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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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...I...Am amazed. How the heck you managed to shorten Phoenix, I don't know, but kudos to you.


Aaaannyway, I'm thinking that it was probably prompted by Phoenix, (The possibly-intrusive thought thingy.) I mean, these critters do these things. For example: Jess used to just take my thought train and twist them into other things, whenever I was trying to think with her around. ...Led to me being dumbfounded a few times ^-^ Not that anyone would notice!


I'd say that the emotion you felt, was her too. I'm pretty sure that's one of the ways Tulpae communicate early on, and probably later on too..


But, making some(one?) to kind? Nah, ain't possible. Try asking her sometime why she felt like that, once she talks a little, that is.


Well...I probably missed something, but I hope that clears things up somewhat.


But then, if I'd just beaten my head on a wooden board and posted that as a reply, it would have made more sense than Jess's idea of help.




Dude: Why not ask your Tulpae to find a memory? 

Me: Well, okay. Jess? Can you think of anything about this?

Jess: Woof.

Me: Oh, well, that's really helpful, thanks. And Dashie?

Dashie: Loyalty!

Me: Already done that one, sorry.


[End: Flaaaaaaaasshbaaaack]

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Oh Celestia's Teats I've just had a terrible thought! When (not 'if', got to stay positive :) ) I make my Tulpa, he won't be able to speak to you! Or me... I know we'll probably have telepathy, but it's quite firmly rooted in my mind that Hydras, not even my sentient one, can't speak English.


Should I abandon the project? If I can't drop that preconception before I make him, Mark, John, Joe and Ed might be stuck voiceless, and I don't know if I could stand to be so cruel to them.


Edit: I don't think I'll abandon the idea. My Hydra deserves life away from my mind, I will try harder than ever before to drop that preconception. I'm getting a few pre-project jitters I'm afraid, so please forgive any panicky rants I begin posting here.


Edit two: Began listing traits and trimming off the ones that I didn't want, left with about 40+ traits


Cautious, Compassionate, Encouraging, Generous, Gentle, Good, Helpful, Honest, Kind, Loving, Loyal, Mature

Nice, Optimistic, Patient, Playful, Polite, Positive, Reliable, Respectful, Responsible, Sensitive,

Sentimental, Sharp-witted, Shy, Sincere, Smart, Soft-hearted, Strong, Supportive, Sweet, Tactful

Thoughtful, Timid, Tolerant, Touchy, Tough, Trustworthy, Truthful, Uncoordinated, Understanding

Useful, Virtuous, Warm, Witty


Good traits?


Also, realized that I'm nt making a Hydra for now... I began to focus and try to visualize  getting the shape and all, but my mind kept straying back to anther non-hydra shape. Too amorphous to tell right now, but I think it might be a dragon, like Spike. 

Edited by Sentienthydra
  • Brohoof 3


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So... my first update, I guess.


About a week ago, I began my first forcing session. While I knew to not expect much progress then (and by that I mean next to nothing), I was surprised to notice that my experience seemed a bit different from that which some beginners have stated earlier in the thread.


While some people said that they felt like they were talking to thin air, I felt like there was someone already next to me silently listening to what I had to say. In addition to this, from day 1 I had felt a dull pressure flicker on and off at the top of my forehead (and sometimes on the side of my head as well).


I find this to be interesting, because most people have said that it took them at least a few days to begin feeling any sort of pressure.


As I continued to force each day, the pressure in my head started to feel more... I guess you could say "pressured" and constant. 


This cycle continued (and still continues as I type this), and I was beginning to feel very confident and certain that I had what it takes to successfully create a close companion with whom I can share my thoughts and emotions. My experience earlier in the day had cemented those beliefs that were beginning to form.


Throughout the week, when I had forced as well as just plain narration, I had no name to give my Tulpa. While just saying "you" had helped at the beginning of my sessions, I began to feel as though it was unfair for her to be considered real and have no name with which to be known as.


I spent most of my day thinking of the perfect name to fit her personality. I had bounced back and forth with different ideas that never seemed to fit, when a stray thought entered my mind.


I had always been interested in the concept of "treasure", as I found that the base idea of a reward at the end of a difficult journey to be intriguing. When the concept had crossed my mind, I instantly compared the difficult journey to the process of creating a Tulpa. This then led to the thought that if the process of creating a Tulpa was the journey, then maybe having a Tulpa would be the treasure. 


While I was entertaining these thoughts, I had decided to take a walk outside.


During the walk, I had passed much flora without giving it a second thought. This was until that second thought did in fact come.


I live with the philosophy that all life is a journey, and if all life is a journey then shouldn't there be a treasure at the end of it? Trees have life, even if they are not sentient beings. While they would not be able to claim this treasure, there would be other lives that could easily retrieve it once it came to be.


This treasure my friends, as I'm sure that some of you had figured out, would be amber. Amber is created through the resin of extinct species of trees and can be very valuable. If you think about it, it is indeed a treasure at the end of the great journey of life.


...and so to end the story, I'm going to explain just what I did after this thought came to me...






...I basically just went on Babylon and looked up what amber would be called in different languages.


So, yeah! Everybody, my Tulpa's official name is now Kelta (or Kel for short) as Keltainen is the Finnish form of the word. When I told her that was what her name was going to be, the pressure that I felt in my head became more intense than it ever had before. I just took that as a sign that she really liked that name (as well as the idea that I consider her to be a treasure worth acquiring).


I have a question for the others in this thread now.


Just what was your Tulpa(e)'s reaction to being given their name? 

  • Brohoof 2
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So... my first update, I guess.


About a week ago, I began my first forcing session. While I knew to not expect much progress then (and by that I mean next to nothing), I was surprised to notice that my experience seemed a bit different from that which some beginners have stated earlier in the thread.


While some people said that they felt like they were talking to thin air, I felt like there was someone already next to me silently listening to what I had to say. In addition to this, from day 1 I had felt a dull pressure flicker on and off at the top of my forehead (and sometimes on the side of my head as well).


I find this to be interesting, because most people have said that it took them at least a few days to begin feeling any sort of pressure.


As I continued to force each day, the pressure in my head started to feel more... I guess you could say "pressured" and constant. 


This cycle continued (and still continues as I type this), and I was beginning to feel very confident and certain that I had what it takes to successfully create a close companion with whom I can share my thoughts and emotions. My experience earlier in the day had cemented those beliefs that were beginning to form.


