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private Artificial Love. (with Dynamo Pad)

Catpone Cerberus

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@The Cerberus

Dynamo was surprised when she talked about how even though they were artificial, they would still age even with their disguises. "That's good to know. I guess it makes sense. Seeing how if you didn't age, then others would be suspicious, or something along those lines. I wonder if whoever made you and Jade had that idea in mind. I didn't even think artificial beings could age." He rubbed his temples as he felt as if he was getting a headache. "This is so much information to take in. I guess I'll understand more in time." He smiled as she finally looked him in the eye with a slight smile on her muzzle. "You're welcome." He nods as he scoots over to her and wraps an arm around her shoulder. "I'm sorry, but I was confused on what you mean. Do you mean cold as in emotion wise, or you're actually feeling cold?" He asks as he smiles softly once more. "Either way, I'm just glad to have you here. I really hope this hug helps."

Dynamo sighed in relief as she explained how they could be in rainy weather. "That's good to hear. I'd hate for you wanting to be somewhere, but couldn't go because of the rain." He nods as she explained how she and Jade can be hurt and sick like any other pony. Even the cutie mark mentioning of cutie marks had caught his attention. "At least you know what your cutie mark means. If not, then it would be pretty scary waking up and not knowing what's going on, in my opinion. It does make you wonder though." He scratched his cheek with his free hoof, while in thought. "If, whoever made you could give you that cutie mark, then I wonder what other kind of cutie mark could they have made. I wonder what kind of purpose the cutie mark that was given to you was meant to be." He shook his head and chuckles. "I guess it's unknown for now." He says, before turning to her. "If you ever need help on wanting to know more about who you are, then I'm here to help. We'll discover what's going on together. For now, I'm just content on spending time with my marefriend." He grins hugs her briefly, before pulling back from the hug. "Thank you again for telling me and that was really brave of you. I can't imagine how difficult that is, but it doesn't change how I feel about you, Sunny. I'm with you all of the way and I will keep your secret, as well as Jade's secret, in safe hooves."






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@Dynamo Pad
"Well, we don't know if that is a case, we aren't that old yet, but if it is, it wouldn't still be exactly aging." "More like.....illusion of aging." Sunlight pointed out, she smiled sympathetically when Dynamo mentioned the amount of information, "Take your time.". When Dynamo asked what Sunlight meant and hoped that his hug helped, Sunlight giggled briefly "Emotionally you silly." "But I can say I'm feeling cold if that makes you to stay like this longer." she rested her head on Dynamo "It feels nice."

"It was quite scary even if we knew quite a lot." Sunlight said when Dynamo gave his opinion about waking up without knowing anything, "I don't know if you can imagine it, but when we woke up, we had no memories from time before that, yet we knew everything that somepony who has lived in Equestria their whole lives would know, and our relationship was that of siblings." "We knew a lot about Equestria and each other, yet we didn't remember ever even seeing either." For his cutiemark question, Sunlight shrugged "We may never know, but we don't really think about it that much anymore, because if we were meant to know it, we would have been given the information already."

When Dynamo promised to help Sunlight, she smiled "Thank you, you're too kind, but i'm not sure if you can help with that one, we have tried to figure it out for years...." she looked to nothing for a moment "...And now that I think about it, I don't know if I want to know that.....it's bad enough to know I'm just a machine...." she felt cold when Dynamo pulled out of the hug but didn't say anything about it, instead she rested her head on Dynamo's shoulder and whispered "I love you."

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@Totally Cerberus

Dynamo nods in understanding. "That does make sense. You look to be about the same age as I am. If not, then a little bit older. It depends on how long you've been awake for, but I can see what you mean." He chuckled as she explained her earlier statement. "Oh, okay. You said that you were saving energy. Does that always happen often? You're not cold emotionally, in my opinion. I hope everything will be okay." He held her closer as she rested her head on his shoulder. "All you need to do is ask if you want to cuddle or hug. My hugs are free after all." He smiled and nods in agreement. "You're right. This hug feels nice. It feels right, in a way."

Dynamo listened as she explained how she awoke with no memories of before, but memories of Equestria's history. He could only nod and shuddered slightly at the thought. "I wouldn't wish that upon anypony. That does sound pretty scary. I wouldn't know what to do or what to say. If I just woke up with no memory at all, but knew everything from past history, then I would be worried." He nods once more in understanding to her response. "Okay and fair enough. It's pretty crazy being programmed to have a cutie mark, but it's pretty cool. I still say you're talent is interesting when it comes to learning and breaking down information."

