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private Artificial Love. (with Dynamo Pad)

Catpone Cerberus

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@Simply Cerberus

[Time skip a few hours]

As the blue unicorn was asleep in bed, Dynamo began to toss and turn in his sleep. In his dream, he was imagining himself losing to Cosmic. He fell to his knees in disbelief and shock over the loss. He noticed Sunlight, who had an angry and disappointed look upon her muzzle. He watched as she made her way over to Cosmic and chose the green unicorn over him. Dynamo tried to stop them, but he fell unconscious as his magic had run out, due to being in the game world for too long. He wanted to move, to escape, but it was all proven useless. 'Someone...anyone...please help me...' He thought as he felt darkness envelop him.

Dynamo screamed and had instantly woken up in a cold sweat. He began to pant and breathe heavily from his stress induced nightmare. He rested his face into his hooves as he felt his arms were beginning to shake in fear.


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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight felt Dynamo starting to move and woke up, looking at the blue unicorn who from looks of it was having a nightmare, she felt bad for him but didn't wake him up because she knew that waking up someone having a nightmare was a bad idea, as it could cause one of them to get actually hurt. Instead she sat up on the edge of the bed and rubbed her eyes tiredly and looked around, it was still late in the night, but Jade wasn't in his bed. She was going to go and see where Jade was, but then Dynamo woke up screaming, causing her to almost fall from the bed out of surprise.

Sunlight immediately turned towards Dynamo, and after seeing him in the shape he was, she went next to him and wrapped her hooves around him into a hug "Everything is okay, it was just a dream." "Everything is okay..."

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@Simply Cerberus

Dynamo froze as he felt himself being wrapped into an embrace. He took his face out of his hooves and wrapped his arms around the figure. Holding onto them for dear life as if they were a lifeline. He felt a few tears were welling up in his eyes, but he tried to hold them back as best as he could. He leaned back from the embrace to see who was with him. He was momentarily surprised to see that it was his girlfriend, who was next to him. "S-Sunny? What are you doing here? More importantly, where are we? This doesn't look like my room." He turned his head to try and get a good idea on where he was. He looked towards the window to see that it was still dark outside. He turned his attention back to the orange unicorn mare. "What time is it, anyway? How long was I out for?" He asks with a confused look upon his muzzle. 

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight didn't say anything when Dynamo wrapped his hoofs around her, she could tell from the way he was holding her that whatever he saw had made him scared, and figured that it was better to wait until he was ready to speak. Sunlight was slightly surprised by Dynamo being surprised, but she figured it was because he had been unconscious at first "I'm here to watch over you silly, you really think I would leave you alone after all that?" she smiled gently, even if it didn't show in the darkness that well "And this is My and Jade's bedroom, it was closer so Jade brought us here." "And it's sometime in the night, I don't know exactly, so you were out few hours or so." her tone was soft and caring, but there was also a hint of reason mixed in.


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@Simply Cerberus

Dynamo tried to process what Sunlight had been telling him. He closed his eyes to think and remember what had happened from earlier that day. He took a deep breath and sighed. Finally remembering, he opened his eyes and smiled gently at her. "I know you would never leave me alone like that. You care about the well being of others, so I know what you mean. I'm sorry about that. So much had happened and I wasn't sure what was going on." He squinted his eyes, but he was still unable to see very well in the darkness. "Now I see why I was so unsure of why I wasn't in my room. It also makes sense how it's still dark outside." He pulled his hind legs closer to him. He wrapped his arms around his legs and rested his chin on his knees. "I guess I was having a nightmare and woke up in a panic. It just felt so real, you know?" He asks as he leans back against the headboard of the bed. 

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight put her hoof around Dynamo as she moved next to him, leaning against him and resting her head on his shoulder "I understand." she said gently, and as she continued, she made it clear with her tone that she didn't want to push Dynamo to say anything he didn't want to "Do you want to talk about it?" "You don't have to, but I'm here if you need me." 

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@Simply Cerberus

Dynamo closed his eyes as he felt her hoof warp around his shoulders. He listened as she asked him if he wanted to talk about his nightmare. He remained quiet as he wasn't sure how to talk about this. The silence in the room was deafening for the two ponies. The only sound he could hear was the steady breathing from the mare leaning against his shoulder. At first, he just stayed in his sitting position, before nodding slowly. "It's better to tell you, than not at all. It's helps in getting to talk about things, you know?" He asks, before continuing. "I was in that world again. It was the same thing, but...I lost. I felt so helpless, so afraid and vulnerable. i saw you step out from your hiding place and I thought you were going to help me. However, you went over to Cosmic and chose him over me. You didn't say anything other than giving me a hardened, yet disgusted look. The two of you left and I was left in that world. Everything became dark as I felt my magic had just about run out. I...I've never been afraid like that in such a long time. I...I'm sorry." He buried his face in his knees as if the nightmare had replayed in his mind. 