Throughout the week, when I had forced as well as just plain narration, I had no name to give my Tulpa. While just saying "you" had helped at the beginning of my sessions, I began to feel as though it was unfair for her to be considered real and have no name with which to be known as.


I spent most of my day thinking of the perfect name to fit her personality. I had bounced back and forth with different ideas that never seemed to fit, when a stray thought entered my mind.


I had always been interested in the concept of "treasure", as I found that the base idea of a reward at the end of a difficult journey to be intriguing. When the concept had crossed my mind, I instantly compared the difficult journey to the process of creating a Tulpa. This then led to the thought that if the process of creating a Tulpa was the journey, then maybe having a Tulpa would be the treasure. 


While I was entertaining these thoughts, I had decided to take a walk outside.


During the walk, I had passed much flora without giving it a second thought. This was until that second thought did in fact come.


I live with the philosophy that all life is a journey, and if all life is a journey then shouldn't there be a treasure at the end of it? Trees have life, even if they are not sentient beings. While they would not be able to claim this treasure, there would be other lives that could easily retrieve it once it came to be.


This treasure my friends, as I'm sure that some of you had figured out, would be amber. Amber is created through the resin of extinct species of trees and can be very valuable. If you think about it, it is indeed a treasure at the end of the great journey of life.


...and so to end the story, I'm going to explain just what I did after this thought came to me...






...I basically just went on Babylon and looked up what amber would be called in different languages.


So, yeah! Everybody, my Tulpa's official name is now Kelta (or Kel for short) as Keltainen is the Finnish form of the word. When I told her that was what her name was going to be, the pressure that I felt in my head became more intense than it ever had before. I just took that as a sign that she really liked that name (as well as the idea that I consider her to be a treasure worth acquiring).


I have a question for the others in this thread now.


Just what was your Tulpa(e)'s reaction to being given their name? 

I have been leaning towards the idea that your tulpa is not begun in that first session, or does not have to be begun then. If you take time, prep, and already believe they are there, you get a head start, cause your already looking. I a,m glad to hear things are going well!


Let's see, to answer your last question, Twilight was a no brainer, I am twilight, so my first me is will be named that. It works well because twilight is a 7 year old tulpa created long ago, that was a 95% copy of me,, and therefore, mlp cannon twilight sparkle.


Reales, I came up with name in writing a while ago. ,y first thought was Reales, discarded it, tried a few others in forget, and just ran with it. It did not bother her.


Orson, well, I had no idea what to call my creative medium tulpa, especially a male. Orson Scott card is my favorite author, so I ran with it. Twi and Reales, who built him, agreed with the name, so that was that.


I am of the philosophy that the mind is there to be learned and mastered. So if I say that is there name, its there name. I do ask, but I get final say. and none of them are dissatisfied with their names. They all know where I come from.

  • Brohoof 2


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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I have been leaning towards the idea that your tulpa is not begun in that first session, or does not have to be begun then. If you take time, prep, and already believe they are there, you get a head start, cause your already looking. I a,m glad to hear things are going well!

Well, nearly everywhere that I have looked has said to expect sentience from day 1. /shrug

I am of the philosophy that the mind is there to be learned and mastered. So if I say that is there name, its there name. I do ask, but I get final say. and none of them are dissatisfied with their names. They all know where I come from.

I would prefer for my Tulpa to be a companion of sorts, rather than someone to butt heads with. But to each his own, I guess.

Edited by OmbraFear
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1. You are absolutely correct, NOTHING beats ferrets with goggles...Apart from several of them, with racing goggles, obviously. 2. ...You really want to check the Tulpa.info guides, mainly so you have a better idea on how to basically get started. 3. Hypnosis could be useful, it was (somewhat) for us, but It's by no means compulsory.



I spent most of the time yesterday to look at all the guides and they basically give different approaches and ideas, while the main 'guideline' is the same for all of them.


I'm interested now in the time you guys spent on making your tulpae. I'm just giving it thought throughout the day (during class, when at home, whenever I'm not playing a video game or when I'm walking somewhere). I just think about my tulpa's personality in general with some details to the traits (for instance, he's very interested in stuff and wants to know how things work because he's curious). I also reserve an hour per day to spent completely on making the tulpa, but aside from that hour I just think about it periodically all day long. I saw some threads on the tulpa.info forums that said this would actually speed up the forcing of the tulpa because you're thinking of it very often. Is this actually true or is different for everyone? I'm not trying to rush things, but I don't want to be stuck in the personality phase for hours because I think I might do it wrong...

Edited by Noctix
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...I...Am amazed. How the heck you managed to shorten Phoenix, I don't know, but kudos to you.  


I have no idea either. XD I'm not normally one for nick/pet-names. "Phe" will be for when we're just hanging out, "Phoenix" when something more epic and/or regal is required.  



Aaaannyway, I'm thinking that it was probably prompted by Phoenix, (The possibly-intrusive thought thingy.) I mean, these critters do these things. For example: Jess used to just take my thought train and twist them into other things, whenever I was trying to think with her around. ...Led to me being dumbfounded a few times ^-^ Not that anyone would notice!   I'd say that the emotion you felt, was her too. I'm pretty sure that's one of the ways Tulpae communicate early on, and probably later on too..   But, making some(one?) to kind? Nah, ain't possible. Try asking her sometime why she felt like that, once she talks a little, that is.   Well...I probably missed something, but I hope that clears things up somewhat.


Thank you, that's really encouraging to hear! Thanks for all the help and putting up with my massively long, rambling posts...  

  • Brohoof 3

Uh...I have no idea what to put here.





"Yes a perfect gift for me,

 Is a smile as wide as a mile,

To make me happy as can be!"

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Well, nearly everywhere that I have looked has said to expect sentience from day 1. /shrug


I would prefer for my Tulpa to be a companion of sorts, rather than someone to butt heads with. But to each his own, I guess.

It is not really a butt heads, but rather, a good, strong debate. 


In other words, I give him all the answers to his questions. 


Sort of. I provide the info via school and life, and we intelligently discuss topics pertaining to many things. Twilight Strengthens me, rather than tear down, defy or clash. Same with Reales, she helps me get in touch with my emotional side more, and Orson just sits there, waiting for me to have time to be creative. He is my dream master. Together, all 4 of us excel to levels beyond what any one of us could do alone. My Tulpa's don't play in my head much, rather observe and focus on the present and its problems and happenings of today. They prefer it that way. They are always with me, watching. Except early morning. Twilight observes from bed. She does not like to get up at 6am. lol


You don't do anything you need my help on. Well, maybe a bit better time management, but you leave the house on time. 