He smiles and nods. "You're welcome and I do my best to be kind and helpful to others. I understand and I won't bring it up anymore. It must be difficult to search and get no answers for such a long time." He says, before frowning slightly. "Don't say that because that's not true. I like you for you, Sunny. Whether you're a machine or flesh and bone as a living, breathing pony. You will always be real to me, no matter what." He felt Sunlight rest her head upon his shoulder. He blushed as she had confessed her love to him. At first, he was quiet as he didn't know what to say. He was afraid that it was too soon to say those three words. After everything that happened this past day, he knew that he truly did care for the mare. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a tight, yet comforting hug. "I love you too." 




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@Dynamo Pad

"About 15 years" Sunlight replied to Dynamo even though his mention about the time she had existed wasn't a question, "That's how long ago we first woke up." She cleared her throat awkwardly "But we consider ourselves to be around 20, since we woke up full grown." For his question about the 'energy saving', Sunlight shook her head, "Only after emotional outbursts like the one I just went through." "And there is no need to worry, it's basically the same as being tired." She chuckled at Dynamo hug comment. 

She nodded "I didn't know what to do either, but Jade did, we both knew where the closest town was, but Jade knew who to ask for place to stay.". She smiled when Dynamo said her talent to be interesting, she disagreed, but she knew it was because she was used to it. 

Sunlight gelt warmth in her heart when Dynamo assured her that it didn't matter what she was made of, causing her to smile sweetly, and his mutual response and hug made her even more comfortable, which in turn made her tired, causing her to drift to sleep. 

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@Totally Cerberus

Dynamo whistled in astonishment at the mention of how long she's been awake for. "I can understand being considered around twenty years old. That's still pretty insane being awoken that long ago. I could imagine how much you've traveled around in that amount of time. Has there ever been a place that you've enjoyed staying at in your travels?" He nodded in understanding. "That's good to know. I can imagine since it's been an emotional day for us all, then you would have to recharge after everything that's happened." He chuckles, before continuing. "It's like me when I play video games. I feel drained after playing a gaming marathon for an entire weekend. Not the best decision, but playing games is so much fun."

Dynamo smiled as she talked about Jade helping them on finding a place to stay when they woke up. "That's just like Jade. Even when you both woke up and knew where to go, he was always being the protective and caring brother." He says as he was thankful the siblings were able to find their bearings on where they needed to go.

He wanted to ask more, but he felt his shoulder become a little heavy. He looked down and noticed that Sunlight had fallen asleep. "Sunny?" He shook her gently to see if she was awake, but it proved little to no use. "She said her emotional outburst had caused her to go into energy saving." He spoke his thoughts out loud as he remembered what she had said. He chuckled softly at how cute she was being, but he couldn't blame her. He looked towards the horizon to see that it was starting to get late. He knew it would get a little chilly out and he didn't have a jacket or blanket to keep warm. Even though the hug they shared kept them warm, he didn't want to risk in her getting sick. He nodded to himself as he knew what he had to do. He gently hoisted her onto his back and stood up off of the ground. He was slightly surprised that she wasn't heavy for being artificial, but he couldn't and wouldn't complain. He made sure that she wouldn't fall off, before slowly making his way downhill back towards Ponyville.





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@Dynamo Pad

"Any and all libraries."

Sunlight was in light enough sleep that she woke up few times both when Dynamo hoisted her on his back and during being carried, but they were so brief that she didn't register what was going on around her, and instead she just changed the position of her head a bit once, other times she didn't do even that. Eventually she fell into deeper sleep and started seeing pleasant dreams about the past day, this was apparent by her having a constant smile the whole time. 

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@Totally Cerberus

Dynamo could only chuckle at her response. "That sounds about right. Since your mark is all about learning and knowledge, a library sounds fitting for being a place to visit. I could probably imagine you and Jade getting locked in a library. Then you would go on an all night reading marathon in said library." He chuckles once more as he imagined the idea.

It took a bit of time, but Dynamo was able to help them make their way back to Ponyville. He noticed as ponies were closing up their shops and retiring for the evening. He looked from side to side, to see if he could spot Jade. He frowned slightly as his search came up empty. 'It is getting pretty late, so he might not even be around. Plus, I don't even know where their home is and it seems like Sunlight isn't going to wake up anytime soon.' He thought as he looked to the mare, who had fallen asleep on his back. He smiled softly and was careful not to jostle her awake. 'I guess we can go back to my house for the night. It's close by and I hope Jade doesn't mind, since I don't know where they live.' He nodded to himself as he began making his way to his home.

