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private Bounties and Video Games, 1x1 with Dynamo Pad

Catpone Cerberus

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@Dynamo Pad
"Scars are the leftover of healed injuries, so no, they don't count as permanent injuries, and they count even less with me considering none of my scars are visible due to my skin being under my scales..." Ember explained "...what I mean by permanent are injuries like losing a limb, losing an eye, paralysis, and so on, things that limit normal life even after they have healed as much as they ever will."  

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@Catpone Cerberus

"I guess that's true, but the permanent is still present. As it leaves a permanent reminder of what had happened to gain that scar. It seems like you have two sets of armor. One being the armor you normally wear on your bounty hunter jobs. The other being the scales over your skin..." Dynamo responded with a nod. "...I know that my Mind Racer spell can cause me to lose any and all function with my legs. It's only if I go over the time limit for the spell. For one, it drains up any and all magic, but it can also cause damaging side effects. So, I can get the whole permanent injuries if it does come to that. I was paralyzed by a poison in the tournament, but thankfully that was removed after the whole tournament round."

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@Dynamo Pad
"Poisons and spells like that are not fun, that makes me curious though, have you ever been hit with dark magic?" Ember asked, she had gotten curious about how much Dynamo had really been through, because it didn't seem like his mental state had been effected that much. 

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@Catpone Cerberus

"You can say that again. Being hit with Chimera venom to the point of feeling as if your whole body is on fire? Yeah...no thanks. Even getting hit by poison joke is brutal. True, it affects what you are best at and for me, that's video games. Not being able to play games is horrible and it's even worse when not competing in tournaments. I wouldn't wish that poison joke upon anypony..." He thought back at the mention of dark magic, but only one time came to mind. "...Would you consider the power of a yokai be considered dark magic? The opponent I fought, Selene. I thought she was a regular pony, but she willingly allowed herself to be taken over by a yokai. She had this way of seeing in the future like a psychic, but she also had a way of messing with one's mind. She could stop a pony, or creature's heart, she made anyone see things that weren't really there..." He shivered slightly as he remembered the battle he had against her. "...She made me see myself taking down my best friend. Even so much as an illusion of my father to strike me down. It made me cherish those I have with me in my life, but it made me worry if I'll ever lose them in such a tragic way." A stray tear fell, before the blue unicorn wiped the tear away. He was somewhat traumatized from the tournament, but it was something he never really talked that much about, until now.

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@Dynamo Pad
"Though it's forbidden, it's not dark magic, and don't get me wrong, I understand the experience was terrible for you, and I'm impressed how well you have taken it, but dark magic is worse, and I hope you'll never have to go through it..." Ember responded, sympathetic towards dynamo's experience, but factual "...dark magic is fueled by rage and hate, and it can, quite literally, make your worst nightmare to come true. It's also very powerful magic that can very easily corrupt its user, Sombra is one of those who used it..." she sighed "...I'm sorry if I seem dismissive of your story, but I don't know what I could say, I would hug you or otherwise comfort you, but as you know, I currently am unable to move." 

Edited by Catpone Cerberus
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@Catpone Cerberus

"Glad to know it's different from forbidden magic..." Dynamo shook his head at the mention of taking the yokai magic well. His gaze darkening slightly as he remembered the moment all to well. "...I don't know if it was dark magic or not for me, but I get the whole thing on rage and hate. The moment I thought my friend was lost in my arms, I felt I had just snapped. It was as if nothing else really mattered anymore. I almost felt something had taken over, but I knew what I was doing. A sort of calm fury, so to speak. I had never felt that kind of surge in magic before. It was exhilarating, yet it was so frightening. I honestly never knew someone like Sombra was corrupted like that, but I guess everyone falls into their weakest moments..." He looked to her and shook his head, while offering a kind smile. "...There's no need to apologize. It's been a few months since that tournament even happened. I told Starlight and I almost broke down in front of her, but she made sure that everything was okay. A hug would be good, but I think it would be best to wait until you're all better. Considering the state that you're in right now." He chuckled slightly as he appreciated the dragon-pony's concern.

