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private Artificial Love. (with Dynamo Pad)

Catpone Cerberus

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@Dynamo Pad
"Well, I am supposed to be indistinguishable from biological, so my weight should match too." Sunlight pointed out surprisingly casually.

"You're so clueless you silly." She chuckled "I wasn't talking about anime." "I mean this." she wrapped her hooves around Dynamo's hooves that were around her. "And I don't need to be anywhere..." she rested her head backward in a way that it rested on Dynamo's shoulder, and though Dynamo didn't really have a way to see it, she was smiling softly as she continued whispering "....this is my home now, is it not?"

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo listened to Sunlight's remark and nodded, but chuckled slightly as she explained it so casually. "That's true when you put it that way. I just felt that it would be nice to pick you up and hold you close." He raised an eyebrow as she called him out on being clueless. He was going to ask what she meant, but he was given his answer as she wrapped her hooves around his own. "Oh, so that's what you meant." He chuckled as he couldn't blame her for how she felt. He felt her head lean backwards until her head was resting on his shoulder. He smiles as he gently rested his head upon her own. There was nothing that needed to be said. Just the comfortable silence and his girlfriend in a loving embrace was peaceful to him. What he didn't expect was to hear her next response. His eyes widened as he didn't expect Sunlight to say something like that. He knew they only met and started going out a few days ago, but he knew he truly cared for the orange unicorn. His heartbeat quickened as he slightly tightened the hug. He could only smile softly as he leaned closely to her ear. "Only if you want it to be, my love." He softly spoke, but he still wondered on what would happen to Jade. He knew he would have to ask, but he wanted to enjoy this moment for as much as possible. 

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@Dynamo Pad
"I do." Sunlight simply replied, she didn't worry about Jade, in fact, she didn't even think about him at that moment "I know everything started only few days ago, but I can't lie to you, you have made my existence worth living again." "I have been happier in these few days than ever before." Her voice was soft and genuine "Even when bad stuff happened, for the first time I have had the will to fight."

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo moved away from Sunlight, before turning to face her. He wrapped his arms around her once more as he listened to what she had to tell him. The gentle and genuineness in her voice was music to his ears. He could only look on with love and care in his eyes for the orange unicorn, who had his heart. "I think I can say the same thing. Everything happened only a few days ago, but I'm really happy with everything that's happened. I'm glad that that I was able to make your existence worth living again. Everyone should find the one thing that makes them feel the happiest." He spoke softly as he gently placed a hoof upon her cheek. "I think you had the will to fight because I was there to bring you back from the darkness. I always worry about those that are closest to me. The more that I learned about you, the more that you've meant to me, in my heart. I know that I might not understand love that well, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love you, Sunlight." He closed his eyes and slowly leaned forward, until he placed a soft, yet tender kiss upon her lips. The kiss only lasted a few moments, but to Dynamo, the kiss had lasted a lifetime. He slowly leaned back from the kiss and opened his eyes. The soft smile had never disappeared from his muzzle. "No matter what happens, I promise that I will always be here for you. You've given me the will to fight and helped me in fighting my past. For the first time, I've felt like I could move forward in the present and strive towards a bright and better future." He says as he takes her hooves into his own. "So, what do you say? W-Would you like to stay here, with me? I know it might be soon, but would you like to live with me, Sunlight?" He knew it might have been too soon, but with everything that had just happened. He honestly could feel true happiness from within his heart. 

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight didn't interrupt Dynamo, and instead listened quietly as he spoke, smiling softly the whole time as she kept her eyes on Dynamo's, and like Dynamo, she too closed her eyes. Unsurprisingly, Sunlight's experience was different to Dynamo, it was something indescribable, and even though this wasn't their first kiss, the experience was something new, it made a change in somewhere, permanent change, something positive.

Sunlight's mind was blank for a few seconds after Dynamo had backed away, there was no thoughts, no worries, nothing, but soon the nothingness was replaced by Dynamo and the current moment. She then replied with soft smile "Yes." a simple yet powerful answer.

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@Catpone Cerberus

As he awaited her answer, Dynamo had waited patiently on what she wanted to do. He wouldn't lie when he said he felt nervous. He didn't want to rush the relationship, but what she had said had felt right. His answer was given as he saw a soft smile, while she gave him a yes. He returns the soft smile and pulled her into a tight hug. "Then you can stay here as long as you like, Sunlight. I look forward to being here with you." Even if he wasn't a Pegasus pony, he felt like he was flying high into the sky. He felt like he was on top of the world. Not even being the ultimate gamer in Equestria could compare to how he was feeling right now. He pulled back from the hug as he placed a hoof under his chin. "I guess we'll have to go get your stuff, get anything since I'll have a roommate, make sure with Jade that you can stay here." He soon stopped his train of thought as he yawned loudly. He looked behind him to see that the moon was high in the sky as the sky turned dark. "I guess nighttime caught up to us without us realizing it. Perhaps we can figure everything out tomorrow." He chuckled sheepishly, before turning back to his girlfriend. "So, what do you say? Would you like to head off for bed and we can sleep in each other's arms?"

