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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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Well, here I am. Or.... something.


Okay, so I tried starting to make a Tulpa today although I wasn't really sure what a Tulpa was this morning, so maybe that's a bad thing. However, after reading through a quick guide or two and after some heavy thinking, I decided that I would be up to the task. What's bothering me is that I can't seem to concentrate. Whenever I try to imagine my wonderland, something distracts me in my mind, like a song that's stuck in there. It's not that I can't handle, it's that I can't seem to grasp it.


I'm really new at this and I feel like i'm forcing/rushing this. I don't think that my Tulpa's there.


So... what should I do? It probably doesn't help that i'm only 13. Should I just stop now and wait a couple years before doing this?

Ok one thing you are the same age as me when I made my origional tulpas, but I must warn you don't make them appear next to you keep them in your mind. I suggest combining something with soft warm bouncy, with a type of animal of your choice and interact with them or it. If your a boy make it a girl tulpa, if your a girl, make it a boy tulpa, it makes it easier (well it did for me) to do it this way. Also don't force it, when I did it with Raven from teen titans she never formed or looked like her, but when i came up with my own tulpa not from a tv show it made it so much easier.


Just let the idea come to you don't make a wonderland until your older you might regret it like I did. I say wait until your sixteen. And good luck. :)

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, here I am. Or.... something.


Okay, so I tried starting to make a Tulpa today although I wasn't really sure what a Tulpa was this morning, so maybe that's a bad thing. However, after reading through a quick guide or two and after some heavy thinking, I decided that I would be up to the task. What's bothering me is that I can't seem to concentrate. Whenever I try to imagine my wonderland, something distracts me in my mind, like a song that's stuck in there. It's not that I can't handle, it's that I can't seem to grasp it.


I'm really new at this and I feel like i'm forcing/rushing this. I don't think that my Tulpa's there.


So... what should I do? It probably doesn't help that i'm only 13. Should I just stop now and wait a couple years before doing this?


I think you should spend a lot more time thinking about whether or not you want to do this. Okay your profile says your male so we'll go with that--imagine that you're like 50 and bald or going bald and you still have a tulpa. Or even just earlier and think that you're maybe what 30 and in the work force or something, and you have a tulpa, the same one.


If you made a tulpa and succeeded, which necessitates loving your tulpa, you won't want to give them up just willy nilly in the future. Everyone is different, but, the basic logic here is that a tulpa stays with you.


A tulpa is meant to help you discover who you are, at least, that is what it was invented for by the tibetian monks a long time ago, for the expressed purpose of casting off Ego---meaning, you lose your sense of "self" so that you can understand you are connected with all things. I think. I could be wrong.


Anyway, tulpa help you learn about who you are, but, it really helps if you already have an idea of who you are, and young people change a lot. I am old enough to drink but I am still not the same person I was a year ago as I am now. Just as an example. A tulpa can end up being something you regret if you do not know what you want, or understand yourself well. Now your age MIGHT not matter, and you could be quite mature (for your age group! maturity measured by age is an illusion), but I just wanted to advise you anyway. I think we can help if you are dead-set on doing this, but I wanted to dissuade you if you have any doubt in your mind that you want a tulpa.


If there is any doubt you should probably wait until your at least 16.


Or at least just think about what having a tulpa will do to your life for another week or two. Then if you still want to do it, then I guess we can't stop you and will advise you on your journey.

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I think you should spend a lot more time thinking about whether or not you want to do this. Okay your profile says your male so we'll go with that--imagine that you're like 50 and bald or going bald and you still have a tulpa. Or even just earlier and think that you're maybe what 30 and in the work force or something, and you have a tulpa, the same one.


If you made a tulpa and succeeded, which necessitates loving your tulpa, you won't want to give them up just willy nilly in the future. Everyone is different, but, the basic logic here is that a tulpa stays with you.


A tulpa is meant to help you discover who you are, at least, that is what it was invented for by the tibetian monks a long time ago, for the expressed purpose of casting off Ego---meaning, you lose your sense of "self" so that you can understand you are connected with all things. I think. I could be wrong.


Anyway, tulpa help you learn about who you are, but, it really helps if you already have an idea of who you are, and young people change a lot. I am old enough to drink but I am still not the same person I was a year ago as I am now. Just as an example. A tulpa can end up being something you regret if you do not know what you want, or understand yourself well. Now your age MIGHT not matter, and you could be quite mature (for your age group! maturity measured by age is an illusion), but I just wanted to advise you anyway. I think we can help if you are dead-set on doing this, but I wanted to dissuade you if you have any doubt in your mind that you want a tulpa.