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@Dynamo Pad
"Magic fueled by anger isn't same as dark magic, you don't use dark magic by accident, if it would just appear randomly, everypony would be corrupted by it by now since everypony gets angry or hateful sometimes..." Ember pointed out "...and how didn't you know that about Sombra? it's well known history..." she gave a faint smile "...Good, because like I have at some point already said, the whole showing sympathy thing is not really something I'm used to, I of course feel sympathy, but I just don't know how to act on it."

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@Catpone Cerberus 

"Glad to know that isn't the case. I'm still new on the whole concept of magic. I've seen a lot of interesting user's of magic abilities. From clowns, who use yokai energy to make balloon animals to surgeons using magic as scalpels. I'd hate to find out what would happen if everyone used dark magic. It would be as if nowhere in Equestria would be safe to live. That is if that were to be the case. I know one of the team owners wanted to try and make everyone in Equestria gain the power of yokai. I think you might have heard of him. The pony's name is Rail. He wanted to use the money to work on the project I was mentioning. That, or he just wanted to be the riches pony in the world and have all the power. Regardless, he was aiming to make the entire world have no rules and let chaos run rampant. It's what my team and I were trying to prevent and thankfully, we succeeded..." Dynamo explained with a nod. "...The school I went to only introduced the whole basics of Sombra and the Crystal Empire. Most books had said that the whole Crystal Empire was a myth. Considering it wasn't seen for a thousand moons. With that brief amount of knowledge, it's kind of understandable how I might not have known much on Sombra..." He smiled softly with a slight chuckle. "...At least you feel sympathetic and care about others. Acting on how you feel is kind of difficult as feelings are different. Either that, or they're difficult to interpret."

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@Dynamo Pad
"I have heard about him yes, but only after it all happened, so I wasn't there to intervene...." Ember responded "...oh yeah, I forgot the return of the crystal empire hasn't been in the history books for long since it just happened..." "...for me the reason is mostly who I am, because like I have told before, this job has effect on who you are, and it's not always a good effect."  

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@Catpone Cerberus

"Glad to know you heard of him. I'm guessing he was sort of a big name in the crime-world. I guess it would have been ironic or something along those lines. If we had met during the times of the tournament..." Dynamo responded with a sheepish smile. "...Thanks for clearing up any info in regards to the Crystal Empire. I would have to believe that the return of the Crystal Empire would have to be placed in books now, or that the history books will have to be updated. Now that the Empire has returned and that all is well now. I mean, Sombra returned along with a few other villains, but that was still long ago..." "...I remember you had told me that. It's unfortunate to hear such a thing, but I guess that's all a part of the job. Is it ever possible to have a part of who you used to be is still within your heart?"

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@Dynamo Pad
"It is possible that part of who I used to be would come back if I left this line of work, but I will never be entirely the same as I used to be..." Ember replied after thinking about it for a moment "...I have been through too much for the changes not to be permanent, both good and bad". 

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@Catpone Cerberus

"From what you've described, I can imagine changing back to the way you were would be possible. However, I know you wouldn't just want to walk away from this field of work. I'm not sure how much you would say you love working in the crime-world, but I know it must mean a lot to you. One where I wouldn't blame you into not giving up that job. Plus, it would also depend on the new job that would replace the old one..." Dynamo responded, nodding solemnly at what Ember had mentioned. "...I understand and I guess it wouldn't be that easy, huh? Even if you turned back to who you used to be, then I guess it wouldn't really matter. I say that because I guess I'm used to seeing you as you are..." He stopped momentarily and sighed, before pinching the bridge of his nose with his front right hoof. "...Okay. That sounded way better in my mind. What I meant was that the dragon-pony I had met that first day a whole month ago? That's the Ember that I remember. Being able to talk to her, play video games together, walking and talking to each other? It all felt so peaceful and I know we are from completely different worlds. Not the whole lands we were born from, but from our fields of work. We may be different, but we have that sort of understanding with one another. I hope that made better sense."