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight smiled and returned the hug, when departed from the hug, Sunlight booped Dynamo and said with a chuckle "You're now officially mine.".

"Don't worry about Jade, he's my brother, I'll deal with him." "But I doubt he minds, and even in the rare change he does, he doesn't really have a say in it, I make my own decisions." Her tone was still soft and kind, but there was a hint of seriousness to solidify her words "But you're right, we can think about that tomorrow, I want to spend the night with my favorite unicorn." she then added with a smirk, "So the answer is yes."

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo wrinkled his nose as Sunlight booped said nose, but he couldn't help, but chuckle. "I wouldn't have it any other way. I am yours forever and ever. That also means that you're officially mine." He says with a soft smile as he looked at her with love and care in his eyes. He smiled and nodded at remark, but he noticed the seriousness in her voice. "I think I remember you saying something like that on the day we went out. I have a feeling he'll be okay, but I know he'll support your choice. I just hope he doesn't beat me up." He chuckles at his joke, but shook his head. "I'm just kidding, but that's just taking it too far. That's my bad." He says, while giving her an apologetic look. He smiles as he got up from the couch. "Only if I get to spend the night with my favorite unicorn." He looked from left to right to make sure that nobody was looking. "Spoiler alert: that favorite unicorn is you." He chuckled as he offered his hoof to her. As he began to walk towards the steps that lead to his room, he intertwined his tail with her tail as they walked. 

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight chuckled at Dynamo's reply, and she didn't seem to mind his comment about Jade, sh in fact replied to it "You don't need to worry about it even if you somehow managed to make him mad, he wouldn't hurt me by hurting you." Though she wondered what he would do if he somehow was to get convinced that Dynamo hurt her, since his mind would have to decide from between protecting her from a threat but causing her emotional harm, and not harming her but letting what is determined as a threat be...it was one of the flaws of having coded mind, if there is malfunction relating emotion, conflict like that could have weird results.

She accepted Dynamo's hoof chuckling "Spoilers!" and helped with intertwining of tails.

Edited by Catpone Cerberus
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@Catpone Cerberus

As the two walked up the steps, Dynamo smiled and sighed in relief as she talked about Jade. "That's good to hear. I'm never the type of pony to cause any sort of trouble. It's good to get into shenanigans every now and then. Even so, it's better to have some peaceful times." He chuckled at her mentioning spoilers. "The funny thing is that I never care for spoilers. Unless it's something crazy in a movie or a show. Then I'll be slightly mad, but I'd still freak out regardless." He chuckled once again as they reached the door to his room. He opened the door, before bowing slightly to let Sunlight walk into the room first. "I know you were here before, but you never saw the entirety of my room. So, I welcome you to my humble abode."

Inside the room, the place consisted of a wide screen TV, gaming consoles, a few shelves that had figurines and plushies from conventions, two window's, a few gaming posters on one of the walls, two mini arcade machines and a water bed. As he walked into the room, he made his way towards the bed and sat down on said bed. "What do you think of my room. This was my old teacher's main room when he lived here, but I managed to spruce up the place and turned it into my own room." 

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight again just nodded with a smile, there was no point in replying to things where the reply would only be something along the lines 'I agree'. "I don't actually mind spoilers until it's something very important, I just find it funny how some ponies freak out over the smallest of spoilers." she shrugged "That and I can usually see them coming because the stories tend to follow certain structures."

"Thank you." Sunlight said humorously and bowed jokingly as Dynamo welcomed her to his room, and when he asked about her opinion, she acted like she was judging the room for a moment before looking at Dynamo with a smile "It looks like you." before sitting next to him.

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo chuckled and nodded in agreement towards Sunlight's remark. "It sounds like we have something in common. It's sometimes funny how someone can freak out over the tiniest spoiler. I get how they feel, but still. I can sometimes forget when a spoiler looks obvious, unless I can understand how a story is going to go." He laughed as Sunlight returned his bow with a bow of her own. "I guess my sense of humor is rubbing off on you. Seems you have a funny comedic side to you." He says as she sat next to him." As she looked around the room and judged the place, Dynamo smiled and placed a kiss upon her cheek. "I'm glad that you approve of my room. I make sure to take care of everything in my house. It's also cool that you like my water bed. Most of my friends seem to like I have a bed like that." He joked slightly as he wondered why that was. He shrugged his shoulders as he couldn't figure out the answer. "I just wonder where we'll put your stuff. Knowing my sweetheart, she'd probably have a room. However, she'd rather just stay in the same place, or something like that." He chuckled slightly as he laid back onto the bed and rested his head against the pillow. "We'll still figure that out tomorrow, but for now, I think it's time for bed." He opened his arms out as if he was reaching out to her. "Would you still like a hug and some cuddles? They are only free to my favorite unicorn, after all." He winked, while giving Sunlight a loving smile. 