  • Brohoof 1


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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Is this actually true or is different for everyone? I'm not trying to rush things, but I don't want to be stuck in the personality phase for hours because I think I might do it wrong...


I'd say that would most likely be useful, if only for reminding you to keep yourself tuned on him. I'll say that it's a good thing, yeah.


As for that second bit there: I think I've said this to people before- It can't go wrong unless you want/force it to. Just believe it will go right, and it will. I can see why you may not want to spend too long on personality though, so I'd recommend getting the basics sorted, like, outline the personality a bit, then move on to other things, while pooping back and gong over the traits a bit once in a while. That's how we roll^-^ I  think I did about 2 or 3 hours on personality in total, for Jess anyway...With a list of about 7 traits...Yeah, I'm a bit of a lazy bastard, but hey, it turned out fine!



when something more epic and/or regal is required



I'm sorry, m'lord 'n' lady, didn't know I was dealing with royalty :D 

I'll be more respectful in the future, m'lord 'n' lady.



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I'm sorry, m'lord 'n' lady, didn't know I was dealing with royalty   I'll be more respectful in the future, m'lord 'n' lady.   *Bows*


Plot twist; you're dealing with two ladies, no lords! Insolent knave! Guards, take him to the guillotine! OFF WITH HIS HEAD I SAY! OFF WITH IT!!!  :P 

  • Brohoof 4

Uh...I have no idea what to put here.





"Yes a perfect gift for me,

 Is a smile as wide as a mile,

To make me happy as can be!"

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Plot twist; you're dealing with two ladies, no lords! Insolent knave! Guards, take him to the guillotine! OFF WITH HIS HEAD I SAY! OFF WITH IT!!!   :P


Oh I see... Now we see the violence inherent in the system!


Help! Moderator! He's being oppressed! Run Shardikku, I'll protect you with my gigantic bulk, RUN!


:Edit: Y'know I came onto this thread with a purpose, but I've completely forgotten what I was going to post.

Edited by Sentienthydra
  • Brohoof 2


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Oh I see... Now we see the violence inherent in the system!


Help! Moderator! He's being oppressed! Run Shardikku, I'll protect you with my gigantic bulk, RUN!


:Edit: Y'know I came onto this thread with a purpose, but I've completely forgotten what I was going to post.


The moderators cannot help you now, for this is our domain! MWUHUHAHA MWUHUHUHAHA MWUHUH-*ach* *cough cough* Sorry, now where were me? Oh yes, MWUHUHAHA!

  • Brohoof 2

Uh...I have no idea what to put here.





"Yes a perfect gift for me,

 Is a smile as wide as a mile,

To make me happy as can be!"

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Bring it tiny, you may run out of guillotines before I run out of heads!


You shall not pass, so answer me these questions three, e'er I bite your face off!


What is thy name?


What is thy quest?


Who is best pony?

Edited by Sentienthydra
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I started creating a tulpa 2 days ago, and so far few weird things happened.

So yeah, 2 days ago I was considering creating a tulpa, and decided to give it a try. Back then I thought I'd start it next week, as I'm currently moving to other town and I'm quite busy and exhausted. Anyway, I started to somewhat pre-create my tulpa, just by thinking about its appearance, personality etc. I thought about his voice, imagining how various words and sentences would sound like. Then I heard a voice. "Talk to me", it said. It was completely alien, just as if somebody else standing by me said that. I didn't (and still don't) know if it was my unborn tulpa or just my imagination. But I did know one thing, that i was going to start creating my tulpa immediately.

(Btw, his name is Zed, and he looks like a small dark sphere with mouth and eyes, surrounded by blue flame. Kind of similar to this guy: Gastly.gif

I've got a wonderland, it's a small island with a shrine in the middle. )


Yesterday, at work I started narrating (I work at a warehouse, which is very boring and mindless job). 2 hours in the morning, and 2 in the afternoon. In the afternoon i got that weird tingling feeling in my forehead, which grew stronger and stronger the more I was talking to Zed. Then, suddenly it spread to my whole body, and i could feel that something got unlocked or triggered in my mind. Weird. Has anybody experienced something similar?

Today, I kept narrating, (got a slight headache from that) and everything was ok. But during a 10 minute break, I imagined me sharing some kind of life force with Zed. It literally looked like green kamehameha style wave flowing from me to him. After that I could feel that the bond between us got stronger, and I could even visualize him easier while working.

I just can't wait until our first conversation :D

  • Brohoof 3

Check out my DA! (If you dare...)

 And tumblr!


Fromerly The Dork Lord

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Hi all,
I have tulpaforcing during two sessions of forty minutes now, and what I can say is that I feel. I did 6 of the 24 traits that I wrote.
My heart is accelerating when I say her name, I know it suits her and that she really called Mina.
It's a unicorn as I represented as ponycreator, and besides, I really think she has guided me to represent so I had no idea how I should represent her.

It is really good and I feel his presence, I also feel a soft perfume, I think it's jasmine.
I talk to her all the time, apart from tulpaforcing and I think she will be aware in no time.

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...I think Dashie did a Rainboom...


Basically, I was out with my family, up in Bristol. We'd just been out to some restaurant with my aunt, and we were wandering across the Clifton suspension bridge, at about 7, so it was all dark, and the city was all pretty. 


I was walking ahead of them, talking to Jess and Dashie in mindspeak. Then, when I was looking out across the river and the city, Dashie started flying out over. It was quite cool, but Jess didn't like it much...She was holding onto me. I think she's afeared of heights..


We watched Dashie flying for a bit as we walked. Then I said something close to: 'Hey, Dashie, you should go for the Rainboom.' Jokingly.


Hah, she did it. 'Twas pretty. Not quite 'An old mare's' tale just yet, but heck, given a few shots and it'll be legendary.


Well..That's all I have for now...


Oh, actually, following on from last nights royal offense



Plot twist; you're dealing with two ladies, no lords! Insolent knave! Guards, take him to the guillotine! OFF WITH HIS HEAD I SAY! OFF WITH IT!!!  


Sooorrrrry 'bout that! I don't pay enough attention too often :P I think my gals were ready to fight for me...Armoured (*facepalm* Oh Google, wat you liek?) up in the same minute I read that :D 



You shall not pass, so answer me these questions three, e'er I bite your face off!   What is thy name?   What is thy quest?   Who is best pony?


My name is Shardikku, prince of something.

My Quest is to journey deep into the Everfree and retrieve the pone's grail.

