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private New Girl in Town (1x1 with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet just giggles and boops his snoot "I wouldn't have it any other way" she says and giggles again at his bad joke "You just had to take the opportunity eh?" she would ask before sitting down next to him, and holding his hand, her tail gently wrapping around his own "Oh, I don't suppose I'll get to meet your mom, would I?" she giggles "I'm kind of traditional like that, I like to meet my partner's parents..though..you're actually kind of my first" 


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"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

As the two found some available seats on the bus, Dynamo wrinkled his nose as Scarlet had booped said nose. "I'm just glad to have you by my side and that you feel the same way. I guess that staying at my house won't be a temporary thing, huh?" He chuckled, grinning sheepishly at her remark. "If I see an opportunity to add onto a joke, then indeed I shall capitalize." He says, holding her hand and wrapping his tail around her own tail. As the bus took off, he looked to the female wolf and thought about her question. "I guess I'll have to call my mom when we get back to the hotel. That, or maybe when we get back home to Ponyville. I haven't had the chance to talk to her, but I know that you'd love my mom." He chuckles, smiling with a nod at her explanation. "That makes sense and it's good to be traditional. I always hear that romance isn't what it used to be back in the day. I want to show that treating your significant other with love and respect will always still be there. I guess I'm a bit traditional in some ways." He says, before a thought soon came to mind. "Since you'd like to meet my mom, I guess that means I'll get to meet your family? I remember you said they'd stop by after you move in to Ponyville. Perhaps we should get my mom and your family to meet together. What do you think, sweetheart?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet smiles as she listens to Dynamo and nods "You know, that sounds like a wonderful plan. We are going to have a house warming party for me for when I move into your house in Ponyville, so that would be the perfect time, wouldn't you say?" she asks, gently still resting her head on his shoulder "And it is good to hear you like being traditional, and that you will always respect me and show me love. There aren't many guys like that these days" she then opens her eyes and sees that the bus was nearing the hotel and presses the button "Well, there's one thing we ought to discuss dear," she giggles "What are we going to have for dinner, there is the buffet, which I'm opting for, but we can also order plenty of food from housekeeping." she says, standing up and stretching.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo nods happily, smiling as she rested her head upon his shoulder. "I think that's the best time to have your house warming party. We just need to let your family and my mom know of the plan. Hopefully, they'll be free to be able to stop by." He says, resting his head against her, while wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "I just hope that your family likes me. They sound really nice, in my opinion." He says, noticing the bus was nearing their stop at the hotel. As Scarlet pressed the button, the bus came to a stop as the couple stood up. "I promise that I will always love and respect you. It's a shame that most guys aren't kind and respectful. They think they have to act like the bad boy to get the girl of their dreams. It's not that difficult to be the nice and respectful individual. Sooner or later, they'll find the one. I should know because I found the one." He says, kissing her cheek, before stretching.

As the two got off of the bus, they started to make their way into the hotel lobby. At the mention of Scarlet's dinner discussion, the blue unicorn placed a hand under his chin. "Hmm...now that's a difficult question. I'm honestly up for either option, if you ask me. I would say that the buffet is better, since it's nearby. That, and we wouldn't have to wait for housekeeping. However, should we eat and wait to go swimming, or should we reverse that order?"


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@Dynamo Pad

"I do certainly feel like going for a swim first" she smiles at him "And who says we can't order in after having the buffet?" she asks with a giggle "I mean, we could be hungry later on, right, so we should take advantage of what we've got" she says, stretching a bit more after they get off of the bus when it stops outside of the hotel "I mean a Nuzlocke is a real challenge and can definitely help work up an appetite" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smiles with a nod at the plan. "Okay. So, we'll have to reverse the order. We'll go swimming first, then we'll head to buffet. Afterwards, we'll go back to the room and play video games all night. Maybe we can try and do an all night video game marathon with the nuzlocke." He chuckles, before nodding at the idea. "That's true and I never really thought of it that way. Knowing us, we'll be hungry during the night and we won't have any spare snacks. So, we shall have a buffet and then order more food later on in the night." He says, as they got off of the bus. "I can't argue with that. Especially with the hours of training to try and not lose a Ponymon. Even though a random critical is always scary." He closes his eyes, while nodding sagely at the train of thought. "So, what do you say? Ready to go and have a lovely evening together, sweetheart?" He asks, smiling at the female wolf, while offering his hand to her.