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@Dynamo Pad
Again Sunlight nodded with a smile to Dynamo's comment, and to his point about her humor, she said with fake a robot voice "My humor settings have been set to high, so I'm pretty easy to amuse.", she was even surprised herself that she did it, since that part of her was so...sensitive subject, but somehow with Dynamo she couldn't even worry about that anymore. She smiled as Dynamo kissed her and said his thing about the room.

"Well, she doesn't have that much stuff." Sunlight replied, keeping up the 3rd person "Because she shares a place with her brother, only things she owns are few boxes of personal stuff and a bed." she too laid back, and when Dynamo reached out and asked about the hug and such, Sunlight looked at him with a humorous smile "If you still need to ask that, you have lot to learn." she then moved to position.

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@Catpone Cerberus

As Sunlight spoke in a fake robotic voice, Dynamo snickered as he tried to hold back a laugh. "That was really well done. I didn't know you could do that while not in your artificial form. That's really cool, in my opinion. I'm glad I can make you laugh and smile." He was slightly surprised as she was sensitive toward the whole artificial subject. However, it seemed as if that worry was slowly fading away. He frowned as she explained that she didn't have a lot of things back at her house with her brother. "Well, maybe we can go and get you some belongings over time. Maybe make your own personal room to call your own. Perhaps give it some style so it can match what you love or how you feel, or something along those lines." He suggested as he wanted to make his girlfriend to feel at home. He raised an eyebrow as gave him a humorous smile. As he listened to her explanation, he smiled back and chuckled. "Hmm...I guess I do. Even so, I always ask and make sure that you're okay with anything. I never want to make you feel uncomfortable and I always want to consider your feelings." He says with a soft smile. As she laid her head back onto the pillow, Dynamo wrapped his arms around Sunlight and pulled her closely to him. "Goodnight, Sunny and I love you with all of my heart. Thank you for spending the day together with me." He whispered softly as he leans forward and kisses her softly on the lips. After a few moments, he pulls back and slowly closes his eyes. Allowing sleep to take hold of him. 

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight noticed the frown, so after Dynamo had finished, she put her hoof under Dynamo's chin "Hey, no frowning." "I don't have lot of stuff because I have decided so, and it's only fair that the furniture is left for the one who stays in that apartment, I can't be taking everything from my brother." she chuckled "Though I'm not saying I don't like your idea.".

She smiled as Dynamo yet again explained how he didn't want to make her unconformable, "I know, and that's why you're so great, but don't fear to surprise me and do something you like, I don't want you to ask my permission to everything like I'm your mother." "We are both full-grown ponies, we can handle disagreements.". She smiled warmly as Dynamo took her to his embrace "Goodnight Blue, all the same back."

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo had a look of confusion as Sunlight had placed a hoof under his chin. He stayed quiet as she explained about why she didn't have a lot of things. "I guess I never really thought about it that way. I never really lived out on my own before, but I guess I can see what you mean. That's true that you can't take all of the furniture from Jade. Seeing as how he's still living in that house." He smiled and nodded at her suggestion. "That sounds like a plan. If you still want to, then we can pick a day and get furniture and such for you to have at home."

He nodded in understanding as he listened to Sunlight's remark. "I can say the exact same thing to you. That's why you're so great, in my opinion. If there's something that you want to do, then don't hesitate to let me know. I know you like reading, so it could be fun to find a place to read. I agree that we can handle disagreements, but I always try to avoid arguments. I get that it's okay and healthy to have an argument, but I still try to avoid conflict." As she bid him a goodnight, his eyes closed as he fell asleep.

[Time skip to the next day]

As the morning sun rose into the sky, Dynamo's eyes fluttered open as he could hear the sound of birds at his window. He tried to get up, but couldn't as he felt as if something was leaning on him. He pulled the covers back and was slightly surprised to see Sunlight was cuddling him. He tried to remember the day before and soon remembered that she would be staying with him. He recalled everything they talked about and how much they cared for one another. He smiled softly and warmly as he gently wrapped his arms around her. He held her close, before looking over at the clock on the nightstand. He saw that it was 8:30 am, which was surprisingly later than he normally would wake up to. He honestly didn't mind as he felt truly happy. 'If this is a dream, then I don't want to wake up from it.' He thought as he gently stroked his girlfriend's mane. 