If there is any doubt you should probably wait until your at least 16.


Or at least just think about what having a tulpa will do to your life for another week or two. Then if you still want to do it, then I guess we can't stop you and will advise you on your journey.



Ok one thing you are the same age as me when I made my origional tulpas, but I must warn you don't make them appear next to you keep them in your mind. I suggest combining something with soft warm bouncy, with a type of animal of your choice and interact with them or it. If your a boy make it a girl tulpa, if your a girl, make it a boy tulpa, it makes it easier (well it did for me) to do it this way. Also don't force it, when I did it with Raven from teen titans she never formed or looked like her, but when i came up with my own tulpa not from a tv show it made it so much easier.


Just let the idea come to you don't make a wonderland until your older you might regret it like I did. I say wait until your sixteen. And good luck. :)


Well, thank you two for the explanation. I suppose I should wait a week or so to really think about how this will affect me later. I never really realized that. Thank you again. :)


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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Well, thank you two for the explanation. I suppose I should wait a week or so to really think about how this will affect me later. I never really realized that. Thank you again.


Sure anything to help a friend, wish I knew what I had at thirteen was a tulpal, when I was thirteen I thought they were simple fantasies, I only learned about tulpas only a few weeks ago. >.<  

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While I haven't made up my mind yet, I still had a couple questions about tulpas. mlp-tbob.png


1) Is it bad if the tulpa knows he's a tulpa?


2) Does the tulpa see life through your eyes?


3) If you successfully create a tulpa, do you two basically share the same mind?


4) Does the tulpa choose to appear when he wants?


Thanks again. mlp-tsmile.png


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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1) Is it bad if the tulpa knows he's a tulpa?



  2) Does the tulpa see life through your eyes?



  3) If you successfully create a tulpa, do you two basically share the same mind?


  4) Does the tulpa choose to appear when he wants?   Thanks again. 



1) Ok, you have to know that this is the creation of your "mind" You think (command) what the tulpa sees, hears, feels, ect. You command what he knows, and doesn't know, thats the idea. And it's not bad as long as you create him or her to know the fact they are a tulpa.


2) Only if you want them too, remember it's your brain that is command of the tulpa, you choose what it sees rather it be through your eyes, or it's imaginary eyes.


3) Yes you do, but you can put up barriers of what it can and can't see from your own mind. I myself imagine a mental block to each thing (or general section) of the mind your don't want your tulpa to know about, for example what you are presently thinking about and only think directly when you mentally thinking to it telepathically. 


4) You imagine it when you want it there, if you don't concentrate it wont exist without you. And your welcom. =3

Edited by Fighting Blaze
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While I haven't made up my mind yet, I still had a couple questions about tulpas. img-1677758-1-mlp-tbob.png


1) Is it bad if the tulpa knows he's a tulpa?


2) Does the tulpa see life through your eyes?


3) If you successfully create a tulpa, do you two basically share the same mind?


4) Does the tulpa choose to appear when he wants?


Thanks again. img-1677758-2-mlp-tsmile.png


All of these things depend on where you are in development.

In general, if your tulpa does not realize they're a tulpa it will come as quite a shock when they figure it out. It is highly recommended you develop one while teling the tulpa they're a tulpa.


2 - The tulpa can see things through your eyes or theirs, but the latter only seems to occur when the tulpa is really well imposed and is more or less "complete" and autonomous. Until ey is autonomous ey will have to see things through your eyes.


3 - Pretty much. What that entails is debatable. Consider it more like sharing the same subconscious, but once the tulpa is sapient ey pretty much has er own Ego, separate from yours. Your thoughts can mix, but you're both capable of keeping each other's thoughts separate as well.


4 - the tulpa cannot appear without your help when the tulpa is getting started. Even when sapient the tulpa might need help. However, a nearly or fully complete tulpa will not only be sapient but autonomous--meaning, ey can do what ey pleases, and can appear at will. Ostensibly tulpaforcers get used to this and it does not become a nuisance. You can also get all the privacy you want because they're generally cool with respecting personal space. They know you really well and can respect your needs. Unless you accidentally make your tulpa into an asshole but that won't happen unless you have absolutely no idea what the hell you want in a friend, and screw up.



