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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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Can you ruin the fabrication of your memories? What is the point of taking such a huge approach? This is a lifelong commitment and big responsibility.


These are questions that often go unanswered in other websites regarding Tulpamancy. I'm curious and may attempt it, but one must understand the consequences.


What? What huge approach? 

              ,#   <- click the tip of the banana to add me on steam!
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            ____`._ ----- _,'_____ My sig seem to be too good for Poniverse, so here's a banana
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Can you ruin the fabrication of your memories? What is the point of taking such a huge approach? This is a lifelong commitment and big responsibility.


These are questions that often go unanswered in other websites regarding Tulpamancy. I'm curious and may attempt it, but one must understand the consequences.


A tulpa can actually assist you in memory recall, they don't ruin it whatsoever. The point? Different for everyone. Some out of curiosity, others for a companion, and others for deep personal reasons. It is a huge commitment indeed, some fail to recognize that.


One must understand the consequences indeed, but many do not.


Signature by Pink Mist!

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Are there any biological drawbacks to having a sexual relationship with your tulpa? I ask because there are people who apparently do it as I am still skeptical upon the general idea of it.


Everyone sees it as cruel, but it isn't much different than eliminating alters in the final phases of DID treatment therapy. However, it could be avoided if people actually take this seriously, from what I read, a majority of Tulpamancers are fans yearning for a canon character companion.


I seriously hope bronies aren't abusing this, because ponies in Tulpamancy are declared the most common deviation.


Can you ruin the fabrication of your memories? What is the point of taking such a huge approach? This is a lifelong commitment and big responsibility.


These are questions that often go unanswered in other websites regarding Tulpamancy. I'm curious and may attempt it, but one must understand the consequences.

Good points, that people here really should take into a account. While I may try to explain my response to this, I would mostly end up quoting a source that explains it a great better that I would be able to: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17iiFxZ9PYXXxSqWHdU2YoPsGfJr90w8aIG_evqc1wiY/edit .

This is indeed a lifelong commitment and should thus not be treated frivolously, nor for the wrong reasons, and while we all do enjoy ponies now, our interests may change down the road or have a certain fandom or other such thing replace the affection felt toward ponies, potentially causing some ill affect on the relationship. It may be better to at least create a form that will have definite staying power into the future. While this is not necessarily a separate physical being, the process of having to destroy one is nonetheless traumatizing for the "host" that created it, as it seems to be hard to differentiate a being of the subconscious from reality. 


Most definitely a tulpa should not be attempted in order to fulfill any sexual desires or to replace physical relationships, as this will surely inhibit any future relationships or social capacity for the person doing so, as a tulpa is often described as a "perfect friend" or even "a perfect mate." Having such an experience (especially if it is the first) will create an unattainable standard for the host and will then have a negative impact on their life.

It may not be in the best interests for many people to have a sexual relationship with a mental construct, as it can in fact cause some emotional or mental consequences as a result and may indeed be desired to replace physical relationships. This is not to say that that may be the only drawback from such a relationship, as of course there is the possibility for many others, however, my knowledge of psychology is minimal.


It is important to remember that this process was originally documented being done by Buddhist monks after years of meditation (unintentially at that), and while it was beneficial for them, their reasons for creating this construct were much different than ours. If done incorrectly or unhealthily (which all depends upon the person; even a romantic relationship may prove healthy depending on the individual, albeit it much more rare) this phenomena could indeed prove to be a negative impact on a person's life.


Of course this would all depend on some philosophical questions as to what is truly important in life that I don't even want to being to think about, such as whether or not it would be acceptable to withdraw from life to live in what is essentially a fantasy land, after all you would be happy there. For example, if an individual neglected to make any friends or have a relationship in real life, choosing instead to devote all of their free time to the internet and or video games, is that a bad thing if they are happy with their life?

I don't have any opinion on the aforementioned questions because it is easier not to.


EDIT: the term "deviation" is mostly used to denote changes beyond the host's conscious control, making a "pony deviation" not from the choice of the host and instead a desire by the subconscious.

Edited by Gordon Freeman
  • Brohoof 1


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  • 2 weeks later...

My tulpa and I don't really like thinking about existential things like how you define what's real, which the identity crisis probably falls under. Is it bad to sweep that under the rug?