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet nods a little and smiles "So we are in agreement then, good." she says and then the mention of random crits, she shudders "Only if it's done by the opponent Pokemon. If it's done by your own, then that's great" she giggles and nods "And yes dear, I am ready for a lovely evening together" she says hen looks to him "Hmm I wonder..we are together now..I wonder if you can cancel your room and just use mine, I mean it'd make sense, right?" she ask, holding his hand and walking into the entrance of the hotel, "I mean, if you want to"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo shuddered slightly and nodded in agreement. "I've seen so many bad critical moments happen, that it's just so heartbreaking. Even when you watch a series. You feel so invested with the Ponymon from the series. Once they faint, then you can't help in missing them so badly. Although, there are some funny moments when it comes to a nuzlocke. Also, most definitely. It's good if we get a critical change on our opponent. Especially if the change in level suddenly spiked to unprecedented levels." He chuckles, before smiling at her remark. As they entered the main lobby, he thought about her suggestion of canceling his room. "Hmm...I don't know if I'd be able to do that. Since, we are going to leave the hotel tomorrow. Even though what you said makes perfect sense." He says, his eyes widening slightly as an idea had come to mind. "Wait. I've got it. Maybe we can combine our rooms together. Maybe they can take half of the payments for our rooms and then we split the cost. That way, you pay for one half of the room and then I pay the other half. I think that could work, right honey?"  

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet thinks for a moment and nods "I think that could work, well we're here, so lets go to the front desk." she says, taking him to the front desk, and discussing it with the girl. After a few moments, she smiles at Dynamo "Alright sweetie, they've made the arrangements, so lets go and get into our swimwear, then go for a nice long swim' she says, kissing his cheek and going over to the elevator, swaying her tail slightly.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo nods as the couple had made their way to the front desk. "Excuse us. I was hoping if I could cancel my room and figure out how we can make payment arranges with Miss Rose." He says, while the two explained the situation with the girl. It was confusing at first as he didn't really understand much. He was able to get the gist of what was going on as the receptionist had worked out the payments. After nodding in thanks, he looks to Scarlet with a smile. "I'm glad that was taken care of. I'm surprised that some hotels can work things out in room payments. I usually just get the room and never question anything." He chuckles, while shaking his head. He nods at the plan as she kissed his cheek. As they walked to the elevator, Dynamo noticed the female wolf slightly sway her tail. He blushed slightly at how cute his girlfriend was being. "I guess we'll have to stop by my room really quick. I only have to grab my suitcase, but I keep everything in said suitcase. My mom helped me fold my clothing, so my clothes, souvenirs, toothbrush and everything else will fit." He says, taking her paw into his hand, while intertwining their tails together. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet giggles "Well aren't you lucky? Getting to cancel your room and also having a mother who helps you to pack your suitcases" she says jokingly and jostles him a little "I was kidding by the way dear" she giggles and nuzzles him, tickling him with her soft,fluffy tail. "Alright, lets grab your things, get changed and then have a fun night at the pool before pigging out on food while playing video games all night" she says and smiling at him, making their way to their rooms. 

After a bit, they finally arrive and she smiles "you go get your things babe, and i'll get changed" she says, letting go of his hand, and going to her room. While she waited for Dynamo to arrive, she went through her swimwear, deciding on whether she should wear a one piece or a two piece bikini. Ultimately, she decided on a cute black bikini with wolf paw prints on it on certain parts. 

