel when he obviously thought that he was in control, thus mostl likely believing that he could do pretty much anything. But she did comment on Cosmic's talk about the gaming world with surprisingly neutral tone "Clown isn't totally wrong, there isn't a 'gaming-world', but in theory, with strong enough magic one could be transported inside a game." But she had hard time believing that Cosmic could be able to do that, he didn't seem that strong.

Jade shook his head "I would never join pests like you, in fact, I wouldn't do anything even remotely helpful towards you." He shook his head slowly again when Frozen threatened him again, he spoke with sarcastic tone "Oh no, I'm so scared, you're going to play a game" he hadn't heard the conversation between Cosmic and Dynamo so he didn't know what else to expect.

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“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Totally Cerberus

Dynamo kept walking until he stopped a few feet away from Cosmic. He looked back slightly to Sunlight, while not taking his eye off of Cosmic. In fear of what the neon green unicorn would do. "I think I know what you're talking about, Sunny. I think it's called the Haycart method? You can use the spell and it transports you into a book, or something along those lines. I guess with enough magic, then you could probably be transported into a video game." Cosmic had to nod and agree with the couple. "I have to admit that's exactly right. It's a goal of mine to be able to go into a game and take control of said game. Breaking the rules, being able to perform feats. Feats that aren't possible while in Equestria." He calculated the amount of distance of the couple to where the arcade machine was. "At first, I wasn't sure if such a goal would be possible...until this very moment." His horn started to glow with magic as he closed the difference towards Sunlight. He grabbed her arm and yanked her over to his side, while his magic caused a portal to be opened on the arcade machine. "I'll just be taking her as insurance, so you and I can finish this fight, Kyubiki!" He laughed maliciously as he jumped into the gaming portal with Sunlight. Dynamo seeing what had just happened was shocked, but he snapped back into reality. "You get back here! You won't get away with this, Cosmic!" He shouted as he jumped into the portal to chase after Cosmic and to save his marefriend.

Frozen could only shake his head in a mocked tone of defeat. "Oh, well. It's your loss, Jade. You can't find good help these days, you know?" He looked on as he was about to watch Cosmic put his plan into motion. "Oh, you have no idea how wrong you'll be in saying that." He whispered as he rushed over to the arcade machine. He smirked as he saw that Cosmic's plan had come to fruition. "Sorry, but there will be nopony going into this video game. I will not allow you to get past me." He turned around and smirked at Jade, while keeping a close on on the purple and green Pegasi in the room. "Two against one are not very fair odds in my favor, but with the right strategy, I'll be able to keep you two at bay." 



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