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight listened calmly as Dynamo explained his dream, she frowned when he described how he had felt, but what felt worst to her was when he told about her leaving him behind and going with Cosmic, because she knew that dreams were based on thoughts and feelings, which meant that somewhere in Dynamo's mind lingered the thought about possibility of Sunlight leaving him. Sunlight put her other hoof around Dynamo too, engaging in gentle hug in attempt to comfort him, "No, I'm sorry you had to go through that." "I..." she didn't know what to say, she had no idea what she could say, she didn't want to sound defensive or accusative, so she had to select her words carefully. "I'm sorry if you feel that.....if you worry that I could ever....replace you." she started tearing up too, but she managed to keep it hidden for now "Sorry....I just don't know what to say, you know I'm not good with emotions." she sighed "I just want to say...I love you, and I would give my life for you." she cursed herself in her mind, that was awful word choice.  

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@Simply Cerberus

Dynamo looked up to feel the hug that Sunlight was giving him. His eyes widened in surprise as he listened to her reassurance. His ears drooped as he felt bad for making her feel that way. "N-No, I'm should be sorry. I don't doubt that you would replace me. I-It's just..." He slightly turns his head away from the mare. His eyes lingering away as he tried to pinpoint something to look at in the darkness around them. He sighed and turned his attention back to Sunlight. "It was just what Cosmic had said worried me. How he had said I'd be used and be replaced and I didn't have anything to say about it. I remember you told me that you and Jade are artificial. So, that means that you're learning so much now and haven't discovered different things yet. I-I was just afraid that you're learning love, so that way you can find someone better." He shook his head. "I'm sorry and I don't mean it in a bad way." He took a deep breath as he knew he had to speak carefully on what he wanted to talk about.

"I don't remember if I told you this, but Cosmic was the one who set me up. I went out with a mare years ago and I was really happy. It felt like that mare and I understood one another and could help each other out when we needed support. However, it turned out that she was just using me and it was all Cosmic's doing. That mare was a part of his team and he just wanted to see me squirm and become broken. For a time, it worked." It was silent for a few moments, before he decided to continue. "That was until I talked to my teacher, Pinball. He showed me that there are many more opportunities out there for me. It's all like a video game. You can get the best ending in the world, or you can get a bad ending. Until you get the ending that you want, then you just need to try again. That was how I was able to meet you. You were nice, kind, funny, honest and beautiful. When you said everything I was just afraid that something would happen that would make me lose you." He said while gaining a serious look in his eyes. "I love you, Sunlight. I want to do all that I can to make you happy and to know that you mean so much to me." 

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight patiently listened Dynamo talking, she waited until the end of his story before she said anything, after which she backed away from the hug, but still stayed next to Dynamo. "Yeah, you told about that before." she was quiet a bit "And I don't blame you for....not being sure, I know past events leave us with doubts and worries." the comment about her artificiality hurt though, and even if she knew it wasn't meant in bad way, she could feel her negative emotions relating to it to take over, and she tried to stop it but she couldn't, "And you're right...I'm just learning love, I still don't know anything about it..." she was now crying "...I don't even know if it is really love, or if it's just some simulation of an emotion I know as love.." she looked at her hoof which she had disabled disguise from "...It makes me scared...what if I'm just some machine made for causing harm to ponies, and at any point someone could just take control over me to carry out that goal..." she looked at Dynamo "What if you can't trust me?". Sunlight tried to take control of her emotions again but with no avail, this wasn't first time this happened, but it hadn't come from something so small before. 

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@Simply Cerberus

Dynamo ears perked as he could hear Sunlight was crying. He frowned as he felt his tears were beginning to fall. It broke his heart that he was afraid, but it hurt more that he was making his girlfriend feel upset. He watched as a part of her hoof had become artificial. He reached out and took her hoof into both of his own hooves. "You know what I think? I think that this is love. You and I are right here. We laugh, we cry, we talk about things that make us feel worried or unsure." He squeezed her hoof as a form a reassurance. "In a way, it's like I'm artificial. With what happened in the past, I don't know what love is like. What we can do is discover that feeling of love together." He placed one of his hooves and cupped her cheek. "I know you're scared and it's okay. Everypony is scared about different things. I can get nervous over the tiniest thing and it leads to me being unsure of myself. I have to learn that I have to do things because I know I can do it. That I don't have to listen to others, who just judge and aren't supportive." He gave her a soft smile, before continuing.

