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private Artificial Love. (with Dynamo Pad)

Catpone Cerberus

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight could only shout "What..?!" and barely lit her horn as Cosmic suddenly grabbed her and pulled her into a portal, and because she hadn't any time to prepare, she lost her balance and fell over when they landed on the other side of the portal, after which she just laid there trying to get her thoughts together and looking around to see her surroundings and if the portal they came through was still there. As she slowly gathered her thoughts she also started wondering how Cosmic had done that, he clearly wasn't powerful enough to do that so there had to be something else, but there also was something else, she felt...different, something felt wrong but she didn't know what it was, she wasn't sick, but she didn't feel fine either.

When Cosmic grabbed Sunlight and disappeared into the portal, something snapped inside Jade and he could feel all of his reason and logic leaving him as he charged towards the portal, only be stopped by Frozen standing in his way, he went face to face with him, just barely far enough so their muzzles didn't touch, staring Frozen to his eyes with his rage-fueled eyes. He spoke with empty yet frightening tone, like everything but hate had disappeared from him "You are in my way..."

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@Totally Cerberus 

As Cosmic made it to the other side of the portal, he made a perfect landing as he watched the mare, who had lost her balance and fell over. He chuckled humorously at the spectacle, before waiting impatiently for his intended opponent to arrive. After a moment, Dynamo flew through the portal, but landed in the same fashion as Sunlight. He tried to gather his bearings as he looked around for Sunlight. He smiled and crawled over to her and pulled her into a hug. "I'm so glad I was able to make it. He didn't hurt you, did he?" He asks, before turning his attention back to the neon green unicorn. "What is this place and how did we get here?" Cosmic shook his head, while waving a hoof at the couple. "Now, where's the fun in revealing the secrets. All in due time, my dear audience. However, I will say this. We are in the Naruto Storm game, but we are at the character select menu. We just pick our characters and then the real battle can begin." He noticed Sunlight was looking a little distraught, as well as Dynamo, who was beginning to pant and catch his breath. "Oh, that's right. I forgot to mention one tiny, little detail." He grinned, before continuing. "You see, since you are not used to the laws of this world, the magic you have within you is slowly being drained from your bodies. The more magic you use, the more drained you'll become. If you run out of magic, then it might go after your life force." He shrugged his shoulders as he wasn't feeling the drain.

Dynamo narrowed his eyes as he took a few shaky breaths. "Just get to the point, already. What's the challenge and we'll settle it now." Cosmic sighed and shook his head. "Fine, then. You both know how to be a buzzkill, don't you." He began to pace back and forth, while going over the rules. "It'll be a best three out of five. Whoever gets three wins first will win. However, I wonder how long you will last in this competition." His grin widened as he knew he had the advantage. Dynamo knew he had no other way, but to agree. "I accept the rules, but you have to let Sunlight go. You only took her here, so that you could get me to join in the fight. She has no reason to be here, so just let her go. I'm the one you want." Cosmic put a hoof to his chin to contemplate. True, he wanted to make the mare pay for defeating his teammate, but Cosmic knew his teammate was just a pawn. "That's fine by me. The portal will remain open, so long as I choose to keep said portal open."

Frozen watched as Jade had gotten closer and closer to the ebony Pegasus. They were a mere few inches apart as he heard Jade's words and tone. "I wouldn't keep making that face, if I were you. If you do, then it'll become stuck like that." He chuckled, before narrowing his eyes. "Still, I'd like to see you try!" He turned around, got down low to the ground, reared back his hind legs and attempted to kick Jade. 


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@Dynamo Pad

"I'm okay.." Sunlight simply replied to Dynamo's worry as she still tried figure out her thoughts, and when Cosmic explained about the magic drainage, she first thought it was the thing causing her weird feeling, but seeing Dynamo getting out of breath made her realize that it couldn't be it, because unlike normal ponies, her body wasn't depended on the amount of magic she had, so it getting trained shouldn't have felt like that, and it couldn't be the life force either, since she didn't have any in the first place. After thinking about it for a moment, she noticed that the feeling changed a bit when Cosmic started pacing back and worth, she then got it, she didn't know why or how, but for some reason she was connected to the game more than the others, she could feel the errors in the game's code caused by the three ponies. Sunlight's ears pricked up when she heard Dynamo asking Cosmic to let her go, she got up and shook her head "Look at yourself, you won't last long against him in this unfair environment." "I'm not leaving you here alone." "Especially when he has some kind of artifact with him to boost his magic." she turned toward Cosmic before he could say anything "And don't try to claim otherwise Clown, I could tell that magic from miles away."