There weren't many ponies out, so the travel didn't take that much time. He was thankful that his home was right around the arcade. As he reached the house, he unlocked the door, before carefully maneuvering both Sunlight and himself, into the home. He used his magic to close the door behind him and carefully made his way upstairs. He made sure that Sunlight was holding onto him, so she wouldn't fall down the steps. Eventually, he made it up the steps and walked to the door of his room. Upon entering the room, he sighs and walks over to the bed. It took a bit of effort, but he managed to untangle Sunlight off of him, before gently placing her on the bed. 'I hope she doesn't mind staying the night. Hopefully she'll understand, so there won't be any confusion.' He thought as he pulled the covers over the sleeping mare. He kissed her cheek and smiled softly. "Goodnight, Sunny. I love you." He whispers into her ear, before sitting on the floor, next to the bed. He wanted to stay up, so he could keep an eye on her. He began to rub his eyes as he felt sleep's embrace calling to him. He shook his head to try and stay awake, but it was little to no avail. He rested his head on the bed, closed his eyes and eventually fell asleep.







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@Dynamo Pad

Sunlight yawned and opened her eyes, it had been good night sleep and she felt rested. She didn't regonize the room she woke up in, so she was confused at first, but then she recalled the events of the last evening and figured that this was probably Dynamo's home. Her theory about where she was confirmed when she looked next to her and saw Dynamo sleeping on the floor, his head resting on the bed. Sunlight chuckled quietly to herself "Silly stallion, were you that worried about me?", she then got out of the bed as quietly as she could, trying to not wake Dynamo up, her plan was to go to kitchen and see if she could make breakfast. She started sneaking out of the bedroom. 

Edited by Totally Cerberus
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@Totally Cerberus

[Next Day]

As the next day began, the morning sun rose to signify a new day. The sunlit rays made their way into the window of all homes to wake up every and all ponies. As the bright rays hit Dynamo's eyes, said stallion groaned and tried to throw the covers over his face. The covers helped to block the rays, but it was too late. He was awake and his back felt sore. He looked to the clock on his nightstand to see that it was about 7:45 am. "Why do I always have to be up so early in the morning? I guess I'm always cursed to be a morning pony." He muttered to himself as he shook his head in disbelief. He threw the cover off of his face as he tried to recall the events of the previous day. He soon recalled that Sunlight fell asleep on the hill outside of town and he brought her back to his house. He looked to the bed, but was surprised to see that Sunlight wasn't there. 'Did she wake up before me? I wonder if she went home. I don't blame her. She probably didn't want to make her brother worry.' He thought sadly to himself, before standing up and began stretching.After stretching the kinks out of his back, he rubbed his eyes to clear the sleep away. He took a deep breath and started to make his way downstairs. "I wonder what I should have for breakfast. I guess I'll find out what food I have once I get downstairs." He said to himself as he exited his room and started making his way down the stairs.

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight made it to the kitchen without waking Dynamo up and started looking around what Dynamo had to see what she could made, and after few minutes she decided to make salad. as she started making the salad, Sunlight started humming to herself, but soon she started singing by half-accident and got really into it, thus she didn't notice that Dynamo had woken up until he had arrived in the kitchen. When she noticed Dynamo, Sunlight stopped and turned as red as an apple when she realized that he had probably heard her singing, she tried to hide the fact that she was embarrassed out of her mind while she spoke, but the blushing and the tone of her voice made it pretty obvious, "I made breakfast."

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@Totally Cerberus

As Dynamo made his way to the bottom step, he started hearing a noise that was emanating from within his home. He was concerned, as he had thought that somepony or something had broken into his home. He hurried to the kitchen, but he slowed down as he noticed the noise wasn't bad or threatening. As he stood in the door frame of the kitchen, he soon noticed that it was Sunlight singing, while making breakfast. He could only stand frozen in place as he listened to Sunlight sing. He had truly never heard anything so wonderful before. To him, it was like there was a goddess singing, and that goddess, was a his marefriend. As she finished singing, he saw that she turned around with a blush upon her face. He smiled and nodded as she mentioned of making breakfast. "Thank you and that's really sweet of you, sweetheart. You didn't have to do that, but I really do appreciate it."

