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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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I personally believe that its just fooling your brain into creating a second personality and it just rewires to accommodate it. You don't have to subscribe to the metaphysical, spiritual, or other theories that are out there, just find one that allows you to better accept their existence whatever it may be.


For me (still in the process of creation), the idea of me just rewiring my brain makes it sound pretty realistic.

Edited by Gordon Freeman


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  • 3 weeks later...

I know that the tulpa creepypasta is, well, a creepypasta, but is it possible to apply anything seen in it to actual tulpaforcing?


It's only a matter of how rare (or not) it is.  :blush:

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I've recently been focused on finding out whether or not tulpaforcing has any negative effects. How long can I go without forcing before my tulpa dissipates? I don't want that to happen, but I also don't want to push myself that much closer to a hypothetical negative thing.


EDIT: I figured that my tulpa hasn't gotten in the way of things like work, eating, etc., and if there were risks, SOMEONE here would've mentioned them.


TBH I came in here and mentioned some of the dangers before and was promptly asked to hush up and leave. I'd give you the link to another brony forum that had much less favorable things to say on the subject but the original poster deleted the thread after he received so many reports that it wasn't a smart thing to delve into. At this point this thread has becomer a pro-tulpa support group rather than a discussion if it's smart at all to start creating a split. If you want warnings and a more critical view of whether its a good idea you'll have to look at the real world outside of here.  

I have made brony music since 2011. I like all kinds of music and genres. I'm sure you'll like some of it..

Here's My YouTube..I have several albums on Bandcamp and Pony.FM.

Check out the 20+ Musician project Maressey which I am running. 


Check out the  Brony Music Directory and FimMusic. A portal to all things Brony + Music.

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TBH I came in here and mentioned some of the dangers before and was promptly asked to hush up and leave. I'd give you the link to another brony forum that had much less favorable things to say on the subject but the original poster deleted the thread after he received so many reports that it wasn't a smart thing to delve into. At this point this thread has becomer a pro-tulpa support group rather than a discussion if it's smart at all to start creating a split. If you want warnings and a more critical view of whether its a good idea you'll have to look at the real world outside of here.  


So do you get the impression that this thread hasn't had any good discussion in regards to the potential dangers of this Tulpa issue? Did you read any of the previous 100 something pages of discussion before you posted these problems you speak of? Just because this thread is more positive in nature doesn't mean the dangers aren't obvious . Besides that, mentioning a deleted thread and giving the impression that it was more Anti-Tulpa doesn't really prove any more of a point than those who discuss it here encouragingly (Especially if your best argument is the equivalent of telling people to get a life). Although I figure that you already have pre-concieved notions that's it's all bad and you'd rather not give it any chance regardless of any discussion whether positive or negative. Not necessarily a bad thing, but warning us about this is rather pointless when the dangers are clearly stated on the first post by Rizoel and by many others throughout the hundreds of previous posts.

Edited by IHazTommyWiseau
  • Brohoof 1
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Will I need to be the most patient person on the planet and read through 100+ pages, or is there a shortcut I can use to create a list of only the posts that talk about the risks?


I suggest you read the first 20 pages and the last 20 pages. If you feel that the risks vs rewards seem clear enough, then its up to you on how to take this info into Tulpa creation ( or stoping it altogether).

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So do you get the impression that this thread hasn't had any good discussion in regards to the potential dangers of this Tulpa issue? Did you read any of the previous 100 something pages of discussion before you posted these problems you speak of? Just because this thread is more positive in nature doesn't mean the dangers aren't obvious . Besides that, mentioning a deleted thread and giving the impression that it was more Anti-Tulpa doesn't really prove any more of a point than those who discuss it here encouragingly (Especially if your best argument is the equivalent of telling people to get a life). Although I figure that you already have pre-concieved notions that's it's all bad and you'd rather not give it any chance regardless of any discussion whether positive or negative. Not necessarily a bad thing, but warning us about this is rather pointless when the dangers are clearly stated on the first post by Rizoel and by many others throughout the hundreds of previous posts.

Ok i hope the person who said "i haven't been warned of the dangers" actually goes through the 100 pages here and informs themselves rather than only pays attention to the pro-tulpa message. I've often found that once threads get this long they won't read the full novel version but only what's on the current page. So there ya go.

  • Brohoof 1

I have made brony music since 2011. I like all kinds of music and genres. I'm sure you'll like some of it..

Here's My YouTube..I have several albums on Bandcamp and Pony.FM.

Check out the 20+ Musician project Maressey which I am running. 


Check out the  Brony Music Directory and FimMusic. A portal to all things Brony + Music.

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Ok i hope the person who said "i haven't been warned of the dangers" actually goes through the 100 pages here and informs themselves rather than only pays attention to the pro-tulpa message. I've often found that once threads get this long they won't read the full novel version but only what's on the current page. So there ya go.