An example of screwing up would be telling your tulpa "you're always right" which would give them the wrong impression and might make em think ey really is always right, which can get annoying. Calm and reasonable, however, are good traits, and are even better tempered with other traits that go with it. For example you might not want a tulpa who is ALWAYS logical and cannot take people's feelings into account, but if you stress and add Empathy and Emotional as traits, then you'd get someone more like Celestia, in theory.


Just an example of things that can go not according to plan was how I told my Luna she is polite and calm reasonable and accepting. She is all of those things, but I think those 4 exact things also made her really quiet. She does not think she is shy, because that is not one of her traits, but she ACTS like it. She will never talk to me or interject unless I speak to her first. I am not sure if this is because she needs work, or if it is just a quirk with her. Point being, she thinks it would be rude of her to talk to me unless spoken to first. :C

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I was actually thinking of making a Tulpa. But I have some questions.


Stupid question number 4785: How do you make it?

Can you get rid of it. If so, how?

Are there any bad things that can happen to your mind?

Do you think I'm too young to make one (I'm 14 and my younger sister wants to make one. She's 10.)


These are probably the stupidest questions ever.


I was thinking of making a black-cat tulpa or maybe a Neko tulpa.

Edited by Eureka


Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver

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I was actually thinking of making a Tulpa. But I have some questions.


Stupid question number 4785: How do you make it?

Can you get rid of it. If so, how?



I was thinking of making a black-cat tulpa or maybe a Neko tulpa.


 There are many ways to go about making a tulpa. This being primarily so because of the fact that everyone experiences the making/creation of their tulpa differently. There are guides you can follow that will help you devise a way for you to go about making your tulpa. IF you do decide to fully go through with making a tulpa, I highly advise as many guides as you can, the more you read, the easier it might be to find the best possibly way for you. Head over to the Tulpa.info Forums and just read away~


Also, not to sound rude, but if you're already thinking of ways to get rid of your tulpa, you shouldn't make one. But, the way you can get rid of your tulpa, would be to simply ignore them. Believing that they exist is basically their life-force, and, if you ignore them, they will "die" in time.

  • Brohoof 2


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Well... i've made my decision. I know what you're thinking, "Only a day!?". Well, I had a lot of time to think about it. 8 hours is a long time.


I thought about what Shadowind said, about if I would still want this tulpa being older than I already am. Honestly, I see no negatives in the future. All I see is a close friend always eager to spend time with me, and I could never be too busy for him.


I'm aware that i'm still a teenager now and that I may change in the future, but I see this tulpa as some sort of "guiding spirit", helping me to be the best person I always strive to be.


So to sum this up, i'm making this tulpa. I feel it's beneficial for me. I hope you all understand. Wish me luck! mlp-aflattered.png














Uh... any advice? mlp-ablush.png

  • Brohoof 1


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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Well... i've made my decision. I know what you're thinking, "Only a day!?". Well, I had a lot of time to think about it. 8 hours is a long time.


I thought about what Shadowind said, about if I would still want this tulpa being older than I already am. Honestly, I see no negatives in the future. All I see is a close friend always eager to spend time with me, and I could never be too busy for him.


I'm aware that i'm still a teenager now and that I may change in the future, but I see this tulpa as some sort of "guiding spirit", helping me to be the best person I always strive to be.


So to sum this up, i'm making this tulpa. I feel it's beneficial for me. I hope you all understand. Wish me luck! img-1680734-1-mlp-aflattered.png














Uh... any advice? img-1680734-2-mlp-ablush.png


     As long as you feel that you will have as little doubt as possible, and you thought this through, then go at it.

And as for help, what kind of advice are you looking for? There is a lot that one can cover in this one topic.

  • Brohoof 1


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     As long as you feel that you will have as little doubt as possible, and you thought this through, then go at it.

And as for help, what kind of advice are you looking for? There is a lot that one can cover in this one topic.


Well, I have a lot of trouble concentrating on one thing. There's always a song stuck in my head I can't seem to get rid of, which seems to be the problem. Know of any good concentration exercises?


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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Well, I have a lot of trouble concentrating on one thing. There's always a song stuck in my head I can't seem to get rid of, which seems to be the problem. Know of any good concentration exercises?