Jade stepped few steps backwards and put his wings between him and Frozen to take in Frozen's kick, he didn't even flinch, even if it did hurt a little, he just said with the same voice as before "As you wish." After which he dashed to the left and made a sharp turn towards Frozen, flying towards him his hind legs bend ready for a powerful kick aimed to Frozen's flank.

Edited by Totally Cerberus
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@Totally Cerberus

Dynamo shook his head in protest as Sunlight wanted to stay and help him out. "I really appreciate the help, sweetheart, but you know he might try and hurt you. Once that happens, he'll go after me and try to finish me off. I can't say I'll get used to the gaming world, but I have to do my best. He can't get away with what he's done." He raised an eyebrow in confusion to Sunlight's last remark. He turned back to see Cosmic, who had his arms up in a mock surrender. "I guess you found me out. It's true, you know. Without this amulet, then I'd be in trouble." He smirked as he pulled out an alicorn amulet that was around his neck. "It's true that being transported into a game can be draining on one's magic, but I made it, so your magic drains faster. So, the only way for the magic drain to end, is to take me down. Of course, I don't think it'll happen." He chuckled as he began going through his character selection.

Frozen smirked as his kick made contact, but he soon scoffed as he saw the kick didn't do much. He flinched at the tone Jade had given the ebony Pegasus, but he stayed strong as Jade tried to return the kick with his own strike. Frozen jumped over Jade and smirked. "You're going to have to try better than that, if you're going to stop me. Remember what I said? If one strategy fails, then try another plan. How will you win if I can come up with a new strategy?" He asks in a mocking tone. 

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@Dynamo Pad
"But..." Sunlight left to that, she realized that she wouldn't be able to convince Dynamo without saying something she didn't wast Cosmic to know  and didn't say anything until Cosmic showed the amulet "the Alicorn Amulet, that explains how you can be so obnoxious, it has rotted your mind.". When Cosmic focused on the character screen, Sunlight whispered to Dynamo, making sure that Cosmic didn't hear her "I won't argue with you if you don't want me here, but think about it little longer, I can't get drained like you do and some spells won't work on me, but if you're sure.....just be careful, with that amulet he can do everything from simple attacks to turning you into a filly, you can only win by using your head, you'r too much in disadvantage on everything else." she kissed him on his cheek and waited for his reply.

"Blah blah, would you shut up already." Jade complained as Frozen kept talking, he landed his leg on the ground and kicked himself to opposite direction towards Frozen, he was attempting to crash to him with his full weight. Jade had one advantage over a Frozen, and that was his stamina, because though he got tired like any other pony, he would be able to continue regardless of that if situation required it, after all, he didn't have muscles that would give up from tiredness, or brains that needed more oxygen, so only thing suffering from said tiredness would be his concentration and energy, and he knew he wouldn't run out of energy before Frozen. 

  • Brohoof 1


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@Totally Cerberus

Cosmic raised an eyebrow at Sunlight's accusations. "What do you mean? This amulet hasn't rotted my mind. In fact, I haven't felt more alive in years! I've woke up to the truth and now I can attain all the power that I could ever ask for!" He chuckled, before it turned into a full on laughter. Dynamo shook his head at Cosmic, before turning his attention over to Sunlight. "It's not even the amulet that's making him act this way. When we were younger, he would always act like this. He had a sort of superiority complex. I'll explain later when this battle is over." He looked to see if Cosmic was paying attention, but he was thankful the neon green unicorn was minding his own business. "It's not that I don't want you here, Sunny. It's just that I don't want anything to happen to you. If I lost you, or if you got hurt, then I wouldn't forgive myself. I know you're a capable mare, who can take care of herself, but still." He felt the kiss upon his cheek and smiled softly. His eyes widened as he had an idea in mind. "You don't seem to be as drained as I am, in this game. Maybe we can use that to our advantage. I know it's crazy, but can you help check to see if my magic is compatible to your own magic? Something along the lines of my magic not draining as much, so I cant take that amulet off of Cosmic. Maybe then the magic draining can stop. He could be bluffing and have that amulet be doing all of this." He said as he kissed her cheek. "What do you say? Do you want to fight together? We'll have to make it look like you're leaving, though. Just to confuse Cosmic, so he won't know a thing."

Frozen was caught off guard as Jade bounced back and slammed him full force into a wall. Frozen gasped from the impact as he fell to the ground. It took him some time, but he managed to get up off of the ground and panted from the loss of breath. "You're not too bad. That was a lot of power back then. I guess you're stronger than you look." He grinned slightly, before gritting his teeth and taking flight. He then began to fly straight towards Jade. "Too bad that won't work against me. Brains beats brawn any day!"

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@Dynamo Pad
"That's exactly what I mean, The Alicorn Amulet corrupts its user."