Was this question already answered? I didn't think about it until I got to the "pony watching MLP" part in My Little Dashie yesterday.

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My tulpa and I don't really like thinking about existential things like how you define what's real, which the identity crisis probably falls under. Is it bad to sweep that under the rug?

Was this question already answered? I didn't think about it until I got to the "pony watching MLP" part in My Little Dashie yesterday.


If you and your tulpa don't want to think about what's real and what's not and how you define what's real, then don't. It's not an issue and it's likely just something that you aren't ready to address, which is fine. If it's not causing you any problems, there really shouldn't be any cause for worry. It is generally important, however, that your tulpa understands what it is and the fact that it is a tulpa. As long as that is understood, there is no reason to dwell further if it is undesirable. 


Signature by Pink Mist!

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I got a 404 error when trying to log into tulpa.info. Should I post my progress report on this thread until the site comes back up (putting several days or even weeks' worth of entries into one post, and spoilering the resulting wall of text)?

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Is it possible to force while you dream/sleep??

Yeah, if you can lucid dream (which is pretty much knowing you're dreaming and can therefore pretty much warp reality in the dream world). It might be possible to force so much during the day that you have a non-lucid dream about forcing, but I don't think that's what you're going for.
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Yeah, if you can lucid dream (which is pretty much knowing you're dreaming and can therefore pretty much warp reality in the dream world). It might be possible to force so much during the day that you have a non-lucid dream about forcing, but I don't think that's what you're going for.


^ This. I've been trying to lucid dream, but to no avail! If anyone has been able to lucid dream, can you tell me how you do it, or what the best method to induce lucid dreams would be? :squee:

  • Brohoof 1
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^ This. I've been trying to lucid dream, but to no avail! If anyone has been able to lucid dream, can you tell me how you do it, or what the best method to induce lucid dreams would be?


I think I remember reading a guide actually someone made on Tulpa.info I need to get back on there and spend a good amount of time re reading some stuff. But I am pretty sure I remember I saw someone made a guide for being able to induce lucid dreaming.  

  • Brohoof 1



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I got a 404 error when trying to log into tulpa.info. Should I post my progress report on this thread until the site comes back up (putting several days or even weeks' worth of entries into one post, and spoilering the resulting wall of text)?


The site's down, I don't know for how long or why, but the common belief is that it's simply an issue with the server, Pleeb (the owner) may also be low on the cash needed to support the site.


This isn't my thread, nor do I have the authority to tell you what you can and can't post, I'm afraid. Unless Rizoel and Crepuscule come over and decide, it's up to you whether or not you post it.

I think I remember reading a guide actually someone made on Tulpa.info I need to get back on there and spend a good amount of time re reading some stuff. But I am pretty sure I remember I saw someone made a guide for being able to induce lucid dreaming.  


Dreamviews is said to be a good site to do research on lucid dreaming with if you're looking to induce it. I've never been there, but I've heard good things about the site.

Edited by Midnight Eclipse


Signature by Pink Mist!

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The creation of a non-corporeal tulpa (I really wish they'd come up with a separate name to distinguish it from real tulpas) results in a mere pseudo-individual being. It is not truly individual because it is basially the same as an imaginary friend with your thought process moved into the subconscious. For a truly individual being, it would have to be anchored in the unconscious.

It might not be of much benefit (except pure fun and curiosity) to create such an 'advanced imaginary friend' to someone who is good at accessing their subconscious creative processes anyway.

Personally, when I'm "in the zone" during a creative process, I surprise myself with the enjoyable stuff I come up with, seemingly effortlessly. So I don't feel the need to create such a hallucination if I can create the same consciously.

I suspect that if people claim that what they (somewhat misleadingly) call a tulpa is not part of their own mind's flow of ideas, they're easy to mislead themselves into falsely believing they created something more than a mere imaginary friend. Maybe that's the whole point of the exercise, but sometimes it's relatively easy to see through the outward facade. Again, this might just mean that someone is not that skilled yet, but one could easily fall into a mind trap that stifles progress. After all, how can someone know they created a tulpa if they don't know what is not a tulpa? ... And this somewhat ties into the point I made in the beginning, of just ignoring the true definition of what a tulpa is. It is a Tibetan term, and some people even use it with a latin plural. In the same way that this distinction is being eliminated by practitioners of 'modern tulpa', further down the timeline other people could do the next step in that same process and call mere imaginary friends "tulpas".