Well, concentration is a thing that can build overtime, even without the use of exercises. But one of the easiest thing to do simple meditation. All you have to do is this:

  • Find and sit in a comfortable position.
  • Close your eyes, and only concentrate/focus on your breathing.
  • Take deep, but comfortable, breaths, and hold it for a count (as long as you want...but keep it reasonable)
  • Then release slowly, still focusing on the breath.


Do this for ~10-15 minutes (if you can't manage 10 minutes, then try 5, take a break, then do another 5. But try to increase the amount of time you do this gradually) and it can help you to keep your focus when tulpaforcing. By focusing on a menial task like breathing, something that you do everyday and naturally (I hope o_o), you can easily just forget about it and keep the thought of your tulpa in your head without any/much distractions.

  • Brohoof 2


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Well, I have a lot of trouble concentrating on one thing. There's always a song stuck in my head I can't seem to get rid of, which seems to be the problem. Know of any good concentration exercises?


What I do is listen to meditation music on YouTube, it helps me a lot. I'd say give it a go. Though sometimes it can creep you out, or make you feel uncomfortable. But that's probably just me, because I'm quite the paranoiac. 

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To those of you who say you can never prove a tulpa: I think you're wrong. We all know that a tulpa is the result of focused thought. We're connecting parts of the brain that aren't normally connected. When you've got a tulpa that you can see plain as day with no thought into it at all, your visual cortex is probably going to have some abnormal activity. I believe that if someone who had a very well developed tulpa were to get an MRI scan (or some other brain scan), we would see that there are active parts of the brain that normally aren't. It's just that no one has gone to a research team and said "Hey, I can make sentient imaginary beings with willpower alone. Scan my brain to prove it, please."

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Great news everyone~! *He says flailing his finger in the air* I finally, after some reference videos, am able to have my Fluttershy tulpa read. It took some time for me to get the pitch right with the whisper but I am able to keep her voice and have her read to me and it isnt mentally exhausting me. The only thing now is how to keep her sentient part of her growing to be even more so of me having to force yet. And soon when she grows a bit more you all get to meet her. (Oops she saw me type this...)


But no matter, I was wondering if anyone had advice on what I should do to keep her from staying stuck at this level. :)

Um...last minute update...remember how my super creative side wakes up around three? Well it did and my Fluttershy just questioned me...without me forcing and I'm kinda getting a bad vibe from this, can anyone help me out?

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To those of you who say you can never prove a tulpa: I think you're wrong. We all know that a tulpa is the result of focused thought. We're connecting parts of the brain that aren't normally connected. When you've got a tulpa that you can see plain as day with no thought into it at all, your visual cortex is probably going to have some abnormal activity. I believe that if someone who had a very well developed tulpa were to get an MRI scan (or some other brain scan), we would see that there are active parts of the brain that normally aren't. It's just that no one has gone to a research team and said "Hey, I can make sentient imaginary beings with willpower alone. Scan my brain to prove it, please."

I suspect this as well. We've discussed tulpa not being able to be medically verified but it stands to reason that a massive comprehensive study of it simply as not been done for the obvious reason that its so ludicrous that a group getting the funding to carry it out would be kinda unrealistic in todays world with its problems. not unless we become an epidemic which could be really bad since not enough people in the western world are mentally equipped to be open minded on a lot of damn things.

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I suspect this as well. We've discussed tulpa not being able to be medically verified but it stands to reason that a massive comprehensive study of it simply as not been done for the obvious reason that its so ludicrous that a group getting the funding to carry it out would be kinda unrealistic in todays world with its problems. not unless we become an epidemic which could be really bad since not enough people in the western world are mentally equipped to be open minded on a lot of damn things.


No.  I'm sorry but this is the biggest load of *Buy some apples* I've ever heard of in my life.  Having an imaginary friend (yes, that's actually what they are) and pretending that they are real because you "focused your thought on their existence" does not make them exist in any way shape or form beyond the realm of shear thought (which there's no point in raving about.  We all have the ability to imagine.)  There is no ancient technique for imagining;  the only limiting factor is how well you are able to imagine.  There is no "sentience" other than what you conjure in your mind.

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"Dear princess celestia, just because you feel alone doesn't mean you should just come up with fake friends, and even the most hardest of times, can make you forget. But if your friends truly understand, they will always be waiting for you just around the bend." Your faithful student,

Fighting Blaze.


