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private Love is Truly and Forever Sweet (1x1 between Dynamo Pad and Scarlet Rose)

Dynamo Pad

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Dynamo chuckled, before nodding in understanding at the apology. “No need to apologize, Mr. Chocolate. It’s been a long time since we all last talked. So much had happened that there had been things we had forgotten. If it’s possible, then we can all try and get to know about one another again.” He says, his remark also including Flight. “I guess Flight was the honorary member. I only knew the main team like Spitfire, Soarin, Fleetfoot and Rainbow. I think it’a nice to know that he wants to help mom and I out. We are doing okay, but we’re still trying to get back on track.”

He smiles softly at the mention of the pact. “Thank you and that really means a lot, sir. I didn’t know anything about this pact. I guess mom never brought it up after you, Mrs. Candy and Orange has to move away. I don’t blame you for anything as I can understand. Still, thank you and I really appreciate it, sir.” He wanted to continue thanking Chocolate, but he stopped and yawned, before stretching.

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@Dynamo Pad

Chocolate smiles and nods "You're welcome Dynamo, now I suggest you go up with Orange and have fun" he smiles at him as Orange came back, arms full of her favorite snacks and drinks. 

"Come on Dynamo, lets go have fun playing games and reliving the old times" she giggles, skipping up the stairs to her room.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo smiled and nodded, while he took notice of Orange, who had returned with snacks and drinks in her arms. “Okay and thank you, sir. I hope you and Mrs. Candy have a nice evening. Goodnight and see you both in the morning.”

He ran after Orange and chuckled as she was skipping up the stairs. “Wait for me, sweetheart! I was hoping to help carry some backs or Sri is for you.” He says, rolling his eyes playfully at her comment. “While I’m more of being in the here and now. I can’t help in relieving some of the nostalgia.”

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@Dynamo Pad

Orange giggles as she arrives at her room "Oh sorry D" she says with a giggle and kisses his cheek "I'm just so excited, so we agreed on Mareio and then maybe Maretroid?" she asks as she begins to set up her old Super Nintendo Entertainment  System and then getting settled on her bed.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo smirked playfully and chuckled along with Orange. “It’s okay Oran. I know what you mean as I feel the same way. It’s been so long since I had a video game marathon. It wasn’t possible because of how busy school was. Seeing how we are all graduates, then that means some old traditions can come back.” He says, taking the soda cans as they made their way into Orange’s room.

As Dynamo was putting the soda cans on the nightstand, he turned and gasped at Orange, who had begun setting up the game station. “You still have a Neightendo Entertainment System!? I haven’t seen that console in a really long time. I’m all for Mareio, but I don’t seem to recall Maretroid. Nevertheless, I’m all for playing that game too. I admit that I have never played Maretroid, but I’m not against giving the game a try.”

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Dynamo Pad

She smiles "I think you'll like Maretroid, it's got a different aesthetic to it" she says, leading the way back up to her room, being followed by her pets as well as Dynamo. "So, we've got each other, our snacks, our drinks and of course our pets" she smiles "But did we actually agree on what movie we are going to watch? Or is it like old times, who-ever wins the first area of Mareio, gets to decide?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

"I remember seeing different versions of the Maretroid series. Sometimes it's 2D side scroller, while the other is a 3D first person shooter type of game. So, I guess it's depends on what game of the series we'd be playing. I'm definitely up to giving the game a try, no matter what it is." He says, following Orange back up to her room. His ears perked as he smiled, before looking behind him to see the pets were following closely behind them. "I went over that checklist about two to three times. So, you said we have the snacks, drinks, and we have ourselves. I didn't count the pets as I didn't think they'd follow us. Although, one can't just say no to pet company." He smiles, making a mental checklist in his mind and chuckles. At the mention of a movie, Dynamo opened his mouth to speak, but suddenly closed his mouth with a confused expression upon his muzzle. "I...I don't think so... I think we forgot to decide on a movie and/or anime to watch. Is there anything you wanted to watch? I might not have a movie option, but I do have an idea for an anime." At the mention of old times, Dynamo smirked as he could never forget that. "Well, we are playing video games first. So, I think I can live with that kind of bet/competition. Same rules do apply, of course. You be Mareio and I be good old Luigi."

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@Dynamo Pad

Orange smiles "Great, and yes one can never say no to pet company" she giggles, making her way into her room, and putting the snacks and drinks down before flopping onto her bed "Same rules as old times, yep. I'm Mareio, you're Luigi" she says with a big smile "First to clear the first area gets to decide what we watch"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

"Of course. I mean, who can say no to pet company? If that's the case, then that individual doesn't like pets." He chuckles, slightly shuddering at the possibility. Once they made it to Orange's room, Dynamo grabbed a couple of beverages to help in lightening the load for Orange. "Same rules when we were younger and the rules still apply for even now. Glad to see someone hasn't forgotten those rules. I remember how many rules we tried to make and add it all into one rule. We both had to come to an agreement to make the rules as simple as possible. That way, nobody would have been confused if a rule had been broken." He chuckled, flopping onto the bed, before sitting next to his marefriend. "That sounds good to me, hon. I'm a little rusty at this game, but I'm not going to lose as easily as you think." He smirked, levitating the game controllers in his spell and bringing the controllers over to the couple. "So, what do you say, babe? Ready to see who can get to the end of the level more quickly? Also, we're playing regular rules. That means, no shortcuts and no using items that can break the game." He chuckled as he wanted to deny any use of shortcuts for the Mareio game.