Sunlight shook her head sadly "That won't work." "I may not seem drained, but that doesn't mean it's not taking my magic, my body just isn't depended on it like yours." "And not only that, the amulet can't be removed until he takes it off himself or dies." She suddenly put her hoof on her forehead and flinched from pain "...But...that doesn't mean I won't help you." "Because for some reason I can feel this game, its errors are like illness to me." "So...if I get to consecrate, I may be able to control it...." "...and rewrite the rules of this world." she put her hoof back down "I could maybe even overwrite Cosmic's spell if I'm right"

Jade didn't say anything and just stared at Frozen as he came towards him, but just before the impact, Jade launched himself upwards, ending up above Frozen, and in the split-second he had before Frozen would be able to react accordingly, he wrapped his hoofs around Frozen's open wing and attempted to dislocate it.

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@Totally Cerberus

Cosmic could only look at the couple with an evil grin. "Say whatever you want, but it won't change a thing. All I can tell you is that this amulet is not corrupting me. I know what I want and I will win!" Dynamo ignored his opponent as he listened to Sunlight. "I guess even when he's using the amulet, his spell is affecting you too." He sighed while putting a hoof to his chin. "I guess I can't snatch the amulet when he and I fight. We'll have to figure something out." He nods, before his eyes widened in slightly surprise from her sudden remark. 'I guess this has something to do with her being artificial, but I can't say that out loud. If Cosmic finds out what she truly is, then he'll just pick on her and he'll let everyone know. I can't let him get away with this.' He thought as he gave her a serious, yet thankful expression. "I really appreciate the help, sweetheart. We'll just have to 'pretend' that you're leaving. Just follow my lead and we'll be set." He whispered softly as he placed a hoof upon her shoulder. "I appreciate the concern, but I still want you to go back. I'll take him down in no time and I'll be back, before you know it. I'm always with you, Sunny. Just like I know you'll always be with me. I love you, sweetheart." He leaned in and kissed her, before leaning back from the kiss and winks with a grin.

Frozen's blinked a few times as he saw Jade had vanished. He looked everywhere to find him, but was too late in noticing that Jade was right above him. He felt Jade wrapped his arms around Frozen's wings. Since Frozen couldn't fly, he felt the two of them crash land to the ground, but Jade was still holding onto his wings. Frozen began to panic as he knew he would lose his wings at this rate. 'I can't let him do this. I have to get out of this somehow. Come on! Think, think think!' Try as he might, Frozen couldn't think of a plan to escape from Jade's hold. Frozen began to panic, but took a breath to try and calm down. 'I just need to think. Every strategy can get you out of these situations. I just need to use my head and think.' He suddenly smirked as he knew what he had to do. 'Why didn't I think of that in the first place.' He leaned back into the hold and slammed the back of his head into Jade's face. As the hit made impact, Frozen placed his hooves on the back of his head. He felt the hold was weakening, so he managed to crawl away, but he still felt pain in the back of his head. "Ow! What is your face made of steel or something?" He asked as Button grabbed Frozen by the arms and wings, so the bully wouldn't escape.

"You're too late. I already called the authorities and they'll be here in just a few minutes. I won't allow you and your friend to arrive and try to trash my arcade." He said before looking up to Jade. "I thank you for the help, but just keep him tied up. I know you're mad, but violence isn't the answer, okay? If something happened to Frozen, then Cosmic will probably hurt your sister. You don't want that, right? Just let Dynamo handle Cosmic and everything will be okay." He said to reassure the green Pegasus. 

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight played along "Just be careful." she said with worried tone before turning towards where the portal was and walking towards it, but when she reached it, instead of jumping in, she made sure Cosmic couldn't see her and walked past it and hid out of sight. When hidden, Sunlight sat down and closed her eyes, focusing on the new information as best as she could, but this took her mind away from everything else, causing her 'Disguise' to disappear and few other not-essential things to turn off. After a minute or two, Sunlight had gotten control of the world around her, she was able to change Cosmic's spell's effect in the world, decreasing the magic drain, but not getting fully rid of it, the magic was too strong. She then focused herself on Cosmic and Dynamo, she could tell where they were, what they were doing and even hear their thoughts. She focused on Dynamo and tested if she could communicate with him through his mind, "Dynamo, if you hear me, don't say anything." "I'm now in control of this place, Cosmic's magic is too strong for me to fully remove, but I have slowed the draining down." "I will try to help you by changing the world to your advance and telling you what Cosmic plans to do." she then chuckled to herself "Also, don't think about anything you don't want me to know, i can hear it"

Jade didn't make any sound when the two pegasi crashed to the floor, nor when he got hit to the face by Frozen, but it hurt enough to force him to release his hold and pull his head back, and he could feel blood dripping from his muzzle, but that was all. Jade let Frozen to crawl away, but when Button took hold of him and tried to convince him to not keep going, Jade shook his head and spoke with little less threatening tone than before "Don't be stupid." He walked in front of Frozen and started down at him "King doesn't care about his pawns." He turned around "Besides, he already hurt her by making her part of this." Then with a quick kick of his hind leg, Jade knocked Frozen out cold and started walking towards the portal, but before he could reach it, he slowed down and just collapsed.