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@Dynamo Pad
"Aren't you suddenly being all poetic..." Ember commented "...but in all seriousness, you already know a quite a different version of me than those I work with or against." she wouldn't be able to continue as once more the nurses came and did their thing, they brought the chess piece she had asked for, and before they left, Ember asked to see the doctor, and one of them said that they would tell him that she wanted to talk to him before leaving the room.

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@Catpone Cerberus

"Poetic in what way? From the whole being different, having that understanding with one another? If not, then I'm guessing it's something else? I never would have considered myself to be poetic..." He smiled sheepishly with a chuckle, while rubbing the back of his neck wish his front left hoof. He soon raised an eyebrow in confusion upon hearing Ember's remark. "...Huh? I do? What different version do you mean by that...?" He wanted to ask more questions, but he stopped as the nurses appeared once again. Knowing the routine, Dynamo moved out of the way to let the nurses do their job. Even though he didn't exactly appreciate the way the nurses were treating his friend. Just before they left, Dynamo had noticed the nurses did find the chess piece Ember had asked for. Along with hearing Ember ask for the doctor to stop by. Once the nurses left, Dynamo retook his seat in the chair next to the dragon-pony. "...Well, it looks like those nurses were able to find what you were asking for, after all. At least now you can put your plan into action."

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@Dynamo Pad
"Forget it." Ember simply said to Dynamo's poetry comment, she didn't want to have to explain it.

When the nursed had left, Ember spoke again "Regarding your question before the nurses came, what I mean by different version, is just that. Like I have stated before, I haven't really talked with anyone like this for a quite a long time, so you're bound to see parts of me that others don't, you don't necessarily know it now, but you will notice the differences when you see me interacting with those related to my work..." "...now, would you be so kind and decapitate that chess piece."  

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo tilted his head as Ember told him to forget about what he had said. He didn't really understand if he had said anything wrong, but he decided not to question it. He could only shrug his shoulders and go along with her words. 

"I remember you stating that before, but I guess I never really understood what that meant. Now I'm starting to see what you mean. I guess I should consider myself lucky. I can only imagine that not many others in the crime-world or around town knows the true you. Besides your parents, of course. There might be times I might not notice, but it'll probably become obvious to me in the future..." He blinked at the mention of those related to her work. "...So, I might be meeting some of these ponies and creatures that you know of in the crime world. I can only guess that you do have some allies that you interact with on certain jobs. I know Blossom would be one, but I know that she isn't an ally..." "...Of course. It would be my pleasure." He levitated the chess piece over towards him, before said piece began to shake slightly in his magical grasp. His eyebrows furrowed as his eyes twitched as he put pressure on the object. Not even a moment later, Dynamo had managed to separate the chess piece in two and presented it to Ember for her inspection.

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@Dynamo Pad
"Well, technically speaking you have already met one, the doctor, sure he isn't part of the underworld per say, but he is still related to my work..." Ember pointed out "...but more to the point, it would be naive to think that you won't meet both my allies and enemies, especially while I'm in this shape. I will require help from my allies, and my enemies will take the opportunity to try and take me out..." she checked the piece "...good, now put he lower half back to the table, and for the top half...throw it into trash or keep it or whatever, it has no use." 

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@Catpone Cerberus

"To be honest, I almost forgot. He seems like a regular, ordinary, everyday doctor. Although, I know that isn't the case. Now that I learned from what he was talking to me about. Especially with the nurses, who seem to have something against you..." Dynamo explained with a nod in understanding. "...Perhaps you're right. Maybe it's naive of me to think I won't meet anypony else that's either an ally or enemy. With the shape you're in, I know I'm going to meet a lot more ponies and/or creatures over time. I just know I'll have to be prepared in case anything happens. I still promise to stay out of the way, but only if there's no other way. That being said, I'm going to guess that the doctor isn't your only ally, right? There's got to be others that you may have met over the years since you've joined the crime-world..." He levitated the lower half of the chess piece back towards the table. He decided to hold onto the top half by placing the piece in his jacket pocket. "...I think I might hold onto the piece. I wouldn't exactly call what was broken to be useless. If I do run into Blossom, then I can simply give her my reply in the most subtle of ways."