He walked over and pulled her into a hug and kissed her cheek. He got out a couple glasses of juice to go along with their breakfast as he sat down in his seat. "I have to say. You have a really beautiful singing voice, Sunny." He ran a hoof through his mane while smiling sheepishly. "I could hear the voice while making my way downstairs. You have the voice of an angel, in my opinion." He stated honestly with a small blush upon his cheeks. "I'm sorry about bringing you over without saying anything. You fell asleep while we sat on the hill and it was getting late. I wasn't sure where you're home was, so I thought my place was the next best thing. I didn't want to take a chance of you getting sick, since it's chilly at night. When I woke up, I thought you left to go back home. Again, I'm sorry about that." He quickly apologized.

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@Dynamo Pad

"It's the least I can do, after all, you brought me all the way here and from looks of it stayed next to me watching over me." she then chuckled a bit as she continued with a joke "And do you think you get to make food when there's a mare in the house." she chuckled again "Just kidding, I can't cook."

Sunlight was surprised by the sudden hug and a kiss, but she didn't get too embarrassed since she was getting very comfortable with him....that and because she was still embarrassed about getting caught singing. When Dynamo praised her singing, Sunlight smiled shyly and spoke with tone fitting said smile "Thank you sweetie....." "...You're the first one who has ever heard it.....to my knowledge.."

When Dynamo started his apology, Sunlight shook her head with kind smile on her face and started walking toward Dynamo, and when she reached him, she kissed him to make him shut up, and when she pulled away, she put her hoof in front of Dynamo's mouth to stop him saying anything, "You have nothing to apologize silly, if I wanted to go home I would have left before falling asleep." she pulled her hoof away, "You did the right thing."


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@Totally Cerberus

Dynamo smiled kindly at her remark and nods. "I didn't mind at all. I would never leave and abandon you. I stayed next to you in case you fell asleep and began wondering on where you were. Plus, I would have fell asleep in bed, but I was afraid you would wake up and freak out." He says as he came to a realization. "I guess it would have been okay to fall asleep next to you. I would have asked you if that would have been okay, since we are going out and all. I guess I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable about anything." He concluded, before chuckling at her little joke. "Don't worry. I'm not great at cooking, as well. I can cook some food for breakfast and/or dinner, but it's only small dinners. Maybe we can learn sometime. Hopefully, I can return the favor and make breakfast for you sometime."

"You're welcome, Sunny." He returned the smile with his own small, yet loving smile. "I guess I should consider myself lucky then. I got to be the first to hear the voice of a goddess." He chuckles, before continuing. "I'm not the best at singing and I can get stage fright at times, but it's fun to sing. I've been to a few conventions that had karaoke rooms."

Dynamo was cut off from Sunlight as she pulled him into a kiss. Dynamo was surprised at first, but he slowly closed his eyes and returned the affection. Once she pulled away from the kiss and he opened his eyes, he felt her put a hoof upon his lips. He couldn't speak, but he nods in understanding to her statement. He smiles as she takes her hoof away from his mouth. "You're right and I'm sorry about that. I have a habit of overreacting over the tiniest thing." He says, before continuing. "You're my marefriend, so I'll always going to worry and care about you, sweetheart. I love you, Sunny." He could feel the warmth in his heart as he said those last four words. He felt truly happy and he knew he would never get tired of telling her that. "Now let's enjoy some breakfast and go see your brother. I don't want to make him feel worried that you didn't go home last night." He chuckles as he got some plates from the cabinet and begins making their plates.

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@Dynamo Pad

Sunlight giggled "You worry so much about me, it's adorable." she smiled "But try to reduce it a bit, you'll be happier" her tone was lighthearted, but it was also clear that she meant what she said "I would know."

Sunlight chuckled "Goddess? Now you're just flattering me." She chuckled again when Dynamo mentioned stage fright "Stage fright huh?" "Same here, I'll let my reaction to you hearing me to speak for itself."

Sunlight was going to point out something when Dynamo said he overreacts to things, but instead she stayed quiet and only replied after he had finished, she spoke with a kind tone "I love you too...." ".....so stop apologizing silly" she gently poked Dynamo on his nose and giggled. "Agreed...though I highly bet that Jade is still in deep sleep." she chuckled "He's not exactly what I would call a morning pony"

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@Totally Cerberus

Dynamo chuckled at her remark. "I'm glad you think it's adorable. I'm happy I was able to tell you how I feel. I'm even more delighted to know that you feel the same way." He smiled sheepishly at her lighthearted tone. "No promises, but I'll do my best. I have a tendency to worry about my friends a lot, so that's my bad." He said with a nod, before continuing. "I'll do my best to not worry so much, sweetheart."