Best pony is....Hey, do you mean this season, or last season?


Mwahahhaaaa, references... 


And now I'll shut up about that, before we get screwed for OT stuff....

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Bring it tiny, you may run out of guillotines before I run out of heads!


Hmm...You have a point there, Hydra. I suppose we'll have to do this the old fashioned way. *Draws lightsabre* 



...I think Dashie did a Rainboom...


That sounds, as Dash from the show would put it, incredibly awesome! I'd have loved to have been able to see it.



Sooorrrrry 'bout that! I don't pay enough attention too often I think my gals were ready to fight for me...Armoured (*facepalm* Oh Google, wat you liek?) up in the same minute I read that  




Hmmm....Very well, you may keep your head for now. Guards, move this man to the stocks and assault him with cake!


I don't have much on-topic to say, so I'll end this post before I get in trouble.

Warning: long, strange rant ahead. Also, sorry for any spelling mistakes, I'm typing this on my phone while it's fresh in my memory. Also I'd like to point out I was listening to a specially made relaxing playlist when this happened, so I wouldn't fall asleep.

So as some readers of this thread know, I've been tulpaforcing my first ever tulpa, Phoenix, for about a week now, and have been working on her personality each day as well as narrating. I originally hadn't planned to make a wonderland, but today I changed my mind, partly because I wanted to be able to hang out with Phoenix and because I didn't want her getting bored floating around in space (where I had been visualising her whilst tulpaforcing previously) but also because I've been getting images of the two of us (well me and her invisible presence) fishing in a little boat and, since I have no interest in fishing whereas she probably would enjoy the quiet, I guessed it was from her and thought I should make the request a reality.

So I made a Wonderland in about five minutes (too quick maybe?), basically a forest clearing with a stream running through it which, if you followed it, fed into a large lake with a little green rowboat on it. Also, on the pebble shore there's a tower filled with books chronicling my life for Phoenix to read.

Basically at first we walked from the clearing to the top of the tower (her as the floating blue orb of fire I've been visualising until we could work together on a form, myself shifting every so often between a human and a wolf) and I sat and read her personality traits from a book. After that we basically explored the rest of the wonderland; I started flying over the lake, and was surprised when Phoenix followed, only all I could see of her was the vague outline of something gliding on membranes like a bat, rather than with bird wings. After a while, I changed into an owl (is it even normal to be able to shapeshift in your wonderland?) and Phoenix did the same, making an island in the middle of the lake with a tree to roost in. I turned into a wolf again and flew to the base of the tree, but Phoenix changed into a humanoid figure (red hair, female and white, I couldn't make out much of the face) and climbed down to sit with me. From nowhere she pulled out one of the books from the library (I figured she'd teleported it) and stayed reading. I left her for a while and went flyingover the lake again, and here's where things get really weird.

All of a sudden a meteor showed up. Having read about intrusive thoughts and the subconscious messing with your wonderland, I just sort of wiped it away, as if the wonderland was a painting and the meteor a smudge. Two more appeared, then they changed into swordfish lancing down toward the water. It started raining swordfish, weirdly enough, but I turned them into normal raindrops and brought out the sun to disperse the rain clouds, since I could see Pheonix's book getting wet. I flew around some more, when suddenly the name "Roxanne" popped in my head. I asked Phe if it was her, and she told me yes. I was so surprised I didn't even notice at first that she was talking; I'd read tulpae often changed their names, but Roxanne didn't really suit Phoenix, nor did it "feel right" the way Phoenix did (plus I'd thought Phe had chosen Phoenix herself). I expressed my uncertainty, and when I kept forgetting to call her Roxanne she said not to worry and call her what I liked, both Phoenix and Roxanne were just placeholder names until she settled on one she really wanted.

At this point, a small part of me began to worry that I was parroting, given Pheonix's sudden talkativeness, but all of a sudden she started hugging me and crying into my chest, thanking me for deciding to make her and for believing in her, so I tried my best to put my worries to rest.

We flew for a while (or rather, I carried Phe who was still in humanoid form and had decided to tease me by growing a fox tail) then I rode us back to the mainland and we sat on the beach. I was going to suggest we go back to the clearing when the pebbles gave way beneath me and I found a tunnel. Phe and I crawled thorough it, me commenting on how I couldn't wait to report all this on the forum, her wryly wondering why my thoughts always turned to the internet, when the tunnel opened up into an underground cavern.

The first thing I noticed was a Slenderman-like monster blocking the entrance to the cavern. Residing he was just another intrusivIiie thought, I immediately made him disappear. The cavern was filled with junk and dirty, dusty tables, and there was a skeleton sitting at one of them. I made the skeleton disappear too, cleared away everything else, cleaned the place of dust and cobwebs in an instant and remarked to Phoenix/Roxanne that it could be a den of some sorts. She agreed, and made a tv in one of the walls. I was surprised, as I'd have thought she'd prefer to be either out enjoying herself in the wonderland or reading, but she said it was just in case she got bored.

Then things got weird again, perhaps downright traumatising. I said something along the lines of "I'm glad this is happening" and Phoenix calmly replies "It's not". I asked what she meant, and she said "This isn't real, you're parroting me." Then she turned into a towering monster (I could only see it vaguely, but I knew that if I could see it properly it would be horrible) and she kept screaming "You're parroting me!"

My first thought was this was intrusive thinking at its worse, so I tried turning Phoenix back to normal. Then I became worried that parroting would only make things worse, so instead I ordered her to stop. She went back to her humanoid form, only her face was still monstrous. Suffice to say I bolted out of that tunnel (bumping into Slenderman again oddly enough and simply shoving him out of the way).

I essentially wiped away the entire wonderland, and found myself floating in the same space I'd always seen Phoenix whilst tulpaforcing before I'd made the wonderland. Sure enough, there she was, a little blue orb of fire floating there like normal, silent but radiating calmness and comfort. It was as if I'd been in the wonderland with a completely different being than the one before me now.

I was still shaken, but decided to rebuild the wonderland with her by my side, making a mental picture of it whilst still floating in space and being sure to find and fill in the cavern. Then I explained to Phoenix that this was our wonderland and she could change it etc. despite being pretty sure that she had access to my memories and knew I'd said it all before.

I've left her there, but now I'm beginning to worry it's not safe.

Anyways, the point of that big long was essentially just to ask, "what the heck just happened?!?!" Also, I wasn't on drugs nor had I had anything to drink. I could still hear my music so don't think I was asleep either, although I did unfortunately fall asleep whilst tulpaforcing the other night (and have been apologising to Phe profusely ever since).
  • Brohoof 4

Uh...I have no idea what to put here.