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@Dynamo Pad
"There's a big network yes, not all of them are allies necessarily, as some play the both sides, but they all are important part of the whole..." Ember looked at the lower piece "...Are you having a hard time getting over the betrayal? You keep talking about Blossom and how you gonna show her you're not interested. You want to believe she gave a damn about you don't you?" 
the harsh words were accompanied by sympathetic tone.

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@Catpone Cerberus

"I don't doubt about the crime-world being a sort of big network. I guess if it's for one's own benefit, then they'll play good, bad or both sides to get what they want. Have you ever had to choose between sides when it was based on the job, or something along those lines...?" His ears flinched slightly at Ember's harsh tone, but he could tell where she was getting at. The only thing he could do was sigh softly. "...It's not that I'm having a difficult time getting over it. It just makes me wonder if there are others out there, who are just like that. I mean, I'm all about wanting to make friends who like me and accept me for myself, while I do the same for my friends. Just knowing that there are those out there who aren't who they say they are. It just really ruins the whole trust thing when you put it in that perspective. I guess I just want her to know that I'm not playing her games. At the same time, I was thinking that it would be my own subtle way of saying that I know who she is, while being discreet about the whole thing. I can imagine that would be seen as foolish or a waste of time, but I guess it would be my way of telling her to stay out of my way."

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@Dynamo Pad
"Not really, with me choosing myself what i'll do and what not, there isn't really any moral choices to be made after choosing them..." Ember explained "...you're in denial, if you were over it you wouldn't have the need to feel like it's you who cuts the ties...." "...Let me be brutally honest, she's probably happy she doesn't need to hang around you anymore, because for creatures like her, you're nobody, I wouldn't be surprised if she already forgot your name." she knew she was being harsh, but it was better for everyone if Dynamo would just forget the mare.  

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@Catpone Cerberus

"I guess there are somewhat moral choices when choosing what job you will and won't do. I suppose moral isn't really the exact word to be used, but there's a good sense of judgement, or something along those lines..." Dynamo explained, before sighing as he ran a hoof through his mane. "...Perhaps I am in denial, but I guess it makes sense. I guess I just want to get what I'm feeling off of my chest as I just hate to feel like I was just used by her. That's how it was when it came to me and relationships in general. To be honest, I did appreciate how she helped me through my grieving. After thinking that I had lost you, of course. To me, it felt as if she had taken me away from you..." "...If that's what you really think, then I guess I should just forget about it. Besides, she's just like what you had described in the crime-world. Especially when you mentioned that I shouldn't get involved in dangerous things like that." He levitated the other half of the chess piece, before tossing it into the trash bin.

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@Dynamo Pad
"Good" Ember simply stated, and that's all she could say before the doctor arrived. "You wanted to speak with me?" "Yes, I need you to get me home as quick as possible." the doctor looked serious for a moment "Figured, i'd probably be wasting my time trying to convince you to stay..." Ember just let out confirming hum "...I'll see what I can do." the doctor then left. 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Upon hearing Ember's response, Dynamo could only nod as there was not much else to say at the time. His ears had soon perked as he turned towards the door to see the doctor, who had finally arrived. The blue unicorn had stayed quiet as Ember and the doctor had exchanged words. As the doctor made his exit, Dynamo soon turned his attention back towards the dragon-pony hybrid. "It looks like that all turned out well. I wonder what he'll do to make sure that you can leave. Hopefully, he'll be able to work something out."

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@Dynamo Pad
"He'll probably just schedule the necessary tests and gather any equipment we may need to take with us, because ultimately he's just a doctor doing his job..." Ember said "...I'm sure that if it was up to him, he wouldn't let me leave."  

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