Edited by Totally Cerberus
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@Totally Cerberus

Dynamo nodded at her remark. "Don't worry. I'll be careful, I promise." He smiled as he watched her begin to leave, even though he knew she would still be here. He turned around to face Cosmic and dropped his smile. He narrowed his eyes as he selected his character's, but he still panted as he still felt his magic was draining. "I'm ready to go, so let's do this." Cosmic grinned as the wait was beginning to annoy him. "Finally! Now the stage and pieces have been set and are in place. Now let us begin!" Dynamo didn't acknowledge the green unicorn's outburst, but instead, taking a stance and getting ready to fight. 

As the matches began, Dynamo and Cosmic kept seeing what the other was about to do. Dynamo kept an eye on Cosmic's movements, so he would be able to find a mistake and seize the opportunity. He managed to take the first win with no problem. However, the second battle proved to be another story. As the green unicorn had begun to step up his game and managed to secure the second win. Dynamo grunted as he began selecting a new character, but he was almost caught off guard as he heard the voice in his mind. 'Sunny? Is that you? How are you doing that?' He decided to keep a neutral expression upon his muzzle, so he wouldn't give anything away to make Cosmic think that something had happened. He felt that he had about one fourth of his magic left, so he knew he had to end this soon. 'Thank you for letting me know on that. I can actually feel the magic drain beginning to lessen. Maybe if I beat him, the magic will return, but we'll have to see.' He almost blushed as she said her last remark. 'I'm in the middle of a battle! I have to keep my focus on the battle at hoof!' He exclaimed, but he couldn't help in chuckling along with her.

He took a deep breath and knew he had to kick it up a notch. 'Okay, so he wants to play hard ball, huh? Okay, then. We'll play hardball.' He selected his next team and the next battles began. Dynamo used every trick at his disposal to make sure that he took the lead. When he saw Cosmic selecting a new team, Dynamo knew that his opponent was becoming desperate. As the final round commenced, Dynamo made sure to deal as much damage as he could, while managing to stay away from Cosmic. As the timer reached zero, Dynamo was relieved that he had more health than his opponent and knew that he had won the challenge.  

Button looked on and was surprised at how Jade was talking. He watched as Jade had knocked Frozen out cold and knew that the ebony Pegasus wouldn't get up anytime soon. "I can't imagine why somepony like Cosmic would treat others that way. I guess he doesn't understand what true friends are all about." He shook his head as he looked at the arcade and the portal. "Does it say who's winning on the machine? Hopefully Dynamo and Sunlight are okay." 

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight didn't bother Dynamo after that, only telling him what she was able to gather from Cosmic's plans, and after the victory was announced by the came, she sighed in relieve, but didn't give up the control yet, she wanted to make sure that Cosmic honored the deal unlike Frozen, but she hoped it would happen quick, because she was becoming extremely fatigued from fighting against the game's coding and feared she wouldn't be able to get out if she continued too much longer. Sunlight didn't want Dynamo know that though, so she hid her concern as she congratulated him, "Good job, I knew you could do it."

Jade didn't answer to Button as he just stayed on the ground, in fact, there was no signs of any reaction at all. 

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@Totally Cerberus

Dynamo sighed in relief as he knew the battle was over. His ears perked as he heard Sunlight calling out to him. He looked back and smiled with a nod. "Thanks Sunny and you were awesome. Thanks for having my back in all of this. I couldn't have done this without you." Cosmic raised an eyebrow, before his eyes widened at what was going on. "Hey! You cheated! You had help throughout that whole battle!? No wonder I wasn't able to win!" Dynamo shook his head and looked back at Cosmic. "Seriously? You call me a cheater, when you are the one using that amulet to your advantage? Sunlight only helped in fixing the coding of the game. I had to fight you fair and square, but look at you. You use an amulet and you still can't win? Let's just finish this, Cosmic. No more tricks. No more cheating from you. No more help from me. No holding back and give it all you've got!" Cosmic snarled as he took the amulet off of his neck and tossing it aside. "Fine! I don't need a stinking amulet to beat you! I'll win and I'll prove to all the ponies in the world that I am the best! I will never lose to you! I will not be cloaked in your shadow!" Dynamo frowned sadly at the neon green unicorn. "What happened to you? When we were younger, I looked up to you. I thought you were cool. I liked how you didn't let others push you around. When I saw how you truly acted, I knew that you weren't a role model, but a bully. I stood up to you, so that I could change and become who I wanted to be. It's not too late to change. Please trust me, Cosmic." Dynamo extended a hoof to show that he was being sincere.