She then started to undress and get into her bikini, dancing just a little.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo chuckled as she playfully jabbed his side with her elbow. "Ow! I'm sorry sweetheart. No need to be mean now." He grins playfully, before sticking his tongue out at her. "I'm just kidding and I know that you're kidding too. Although, I will admit that I had to learn how to pack on my own. I never knew getting everything ready would take a lot of work." He says, before breaking out into a fit of laughter. Squirming slightly as she tickled his sides with her tail. "Don't try to tickle me, babe. I'm rather ticklish." He slapped a hand over his mouth as he hoped that she didn't hear her. "N-No. You didn't hear me say that. I-I was just kidding. I...I'm uh not getting out of this anytime soon, am I?" He hung his head in defeat as he knew a potential tickle was was upon him.

After a bit of walking, the couple had soon reached Dynamo's room. He nodded as he reluctantly let go of her hand, before kissing her cheek and opening the door to his room. "Okay. I'll get my stuff and I'll meet see you in a bit." He watched as she left, before heading back to his room to begin packing. It didn't take him long as his clothes from the previous days were all in his suitcase. He went through his clothes, until he found his pair of black swim trunks. He head into the bathroom to get changed and returned wearing his bathing suit and a shirt. He placed the towel over his neck, before grabbing his suitcase and saddlebag. After making sure he had everything with one last look, he took his leave of his old room. He took his time as he walked the halls, until reaching the female wolf's room. He knocked on the door to let her know that he had arrived. "Scar? I just wanted to let you know that I got all of my stuff here and I'm all set to go." He smiles as he waited patiently for her to open the door.

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet had just finished getting into her bikini "Just got changed sweetheart" she says as she hears Dynamo knocking on the door "Just gonna grab a drink before we go, come in" she says before making her way to the kitchen, leaning down to the mini fridge to get herself a Monster energy drink, and as she does so, she is likely giving Dynamo quite the show.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo nodded as he didn't want to barge into the room, or cause any awkward moment. As he heard Scarlet calling him to enter, Dynamo opened the door and entered the room. Upon entering the room, he walked over to the desk and placed his saddlebag down, while leaving the suitcase near the bed. "Sorry if it took me some time to get here. I hope you weren't waiting that long. I also hope you weren't missing me too badly." He chuckled as he turned to Scarlet, who leaned down to grab an energy drink from the mini fridge. He stopped chuckling and was quiet with a blush, while he thought he was beginning to stare. He soon gasped and shook his head, lightly slapping his face to snap out of it. 'No! Bad Dynamo! You are better than doing something like that. Mom and dad made sure to remind you on how to treat a woman with respect.' He thought, taking a deep breath to try and collect himself. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet smiles as she stands back up and smiles at him "Hey hon, well seeing as you were gone for what..ten minutes at most? I didn't miss you too much" she says, going over to him and kissing his cheek "Just thought I'd grab a drink to keep my energy up, not the best I know, as I remember telling  you off earlier" she giggles "but I think we've earned a small treat like this until dinner"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

As Scarlet had stood back up, Dynamo chuckled lightly at her remark. "That's true, but after our little confessions. I can tell that I'll definitely miss you at random times." He smiles softly as she walked over and kissed his cheek. He shook his head and chuckled along with her. "And after telling me that energy drinks were not good to have. For shame, my dear." He smirked, before playfully sticking his tongue out at her. "I'm just kidding, babe and it's okay. It's always good to have an energy drink every once in a while instead of all the time. Plus, we can think of the energy drink as a celebration to all that has happened today." He blushed slightly, while running a hand through his mane. "I-I just wanted to say that you look really cute in your swim suit. It really suits you, in my opinion." He says, before offering his other hand to her. "Ready to go have some fun at the pool, my love?"