Imagine someone created an imaginary friend and claimed: "I created a buddha with my mind." If enough people do that, like the idea of a buddha as an imaginary friend, then eventually the term "buddha" would be synonymous with an imaginary friend.

There are even more ironic implications involved: If people call their non-corporeal thought forms "tulpas" because they don't consider a true (corporeal) tulpa realistic, they're practicing disbelief, which is like an egoistic tradeoff, since separation of one's own from others can strengthen the belief in one's own ideas, but will make the higher level more difficult to achieve for others. If you take away the name of something, it vanishes from perception.

Remember Luke Skywalker and his attempt to lift the X-Wing out of the water? ... It is too big, he said. ... Well, his disbelief was. But I'm sure that that belief helped him a lot with lifting very small and light objects, since he was very confident and convinced that it is very doable because of the object's properties.
This is actually how the belief system called "science" w
orks. ;) It's quasi the easy way of creation because virtually everybody already believes in it.

Edited by Dowlphin
  • Brohoof 1

All you have to do is take a bunch of letters! Add it to the thread! Now just take a little something bold, not italic! A bit of underline, just a pinch! Writing these words is such a cinch! Add a teaspoon of punilla! Add a little more, and you count to four, and you always get your filler... Onehundred! So sweet and tasty! Hundred! Don't be too hasty! Hundred! Hundred, hundred, HUNDRED!



"Aw, Pinkie. You have got to stop talking to yourself."
- Pinkie Pie

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The creation of a non-corporeal tulpa (I really wish they'd come up with a separate name to distinguish it from real tulpas) results in a mere pseudo-individual being. It is not truly individual because it is basially the same as an imaginary friend with your thought process moved into the subconscious. For a truly individual being, it would have to be anchored in the unconscious.


It might not be of much benefit (except pure fun and curiosity) to create such an 'advanced imaginary friend' to someone who is good at accessing their subconscious creative processes anyway.


Personally, when I'm "in the zone" during a creative process, I surprise myself with the enjoyable stuff I come up with, seemingly effortlessly. So I don't feel the need to create such a hallucination if I can create the same consciously.


I suspect that if people claim that what they (somewhat misleadingly) call a tulpa is not part of their own mind's flow of ideas, they're easy to mislead themselves into falsely believing they created something more than a mere imaginary friend. Maybe that's the whole point of the exercise, but sometimes it's relatively easy to see through the outward facade. Again, this might just mean that someone is not that skilled yet, but one could easily fall into a mind trap that stifles progress. After all, how can someone know they created a tulpa if they don't know what is not a tulpa? ... And this somewhat ties into the point I made in the beginning, of just ignoring the true definition of what a tulpa is. It is a Tibetan term, and some people even use it with a latin plural. In the same way that this distinction is being eliminated by practitioners of 'modern tulpa', further down the timeline other people could do the next step in that same process and call mere imaginary friends "tulpas".


Imagine someone created an imaginary friend and claimed: "I created a buddha with my mind." If enough people do that, like the idea of a buddha as an imaginary friend, then eventually the term "buddha" would be synonymous with an imaginary friend.


There are even more ironic implications involved: If people call their non-corporeal thought forms "tulpas" because they don't consider a true (corporeal) tulpa realistic, they're practicing disbelief, which is like an egoistic tradeoff, since separation of one's own from others can strengthen the belief in one's own ideas, but will make the higher level more difficult to achieve for others. If you take away the name of something, it vanishes from perception.


Remember Luke Skywalker and his attempt to lift the X-Wing out of the water? ... It is too big, he said. ... Well, his disbelief was. But I'm sure that that belief helped him a lot with lifting very small and light objects, since he was very confident and convinced that it is very doable because of the object's properties.

This is actually how the belief system called "science" works. ;) It's quasi the easy way of creation because virtually everybody already believes in it.


Interesting read. May I ask what brought on your desire to post it? Don't take that negatively, I'm genuinely curious, I'm very glad that you posted this.

I've just recently heard about tulpae and this forum thread and I'm curious to know how many success stories there are.




Loads for sure. It works, just takes time. Are you contemplating creation of your own?

Edited by Midnight Eclipse


Signature by Pink Mist!

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I posted this in another Tulpa thread but I'll post it here too.


