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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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I must say, I'm a bit leery of the idea that something existing only in the imagination of an individual could truly have sentience. But the idea is rather fascinating!


It's especially interesting considering this from the perspective of my faith as a Christian. I mean, I believe that God created the universe out of nothing, just by imagining it and telling it to be. And I believe that we're created in His image, which I take to mean on a spiritual level more than a physical level. So it does seem that, hey, maybe we would have the ability to create new things from our imagination, too. Even if we lack the ability to bring those things into this physical existence.


Fascinating stuff. :D

Edited by HennyPennyBenny
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I must say, I'm a bit leery of the idea that something existing only in the imagination of an individual could truly have sentience. But the idea is rather fascinating!


It's especially interesting considering this from the perspective of my faith as a Christian. I mean, I believe that God created the universe out of nothing, just by imagining it and telling it to be. And I believe that we're created in His image, which I take to mean on a spiritual level more than a physical level. So it does seem that, hey, maybe we would have the ability to create new things from our imagination, too. Even if we lack the ability to bring those things into this physical existence.


Fascinating stuff. :D


It is rather fascinating, isn't it? The mind is such a powerful thing, something we can't even begin to understand in this time period. It's quite a phenomenon. Do you have any interest in making a Tulpa for yourself? If you don't mind my asking.


Signature by Pink Mist!

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It is rather fascinating, isn't it? The mind is such a powerful thing, something we can't even begin to understand in this time period. It's quite a phenomenon. Do you have any interest in making a Tulpa for yourself? If you don't mind my asking.


I do, actually. I started forcing this morning, and I believe his name in Ansel.

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Now, I am not going to read all 154 pages here to try to find my little answer, if it had been answered. I looked into the Tulpa website to see if that question was answered, and for the most part, no...


SO...is it possible for a manifested tulpa to be "inside" an intimate object instead of inside our own minds....? Everything that a tulpa is as far as all I have read, is exactly like a specific stuffed animal I have. He is not just personified, he is sentient in my conscious outlook upon him. He has been since I was 12, and actually, his sentience has only grown as I have gotten older.


Maybe this considered something different all together. I am not sure since all this is actually quite foreign to me.



....man, just reading this makes me sound like a kook....


I...think...so....but that plane in which I am manifesting it out on is a stuffed animal. It's all in my mind, but when my stuffed animal is nearby, everything comes out through "it" and not within me...

Semi-necroing this post, to say that everything "tulpa" related is all extremely subjective; while there some themes that seem to be present through most of the guides out there, they all specifically outline the fact that you should experiment and that experience is more personal and, once again, subjective. Any advice given on this thread is not necessarily absolute, as there seem to be many exemptions and additions to various "rules" and procedures, depending on the person. Overall, this concept is simply what you make it. As such, it does not sound improbable that your mind may have created a similar concept in this medium, especially taking into account your young age at the time and the aversion that is felt toward having "voices" in ones head, it could be possible, in my limited and strictly theoretical standpoint on this subject, that your brain only activated this region of your mind when in the presence of the physical manifestation of the personality that you created to somewhat normalize the existence of this external personality that was created.


In summary, anything is possible in regards to a tulpa and it sounds very plausible that without knowledge of the greater extent of this phenomenon that your brain relegated this portion of your mind to be only activated when in the physical presence of the embodied personality.

  • Brohoof 1


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Well, I've officially started this. That's probably the 14th time I've said that, but hey, persistence pays off. :lol: 


Kind of interestingly, I've already had what I'm interpreting as a tactile response. I felt something soft rub against my cheek, and there wasn't anything there that could have caused that. Kind of a furry-ish feel, like a cat but a bit rougher. I'm not sure if this is also an indication, but I had three different dreams last night, whereas I normally only have roughly one every other month. None of them were related to the task at hand, but still. Really odd stuff.


Not sure if those mean anything, but hey, y'never know. I'm hopeful that somewhere in this mound of monochrome matter I call a mind, there's something brewing.  :)

  • Brohoof 2


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Why would your subconscious do something you didn't want? As a subconscious is a part of you, it certainly wouldn't wish any harm or bad upon you.