"Even if you were made for harming ponies, I know that you're being yourself. You're going against that path because you're finding your true destinies in life. If you were controlled, then I'd do everything I can to stop the one that controlled you. I could never hurt the one I love." He looked into her eyes and never broke eye contact. "I've trusted you so far and I know you're not one to lie or hurt me. I guess I was just doubting myself and became worried. You and I tell each other everything and I will always be with you. I love you and that feeling will never change in my heart, no matter what. What do you think, Sunny? Do you trust me? How do you feel?"

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight didn't say anything at first, she just started at Dynamo, her mind fighting against itself to decide what she should feel, in fact, she didn't perfectly catch everything that Dynamo said, only bits and pieces that gave enough information to know what he was talking about, and as he spoke, slowly but surely, Sunlight's cry of fear and worry turned to cry of joy and happiness, somehow Dynamo gave her more control over her own emotions. She didn't reply to Dynamo right away, instead she just looked him, then at her hoof, and then back to him, "I..." she then hugged Dynamo and didn't say anything more, she couldn't say anything. 

Sunlight stayed in the hug for a while, and when she started to calm down, she whispered to Dynamo with a tone that went from soft, loving and happy to dead serious in end of the sentence almost frighteningly quickly. "I love you Dynamo, but promise me something...." "...If I ever....lose myself, Don't let me hurt you or Jade" after which it returned to soft and loving "Can you promise me that?"

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@Simply Cerberus

Dynamo had sat there as he waited patiently for Sunlight's response. At first, it was a deafening silence. Soon enough, he could hear her sniffle and cry once more, but he thought he could see a smile upon her muzzle. He wanted to ask her if she was okay, but he was suddenly pulled into a hug by the orange unicorn. He was surprised at first, but he soon wrapped his arms around her and returned the hug. They stayed in the hug for a while, but to him, it felt like an eternity. He felt a warmth in his heart and felt he could return to sleep, but he fought to stay awake, so he could comfort his girlfriend. He began to rub her back with his hoof to try and help soothe and make her feel at ease. He felt her pull away from the hug as he heard her ask him a serious question. 

His eyes widened, as well as his eyebrows were raised in shock over the question. His eyes looked down onto the bed as he contemplated the request. He looked up to meet Sunlight's eyes and he slowly nodded, while placing a hoof upon her cheek. "I love you too, Sunlight. I promise that nothing like that will ever happen to you. If you ever lost yourself, then I promise that I will do my best to save you and not let Jade or myself become hurt." He spoke with a serious, yet kind tone. He sealed the promise with a quick, but light kiss to her forehead.

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad
"Thank you" Sunlight simply said, Dynamo didn't say exactly what she wanted, but it was close enough, she knew that there was no point to argue about it. She decided to change the topic a bit, she wanted to get her thought out of the negatives. "oh, and from topic to another, you probably like to know that Cosmic and Frozen were arrested and will be investigated for previous crimes" "They shouldn't bother us for a while now."

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@Simply Cerberus

Dynamo could only nod, while offering her a kind, yet soft smile. "You're welcome." It was really quiet as he didn't know what to say. A lot had just happened and it was an stressful day for them both. He was brought out of his thoughts as she talked about what had happened to both Cosmic and Frozen. "Thank you and I appreciate you telling me that. I guess those two go what they deserved, in the end. I guess we won't be seeing those two for quite a long time. Hopefully they'll finally learn their lessons, but chances are they won't." He suddenly yawned as he was still tired. It didn't help that it was still late at night. "I guess I'm still tired after everything that had happened today." He looked down as he was nervous about asking his next question. "I'm worried that the nightmare might return. W-Would it be okay if we cuddled and fell asleep in each other's arms?" He asks while looking up to meet her gaze. 

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight chuckled quietly "Of course it's okay silly." There was no hesitation in her mind, she was more than happy to cuddle, besides, there really wasn't too much room to not do so, after all, the bed they were in was meant for only one pony. She didn't know what else to say, so she waited for Dynamo to make his move, but before that, she finished her sentence with a quick kiss to Dynamo's cheek. 

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@Simply Cerberus

Dynamo smiled and chuckled lightly. "That's good to know. I didn't want make you feel uncomfortable, or anything along those lines. I like to take your feelings into account." He smiles softly, blushing as he felt her kiss his cheek. He wrapped his arms around her as he pulled them back towards the pillows. As the two cuddled, Dynamo could feel his eyelids become heavy from feeling tired. Before he drifted off to sleep, he leaned over and kiss Sunlight's cheek. "Goodnight and I love you, Sunny." He sighed happily as he let the embrace of sleep take over him. 

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@Dynamo Pad
"Goodnight Dynamo" Sunlight simply said with a gentle tone and a smile, but when Dynamo fell asleep, her smile faded, Dynamo's words earlier were still eating her inside, she knew he didn't mean them in bad way and understood where he was coming from, but she couldn't stop them from haunting her mind, it was one of the negatives of good memory, she wasn't able to forget anything. It took a while, but eventually Sunlight fell asleep too thanks to Dynamo's loving presence, she had something she needed to say to Dynamo, but it could and should wait until the next day.