I have some questions about Tulpas


1) Should I create a male or female Tulpa? I connect a heck of a lot more with females, although a female Tulpa might feel disgusted in my body (I'm overweight and I don't shave often and I'm not the cleanest person around). Also, if I ever get married and do what husbands and wives do, my Tulpa might hate me for it, while if I have a male Tulpa he might cheer me on xD

2) Should I try to force a base personality on my Tulpa to steer it towards my desired result? Or just let it be created and develop on it's own?

3) Is it true that a Tulpa can auto pilot the host? I think that would be cool, although a bit scary at times. I'm reminded of that anime or manga where a timid girl developed a dark side which protected her from bullying, although also got her in trouble. I might make my Tulpa a combination of AJ/RD/Lyra so I can have a cute friend who is also reliable and can help me protect myself if I ever get attacked.

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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Loads for sure. It works, just takes time. Are you contemplating creation of your own?


Yes. But before I do, I need to do my homework. I need to make sure this is not some form of schizophrenia or something. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those angry parents who shoots down fun things out of paranoia. I play Magic: the Gathering and read Harry Potter... and I know I'm not being encouraged by demons or anything. 


Having a friend as close as a Tulpa sounds like an incredible experience, but I hope I can be good to them.



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I posted this in another Tulpa thread but I'll post it here too.


I have some questions about Tulpas


1) Should I create a male or female Tulpa? I connect a heck of a lot more with females, although a female Tulpa might feel disgusted in my body (I'm overweight and I don't shave often and I'm not the cleanest person around). Also, if I ever get married and do what husbands and wives do, my Tulpa might hate me for it, while if I have a male Tulpa he might cheer me on xD

2) Should I try to force a base personality on my Tulpa to steer it towards my desired result? Or just let it be created and develop on it's own?

3) Is it true that a Tulpa can auto pilot the host? I think that would be cool, although a bit scary at times. I'm reminded of that anime or manga where a timid girl developed a dark side which protected her from bullying, although also got her in trouble. I might make my Tulpa a combination of AJ/RD/Lyra so I can have a cute friend who is also reliable and can help me protect myself if I ever get attacked.


I'll help as best I can.


1) There are many people who create tulpas that are the opposite gender from them, actually, it appears that the majority of mancers do. Most of the time, they do not become jealous of the host's relationships, in fact, they usually support them. Besides, it's not like you have to be in a relationship with it or anything. Do what feels right.


2) I forced personality myself, others don't, some don't believe that it makes much of a difference either way. Read some guides and decide for yourself. Expect the tulpa to deviate however, and allow it to do so.


3) Well, yes. That's called 'switching' in the community. Some practice it, though I don't personally. Again, read some guides and make a decision. It's certainly not an easy task. Whether or not it's scary is up to you. 



Yes. But before I do, I need to do my homework. I need to make sure this is not some form of schizophrenia or something. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those angry parents who shoots down fun things out of paranoia. I play Magic: the Gathering and read Harry Potter... and I know I'm not being encouraged by demons or anything. 


Having a friend as close as a Tulpa sounds like an incredible experience, but I hope I can be good to them.



This is definitely not something to be done rashly. This is, for the most part, a lifelong commitment. Think it over for a while. This is of absolutely NO relation to schizophrenia, DID, or any other mental illness. Read the guides, do your research, and then make a decision.


Signature by Pink Mist!

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I'll help as best I can.


1) There are many people who create tulpas that are the opposite gender from them, actually, it appears that the majority of mancers do. Most of the time, they do not become jealous of the host's relationships, in fact, they usually support them. Besides, it's not like you have to be in a relationship with it or anything. Do what feels right.


2) I forced personality myself, others don't, some don't believe that it makes much of a difference either way. Read some guides and decide for yourself. Expect the tulpa to deviate however, and allow it to do so.


3) Well, yes. That's called 'switching' in the community. Some practice it, though I don't personally. Again, read some guides and make a decision. It's certainly not an easy task. Whether or not it's scary is up to you. 

Thanks, and I'm guessing as long as I develop my Tulpa properly, I won't have anything to be worried about while switching. I plan on giving her a protective personality (let's just say I've gone through a lot in my childhood). She would exist to give me counsel, and maybe sometimes give me a break to visit my subconscious to play out different situations. Also, if I ever fully develop one, if she ends up liking this forum, I'm tempted to allow her to make an account on here. It would be neat to have Tulpas posting here. And I can't wait to see what interests my Tulpa will have. My only concern is what if she ends up disliking MLP? That would make visiting this forum or doing anything pony related awkward.