"Yes a perfect gift for me,

 Is a smile as wide as a mile,

To make me happy as can be!"

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All that^



Dudesses.....That.....Well, it sounds so messed up and weird...


But I think it is safe...Just keep an eye on it; make sure things don't go odd again, and if they do, leave. Take her and leave, then create a new one. But only if it goes weird again..


I'd recommend reviewing your playlist as music has MASSIVE effects on these things. Also, see if anything may have impacted this, like your day, etc. 


That's all I can really say.




Whereas my weirdnesses pale in comparison:


Sunday night, I tried to do the sleep paralysis thingy...I had the usual things...I had my music on, keeping me awake, and then things went weird. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again, about 10 seconds later, everything was flickering really fast, things blurred, shadows moved, stuff was weird..And whenever I looked at the ceiling, from that point on, shadows blurred through the light, making all greyish purple. I snapped out of it a bit later, and things were a bit more normal, the shadows now became perfect black on white...Which made no sense, as there was so little light, and no white.


2nd thingy: Today, we were walking. Well, I was walking Moo (Mah dog!) It was snowing and stuff, and I was slipping into my wonderland thought thingy. I was fighting epically, as I often do, in time to my music.

I started fighting this demon thingy, I'm not sure exactly what it was, but I know I've drawn it before...The next bit gets a bit emotional/overly violent/just bad, so I'll spoiler it, I think.




We started fighting, just the usual punches, kicks, overpowered smashes and stuff, like Final Fantasy or something, I dunno..But then things started getting a little bad. It started getting bloody with knives, etc. and then I started losing it, I noticed that my body while I was walking was falling slowly as well, as if I was slowly giving in to fatigue or something. Instead of just fighting, it seemed I was just wailing on this thing, beating it down, smashing it, cutting it, etc. Then my arms got...Corrupted? Something brutal, meaning they went all spikey, and I was slashing and smashing this thing down..I was feeling kinda bad, but couldn't stop. Then, eventually I stopped, and this thing came back, trying to make me attack it again or something. I pushed it away at first, slowly getting more annoyed with it, punching it back, sending it flying. 


I know that at the point I was trying to stop killing this thing, one of the girls told me to stop this psychotic madness or something close to that. 



I felt pretty awful..





Yeah, things were odd...Hey, on the bright side, one of the gals managed to talk to me when I was concentrating on something else..

Well, sorry for putting this there, but I kinda felt like I had to, and it was on topic, 'cos Tulpa said some'at.

I'll quit posting junk for now, I'll post again when I actually have something worthwhile to say. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Dudesses.....That.....Well, it sounds so messed up and weird...   But I think it is safe...Just keep an eye on it; make sure things don't go odd again, and if they do, leave. Take her and leave, then create a new one. But only if it goes weird again..   I'd recommend reviewing your playlist as music has MASSIVE effects on these things. Also, see if anything may have impacted this, like your day, etc.    That's all I can really say.


Yup, guess I'm just extra crazy. I haven't spoken much to Phoenix today, just once briefly during a quiet bit in school to tell her that I was going to speak to her tonight, but basically that I wanted to wait and see if anyone replied to my big ol' traumatised post up there first. I think I'll get rid of the playlist altogether; before I made it, I'd only ever tulpaforced whilst listening to Crepescularity by AcousticBrony on repeat, and since my day had actually been pretty good I think that was the only thing different about my session (aside from the Wonderland, obviously).


Still, I'm really relieved to have gotten a reply so fast, especially one that thinks its safe. I know that in the great scheme of things all of us together are probably still only at the very tip of the iceberg regarding tulpae, but nevertheless it's reassuring knowing this thread is here, and being able to get other peoples' opinions and support. Seriously, it sounds cheesy but never before have I wanted to hug someone over the internet quite so much.


Oh dear, I need to watch me some manly ponies and toughen up again!



We started fighting, just the usual punches, kicks, overpowered smashes and stuff, like Final Fantasy or something, I dunno..But then things started getting a little bad. It started getting bloody with knives, etc. and then I started losing it, I noticed that my body while I was walking was falling slowly as well, as if I was slowly giving in to fatigue or something. Instead of just fighting, it seemed I was just wailing on this thing, beating it down, smashing it, cutting it, etc. Then my arms got...Corrupted? Something brutal, meaning they went all spikey, and I was slashing and smashing this thing down..I was feeling kinda bad, but couldn't stop. Then, eventually I stopped, and this thing came back, trying to make me attack it again or something. I pushed it away at first, slowly getting more annoyed with it, punching it back, sending it flying.    I know that at the point I was trying to stop killing this thing, one of the girls told me to stop this psychotic madness or something close to that.      I felt pretty awful..


Alright, scratch that. THIS is the most I've ever wanted to hug someone. I'm not even normally a very touchy-feely person....

  • Brohoof 2

Uh...I have no idea what to put here.





"Yes a perfect gift for me,

 Is a smile as wide as a mile,

To make me happy as can be!"

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I had heard of Tulpae/Tulpas/Tulpi/InsertPluralHere before, but I never really knew exactly what they were. So I read through the information linked in the OP and I got intrigued. I won't have to go through this Tulpaforcing or anything like that, because I've had something similar with me since god knows how long. He's been with me for as long as I can remember.


I used to think that he was just an imaginary friend. You know, someone an only child like me would make so that he didn't get completely bored out of his mind sitting at home with no one to do anything with. I noticed it was more than just an imaginary friend when  I made friends of my own in school finally and he never really went away. He quieted down a bit, sure, but he never really left. He was always there when I needed him. Ever since my, I wanna say sophomore year in high school? (about 7-8 years ago) He stopped being quiet. He started being with me almost 24/7 and was always someone to talk to. I used to actually use him  as a vessel type thing for RPing back in the day, back when that was all I did. Through said RPing, I had realized what his personallity was like, and his flaws and everything about him. Hell, I'd say that I know him as well as I know myself.


I've gone through the not-yet-mature stage of the Tulpa, because he kinda grew with me, so I wasn't even close to mature when he was getting there. Even nowadays, he's there for me giving me a conversation partner and such. I've gotten so used to him being around, I wouldn't feel right if I didn't have at least a small conversation with him once a day <.<


So yeah. I have a Tulpa and didn't know I did until now xD

Edited by Potayto Sek
  • Brohoof 3

Crackle is best dragon - Rarity is best Marshmallow

Scootaloo is best chicken - Sweetie Belle is best Dictionary

Fluttershy is best tree - Twilight is best Minigun

Rainbow Dash is best turnip bucket - Spike is best Rainbow Dash

All ponies are best pony.