I hope so as well. People who attempt this need to dedicate time for research & comprehension before they attempt. Otherwise the risk can outweigh the reward.

Edited by IHazTommyWiseau
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I was going through the thread, and got the idea to use different-colored fonts even though my tulpa isn't that vocal. I used to use parroting as a springboard, but I'm not sure if this idea's detrimental, or you guys'll think I'm faking the colored text if/when I'm not.

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I was going through the thread, and got the idea to use different-colored fonts even though my tulpa isn't that vocal. I used to use parroting as a springboard, but I'm not sure if this idea's detrimental, or you guys'll think I'm faking the colored text if/when I'm not.


There are people (not always on this site, but in general) who use bolding, italics, coloured font, etc. when their Tulpa is typing. On this thread, it shouldn't be a problem, although others around the forum may find it a bit odd or not understand. I'm not sure if your question is relating to using coloured font on this thread or the entire forum. I can't really say you're faking anything because I have nothing that proves you are or are not. I have only your word to discuss. Parroting is good if done correctly and not overdone. 


Signature by Pink Mist!

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Anypony have experience with tulpas physically affecting their hosts? I was getting a tarot reading, and noticed a pocket of something salty in my mouth (maybe a blood blister). It could have been wishful thinking, but I thought some of the cards were talking about stuff relating to my tulpa. I told the reader about stuff that had happened while forcing, which she said was spiritual stuff. Could my tulpa have been having a "spiritual vs psychological" identity crisis?

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Anypony have experience with tulpas physically affecting their hosts? I was getting a tarot reading, and noticed a pocket of something salty in my mouth (maybe a blood blister). It could have been wishful thinking, but I thought some of the cards were talking about stuff relating to my tulpa. I told the reader about stuff that had happened while forcing, which she said was spiritual stuff. Could my tulpa have been having a "spiritual vs psychological" identity crisis?


How developed is your Tulpa? Does he/she know he/she is a Tulpa? Tulpae, in my opinion, are purely psychological. Depending on what the cards were saying, and keep in mind, I have no experience with Tarot, but they may have been referring to a Totem rather than a Tulpa. Along the lines of Tulpa physically affecting their host, with the exception of possession, Tulpae have no way of interacting with the world nor harming you at all.


Signature by Pink Mist!

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I'm not sure if my Rainbow Dash knows she's a tulpa. My contingency for the "living up to the TV character" thing is that she's an actress playing a fictionalized version of herself. Related to that, she said that she doesn't like being called "Dashie"; she only let Pinkie Pie do it because that's what was in the script.

Slightly related to that, I don't want to test the limits of my phone's memory, but I also don't want to clog this thread with tulpa progress reports (which are currently on a note on my phone).

Edited by KruegerMeister
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Giving this another go. It's been a while since I've last tried. Perhaps this time, I'll be a bit luckier...


I'm seriously losing patience with myself. If this doesn't pan out this time, I'm considering just abandoning the effort. But, let's not think of that, shall we? Yay, positive thinking!  :lol:


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Giving this another go. It's been a while since I've last tried. Perhaps this time, I'll be a bit luckier...


I'm seriously losing patience with myself. If this doesn't pan out this time, I'm considering just abandoning the effort. But, let's not think of that, shall we? Yay, positive thinking!  :lol:


I wish you the best of luck! Though, I ask that you ensure that you're ready to put up with the effort of creating a long term being before you force again. Of course, this is none of my business, so do as you will. As I said before, good luck!


Signature by Pink Mist!

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I wish you the best of luck! Though, I ask that you ensure that you're ready to put up with the effort of creating a long term being before you force again. Of course, this is none of my business, so do as you will. As I said before, good luck!


This is something I've been contemplating for a year and a half now. I'm well-acquainted with the effort required, as well as the potential risks. Overall, the only thing stopping me is my own drive to get this done above all else.


...A force that has stopped me on many, MANY occasions... >_>  

Edited by Yerserf


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This is something I've been contemplating for a year and a half now. I'm well-acquainted with the effort required, as well as the potential risks. Overall, the only thing stopping me is my own drive to get this done above all else.


...A force that has stopped me on many, MANY occasions... >_>  


I feel you there! Drive can be difficult to find, and those first few months are the hardest. I promise you, the results are great, though forcing often can be difficult. Finding ways to make it interesting and fun can be a big help :)


Signature by Pink Mist!

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How rare is it for a tulpa's appearance to change overnight? Because I read a post in this thread about how they feed on love, compared them to benign Changelings, and read a "Mane Six are Changelings" story right before bed, and as of right now my tulpa looks like a Changeling version of herself.


EDIT: either I was parroting without knowing it (I don't think that's possible), or she legitimately revealed she was pranking me.

Edited by KruegerMeister
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This is something I've been contemplating for a year and a half now. I'm well-acquainted with the effort required, as well as the potential risks. Overall, the only thing stopping me is my own drive to get this done above all else.