Cosmic scoffed and grit his teeth. "It's too late to change. Plus, I like being bad. It's as I told you before. Friendship is for the weak and so is relationships. I don't need a failure to tell me what's right and what's wrong. Only the weak like you will wither away into nothingness. The strong like me will live on to survive!" Dynamo closed his eyes for a brief second, before opening his eyes and steeling his resolve. "Very well, then. You've made your choice loud and clear. Just to forewarn you, though. I did give you an out in all of this." The blue unicorn didn't take his eyes off of his opponent, but he knew he had to finish this quickly. "Hey, Sunny? I hope you'll be able to keep this all up. He took off the amulet, so he and I are settling this. Just hold on a little bit longer."

Button looked back to see that Jade was motionless. He wanted to say something to the green Pegasus, but he didn't know what to even say. He sighed softly, before moving over to the arcade machine. He smiled at the fact that Dynamo won, but frowned as another round was about to commence. "Just hang in there a little longer, Dynamo. You just have to make it through this. You and Sunlight have to." He said while noticing the magic meter on both of Dynamo and Sunlight were reaching the limit.

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@Dynamo Pad

Sunlight didn't say anything, she didn't have anything to say about the conversation or anything else in that matter, she just wanted Dynamo and herself out of there....then she though about something, it would be evil to do, but it would get rid of the problem that was Cosmic for good...she couldn't do it, but at the same time...She needed to ask Dynamo, but before that she had to secure the amulet.

From the ground rose vine like things that wrapped around the amulet, pulling it inside the ground, after which it appeared next to Sunlight. She then focused on Dynamo again, talking to his mind again, "Dynamo...I have to drop the control of this place soon....but, now that he doesn't have the amulet, I could trap him here, stop him for ever leaving, but....should I?" she hoped his answer was no, because though Cosmic was terrible pony, hay, he would have killed Dynamo if Sunlight didn't intervene, she felt bad for even suggesting it to Dynamo, but that didn't mean she wouldn't do it if Dynamo said yes. 

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@Totally Cerberus

Dynamo's ears perked as he heard Sunlight talking into his mind again. He looked to the green unicorn in question, who was seething with anger. Almost like he was going to go on a rampage if he wasn't stopped. He juggled the option in his mind as he had to deliberate on this. After a moment of hesitation, he knew just what he had to do. 'I won't lie to you, Sunny. It would be easy if we just trapped him in this world. That way, he wouldn't have to cause any trouble anymore. There would be no more bullying and no more torment.' He sighed and shook his head. 'However, there's a few problems with that sort of thinking. You see, if we trapped Cosmic here, then his goons would stop at nothing to take revenge. Somepony would rise up and take his place and it would never end. Plus, what if he wreaks havoc in this game? It would probably link to all other games of that variety and then he'd shut down a franchise.' He narrowed his eyes, while taking a few steps forward. "I won't let you take over this world and I won't trap you here, you stinking clown. I'll show you what happens when you work hard and not rely on borrowed power." Cosmic chuckled and grinned a ghostly smile. "Say that to me after you've won." Dynamo didn't say anything as he chose his characters for his final battle with the neon green unicorn.


Once both characters selected their characters, the true battle had finally begun. Both players were moving in a fast paced fight. Neither side had given an inch and made sure to counteract each other. Dynamo made sure to analyze everything Cosmic did, while making sure to fight faster than his opponent. Dynamo made sure to win the first round as Cosmic roared and seethed with anger. Dynamo smirked slightly as he knew that was what he had wanted. He quickly changed characters, but grit his teeth as he was getting sick of this fight already. He saw Cosmic was beginning to make mistakes and left himself wide open. As Dynamo dealt the final strike, which ended in an ultimate finish, the game flashed a bright light which sent the three and the amulet out of the game.


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@Dynamo Pad

Sunlight didn't necessary agree with Dynamo's logic, but she didn't see the reason to argue about it, after all, she didn't want to do it either, she just had different reason. As the battle went on, Sunlight pushed the game out of her mind and opened her eyes. She quickly put her 'disguise' back on after noticing it had turned off, thankful that she had decided to disconnect before the match ended. 

Sunlight tried to get up from the sitting position, but managed only cause herself to collapse on the ground. She almost gasped from surprise when she felt the tiredness taking over her body all at once, she knew it was coming but she didn't expect it to just appear like that. She lifted herself from the ground and with shaking hooves she walked to the amulet and picked it up with her mouth just before she was sent back to real world. 