(Just gonna play devils advocate). Also I learned that maybe forcing my mind to make a companion for me even if I have friends or not is no excuse to take them for granted and just learn to live with the friends I'm given. And not to always look for the answers by reading. But to learn the magic of friendship through, well, my friends. :)

Edited by Fighting Blaze
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Alright. I've decided I'm going to start making a Tulpa. Im slightly scared but excited. Wish me luck.


She will be a black cat name Moni.

  • Brohoof 1


Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver

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Hey guys, i'm a little confused on some things.


First off, I greeted my tulpa last night, although i'm not exactly sure if he heard me. What are some signs that I can know that he heard?


Secondly, i'm a little fuzzy on forcing. What am I trying to visualize, exactly? If it helps, i'm working on personality.


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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No.  I'm sorry but this is the biggest load of *Buy some apples* I've ever heard of in my life.  Having an imaginary friend (yes, that's actually what they are) and pretending that they are real because you "focused your thought on their existence" does not make them exist in any way shape or form beyond the realm of shear thought (which there's no point in raving about.  We all have the ability to imagine.)  There is no ancient technique for imagining;  the only limiting factor is how well you are able to imagine.  There is no "sentience" other than what you conjure in your mind.

Wow out of all the posts in the thread pertaining to this subject why did you select on that has less relevance to the points you brought up than the one I just made?

Of course tulpa is a thought thing they're not god damn spirits we fabricate with magic.


What I'm saying is that it would be interesting if a study could be done to validate it. Unfortunately your disbelief validates nothing, just sa my belief validates nothing.

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Hey guys, i'm a little confused on some things.


First off, I greeted my tulpa last night, although i'm not exactly sure if he heard me. What are some signs that I can know that he heard?


Secondly, i'm a little fuzzy on forcing. What am I trying to visualize, exactly? If it helps, i'm working on personality.


If this is your first time with a tulpa, it may(this is completely different for everyone, as others may experience rapid growth while others' grow slowly) be a while before you really get any form of sign that your tulpa is there and has some minuscule form of connection with you. Most common early signs come in the form of headaches, head pressure (no pain, but your head feels like it's being pressed on/trying to expand beyond your skull), etc. As long as you are trying to send your thoughts to your tulpa, it should be fine.


As for forcing, considering the fact that you're working on personality, you CAN just skip out on doing visualization of your tulpa for now and just use something to represent him like an orb, or anything basic. Orbs are easy due to the simplicity of the shape and, if you're using objects/shapes to represent certain traits, easily integrate into an orb, etc. This isn't neccessary as you can do visualization AND personality together. If so, then just visualize what you would like your tulpa to look like.

  • Brohoof 1


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If this is your first time with a tulpa, it may(this is completely different for everyone, as others may experience rapid growth while others' grow slowly) be a while before you really get any form of sign that your tulpa is there and has some minuscule form of connection with you. Most common early signs come in the form of headaches, head pressure (no pain, but your head feels like it's being pressed on/trying to expand beyond your skull), etc. As long as you are trying to send your thoughts to your tulpa, it should be fine.


As for forcing, considering the fact that you're working on personality, you CAN just skip out on doing visualization of your tulpa for now and just use something to represent him like an orb, or anything basic. Orbs are easy due to the simplicity of the shape and, if you're using objects/shapes to represent certain traits, easily integrate into an orb, etc. This isn't neccessary as you can do visualization AND personality together. If so, then just visualize what you would like your tulpa to look like.


Thank you for the answer! Buuuuuut I still have another question. Sorry! mlp-pgrin.png


When forcing, what do I talk about to my tulpa? Just anything?


Also, for personality, do I keep repeating the traits to my tulpa?


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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Thank you for the answer! Buuuuuut I still have another question. Sorry! img-1684364-1-mlp-pgrin.png


When forcing, what do I talk about to my tulpa? Just anything?


Also, for personality, do I keep repeating the traits to my tulpa?

Okie dokie lokie. You can talk about anything, but here's a few things that worked best for me. Tell your tulpa their traits and explain exactly what each one means. Give examples, explanations, show how this trait will affect their overall personality and behavior. That'll shape their personality. I also found that it is good to just talk about yourself and your idea and how your day is. Simple things like that. I also liked to teach my tulpa about the world, talking about ideas or how things worked. A tulpa is the best listener, really. You wanna get some time talking about them and your feelings about them and your hopes for them too. That made mine happy.

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