...A force that has stopped me on many, MANY occasions... >_>  


Something I'd take heart in is the fact that you've got years of life ahead of you with your tulpa when they're developed, but you only get one creation process or 'journey' to actually create them in.


I've had loads of problems, made tons of mistakes and I probably still am, but I haven't regretted any of it because it all adds to the overall experience, and I've also had many great moments so far. I think having confidence in yourself is linked with having confidence in your tulpa - so try to enjoy it as best you can now to look back on it with happiness in the future.


Take advantage of the subjectivity of the experience, too; you've probably heard it before but if your drive isn't strong enough to accomplish a particular way of forcing, find a way that does seem practical to you. Passive forcing on the bus is probably my favourite thing ever, and now it's spread throughout the day so much that I don't even really need to do active forcing anymore. 


Sorry if this is just a repeat of what you might have read before, I don't want to come off as patronising or anything. :P

♬ Inspirations have I none, just to touch the flaming dove, 

All I have is my love of love, and love is not loving ♬


thanks to Nai for the lovely profile art!

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Now, I am not going to read all 154 pages here to try to find my little answer, if it had been answered. I looked into the Tulpa website to see if that question was answered, and for the most part, no...


SO...is it possible for a manifested tulpa to be "inside" an intimate object instead of inside our own minds....? Everything that a tulpa is as far as all I have read, is exactly like a specific stuffed animal I have. He is not just personified, he is sentient in my conscious outlook upon him. He has been since I was 12, and actually, his sentience has only grown as I have gotten older.


Maybe this considered something different all together. I am not sure since all this is actually quite foreign to me.



....man, just reading this makes me sound like a kook....

Edited by Treble Bolt

"In fire iron is born, by fire it is tamed"



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How rare is it for a tulpa's appearance to change overnight? Because I read a post in this thread about how they feed on love, compared them to benign Changelings, and read a "Mane Six are Changelings" story right before bed, and as of right now my tulpa looks like a Changeling version of herself.


EDIT: either I was parroting without knowing it (I don't think that's possible), or she legitimately revealed she was pranking me.


A Tulpa can and will change their appearance as they desire, overnight or before your own eyes. You read that Tulpae feed on love? Well, I suppose that's half right. They grow on your attention, and that develops their sentience. A Tulpa may enjoy a story and wish to look like/be called/ act like a certain character or race. If they do so, it often just turns out to be a phase, but there are cases of them staying this way permanently. 


Subconscious parroting is a theory. Some believe it, some don't. If the thoughts seem alien to you, it was likely your Tulpa. 


Now, I am not going to read all 154 pages here to try to find my little answer, if it had been answered. I looked into the Tulpa website to see if that question was answered, and for the most part, no...


SO...is it possible for a manifested tulpa to be "inside" an intimate object instead of inside our own minds....? Everything that a tulpa is as far as all I have read, is exactly like a specific stuffed animal I have. He is not just personified, he is sentient in my conscious outlook upon him. He has been since I was 12, and actually, his sentience has only grown as I have gotten older.


Maybe this considered something different all together. I am not sure since all this is actually quite foreign to me.



....man, just reading this makes me sound like a kook....


This is confusing to me, other than their form (possibly), a Tulpa isn't very much like a stuffed animal. They are, as far as I believe, a forced hallucination created by the subconscious, given a personality, form, and are of sentience. Anything you can imagine is possible for a Tulpa, in a sense. I'm not sure what you mean by a Tulpa being inside of something in your mind. Do you mean something like a box? Because yes, if you imagined a box, you could very well put your Tulpa in a box, though they might not like that very much, lol. Many people choose to make a 'Wonderland' for their Tulpa, a landscape in their mind which stays the way it is whether or not you're currently interacting it, and it's where a Tulpa stays while you aren't thinking about it. A Tulpa is technically 'inside' this land, is that what you mean? 


Sorry, this probably isn't too helpful, I'm still a bit confused by your question.


Signature by Pink Mist!

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This is confusing to me, other than their form (possibly), a Tulpa isn't very much like a stuffed animal. They are, as far as I believe, a forced hallucination created by the subconscious, given a personality, form, and are of sentience. Anything you can imagine is possible for a Tulpa, in a sense. I'm not sure what you mean by a Tulpa being inside of something in your mind. Do you mean something like a box? Because yes, if you imagined a box, you could very well put your Tulpa in a box, though they might not like that very much, lol. Many people choose to make a 'Wonderland' for their Tulpa, a landscape in their mind which stays the way it is whether or not you're currently interacting it, and it's where a Tulpa stays while you aren't thinking about it. A Tulpa is technically 'inside' this land, is that what you mean? 


Sorry, this probably isn't too helpful, I'm still a bit confused by your question.


I meant projecting what would normally be a Tulpa inside your consciousness, but instead of inside your mind, being 'inside' something else...like extreme personification....my lack of understanding has made things confusing :wacko:

"In fire iron is born, by fire it is tamed"



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