Sunlight's landing was far from smooth as she came out of the portal, because not only was she not prepared this time either, but also because she was too fatigued to hold herself up properly. 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Totally Cerberus

As Dynamo was launched out of the game, he gasps as his back hits the ground. He slid a few feet, before coming to a complete stop. He panted as he felt his magic was almost completely used up. "T-That was way too close. If I was in that gaming world a little longer, then I might not have been able to make it back home." He shuddered at the possibility, but decided to brush the idea out of his mind. He looked over to see Sunlight, who looked to be in about as bad shape as he was. He crawled over slowly as he didn't have much strength left to move. He eventually made his way over to her as he lays a hoof upon her shoulder. "Sunny, a-are you okay? You're not hurt, are you?"

As Cosmic lost and was launched from the game, he hisses as his rolled along the ground and stops as his back hits the side of an arcade machine. He felt broken, humiliated and in so much pain. He felt like all the magic he used from the amulet was all used up. He looked at the couple, who were trying to see if they were okay. The green neon unicorn felt sick to his stomach at the sight he was seeing. "F-Frozen...we have t-to get out of here." He tiredly stated, but growled at the fact that he didn't gain a response. "F-Frozen!" He called out again, while tiredly looking around for his teammate. He eventually found Frozen, who had appeared to be sleeping. "Get up, Frozen! T-This is no time to be sleeping on the job!" He tried his best to stand back up, but he found that he little to no energy at all to move. 

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight grunted as she turned herself towards where Dynamo was, her not-so-graceful landing had been quite painful, she wasn't injured, but she was aching from several places, she saw Dynamo crawling towards her and waited. Sunlight chuckled quietly "Gameplay on that game was quite awful don't you think..." She lifted herself into a sitting position shaking, "I'll be aright." she looked at Dynamo who she knew was in worse shape than her "What about you?" "Since....well, you know." she was referencing at the fact that unlike her, Dynamo's life was actually in danger due the draining.

When Cosmic started calling for Frozen, Sunlight turned towards the knocked out pegasus, after which she started searching for Jade, and when she saw him collapsed on the ground on the ground too, she gently pushed Dynamo out of the way and shaking dragged herself next to her brother "Jade?" she checked Jade for injuries, and after concluding that the nosebleed was only physical injury, she sighed relieved "You stupid pegasus, scaring your sister like that." Jade didn't react, but Sunlight didn't seem worried.

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Dynamo couldn't help, but chuckle at her remark. "I'd be lying if I said the game play on that game was fun. I don't think I'll be playing that game for about a week or two." He adjusted his seat, so he'd be sitting. He clutched his legs, so that he wouldn't fall over from feeling so weak. He sighed in relief, while giving Sunlight a weak smile. "I'm glad to hear that you'll be fine. I think I'll be okay. I have some magic left in me, but that was way too close." He took a shaky breath, before continuing. "I...I actually felt scared. If I stayed in that fight any longer, then I might not have made it. Worst of all, I would have lost you. I'm just so glad that things are going to be fine."

The blue unicorn was pushed aside gently as Sunilght made her way over to Jade. Dynamo gasped at the state Jade was in. "Jade! Are you okay, buddy? What happened when we were in the game?" His mind was racing with questions, even if he was still feeling tired. He looked over to Cosmic as he dragged his way to the defeated neon green unicorn. Cosmic saw Dynamo approach him slowly, but he was unable to move or defend himself. "Look at this. The great Otaku Knight of Wrath. Been reduced to nothing short of a weakling. I guess you are worthy of that mark, but you'll never achieve the true gaming glory." Dynamo said nothing as he finally crawled over to Cosmic. He stood about Cosmic with a look of disappointment upon his muzzle. Cosmic narrowed his eyes as his patience was running thin. "Well!? Aren't you going to finish me!?" Dynamo lifted his arms up. One arm to push Cosmic's chest down to keep him from moving. The other arm raised into the air as he was about to deliver the final punch. "Just do it!" As Dynamo heard that shout, he finally threw his arm down. Cosmic closed his eyes and awaited the end, but there was nothing. He tentatively opened one eye to see that Dynamo stopped mid swing. Dynamo could only shake his head and slowly backed away. "No. I won't let it end like this."