I've heard things like "the subconscious doesn't register negatives" and "the subconscious takes everything as fact". Then again, I've also heard that the subconscious will reject unwanted suggestions, so I might be missing something. I was thinking that the subconscious could misinterpret what you want/what's best for you.

Random question for a story: is it possible for a tulpa to act as a barometer for things like Stockholm syndrome?

Edited by KruegerMeister
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Had I a Tulpa, and I probably do want one, partly out of boredom and philosophical interest, I can't help but be wary of one thing. I do apologize for the NSFW'ness of it and all, but it's gotta be said.



Private time. What happens if you're doing something shameful by yourself, or you're with your significant other and a certain tulpa can travel down under some sweaty bedsheets? What would your Tulpa's reaction be? Could you bear to face it ever again? Or would it cheer you on? Dangerous waters, there...



Yep. Had to come out some time. There it is. Ponder away.


Well, I've officially started this. That's probably the 14th time I've said that, but hey, persistence pays off. :lol: 


(snip - etc)

Whenever I start something like this, the first few days (Usually just the first.) is the most "different" as compared to the rest. Novelty factor and the like. It's like an upside-down bell curve kind of shape if there were to be a graph of it. A lot at the beginning and the end, and it being very gradual toward the middle.
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Had I a Tulpa, and I probably do want one, partly out of boredom and philosophical interest, I can't help but be wary of one thing. I do apologize for the NSFW'ness of it and all, but it's gotta be said.



Private time. What happens if you're doing something shameful by yourself, or you're with your significant other and a certain tulpa can travel down under some sweaty bedsheets? What would your Tulpa's reaction be? Could you bear to face it ever again? Or would it cheer you on? Dangerous waters, there...



Yep. Had to come out some time. There it is. Ponder away.


Whenever I start something like this, the first few days (Usually just the first.) is the most "different" as compared to the rest. Novelty factor and the like. It's like an upside-down bell curve kind of shape if there were to be a graph of it. A lot at the beginning and the end, and it being very gradual toward the middle.

Once again, this is varied from person to person, but I have seen this addressed by some people, whom claim that either they don't really mind or that they are able to send them away while you and you significant other are engaged in the sexy time.


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I've heard things like "the subconscious doesn't register negatives" and "the subconscious takes everything as fact". Then again, I've also heard that the subconscious will reject unwanted suggestions, so I might be missing something. I was thinking that the subconscious could misinterpret what you want/what's best for you.

Random question for a story: is it possible for a tulpa to act as a barometer for things like Stockholm syndrome?


I've admittedly done little research on the subconscious. In my opinion, the subconscious cannot misinterpret what is best for you, it ultimately knows what the best decision would likely be, and that's where that 'gut feeling' comes from when making big decisions. If a subconscious didn't register negatives, how would it know which decision is in your best interest? Both pros and cons need to be weighed in to make a logical decision.

From my knowledge, Tulpae do not cause mental illnesses, not that I'm knowledgeable about Stockholm syndrome. The worst thing you can do, in my opinion, is worry about that stuff happening, due to the Law of Attraction. 


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I was asking if a tulpa could be a reliable way to detect the progression of a mental illness or largely subconscious process.


Ahh, I see. I wouldn't say it is a reliable way, but I'd believe that it would be of possibility. As they are a manifested form of your subconscious, they should be able to detect illness in some way, though a physical illness seems a bit more likely and easy for them in my opinion.


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I remember asking about using this thread as a log vs using my iPhone, but I can't find the post. At the risk of redundancy, I'll ask again: is it okay if I use this thread as a way to log my tulpa creation progress?

Also, at what point should I stop logging? A year?

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I remember asking about using this thread as a log vs using my iPhone, but I can't find the post. At the risk of redundancy, I'll ask again: is it okay if I use this thread as a way to log my tulpa creation progress?

Also, at what point should I stop logging? A year?


Of course, this isn't my thread nor do I have any right to make a decision, so OP, feel free to revoke whatever I say if you happen to make an appearance.


People in the first 50 or so pages logged their process every once in a while, so I don't see it as an issue as long as it doesn't spam the thread. However, I'd highly recommend you sign up for Tulpa.Info and use their Progress Report board to log your process, as that's exactly what it's designed for.