Especially Fluttershy.

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Alright, time for a little update from me. So after a couple of days of narrating and spending time in wonderland I must admit that things are getting better. It's much easier for me to concentrate on my tulpa and wonderland. Now I can fly, teleport, shoot fireballs etc. I also don't get distracted so much from things happening in real world when I'm with my tulpa. Anyway, few things worth mentioning happened. (Just to remind you my tulpa's name is Zed and he looks like a floating dark orb set on fire with mouth and eyes.)


Firstly, yesterday Zed changed his appearance. He grew arms and legs, he had one eye and a huge grin on his face. It's not exactly how I wanted him to look like, so I told him that. I also tried to change him back to his original form, but it felt kinda... unnatural. He was just sitting there with that huge grin. I continued narrating, forcing, etc as usual. Then I suddenly felt some kind of joy, happiness. I knew that Zed wants his old form back. I changed him back with no problems, with the only difference that he was slightly bigger than before. Was that a joke? Did I just got trolled by my tulpa? Dunno.


Secondly, my wonderland has changed. It's not longer an island with a shrine, but a foggy meadow with few pillars in a circle going very far in the sky. (Similar to pillars of nosgoth from legacy of kain) When i try to return to my old wonderland it feels so wrong, unnatural and difficult. I guess it just has to be like that.



I'd recommend reviewing your playlist as music has MASSIVE effects on these things.


Zed is getting raised on black metal :D We'll see what impact it will have on him...

Edited by Tenebris
  • Brohoof 1

Check out my DA! (If you dare...)

 And tumblr!


Fromerly The Dork Lord

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I came close to forcing a regular changeling, but it was all a lucid dream. Once I get my next programming test out of the way, I'll start to tulpaforce a lot more. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Alright, here goes.


I read this forum front cover to back, and I have to say, everyone here has touched me a little. You know that feeling you get from reading a good book, and you feel like you know the characters? That's what this feels like. For the past week, I've been reading every individual post, laughing at Riz and Crep, sympathizing for those who accidentally lost their tulpae, being angry at trolls and the like, and scanning for Bris's posts for tips (his process has been working for me).


Not only has it brought me its fair share of laughs and feels, it inspired me to create my own tulpa (she does not yet have a name). I began work on her last Friday (the 8th), and I believe that today (the 11th), she became sentient (about 10-15 hours of forcing + countless passive). I can't be certain, because I'm new, of course, but my emotional responses have more than doubled since this morning, and she does some things on her own. It may be an early form of sentience. Or accidental puppeting, who knows.


Anyway, onto the core reason I'm here.


My tulpa is modeled after a unicorn (exact form still undecided), which means she has magical abilities. The problem, as you all know, is that tulpae cannot interact with the physical world. Now, what process can you think of that involves moving things with the mind? Maybe... telekinesis?


Before I am marked off as crazy (even among this crowd), let me say that I have been an amateur psychic for something close to a year. I can't yet perform applicable telekinesis, but I have made things like fire and paper twitch, so I know that it isn't complete B.S. Psychism is a very belief-driven discipline, much like tulpamancy in its early stages. If you believe it to happen, it will. It's also based off of very similar visualization principles, and they both deeply involve parts of the mind that few understand.


I see no reason they can't go hand-in-hand.


My plan with my tulpa is to allow her to use my mental resources (when she becomes fully imposed, of course) to use telekinesis and the like to interact with the world. Nothing big, like flipping cars or crushing skulls, but things like opening doors or turning pages in a book. In addition to telekinesis, she could use subconscious empathy to siphon information into my brain from her eyes, making her able to do lots of things on her own. (I.E. Browse the web, play video games, write a novel, tell me how traffic is, etc.)


I got this idea from reading a post from Brisinero, very early in the forum. It mentioned being able to see from his tulpa, Celestia's, eyes while driving, and it would still be accurate to what was happening in reality. I immediately linked this to both astral projection and level 1 empathy, both topics I've done research on, but not had a catalyst to attempt with. My intentions (alongside companionship, self-awareness, the experience, etc.) are to use my tulpa to be a "visual aid" and practice partner for my psychism.


What do you guys think?


Tl;dr: Gonna use psychic to let my tulpa do things.

  • Brohoof 4
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I'm very glad you enjoy the thread! I think it's very encouraging and I'm glad you're making your own because of all of us. smile.png


I don't myself believe that psychokinesis is really possible... but hey, maybe that just means I'm unable to use it. If you've experienced it, awesome! I doubt you'll have much trouble getting your tulpa to use it effectively. I'm unable to help with any PK stuff, of course, but if you have any tulpa questions don't be afraid to ask!


My two tips to new tulpa creators - One, remember that your tulpa is sentient from the very beginning. She can hear everything you say, even if she can't understand or respond right away.

Two, hug your tulpa at least once a day! smile.png I honestly believe hugs help a lot. They make you feel good and bring you closer to each other!

  • Brohoof 3
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Sorry I ain't visited the thread for a while, I've been busy doing productive things procrastinating. sad.png

Oh Celestia's Teats I've just had a terrible thought! When (not 'if', got to stay positive smile.png ) I make my Tulpa, he won't be able to speak to you! Or me... I know we'll probably have telepathy, but it's quite firmly rooted in my mind that Hydras, not even my sentient one, can't speak English.

Umm... yeah, they can. huh.png 
All tulpae can speak any and all languages that the host knows. If you know English, so will the tulpa, whether it is a giant hydra or not.
Though, if for some reason you really don't want them to know how to speak a certain language or speak at all, you can do that if you really want to. I just don't see why you would want to, unless maybe it's just to make interactions more interesting. Just make sure they're okay with it. I don't know about you, but I like the ability to speak. I don't see why a tulpa would be any different. blink.png 

Should I abandon the project? If I can't drop that preconception before I make him, Mark, John, Joe and Ed might be stuck voiceless, and I don't know if I could stand to be so cruel to them.
Edit: I don't think I'll abandon the idea. My Hydra deserves life away from my mind, I will try harder than ever before to drop that preconception. I'm getting a few pre-project jitters I'm afraid, so please forgive any panicky rants I begin posting here.
Edit two: Began listing traits and trimming off the ones that I didn't want, left with about 40+ traits
Cautious, Compassionate, Encouraging, Generous, Gentle, Good, Helpful, Honest, Kind, Loving, Loyal, Mature, Nice, Optimistic, Patient, Playful, Polite, Positive, Reliable, Respectful, Responsible, Sensitive, Sentimental, Sharp-witted, Shy, Sincere, Smart, Soft-hearted, Strong, Supportive, Sweet, Tactful, Thoughtful, Timid, Tolerant, Touchy, Tough, Trustworthy, Truthful, Uncoordinated, Understanding, Useful, Virtuous, Warm, Witty
Good traits?