Cosmic could only look at the blue unicorn in disbelief. Here was his opponent, who had the opportunity to end it all. Even after all that, he still showed mercy. At first, there was nothing. After a moment, he began to chuckle. The chuckling turned into a fit of laughter as Cosmic began to wince from laughing to hard, while he was in pain. "I knew it. I knew it! You couldn't finish me off, even if you had the opportunity. You just don't have the stomach to do it. If you did, then everyone would see you as a monster. In the end, you still failed in trying to stop me." Dynamo lowered his had, so that his mane cover his eyes. The look on his face was completely unreadable. After a moment, he shook his head while showing a serious look in his eyes. "No. It's only because you're not worth it, you stinking clown." Cosmic looked like a second head had sprouted from Dynamo's neck. "I-I'm not worth it? What do you mean!?" Dynamo sighed as the feeling of being tired was taking over. "It's like I said. I could have left you in that world. I could have finished you here, but I won't. It's not worth fighting you, if you won't understand that I fight for those that are important to me. You rely on nopony, but yourself. You selfishly use others to get what you want. Even after all that, you are still empty and you don't even care." There was a brief pause, before Dynamo continued. "I proved what I was able to do, after all. I didn't have to take it easy on you, so I didn't. I wanted to give you something to remember. For all the years to come from here on out. Even if you think you're safe in your worst nightmares. That I was one of the very few gamer's who could defeat you." He panted, but he wanted to continue to make the message loud and clear for the neon green unicorn. "Your pride and reputation as a gamer as all, but gone now. Today, you showed everypony here what kind of individual, both you and Frozen, truly are. You challenged and lost to a gamer who is almost superior to you. Do you know what the worst part about that is?" He narrowed his eyes and smirked. "You labeled him as a failure didn't you."

As the words run true into Cosmic's mind, his eyes widened as he felt as if his world had shattered. Dynamo started to wobble back and forth as he fell forward. His whole body hit the ground and slumped forward, while his eyes closed and passed out. 

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@Dynamo Pad
"I was scared too, you're the fist pony I have fallen in love with and I wouldn't be able to handle losing you."

Jade didn't react to Dynamo's question, and instead Sunlight replied "He'll be aright, it's just...." she stopped for a second when she remembered that Cosmic and Button were still there "....he just fainted, this is nothing new.", she then proceeded to put her hoof under Jade's jaw and raised her other hoof "Sorry about this.." she then smacked Jade to his cheek causing him to twitch, after which he grunted and muttered "What was that for?" "You kn..." Sunlight silenced Jade with her hoof and nodded towards Cosmic, Jade seemed to understand "oh, I remember now, I fainted again didn't I." Both of the siblings looked and listened as Dynamo brutally murdered Cosmic's pride, they both agreed that Cosmic wasn't worth of any more effort, but in other hoof, neither of them would have minded if Dynamo would have taken revenge.

"Dynamo!" When Dynamo collapsed, Sunlight tried to get to him quickly, but because of her own weak state, she only managed to fall to the ground, hurting herself even more, but when she tried to get back up, she felt Jade's wing pressing her down "Calm down now would you." "You're not in a shape to go running around." Jade did feel little dizzy too, but he knew it was only because he had just woken up from his 'fainting', and he knew that besides Button, he was only one with full strength. Jade walked next to Dynamo and checked him, he turned towards her sister was clearly worried out of her mind "He's unconscious." he checked Dynamo's eyes and continued "From looks of it he ran out of magic." Jade picked Dynamo up from the ground on his back, but before he moved him closer to Sunlight, he looked at Cosmic "Oh, and sorry about your pawn, he looked tired so I helped him to get some sleep." he sneered "But if it helps, his performance was even worse than yours." He then walked next to his sister, who rose to sitting position and pressed her muzzle against Dynamo's forehead, tears of worry starting form in her eyes.

Jade looked towards Button, "You said earlier that you called the authorities, how long time ago was that and did you mention there being possible injuries" "We need somepony to check Dynamo and Sunlight before I take them home to rest."

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@Totally Cerberus

Button watched as Dynamo had fallen to the ground. "Dynamo! Come on, buddy. Stay with us!" He exclaimed as he he looked on in worry. To Button, Dynamo was more than just an employee at his arcade shop. Dynamo was a great friend to Button and a great rival in video games. He sighed in relief as Jade had mentioned that Dynamo had fallen asleep. He looked to Jade, who had brought the blue unicorn over to Sunlight. He frowned as he felt sorry for her being in the state that she's in. "After everything that had happened. Can you really blame him for fighting as much as he did?" He asked to nobody in particular. He looked to Sunlight and smiled softly. "You must really mean a lot to Dynamo. He loves video games and that's his passion. When he fought Cosmic, he battled tooth and nail to make sure that you were safe." 