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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Thanks, and I'm guessing as long as I develop my Tulpa properly, I won't have anything to be worried about while switching. I plan on giving her a protective personality (let's just say I've gone through a lot in my childhood). She would exist to give me counsel, and maybe sometimes give me a break to visit my subconscious to play out different situations. Also, if I ever fully develop one, if she ends up liking this forum, I'm tempted to allow her to make an account on here. It would be neat to have Tulpas posting here. And I can't wait to see what interests my Tulpa will have. My only concern is what if she ends up disliking MLP? That would make visiting this forum or doing anything pony related awkward.


Ahh yes, develop the tulpa through loving nature and cast all doubts aside, and it shall be smooth sailing, as long as you do your research and ensure that you know what you're doing. Feel free to give her basic outlines of her personality and allow it to develop from there if that suits your fancy, if it means so much to you that she is protective, than I'm sure she'd abide by that wish. I've met a few tulpamancers whose tulpas didn't like MLP. Generally, the tulpa just doesn't pay attention to the forum while the host surfs it, it doesn't cause any more rift than it would between two close friends with different interests.


Signature by Pink Mist!

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@Midnight Eclipse

I read a bit about the topic and then thoughts occured to me. I rarely can pinpoint my impulse to share my thoughts on something very specific.


Regarding schizophrenia: It might just be a matter of definition. Does schizophrenia need to be unnoticed by the person? Or can it incorporate the idea of multiple personalities that consciously exist at the same time?


Funny, right now I am so much reminded of that scene from Party Of One where Pinkie Pie started arguing with that imagined friend. It's like a depiction of a process that could be considered 'tulpa' creation. From my current understanding, I think that a fear of losing your mind actually will always interfere with the creation of such thought forms and can lead on said path where what you have is just what you think yxou have, not what you believe you have. ;)

That's also why I totally agree with that you said that love needs to be involved in this. Love expands our creative potential, while fear limits it.

All you have to do is take a bunch of letters! Add it to the thread! Now just take a little something bold, not italic! A bit of underline, just a pinch! Writing these words is such a cinch! Add a teaspoon of punilla! Add a little more, and you count to four, and you always get your filler... Onehundred! So sweet and tasty! Hundred! Don't be too hasty! Hundred! Hundred, hundred, HUNDRED!



"Aw, Pinkie. You have got to stop talking to yourself."
- Pinkie Pie

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I have a friend who has a mild form of schizophrenia and he is fully aware of his condition. When he hallucinates he usually is aware that it is a hallucination. Tulpae appear to be close to this form of schizophrenia except they are willingly imposed and the Tulpa is nearly always pleasant because they understand that their creator can kill them by ignoring them. Schizophrenia, especially paranoid schizophrenia can be very unpleasant but most people with Tulpae say that they are always nice.

Edited by Taviscratch


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I have some ideas of what tulpa I want, but can't decide between them. Also, I'm guessing that I can't give my tulpa talents I don't have, right? Like if I wanted to give her medical science and psychology, she would still only have what I know at her disposal, right? Anyway, here's my choices.


1) Fleur Dis Lee design with possibly different colours. Protective, wise, motherly, and likes classical music, art, and reading. If possibly, have medical science and psychology as talents so if I ever get injured, she could take over for a bit and bandage wounds to keep us alive til help arrives, or if I'm feeling down, she can help me get to the root of my problems.


2) A mix of AJ and RD personality. Brave, a bit of a prankster, southern accent, good at standing up for others and self, and tends to be a little bit sarcastic. Not sure what form she would be though. Only problem is she might see AJ/RD when I'm watching the show and might be disappointed that she's not more like them.


3) A mix of canon Lyra and fanon Lyra. Smiles easily, but also cries easily, and loves juice boxes and is pretty happy go lucky most of the time. She would basically have her personality from Lyra Meets the Boondocks. Only problem is that if I'm watching the show and she sees Lyra, she might be disappointed she's not more like Lyra.

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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@Midnight Eclipse

I read a bit about the topic and then thoughts occured to me. I rarely can pinpoint my impulse to share my thoughts on something very specific.