Dynamo chuckled and nods in agreement. "Maybe I am flattering, but I do speak the truth. I've never heard anypony sing that well before. I'm glad I'm not alone in the stage fright department. At least I know I'll have a fan and supporter when I feel afraid to sing on stage." He winks before chuckling once more. 

He wrinkled his nose as he felt Sunlight poke said nose. He chuckled along with her as he rubbed his nose. "Okay and I'll stop apologizing so much. I guess I have a habit of saying sorry. It's probably because I take things to heart and I feel like I did something wrong, even though I probably did nothing wrong in the first place at random times." He admitted while smiling. "Jade's pretty lucky. I feel cursed to be a morning pony. I wake up too early and I have trouble falling back asleep sometimes." He chuckles, but smiles as a thought came to mind. "I guess it's a good thing he's still in a deep sleep. That means we can still spend time with each other." He says, before taking a bite of his salad. He hummed in delight and smiled at Sunlight. "This salad is really good, sweetheart. You said you can't cook right? Well, you should give yourself a little more credit." He says as he took another bite of his breakfast.


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@Dynamo Pad
"He wouldn't agree with you." Sunlight chuckled when Dynamo said her brother was lucky for sleeping long "He always complains how short his days are because he sleeps so late.". She chuckled at his second point "I agree, though I have a feeling that he wouldn't mind it anyway, he trusts you.". Sunlight chuckled as she took a bite of her own breakfast, "Well thank you, but I don't think you can exactly call making a salad cooking." "Since you don't really cook anything.". After a few moments, Sunlight looked thoughtful, "I was wondering, do you have any nicknames?" she knew she most likely wasn't going to call him by them, but she was curious and wanted to keep the conversation going.


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@Totally Cerberus

Dynamo chuckled along with Sunlight as she explained Jade's sleep schedule. "I would say he should set an alarm for a certain time, but he'd probably sleep right through the alarm. He must be a heavy sleeper." He smiles in appreciation. "I'm glad to know that he trusts me that much. It's only been about a day or two, but it's nice to hear that, you know?" He asks, before taking a bite of his breakfast. "You're welcome, sweetheart. If you can't call cooking salad, then I wonder what you can call it. I guess just making, or something like that." He chuckles and shrugs his shoulders, before taking a sip of his drink. He looked up from his plate as she asked him about nicknames. "Hmm...Some gamer's at the arcade I went to back home always called me D-Pad. That, or they would usually call me by my gaming name, Kyubiki Tenchu. It would be difficult to pronounce, so they would call me Kyubiki." He chuckles sheepishly as he remembered how difficult others had in saying his gaming name. "How about you? Besides Sunny, have you ever had anypony give you a nickname?"



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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight nodded to Dynamo's comment about both Jade's sleeping and his trust, and chuckled at Dynamo's wondering about the salad "You silly pony." "I'll solve the riddle for you.....you make salad." she giggled and ate and drank little more. She listened closely as Dynamo explained about his nicknames "D-Pad and Kyubiki Tenchu" she pronounced it perfectly "I think I'll stick with Dynamo..." she chuckled a bit ".....that and Silly Goofball, that will be my nickname for you." she said it as a joke, but she knew she would probably use both of those a lot in the future. For Dynamo's question, Sunlight shook her head, "Not really, until you want to count insult-nicknames."


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@Totally Cerberus

Dynamo chuckled as she explained the answer to the question of making a salad. "Dear, sweet Celestia. The riddle was really tricky, but the answer was so simple." He spoke in a joking matter, before laughing heartily. "I'm just kidding, but that makes sense when you put it that way. I always thought you toss the ingredients together and stir it up in the bowl, or something along those lines." He sighed happily as Sunlight pronounced his gaming name perfectly. "Thank you! I'm glad you're able to say my name right. Most ponies say Kyubiki as Kai you bee key. It became a hassle to hear others butcher up the name." He sighs and shrugs, before smiling with a chuckle. "Fair enough and I think that's fine by me. It seems to fit well, considering that I can be a silly pony. That, and I'm your sill goofball." He frowned slightly and nods in understanding. "I'm sorry to hear that. I can imagine it was because of past events that lead to the insult nicknames. You don't have to worry. I'll always call you Sunny and sweetheart, if that's okay." He says with a kind smile. 