Button looked over at Cosmic, who didn't seem the need to respond to anything. He just had a lost look upon his face. Button then turned his attention back to Jade and nodded. "I did and they should be here any minute. I made sure to add the possibility of injuries. Seeing how some gamer's tried to fight Cosmic, but ended up getting hurt." He looked to the ponies who sat in the corner in hiding, who were now starting to help out in cleaning up the damage. Button's ears perked as he heard the front doors of the arcade being opened. He looked to the authorities and paramedics checking on the culprits and injured. "These are the two right here. Cosmic Clown and Frozen Abyss. I'm glad they were stopped and now everything can be peaceful again in my arcade shop." He shook his head after all the nonsense that had just transpired. 

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight didn't say anything, she just made a quiet hum of agreement  but other than that there wasn't any reaction to Button's words, she didn't blame Dynamo for wanting to fight alone, but at the same time, she was mad at herself that she hadn't tried to convince him more....no, she should have just forced him to get out of there before the fight started, even if that would have caused her to be stuck there with Cosmic. 

When the paramedics came to check on Dynamo and Sunlight, Jade put Dynamo down on the ground and Sunlight whispered something to Jade. After convincing the medics that he didn't need any help, Jade walked to where Sunlight had landed and after few seconds of searching, picked up the Alicorn Amulet and gave it to one of the guards, explaining that Cosmic was the one who had had it. Meanwhile other guard asked Sunlight about the events and she explained everything that didn't require telling what she was.

After checking Sunlight and Dynamo, the paramedics concluded that their lives weren't in danger and that everything should be aright after they get some rest. After hearing that, Jade went to Button again "Do you still need help with something or can I take these two home?" 

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@Totally Cerberus

Button looked around the arcade and sighed. He knew it would take some time to spruce up the place, but he knew it would be worth it. 'Maybe it's time to bring in some new gamer's for everypony to play.' He thought as he saw the paramedics tending to the injured. One of the guards was handed the amulet by Jade and nodded in approval. "Thank you for handing this to us. We'll make sure it gets to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, right away." The guard stored the amulet into a saddlebag, before motioning for his group to follow. The other guards made sure to grab Cosmic and Frozen, before leaving the arcade. "Don't worry about those two. We'll make sure they are brought to justice. They also need to answer for all the crimes they may have done in the past. You won't have to worry about them getting to you anymore." The guard said as he exited the arcade to catch up to his team.

Button was slightly caught off guard as Jade had walked up to him. He looked to Dynamo and Sunlight, before shaking his head. "No. I'll be okay. The other ponies here are salvaging any games that weren't ruined. The shop will still be open, but it'll be a while, before the games are all up and running. Do you need any help in supporting Dynamo and Sunlight? If you need to get Dynamo back to his place, then I'll be happy to show you both the way." 

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@Dynamo Pad
Jade shook his head for Button's offer for help "I appreciate the offer, but I'll be fine, Dynamo doesn't weight that much and Sunlight can still walk to certain extend." he looked at the two "And Sunlight already knows where Dynamo lives, though I will probably get him to our place for now anyways." he made his way to Sunlight and Dynamo, but still spoke to Button "Feel free to come and get me if you need help with anything, we live in the house we where in front of when you found us." He then lifted Dynamo up on to his back again, after which Sunlight got up, leaning to his brother for support, who in turn wrapped his wing around her to keep her supported. The trio then started slowly moving towards the exit.

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@Simply Cerberus

Button wanted to protest, but he knew Jade would not budge on the matter of things. "I understand, but just make sure that you don't push yourselves. A lot has happened today and I can't really say this this feels like a win." He looked towards the ground with a sorrowful look upon his face. He looks up and smiles lightly. "I guess it's a little closer to your place than Dynamo's. I think I remember where the house is, so maybe I'll stop by when my shift is over. That, or I might visit tomorrow depending if Dynamo is still out in the state that he's in. If he's well, then he can go to work, if he wants. However, I don't want to push him, so he can have the day off." He says as the trio began making their way out of the arcade. "Take care, you guys and get well soon." He called out to the trio as he waved farewell. 

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@Dynamo Pad
Jade thanked Button and promised to let Dynamo know about the possibility of day off, he then exited the arcade, and slowly the trio made their way towards the siblings' house. Nothing really happened during the way to the house, Sunlight and Jade talked a little about what had happened on either side of the portal, and when they arrived, Jade carefully opened the door and brought the do into the bedroom. He moved next to Sunlight's bed and with slight amount of help from Sunlight, he pushed Dynamo on the bed, after which Sunlight climbed on said bed too, wrapping her hoofs around Dynamo because there wasn't really any room to be further away, and because she wanted to. 

Jade then left the room and closed the door behind him, he started washing dishes and doing other things, until eventually evening rolled around and he went to sleep on the couch, not wanting to bother Dynamo's and Sunlight's sleep. 

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