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@Dynamo Pad

Orange giggled and nodded as she then set up the machine "Just like old times" she smiles and looks to him "Only this time, we're together as lovers, not as best friends" she says and then gets out the old cartridge, looking at it before getting a air canister out to blow out the dust "This is better than blowing on it, as when you blow on it, because when you blow on it, you spit and it gets into the electronics" she says with a smile "youtube taught me that"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

"Nothing can ever beat the good old days, but it's always good to look back in nostalgia. Instead of just trying to stay in the past." He says as she looked at him, while returning the smile. "Together, forever as boyfriend and girlfriend. Now that's something I wouldn't have any other way." As Orange used an air canister to blow out the dust, Dynamo couldn't help himself in chuckling. "I'm beginning to wonder if there were air canisters back in the day. It would have been easier to make the games work much easier, instead of just doing things the old fashioned way." He says, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "If you got spit into both the game cartridge and game console, then would that break the electronics? It's nice seeing that YouTube can teach great tips and tricks for others, but that never happened to me when I fixed the games the old fashioned way." He says, opening up a can of cola and taking a sip of his beverage. 

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@Dynamo Pad

She nods "I have missed the old days when we used to do this nearly every weekend" she would say and then listen to him, nodding "Well yes, I think it was something like it would occasionally short circuit the electronics, causing glitches" she would say "and it certainly would have made it easier to clean out the console and cartridges" she then nods again "I think it depends on how careful you were when you were blowing out the dust, and how often you did it"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

"To be honest, I miss those old days too. I know we were always busy with school, but we always made time to hang out as much as possible. During school, after school and even on the weekends. At least we can make up for that now. Seeing how we graduated, we can work together, and just spend time together as a couple." He smiles, nodding as he listened to the pink unicorn mare. "I always thought it would have something to do with how old the game was. That, or if the game wasn't in the box it was bought, then it would be broken or ruined." He would respond. "I can't tell you how many times I had to clean out the dust of the cartridge every time, just to play a game of Pokemon Snap, or Mareio Party." He chuckled, recounting the times that he would have to clean the cartridge. "I would say about four to five times, before the game got to work. Either I hit the power button and it was a blank screen, or it would just glitch out. At least we have a way to make cleaning the cartridge less of a hassle." He says, taking a handful of snacks, while waiting patiently for Orange. "Is everything okay, sweetheart? Do you need help with anything?"

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@Etched Daydream

At the mention of feeding the pets, Dynamo nodded wholeheartedly. "Eeyup I can! Chocolate and Milkshake are my friends too. I don't want anything happen to either of them. If they aren't fed, then they'll probably go after our snacks." He smiled, before frowning at the mention of taking Chocolate to the bathroom. "Aww, sugar-cubes. We were just downstairs and I could have put him outside at the time." He sighed, smiling once more as it couldn't be helped. "Oh, well. He might not have needed to use the bathroom back then, anyway. Better late than never. Just don't miss me too badly while I'm gone. I'll save you sone snuggles, hugs and kisses when I get back. I promise you that." He winked at the pink unicorn mare as he got up from the bed and called for Milkshake and Chocolate. "Come on, you guys. It's time to go eat and use the bathroom. Last call for the evening! I repeat! Last call!" He joked as he acted like an announcement for the pets. He soon left the room with the cat and down following him down the stairs and towards the kitchen.

-A few minutes later-

Once he finished putting Chocolate outside to go to the bathroom, Dynamo smiled as Chocolate made his way back into the kitchen. He got out their bowls and respective foods for dinner, before filling up each food bowl. After putting everything away, Dynamo took both bowls and started racing back towards the step. Taking extreme caution to not trip and fall, while the two pets chased after him. Upon returning with the dishes in both hands to the room, Dynamo entered Orange's room and placed the bowls separate from each other. "Honey! I'm home! Sorry about that and I hope I didn't keep you waiting. Chocolate was taking his time to smell the grass and flowers, before having to go to the bathroom. It seems like there was no way in kicking that old habit. Glad to see he and Milkshake haven't changed a bit." He smiles, making his way over towards the bed and retaking his seat.

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@Dynamo Pad

After Dynamo returned, Orange smiles and giggles at his little referenced joke "Just in time, I managed to get everything to work" she says and nods "and yep, he's just a big curious puppy, even if he's already smelled the grass and flowers, he has to do it again and again" she giggles, petting her big woofer. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

Dynamo smiled as he was given the good news that everything was up and running. "Awesome! You were always the one who was always good with technology. I had to learn a lot from you and on my own from time to time. Seeing how you work on music, after all. You've got that ear and taste for both music and tech." He chuckles, nodding in agreement to her statement on Chocolate. "I guess he just loves rolling around in the grass and dirt. He's always so playful, but I can see that he would check to make sure that nobody is around to harm anyone. It shows that he's an excellent guard dog. Isn't that right, buddy?" He smiles, leaning over to pet Chocolate. "So, what do you think, sweetheart? Ready to start the gaming/anime marathon and have a nice evening?" He looks to her with a smirk, taking the 2nd player controller in his hands.

