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@Scare Effect @megisawsm417

It was a mild, sunny morning when Annalise was let outside by her human. At first, the beautiful feline was quite content with just rolling around in the grass, and pouncing at the small bugs and insects she would find, hiding within the grass.  But after a while of chasing bugs and insects, then eating some of her wet food that her human had put out for her in her bowl, she grew bored and had decided to jump onto her fence and search for the neighbor's kitty pet, who was her friend, but of course, he was being a lazy cat and enjoying the indoors life.

With a huff, she went back to her fence and sat there, just gazing into the forest that backed onto her human's yard, separated by only the fence.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Icepaw was searching for herbs, just like Pearleaf (The medicine cat, I'll post her and some other base clan characters on the OOC once I make them) told him to. He caught an unfamiliar scent on the breeze coming from Twolegplace. He, being the curious cat he is, decided to follow it.

Edited by megisawsm417
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jinx lay on branch of tree, her gaze trained on a group of two leg houses. her tail twitches slightly before looking down at two kits, cloud and dust playing. seems something interesting is about to happen around here 


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Annalise sniffed the air, she had become familiar with the scents of the forest. The fresh smell of dirt, the leaves on the trees, the brush on the forest floor, the scents of the critters that inhabited the forest, such as mice, birds and countless other prey. How-ever, she caught the smell of a new scent, it smelled faintly of feline, but it was of an unfamiliar one. She had known and become friends with her neighbors kitty pets, and had learned the scent of the street cats, but this one smelled of the forest. With a flick of her tail and a faint "Mrreow" she sat there, watching.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Annalise tilted her head, having heard the rustling in the bushes, "mmreow" she meows, looking back to the safe confines of the TwoLeg place and then into the unknown of the forest. "H-hello? Is anybody there?" She asks in a soft, svelt tone.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Kittypet...Oh, that's right, that's what you wild cats call us domestic kitties" she says with a purr, licking a paw "Sammy told me the other day, but..what are you doing here? If I may ask, you're a bit close to my TwoLeg house, Sammy told me your wild cats normally stay clear"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scare Effect

Another cat of Skyclan, pawed up to the tree and sat under the tree. This cat was a female warrior of the clan, her name was Willow "You think this kittypet will cause any problems, Jinx?" she asks, licking a paw and keeping an eye on the kittens.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

"its too early to tell willow," Jinx answered as the wind blows russling the trees. "but what i can say is that something is coming that will change the clans forever," she looked at the warrior below the much larger cat gave a little laugh. "or i could be wrong after all its just a prediction."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@Scare Effect

Willow looks up at him "True, but you've rarely been wrong, did you speak with Starclan?" she asks "I remember when you predicted a very large snowfall last winter, ooh boy, you were right then" she chuckles with a slight purr before looking at the kittypet "She is rather pretty though, isn't she?"


"Catmint? Greencough?" She asks, tilting her head "No I do not think I know of what you are talking about, but this Greencough sounds bad..my human always takes me to the vets whenever I am sick" she says "O-oh where are my manners, my name is Annalise"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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1 hour ago, Scarlet Rose said:

Willow looks up at him "True, but you've rarely been wrong, did you speak with Starclan?" she asks "I remember when you predicted a very large snowfall last winter, ooh boy, you were right then" she chuckles with a slight purr before looking at the kittypet "She is rather pretty though, isn't she?"

(ooc:Jinx is a she)

"yes she is pretty," She looked at the kits seeing them laying down tired. "and as for the future nothing is set in stone willow," she then hopped out of the tree to take the kits home.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@Scare Effect Oops, my bad sorry :P

Willow nods and follows, "She has the scent of a Queen" she states "With a pelt like hers, she wouldn't be very good at hunting or being a warrior" she says, stretching her legs and going after her "The hunt was pretty successful, plenty of prey for you and the two little ones"


"Leafbare? Oh you mean Autumn, at least that is what my human calls it" she says, finishing with one paw and starting on another "What is this catmint you speak of though?" she asks "If it only grows here, maybe there is some in my humans yard"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

"maybe but never judge anyone on appearances willow," she gives Dust a little nudge, "now lets get these kits home Willow we will continue our conversation about my prediction with Red Star he will want to know."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Annalise blinks for a moment and chuckles with an awkward purr "Aah winter, yes, that would make more sense" she says "not just with the name of leafbare but also the severity of the illness" she says then nods "Catnip, yes, my human has some growing in the backyard for me" she jumps down to get some, and jumps back up a litlte  time later with some in her mouth "W-will this do? I wouldn't want any kittens to get sick" she purrs, jumping down to the other side and carefully placing the lot she had picked from her backyard infront of Icepaw.

@Scare Effect

Will nods as she picks Dust up "You are right, there is a chill in the air and it would do these kits no use to being outside" she says then nips Dust playfully "Come small one, we must return to our own"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

As the they walk home Jinx is lost in thought thinking of how to explain her prediction to Red star the leader of sky clan. sure she could say star clan told her like always but she thinks the leader might be onto her.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@Scare Effect

Willow happily pawed after Jinx, carrying Dust "Come on little ones, dinner is awaiting for you" she says, padding into the den and putting Dust down before watching them run off to get their dinner, she then saw Red Star yawn and stretch, she goes over to the leader "Red Star, Jinx had another premonition, about a kittypet"


Annalise smiles and purrs a little, "It's no problem, wouldn't want any darling kits to die if it can be helped" she says and turns to leave "Tell me, what is it like to live in the Wild?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Annalise nods "I'm not sure my TwoLegs would appreciate me running off anyway" she says with a soft sigh, "I'd love to explore, but my TwoLegs loves me, and the small TwoLegs would be devastated" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

"So, what do you want to know about being a wild cat?" Icepaw asked. "I can tell you what I know, but keep in mind I'm not training to be a warrior." (Is it just me or does it require way more characters than the 20 it says to post on here? I just want to know if it's just me.)

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@megisawsm417 (It is one of the many bugs that has been around since they update the forums quite a while ago)

"Well what is it like?" she asks, washing a paw beautifully "Like, how do you survive and all, is it like a big family or do you all just hang around and do your own thing?" she asks curiously "As for being a kittypet, well we are waited on pretty much. The TwoLegs lets me in and out whenever I  want, unless it is dark out, I get fed wet and dry food twice a day, and lots of cuddles and snuggles"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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