What, are you asking us? It ain't really up to us to decide whether your tulpa is good based on what traits you give it. Do YOU think they are good traits? Remember, giving your tulpa negative traits isn't bad either. They can make the tulpa more lively and realistic(or as realistic as you can get with a giant hallucinatory mythical beast with a dozen heads blink.png )

I am of the philosophy that the mind is there to be learned and mastered. So if I say that is there name, its there name. I do ask, but I get the final say. and none of them are dissatisfied with their names. They all know where I come from.

So if I say that is there name, its there name. I do ask, but I get the final say.

So if I say that is there name, its there name. I do ask, but I get the final say.

I get the final say.

What did I say about not giving them freedom?

I know they said they're okay with it, but to me it seems that you're still depriving them a freedom they need if they are to become the best they can be.
If your tulpa deviated in some way, like through appearance, and they said they wanted to stay that way - and you don't want them to - what do you do? Force them to change back? Kill them?(I know you wouldn't do that, but I'm just saying)
My jimmies... are just... so...!
Gah! What?!
Calm down, *Starts massaging his shoulders* You said it yourself; they're okay with it. Let it be.
ooohh... *head falls flat on desk*

I spent most of the time yesterday to look at all the guides and they basically give different approaches and ideas, while the main 'guideline' is the same for all of them.
I'm interested now in the time you guys spent on making your tulpae. I'm just giving it thought throughout the day (during class, when at home, whenever I'm not playing a video game or when I'm walking somewhere). I just think about my tulpa's personality in general with some details to the traits (for instance, he's very interested in stuff and wants to know how things work because he's curious). I also reserve an hour per day to spent completely on making the tulpa, but aside from that hour I just think about it periodically all day long. I saw some threads on the tulpa.info forums that said this would actually speed up the forcing of the tulpa because you're thinking of it very often. Is this actually true or is different for everyone? I'm not trying to rush things, but I don't want to be stuck in the personality phase for hours because I think I might do it wrong...

Yes, it is very good to think of them throughout the day. It's called Passive Forcing, and I myself tend to do it more often than normal forcing, actually.
However, remember where you are in the real world before you do it. Are you at your boring job that requires minimum brain power and concentration, such as sweeping the floor of an office building? Very good time to do some forcing. Driving home from work? Not so much. Just remember your situation in the real world before you doze off to another.

(is it even normal to be able to shapeshift in your wonderland?)

Of course it is, it's your imagination; why shouldn't you be able to? I sometimes shapeshift into my ponysona. And sometimes, I can even faintly feel it. When I touch things in the wonderland, I can faintly feel it in real life. In fact while I'm there, I can even feel some sort of horn on my head.
Especially when I lick it. tongue.png 
H- hey! Stop that! blush.png

No I do not feel any pleasure when I / she rubs the horn. unsure.png
I bet you WISH you could feel it though. happy.png 
N- no I don't!



So as some readers of this thread know, I've been tulpaforcing my first ever tulpa, Phoenix, for about a week now, and have been working on her personality each day as well as narrating. I originally hadn't planned to make a wonderland, but today I changed my mind, partly because I wanted to be able to hang out with Phoenix and because I didn't want her getting bored floating around in space (where I had been visualising her whilst tulpaforcing previously) but also because I've been getting images of the two of us (well me and her invisible presence) fishing in a little boat and, since I have no interest in fishing whereas she probably would enjoy the quiet, I guessed it was from her and thought I should make the request a reality.

So I made a Wonderland in about five minutes (too quick maybe?), basically a forest clearing with a stream running through it which, if you followed it, fed into a large lake with a little green rowboat on it. Also, on the pebble shore there's a tower filled with books chronicling my life for Phoenix to read.

Basically at first we walked from the clearing to the top of the tower (her as the floating blue orb of fire I've been visualising until we could work together on a form, myself shifting every so often between a human and a wolf) and I sat and read her personality traits from a book. After that we basically explored the rest of the wonderland; I started flying over the lake, and was surprised when Phoenix followed, only all I could see of her was the vague outline of something gliding on membranes like a bat, rather than with bird wings. After a while, I changed into an owl (is it even normal to be able to shapeshift in your wonderland?) and Phoenix did the same, making an island in the middle of the lake with a tree to roost in. I turned into a wolf again and flew to the base of the tree, but Phoenix changed into a humanoid figure (red hair, female and white, I couldn't make out much of the face) and climbed down to sit with me. From nowhere she pulled out one of the books from the library (I figured she'd teleported it) and stayed reading. I left her for a while and went flyingover the lake again, and here's where things get really weird.

All of a sudden a meteor showed up. Having read about intrusive thoughts and the subconscious messing with your wonderland, I just sort of wiped it away, as if the wonderland was a painting and the meteor a smudge. Two more appeared, then they changed into swordfish lancing down toward the water. It started raining swordfish, weirdly enough, but I turned them into normal raindrops and brought out the sun to disperse the rain clouds, since I could see Pheonix's book getting wet. I flew around some more, when suddenly the name "Roxanne" popped in my head. I asked Phe if it was her, and she told me yes. I was so surprised I didn't even notice at first that she was talking; I'd read tulpae often changed their names, but Roxanne didn't really suit Phoenix, nor did it "feel right" the way Phoenix did (plus I'd thought Phe had chosen Phoenix herself). I expressed my uncertainty, and when I kept forgetting to call her Roxanne she said not to worry and call her what I liked, both Phoenix and Roxanne were just placeholder names until she settled on one she really wanted.

At this point, a small part of me began to worry that I was parroting, given Pheonix's sudden talkativeness, but all of a sudden she started hugging me and crying into my chest, thanking me for deciding to make her and for believing in her, so I tried my best to put my worries to rest.