Some people log for a few months, some a year, some choose to never stop. It all depends on your desires in Tulpamancy. If you want to do research and experiments with your Tulpa, you may update for a long period of time and continue to log your progress with the research. If you choose to let everything plateau after imposition/possession/switching and not experiment any further, you may find yourself not needing to log after a year. It's all up to you.


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Quick question: I personally find it difficult to remember a list of 30+ traits. So, would it be alright to write them down on a paper or make a list on an electronic device? It would make the job a lot more convenient for me, and may help me keep alert in-session, but I don't know if it would have any detrimental effects. Better safe than sorry.  :)


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Quick question: I personally find it difficult to remember a list of 30+ traits. So, would it be alright to write them down on a paper or make a list on an electronic device? It would make the job a lot more convenient for me, and may help me keep alert in-session, but I don't know if it would have any detrimental effects. Better safe than sorry.  :)


I dont see why this would have any effect but positive. 

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Quick question: I personally find it difficult to remember a list of 30+ traits. So, would it be alright to write them down on a paper or make a list on an electronic device? It would make the job a lot more convenient for me, and may help me keep alert in-session, but I don't know if it would have any detrimental effects. Better safe than sorry.  :)


Personally, I wrote down all 30 traits on my computer and forced three a session, and we had no effects but positive ones :)


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Personally, I wrote down all 30 traits on my computer and forced three a session, and we had no effects but positive ones :)

Is it possible to have been forcing traits without knowing it? The only conscious trait forcing I've been doing is reading my trait list out loud. Also, is there a difference between a progress report and a daily journal of "this is what my tulpa did today"? I thought I was doing the former, but it looks more like the latter.

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I'm going to make either lyra or twilight sparkle.


Best of luck!


Is it possible to have been forcing traits without knowing it? The only conscious trait forcing I've been doing is reading my trait list out loud. Also, is there a difference between a progress report and a daily journal of "this is what my tulpa did today"? I thought I was doing the former, but it looks more like the latter.


Well, a tulpa doesn't solely develop its personality from the personality forcing you will do with it. They can and do develop their own traits. As an example, my tulpa, Shira, recently developed a sassy sort of personality which I had no say in. It's a part of their growth.


What you write in your PR is up to you, personally, I write only when there is something to say, but others will update daily. it's all personal preference


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Are there any biological drawbacks to having a sexual relationship with your tulpa? I ask because there are people who apparently do it as I am still skeptical upon the general idea of it.


It is possible for a Tulpa to dissipate with a lack of attention for a long while, but that seems cruel in my eyes.

Everyone sees it as cruel, but it isn't much different than eliminating alters in the final phases of DID treatment therapy. However, it could be avoided if people actually take this seriously, from what I read, a majority of Tulpamancers are fans yearning for a canon character companion.


I seriously hope bronies aren't abusing this, because ponies in Tulpamancy are declared the most common deviation.

  • Brohoof 2
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Are there any biological drawbacks to having a sexual relationship with your tulpa? I ask because there are people who apparently do it as I am still skeptical upon the general idea of it.


Everyone sees it as cruel, but it isn't much different than eliminating alters in the final phases of DID treatment therapy. However, it could be avoided if people actually take this seriously, from what I read, a majority of Tulpamancers are fans yearning for a canon character companion.


I seriously hope bronies aren't abusing this, because ponies in Tulpamancy are declared the most common deviation.


> I doubt it. I mean..I dont see anything wrong with myself. 


> Everything that can be abused will be abused by humans, fandom or not. 

However, some people might start it as "character companion" and eventually build it into something better (or worse). 

Edited by LunarWave

              ,#   <- click the tip of the banana to add me on steam!
               \ `-._____,-'=/
            ____`._ ----- _,'_____ My sig seem to be too good for Poniverse, so here's a banana
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> I doubt it. I mean..I dont see anything wrong with myself. 


> Everything that can be abused will be abused by humans, fandom or not. 

However, some people might start it as "character companion" and eventually build it into something better (or worse). 

Can you ruin the fabrication of your memories? What is the point of taking such a huge approach? This is a lifelong commitment and big responsibility.


These are questions that often go unanswered in other websites regarding Tulpamancy. I'm curious and may attempt it, but one must understand the consequences.

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