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight woke about hour or so later and opened her eyes with a smile, still wrapped around Dynamo, she had no problem remembering where she was, how could she forget, she had been experiencing it on loop for the whole night.after all. "Good morning Blue." she said quietly, before chuckling just as quietly "Assuming it still is morning." she had slept so well that it wouldn't be impossible that she had slept past morning.

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@Catpone Cerberus

After an hour had gone and went, Dynamo had noticed that Sunlight had begun to stir from her sleep. As she opened her eyes, he returned the smile as she had a smile upon her muzzle. "Good morning to you, as well, Sunny." He quietly replied as he nuzzled her cheek. He chuckled at her remark as he glanced at the time behind him. "You don't have to worry. It's about 9:30 in the morning, so you're assumption was correct. How did you sleep last night?" He asks, before yawning and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 

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@Dynamo Pad
"I slept well." Sunlight replied, but she continued "No, scratch that..." she yawned ".....I have never slept better." "And I saw such a good dreams..." she looked at Dynamo with a soft smile "Luckily they weren't just dreams." she then rubbed her eyes too "What about you?" 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo smiled as she explained that she had a good rest and had such lovely dreams. "I'm glad to hear that you slept well. I can only hope that I was a part of those dreams." He chuckled slightly, before calming down and returned the soft smile. "I haven't slept that well in such a long time. I don't even get up this late. I'm usually an early morning pony." He couldn't truly explain it, but he wasn't going to question anything. He was happy just to have his special someone with him by his side. "When I woke up, I thought I was dreaming. However, I realized that this was reality. A reality that I'm truly happy and grateful to be a part of." He says, before slowly getting up and sits up on the bed. "So, what's the plan for today? I know we should go check on Jade and let him know the plan. If not, then we could just stay in bed and cuddle all day." He chuckled slightly as felt like he could read Sunlight's mind. He didn't really care what they did. He was just happy to spend time with Sunlight. 

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@Dynamo Pad
"That would be nice." Sunlight said smiling as she got up sitting too "But it's best if we get my stuff today so it gets done." she went behind Dynamo and wrapped her hooves around him "But not yet, Jade won't be up until late in the day." she rested her head on top of Dynamo's head "So why not keep this dream going for little longer." she was again surprised at herself, since when had she been this flirty. 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo chuckled and smiled as he had guess what she was thinking. "That's true when you think about it. I thought that he'd be up around this time. I guess it depends on what time most ponies are accustomed to." He blushed as he felt Sunlight sat behind him and wrapped her hooves around him. She couldn't see it, but he smiled softly as he felt her head on top of his. "Oh, really?" He turned around, until he was facing her. He wrapped his arms around her as he leaned forward to her. He rested his forehead against her, until all they could see was each other's eyes. "I would love to keep this dream going for a little longer. What did you have in mind, my dear, Sunny?" He smiled softly as he had half lidded eyes full of love and care for the orange unicorn.

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight made thoughtful hmm as she stared into Dynamo's eyes with very similar expression to his, "What about..."...

About hour later:
Sunlight sat on the edge of the bed, she was feeling happy and everything else positive at the moment, she didn't really want to get up and start the day, but like the saying one saying says, there can be too much of a good thing, and she didn't want to risk reaching that point. "It's probably time for us to go and eat some breakfast." her tone was the usual mixture of softness, love and reason.

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@Catpone Cerberus

About hour later:

Dynamo sat on the edge of the bed next to Sunlight. He felt happy as he looked to his girlfriend. He chuckled as she had a look that said she didn't want to start the day. He couldn't blame her, but he knew there was a lot to do today. His ears perked as she addressed him. The way she spoke was music to his ears. The sound of love, reason and care. "Breakfast sounds pretty good to me. Maybe we can go get something from Sugarcube corner. Afterwards, we can try to do a morning jog and see how Jade is doing?" He got up off of the bed and stretched the joints in his bones. He turned to Sunlight and offered a hoof to her. "Ready to start the day, my Sunny?" He asks, while offering her a soft, yet warm smile. 

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@Dynamo Pad
"Or we just jog there." Sunlight pointed out, she took Dynamo's hoof and got up and stretched "Not quite yet." she said before smiling humorously and pointing at her messy mane "I need to deal with this first" she then walked past Dynamo and started heading towards the closest mirror "I envy you stallion with your short manes, you don't need to feel like a walking mop every time you wake up." "I can't even imagine the struggle that somepony like Rarity has to go through every morning with her mane." when she reached a mirror, she started fixing her mane with her magic "Thank Celestia I'm an unicorn." she chuckled

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