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@Simply Cerberus

[Time Skip: The Next Morning, a few hours later]

As the morning sun greeted the day, Dynamo groaned as the light shined through the window and hit his eyes. He slowly opened his eyes and yawned as he was wide awake. He almost jumped at where he was, but he remembered of what had happened previously and calmed down, as a result. He felt a pair of hooves wrapped around him and he looked down to see Sunlight, who was asleep next to him. He smiled as he leaned down and nuzzled her gently, so as to not wake her. He wasn't sure if Jade was awake, so he decided to wait for the others to awaken and start the new day. He leaned against the headboard of the bed and closed his eyes in thought. 'I know a lot has happened, but I hope that everything is okay. I know Sunlight and I talked about some things, but hopefully what we said will make this relationship stronger, as a result.'


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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight yawned and opened her eyes, her mane was adorable mess and it took her a while to realize that she couldn't see anything because of hair in front of her face. She fixed her mane a little to see, after which she turned her face towards Dynamo and smiled "Did you sleep well?" "Because I sure did." she didn't remember when was the last time when she had slept so comfortably, if ever "I feel bad for those who don't have their own Dynamo to sleep next to." she chuckled.

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@Simply Cerberus

Dynamo's ears perked as he heard the sound of Sunlight yawning. He opened his eyes as he looked to to see his girlfriend, who was starting to wake up from her sleep. He blushed as he noticed her mane was in an adorable mess. He chuckles slightly as she had trouble trying to see what was in front of her eyes. As she fixed her mane, he returns the smile and nods. "Good morning to you, as well. I'm glad to hear you had a good sleep, sweetheart. For me, that was probably the best sleep I've had in a long time." He noticed the time was around 8:30 in the morning. He was surprised, since he would usually be up earlier than expected. He chuckled at her little joke and nods in agreement. "Some mares probably do, but they have a different pony. I guess you got the best Dynamo there is." He grinned with a wink, before pulling the unicorn mare into a hug. He looked to the door and pulled back from the hug. "You think your brother is still asleep? I remember you telling me he sleeps way later into the day. Otherwise, he acts like a zombie pony without much sleep." He snickers as he remembers the conversation from the other day.

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@Dynamo Pad
"That's good to hear, maybe I should protect you from nightmares more often" Sunlight chuckled, she also chuckled and smiled at his reply to her joke, "Ha, I got you, you praised yourself instead of me." she smiled proudly at her achievement. For Dynamo's question, Sunlight looked thoughtful "Most likely yes, but where he is sleeping is another thing." she chuckled "You probably can't even imagine how weird places I have found him sleeping in." 

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@Simply Cerberus

Dynamo blushed at her remark, but smiled warmly at her suggestion. "That would be really nice. If you ever have a nightmare, then I'll be there to keep the nightmares away." He stuck his tongue out playfully at the mention of being praised. "Okay, fair enough. You win this time. You know I'll praise you back eventually." He smirked, but he was happy to know that she was happy. He raised an eyebrow at her response, but chuckled and shakes his head. "Oh, trust me. I think I can imagine what you're talking about." He looked around to make sure nobody could hear them, before leaning over to whisper into her ear. "Whenever I'm watching funny videos or playing video games. I usually tend to fall asleep in my chair. I usually get a charlie horse or wake up with a sore back, but falling asleep in a chair is somewhat comfy." He leans back to chuckle at his funny, yet somewhat embarrassing confession.

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@Dynamo Pad

"I expect nothing less." Sunlight smiled at Dynamo's promise, and chuckled at his 'threat'. She listened as Dynamo explained and chuckled a bit after he had finished "Sure that's kinda funny, but..." she looked around and went closer to Dynamo's ear "...don't tell Jade that I told you, but one morning I found him sleeping in a tree, I still to this day don't know how or why he had ended up there."

Edited by Simply Cerberus
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@Simply Cerberus

"I'm glad you think that, sweetheart." He smiled with a chuckle. He listened closely as she whispered a funny story of her brother. His jaw dropped and eyes widened in surprise at what had happened. "No way. There's just no way that he did that." He says in disbelief, but he knew she wouldn't lie to him. He snickered and bit his bottom lift as he held back a laugh. He took a few deep breaths and tried his best to calm down. "I'm sorry, but it just sounds crazy. I'd like to know why he fell asleep in a tree, but I promised not to say anything. I guess I'll find out someday, but who knows." He smiled as he took her hoof into his own. "Thank you for letting me talk about what happened last night. I'm sorry if I said anything weird or something like that." He says while giving his girlfriend an apologetic look. 

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