We flew for a while (or rather, I carried Phe who was still in humanoid form and had decided to tease me by growing a fox tail) then I rode us back to the mainland and we sat on the beach. I was going to suggest we go back to the clearing when the pebbles gave way beneath me and I found a tunnel. Phe and I crawled thorough it, me commenting on how I couldn't wait to report all this on the forum, her wryly wondering why my thoughts always turned to the internet, when the tunnel opened up into an underground cavern.

The first thing I noticed was a Slenderman-like monster blocking the entrance to the cavern. Residing he was just another intrusivIiie thought, I immediately made him disappear. The cavern was filled with junk and dirty, dusty tables, and there was a skeleton sitting at one of them. I made the skeleton disappear too, cleared away everything else, cleaned the place of dust and cobwebs in an instant and remarked to Phoenix/Roxanne that it could be a den of some sorts. She agreed, and made a tv in one of the walls. I was surprised, as I'd have thought she'd prefer to be either out enjoying herself in the wonderland or reading, but she said it was just in case she got bored.

Then things got weird again, perhaps downright traumatising. I said something along the lines of "I'm glad this is happening" and Phoenix calmly replies "It's not". I asked what she meant, and she said "This isn't real, you're parroting me." Then she turned into a towering monster (I could only see it vaguely, but I knew that if I could see it properly it would be horrible) and she kept screaming "You're parroting me!"

My first thought was this was intrusive thinking at its worse, so I tried turning Phoenix back to normal. Then I became worried that parroting would only make things worse, so instead I ordered her to stop. She went back to her humanoid form, only her face was still monstrous. Suffice to say I bolted out of that tunnel (bumping into Slenderman again oddly enough and simply shoving him out of the way).

I essentially wiped away the entire wonderland, and found myself floating in the same space I'd always seen Phoenix whilst tulpaforcing before I'd made the wonderland. Sure enough, there she was, a little blue orb of fire floating there like normal, silent but radiating calmness and comfort. It was as if I'd been in the wonderland with a completely different being than the one before me now.

I was still shaken, but decided to rebuild the wonderland with her by my side, making a mental picture of it whilst still floating in space and being sure to find and fill in the cavern. Then I explained to Phoenix that this was our wonderland and she could change it etc. despite being pretty sure that she had access to my memories and knew I'd said it all before.

I've left her there, but now I'm beginning to worry it's not safe.

Anyways, the point of that big long was essentially just to ask, "what the heck just happened?!?!" Also, I wasn't on drugs nor had I had anything to drink. I could still hear my music so don't think I was asleep either, although I did unfortunately fall asleep whilst tulpaforcing the other night (and have been apologising to Phe profusely ever since).


"what the heck just happened?!?!"

They were just intrusive thoughts. They can't hurt you. Also, don't worry about puppeting her if it's to help her. She might appreciate it afterwards.

I've had plenty of intrusive thoughts about my tulpae before; I remember one time, just a few days after White Rose came to be, I was lying in bed when Rose just suddenly turned round and said flat to my face that she hated me.

I was surprised to say the least. I then turned to Crepuscule, and she just nodded in agreement, before both just jumped off the bed and walked away, leaving me all alone. I read about intrusive thoughts before then, so I just hoped that it was just the fact that they were young(they were both quite young in terms of how long they were sentient at the time) I hoped they would come back and say they didn't mean it. Of course, about 30 seconds later they both pretty much come back crying to me, saying they didn't mean any of it and that they didn't know what came over them.

So yeah, if you get intrusive thoughts, the best thing I can think of doing is just to try and ignore it or wish it away and go back to whatever you were doing. Either way, they can't hurt you or your tulpa.

Alright, here goes.
I read this forum front cover to back, and I have to say, everyone here has touched me a little. You know that feeling you get from reading a good book, and you feel like you know the characters? That's what this feels like. For the past week, I've been reading every individual post, laughing at Riz and Crep, sympathizing for those who accidentally lost their tulpae, being angry at trolls and the like, and scanning for Bris's posts for tips (his process has been working for me).
Not only has it brought me its fair share of laughs and feels, it inspired me to create my own tulpa (she does not yet have a name). I began work on her last Friday (the 8th), and I believe that today (the 11th), she became sentient (about 10-15 hours of forcing + countless passive). I can't be certain, because I'm new, of course, but my emotional responses have more than doubled since this morning, and she does some things on her own. It may be an early form of sentience. Or accidental puppeting, who knows.
Anyway, onto the core reason I'm here.
My tulpa is modeled after a unicorn (exact form still undecided), which means she has magical abilities. The problem, as you all know, is that tulpae cannot interact with the physical world. Now, what process can you think of that involves moving things with the mind? Maybe... telekinesis?
Before I am marked off as crazy (even among this crowd), let me say that I have been an amateur psychic for something close to a year. I can't yet perform applicable telekinesis, but I have made things like fire and paper twitch, so I know that it isn't complete B.S. Psychism is a very belief-driven discipline, much like tulpamancy in its early stages. If you believe it to happen, it will. It's also based off of very similar visualization principles, and they both deeply involve parts of the mind that few understand.
I see no reason they can't go hand-in-hand.
My plan with my tulpa is to allow her to use my mental resources (when she becomes fully imposed, of course) to use telekinesis and the like to interact with the world. Nothing big, like flipping cars or crushing skulls, but things like opening doors or turning pages in a book. In addition to telekinesis, she could use subconscious empathy to siphon information into my brain from her eyes, making her able to do lots of things on her own. (I.E. Browse the web, play video games, write a novel, tell me how traffic is, etc.)
I got this idea from reading a post from Brisinero, very early in the forum. It mentioned being able to see from his tulpa, Celestia's, eyes while driving, and it would still be accurate to what was happening in reality. I immediately linked this to both astral projection and level 1 empathy, both topics I've done research on, but not had a catalyst to attempt with. My intentions (alongside companionship, self-awareness, the experience, etc.) are to use my tulpa to be a "visual aid" and practice partner for my psychism.
What do you guys think?
Tl;dr: Gonna use psychic to let my tulpa do things.

Well, I myself don't believe in that stuff, as the (young) man of science that I am. But either way, I'm most certainly ain't gonna' stop you from trying.

Who knows, maybe you'll one day upload a video for us all of your tulpa lifting a cup in the real world, blowing us all away and quickly becoming a billionaire because of it. I mean, back in June when I first came across this tulpa business, I was very sceptical of it all, obviously. Many months later, now I'm being constantly sexually harassed by a hallucinatory purple pony.
You know you wanna take this pony for a 'ride'. happy.png
N-no I don't! blush.png


*Seductively whispers in his ear*



I ain't lying!!



  • Brohoof 2

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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