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet smiles and wags her tail as she kisses his cheek at his remark, both on the energy drink and how she looked cute in her swimsuit "Thanks babe, did you want one? I've got a couple more, some different flavors" she says as she sits on the edge of the bed, waiting for his answer. "I really cannot wait for you to meet my family, I think they will like you a lot, my sister Tabitha for sure" she smiles "Oh and she may act like she's starved for attention, but that's all it is, an act. She just loves being cuddled, petted and having snuggles" she smiles at him, "Also I was thinking, where we are at for the Nuzlocke challenge, are we in an area that maybe has a alternative or less traveled route? If so, how about we chance it and take it?" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smiled and chuckled as she kissed his cheek. "You're welcome and I only speak the truth sweetheart." He says, thinking briefly on the offer of an energy drink. "You know what? Why not? I haven't had an energy drink in quite a while. Plus, we'll need an energy drink for the video game marathon tonight. I'll have a regular energy drink, if that's okay, please." He says, walking over to the edge of the bed and sitting next to the female wolf. "I'm really looking forward to meeting your family too. I hope they like me and approve of me dating you. Do they have high standards when it comes to dating, or anything like that?" He asks, chuckling at Scarlet's description of her sister. "That's good to know and I think that's pretty cute. I can imagine her being like a little sister to me, in my opinion." He says, placing a comforting hand upon her shoulder. "You don't have to worry though, babe. Even though you told me that you sister loves cuddles and snuggles. There's nobody I'd rather be cuddling and snuggling with than you." He smiles softly, before leaning forward and kissing her cheek. He soon tried to recall where the couple was at in the Nuzlocke challenge. "Hmm...I believe so. If it's in a route less traveled, then there might be a chance that we may find a rare and not so easily seen Ponymon." He says, nodding with a grin. "I say we go for it. I believe there's a saying of taking the road less traveled. So, let's take that chance and find some awesome Ponymon!"

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet listens to Dynamo for a moment and then thinks for a moment about his question before shaking her head "I think that they only want me to be with someone who makes me happy and treats me well, and I believe you fulfill both of those criteria quite well" she smiles at  him and gets him a regular energy drink and hands it to him "Here you go, now one in a while is okay, but more than two a day, spaced apart, is not good, far too much sugar and far too much caffeine" she says to him and then smiles "And don't worry, a lot of the time you will probably end up snuggling both of us" she giggles and tickles him with her towel before getting up  "And I'm glad you agree on the taking the alternative route if there is one available" she says, and  takes his hand in her paw, "Come on then, lets get ready for a good swim"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smiled softly as he listened to her thoughts towards his question. "I'm glad to hear that I fulfill the criteria of being that special someone. I was worried that you parents would want you to be with another wolf, or something along those lines. I'm sorry and I mean no offense. At first, my mom would want me to be with another pony. However, over time, she just wanted me to find someone that liked me for me and made me happy. After these past couple of days, I can tell you fit the requirements perfectly." He says, nodding in thanks as she gave him an energy drink. "Thank you for the energy drink, sweetheart." He says, taking the lid off of the can as he took a drink. "I know what you mean. I heard that someone had drank about six energy drinks a day for years. After all of that happening, they had to lose their two front and two bottom teeth. I heard about it in work, but still." He shuddered as he didn't like hearing that story from his boss. He took another quick drink, before placing the lid back on the can. "I think I'll save the energy drink for later. I'd hate to use all the caffeine from the drink for swimming and suddenly become tired."