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight giggled at Dynamo's joke about the 'riddle' and smiled at his second point, she had never thought that somepony could be unsure about the terms used in something like that, but she acknowledged that there was probably quite a lot things others didn't know that she saw as no-brainers, so she didn't mind it too much. She chuckled at Dynamo's comment about him being a goofball, but for his worry about the insults she looked at him slightly more seriously "Don't worry about that, thanks to you I don't think it that much anymore..." she smiled "...and you can call me whatever you want, you don't need to worry about that, I will tell you if I don't like something."

Sunlight suddenly looked surprisingly serious "I just thought about something." "You know Frozen and his friends...so do you think we should be worried about them." "What i mean is...do they pose threat to us or is insulting the worst thing they do?"


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@Totally Cerberus

Dynamo chuckled along with Sunlight as she giggled. He was glad that she was able to make her laugh and feel happy. He could see the seriousness in her eyes as she spoke, but she smiled as she told him about calling her any nickname he wanted. "I'm glad I was able help you in not worrying about some of the past anymore." He smiled, before continuing. "Thanks for letting me know. The only nicknames I can only think of would be Sunny and sweetheart. Sunny as in the beautiful sky where I met the most beautiful mare. Sweetheart because you're truly the sweetest mare I know and you have my heart." He blushed at the meaning of his nicknames and smiled softly at her.

He noticed her gaining a serious look upon her face, which prompted him to adopt a serious look of his own. As he listened to her question, he could only sigh while making a circle with his hoof upon the table. "I would be a little worried about them. When Frozen said he'd make his return, he meant it. It might not be for a few days, but he'll return. Like I was saying before yesterday. He's not the type of pony to make an empty threat like that." He shook his head at the meaning behind her question. "They aren't really threatening, to be honest. They just like to insult and prove they have superiority over others. For as long as I've known them, I've never seen them use violence when confronting others. They just like to get into your mind and destroy you from the inside out."

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@Dynamo Pad

Sunlight chuckled with a blush when Dynamo explained his reasoning behind the nicknames "You're melting my heart with all that praise."


"Well, then I would say we don't need to worry too much" Sunlight said thoughtfully "Sure they might ruin our day, but they have to try harder than pity insults if they want to 'destroy' us." "Jade doesn't really react to getting insulted, though he is protective over me, and they don't know enough to insult me effectively." she smiled reassuringly "And if they manage to get under your skin, just remember that we are here for you, no matter what they say."

  • Brohoof 1


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Totally Cerberus

Dynamo chuckles and smiles at her little joke. "Well if you're heart melts away, then at least you'll have my heart to keep you going, sweetheart." He winked as he unintentionally brought up the meaning of the nickname again. He nods in agreement as she began to speculate how capable the bullies were. "It would take a lot for them to 'destroy' you, so I don't think there's that much to worry about. As long as they don't know about your true selves, then they won't have any information about you." He nods and smiles appreciatively at his marefriend. "Jade won't be alone when he's protecting you. I'll be here to be protect you as well, if they try to think about trying to hurt my friends. Also, thank you. Just knowing that you'll and Jade will be there really means a lot to me." He leans over and kisses her on the forehead. He sits back in his seat and finishes up his breakfast and drink. "I'm going to wash the dishes really quick. Is there anything that you want to do, before we go and check up on Jade?" He asks as he levitates his plate and glass to the kitchen sink.

  • Brohoof 1
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@Dynamo Pad
"Thank you and you're welcome." Sunlight said smiling after Dynamo's kiss as she finished up her breakfast. She got up and levitated her dishes to the sink "Not really, it's fully up to you what we do...." she replied happily as she walked next to Dynamo, close enough that their sides were touching ".....as long as we do it together." she kissed him on the cheek before walking towards the stairs "If you do the dishes, I'll go and make the bed.....I can't let you to do all the work." 

  • Brohoof 1


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Totally Cerberus

"You're welcome, sweetheart and it's no trouble at all." As he began washing the dishes, he noticed that a few more dishes were levitated over to him. He noticed that it was Sunlight's utensils, since she had finished her own breakfast, as well. He smiles as he tries to figure out on what they could do for the day. He was deep in thought, that he didn't noticed Sunlight walking up to him. He was brought out of his thoughts as he felt Sunlight kiss his cheek. He blushed as he noticed that they were standing really close to one another. "That sounds good to me, but I don't want to make you feel bored, sweetheart. I want you to have fun, as well." He says as she was making her way towards the stairs. "That's really kind of you, sweetheart, but you don't have to do that." He smiles in appreciation as he began to finish washing the dishes. He had an idea, but he decided to wait for her to come back down the steps.


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