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@Dynamo Pad

Orange smiles as she sees Dynamo loving on her pet dog, she nods "You're right there, he's a big sweetheart, but if anyone was to try to harm anyone here, you, me, my parents, or even your mom, he'd be the bestest guard dog ever" she giggles and nuzzles Chocolate before turning the tv on "I'm ready honey, let us enjoy our first night of graduation together"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

"I have no doubt about that." Dynamo chuckled in agreement. I know I live down the block, but I remember hearing him bark loudly whenever the mailman walks by. I can never understand what dogs have against mail ponies. I guess it's the uniform, or they smell junk mail." He laid back on the bed holding his sides from his terrible jokes. After a moment, he sat up as he wiped a tear from his eye. "Sorry about that. In all seriousness, I'm glad he watches out for others. That shows how loyal and caring he truly is. If anyone got past Chocolate, then Milkshake would be our last line of defense. Sure, she can be a lazy kitty as all cats are at times. I do know that she has sharp claws and will tear someone to shreds is that were the case." He smiled, looking over to Milkshake and scratching behind her ears. As the TV was turned on, Dynamo looked over to Orange with a nod. "I couldn't ask for anything better. Time for us to enjoy our graduation, our summer and our future together. Just to let you know that I won't lose to you, my love." He says with a playful smirk.

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@Dynamo Pad

Orange smiles and nods as she chose Mareio in the player select menu "Oh yes, they are both lazy sausages, but i love them so much, and they would definitely defend us if need be" she would say to Dynamo "Do you remember when we were little and had our weekend sleepovers?" she would ask "How we'd just end up snuggled up with them and asleep, that either my parents or yours just let us sleep there, putting blankets over us?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

"That's a good choice for calling them lazy sausages. Usually, we'd call them lazy bums because we were being random." Dynamo chuckled as he chose Luigi in the player select menu. "I have no doubt about that. That shows how much the two truly care about us." He looked to Orange as they had reached the world map. "I sure do. I could never forget the times we used to have a sleepover at one another's house." He held back another chuckled, but nodded in agreement. "Eeyup. Sometimes, we had to throw the blanket over our faces because Chocolate kept licking out face. Either that, or Milkshake wanted to bit our mane's for no reason whatsoever. Unless that was a way of telling us she needed something. I always remember waking up with your arms around me with a blanket being placed over us. Only to find out that your parents or my parents put a blanket over us to make sure we didn't catch a cold. Those days were the best back in the day."

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@Dynamo Pad

She giggles and nods "Or lazy butts" she says, kissing his cheek, "or fuzzbuts, fuzbums or fuzzy wuzzy wufkins" she giggles "Oh the last one was one of yours by the way" she says and nuzzles him as they play the game.

-bit of a time skip-

It was Orange who had won the first round and she smiles "Alright, we start with.." she thinks of an old favorite "The original Card Captor Sakura"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

As Orange began listing off other nicknames, Dynamo chuckled as the names were starting to come back to him. "I always remembered fuzz was always in the name. I guess because they were furry pets/animals that it made the most sense." He blushed slightly at her last comment. "Wait, really? I didn't think that was my nickname for them. If so, then I guess it was because fuzzy wuzzy wufkins was always your favorite, or the one you went to the most." He smiled as he felt the kiss upon his cheek, before returning the affection as they began to play the game.

-bit of a time skip-

As the game began, the two were pretty even for the beginning of the game. As Dynamo messed up on the hammer bro stage, it was Orange, who was able to capitalize on the loss and managed to win the first world. "Great game sweetheart. I admit that I'm a bit rusty on this game. I haven't been able to play this game for years, but it was nice to play this again." He didn't want to use the idea of being rusty as an excuse, but he wasn't mad that he had lost. He was just happy to be playing alongside his girlfriend like when they were children. "Oh! Card Captor Sakura!? I love that anime! You were able to get the full DVD series!?" He grinned widely as he was psyched to watch the anime with Orange.

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@Dynamo Pad

She smiles and nods "Yep, it took a number of sleepless nights, waiting for them to be announced, but the moment they were announced to be available on the website, I bought them, so I didn't miss out" she would say, gently moving Milkshake, as she had climbed into Orange's lap during the game, and got up to get the BluRay.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

"That depends if it was multiple DVD releases, or if it was on one, gigantic DVD box set collection." Dynamo replied, his eyes widening in surprise. "That does sound a lot like you, babe. You and I would wait for a midnight release of a video game, or whenever a new episode would be available from an anime we watched. Plus, you always wanted to watch Toonami every day, after school." He smiled, holding Milkshake in his arms and petting the kitten on the head, while Orange went to set up the BluRay. "So, I can guess we'll be watching a couple of episodes, or watch as much episodes, until we fall asleep?"

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