He chuckled as Scarlet had explained the possibility of being snuggled. "I can imagine the snuggles would happen if your sister stayed over. I can imagine that it takes a while to travel from Los Angeles to Equestria." He wondered, but stopped and laughed as she tickled him with her towel. "You do realize that you're instigating a tickle war that you cannot win." He raised an eyebrow with a playful smirk, before poking her side to try and tickle her. "I believe there is an alternate route on where we are at in the game. I remember watching a guide and explored once. It seems like there are many different alternate routes to find specific Ponymon, or difficult to discover items." He smiles, standing up from his seat as she took his hand into her paw. "Okay. Let's have a nice evening to swim and then have a fun all night video game marathon." He says, nodding once more at her remark. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet giggles at being tickled with the towel, but not enough to let on that she  may or may not be ticklish "We shall see about that darling" she kisses his cheek and wags her tail, making her way to the elevator "It isn't just the effect the sugar has on your teeth, but too much caffeine could give you a heart attack" she says "and yes, it is quite a long travel from Los Angeles to here, and so when they do come to see us, I am almost certain that Tabby would want to stay with us" she says and nuzzles him gently "As for the alternate route, I'm glad you know a bit more about that than I do" she chuckles "I like to think taking an alternative route is risk vs reward. If we take the risk of taking the alternate route, we may be rewarded with a cool Ponymon" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smirked playfully at the female wolf's remark. "I shall look forward to that, my love." He smiled softly as he felt her kiss his cheek. As the two made their way to the elevator, they hit the button to call for an available lift transportation. "I remember hearing about that, as well. The odd thing is that I never get a buzz of caffeine. I did drink a lot of soda when I was younger. Granted, my mom did before I was born, so I guess I was affected by that?" He shrugged as he wasn't sure himself. "Although, my mom just gave me a soda as she saw that I liked the beverage." He chuckled and shook his head, before continuing. "I guess after all that time, I lost the effects of the caffeine, or something along those lines. I still wouldn't try energy drinks if they can cause very bad side effects and/or risks." He says with a nod to her travel statement. "I had a feeling that it must have taken them some time to travel. The house does have a guest room and extra rooms. So, if they need to stay, then I don't mind." He says, a thought soon crossing his mind.

"I wouldn't mind if your sister stayed, but what would your parents say? I believe you said that she was ten years old? Does she have school to go to? I wouldn't want to take her away from an education. Granted, there's a school in Ponyville, but still." He says as the elevator dinged, signalling that a lift was available for them. As they stepped onto the elevator, the doors closed as they looked for the button they needed to push. The saw a button that lead to the pool, so they pressed the button and felt the elevator start to move. Dynamo smiled as he wrapped his arms around her and held her close to him. He felt her nuzzle him gently, while returning the nuzzle. He laughed along with the female wolf her last remark. "I play games a lot, so I try to explore to the best of my abilities. I like the way you think because it's always good to explore. One might miss out on finding something that could be important. That important item or ability can save you from an impending and difficult boss fight."

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet smiles "Oh well..my parents may want to give us a bit more personal space, but as far as Tabby's education goes, she is actually home schooled" she says to him, getting into the elevator "Whilst my parents were pretty protective of me when i was younger, they are fairly more so protective of Tabby, what with her being adopted and all." she says with a smile to him "They don't want to subject to her possibly bullying she might get if she were to go to a public or private school" she explains and shakes her head "I hope we can find a really cool Ponymon, or even another Zygote"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

"That makes sense when you put it that way. Although, I wouldn't mind if they stayed at the house. I guess it depends on what you want to do and how they feel." He says, nodding in understanding. "I guess that means she can stay for a day or two, before going back home. Given that you said she's home schooled and all." He says, feeling his stomach lurch as the elevator mad it's descent. "Tabby is your little sister, so it's only natural for your parents to be over protective. While it's good to give your children freedom, it shows that they are loving and caring parents." He says, returning the smile. "Bullies are the worst. It's like they are their own click with jocks, popular kids and so on. If everyone can work out disagreements and differences, then we'd all be in a great place." He shook his head, while being in agreement with the female wolf. "Oh! I know who you're referring to. I believe you have to get a number of Zygote cells in order to get the different forms. Have you found enough to get the 10% or 50% forms yet, my love?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet nods "Well, we'll cross that bridge when we get there I suppose" she says as the elevator arrived at the level for the pool area "Not quite, but I think I'm getting there for the 10% form" she says and follows him to the pool, which seemed to be empty, she sighs in relief, as it would seem her call to the management worked out. "Looks like my call worked, I thought it might be more fun if we could have the pool to ourselves tonight, don't worry, this hotel happened to actually advertise that it has reservations for places like the pool area and the gym" she says with a smile "One of the reasons why I chose this particular hotel" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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