Regarding schizophrenia: It might just be a matter of definition. Does schizophrenia need to be unnoticed by the person? Or can it incorporate the idea of multiple personalities that consciously exist at the same time?


Funny, right now I am so much reminded of that scene from Party Of One where Pinkie Pie started arguing with that imagined friend. It's like a depiction of a process that could be considered 'tulpa' creation. From my current understanding, I think that a fear of losing your mind actually will always interfere with the creation of such thought forms and can lead on said path where what you have is just what you think yxou have, not what you believe you have. ;)

That's also why I totally agree with that you said that love needs to be involved in this. Love expands our creative potential, while fear limits it.


Schizophrenia can be acknowledged as a delusion by the person hosting the hallucinations, multiple personalities would relate slightly better to a few other mental illnesses.


Funny you bring that up, I recall thinking of that when I first heard of tulpas as well. However, the difference is that Pinkie consciously made them speak, tulpas gather thoughts from your subconscious to give independence to themselves. Doubt is poison, and will never help in a process like this. With tulpas, friendship really is magic.


I have some ideas of what tulpa I want, but can't decide between them. Also, I'm guessing that I can't give my tulpa talents I don't have, right? Like if I wanted to give her medical science and psychology, she would still only have what I know at her disposal, right? Anyway, here's my choices.


1) Fleur Dis Lee design with possibly different colours. Protective, wise, motherly, and likes classical music, art, and reading. If possibly, have medical science and psychology as talents so if I ever get injured, she could take over for a bit and bandage wounds to keep us alive til help arrives, or if I'm feeling down, she can help me get to the root of my problems.


2) A mix of AJ and RD personality. Brave, a bit of a prankster, southern accent, good at standing up for others and self, and tends to be a little bit sarcastic. Not sure what form she would be though. Only problem is she might see AJ/RD when I'm watching the show and might be disappointed that she's not more like them.


3) A mix of canon Lyra and fanon Lyra. Smiles easily, but also cries easily, and loves juice boxes and is pretty happy go lucky most of the time. She would basically have her personality from Lyra Meets the Boondocks. Only problem is that if I'm watching the show and she sees Lyra, she might be disappointed she's not more like Lyra.


You're right, a tulpa can not know anymore than you know, though they may be better problem solvers or decision makers than yourself, they can only use the knowledge that is at your own disposal. 


You could always make all three. I can understand if that sounds too overwhelming, however. I'm not going to choose which you should create, I can only say that you should make the one that feels right to the both of you. Give your tulpa some input, maybe allow them to choose a personality or a form. If you already are set on what you want them to be like, you must expect deviation. It will come, and it must be accepted or else the restrictions can become upsetting for said tulpa.


Signature by Pink Mist!

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Schizophrenia can be acknowledged as a delusion by the person hosting the hallucinations, multiple personalities would relate slightly better to a few other mental illnesses.


Funny you bring that up, I recall thinking of that when I first heard of tulpas as well. However, the difference is that Pinkie consciously made them speak, tulpas gather thoughts from your subconscious to give independence to themselves. Doubt is poison, and will never help in a process like this. With tulpas, friendship really is magic.



You're right, a tulpa can not know anymore than you know, though they may be better problem solvers or decision makers than yourself, they can only use the knowledge that is at your own disposal. 


You could always make all three. I can understand if that sounds too overwhelming, however. I'm not going to choose which you should create, I can only say that you should make the one that feels right to the both of you. Give your tulpa some input, maybe allow them to choose a personality or a form. If you already are set on what you want them to be like, you must expect deviation. It will come, and it must be accepted or else the restrictions can become upsetting for said tulpa.

Yeah, and I'm guessing that a tulpa I'm making would already know what I like the best, and try to respect that while they're being created, as long as I put positive emotions into creating her, right? Because I've read about how tulpas can be disappointed that they didn't meet the host's expectations, so I think they're normally cordial and will stay close to the general theme.


Also, do I need to decide on all my tulpa's characteristics before creating her? Or will she fill out any holes with characteristics that please her, based on her likes and dislikes? And is it possible to be too unrealistic when making a tulpa? Like one that only has good points and no flaws?


Edit: And would a tulpa have 100% use of the brain, since they're basically an extension of the subconscious?

Edited by Princess of the Sun

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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