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open The Town That Friendship Forgot

Samurai Equine

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@Oni Equine

Back in the gym, Cosmic and the others had heard the announcement of the next fight. From what it seemed like, Frozen was going up against Sledge Hoof. "Alright, then. Time to make it three for three. Not only that, but I'm up against the Hagrid ruffian. Don't expect to wait that long for me to win." Frozen sighed as he was about to make his exit of the gym, but was stopped with a hoof on his shoulder. Turning to see who stopped him, he was momentarily caught off guard to see that it was none other than Cosmic. "What is it, Cosmic?" He asks, wondering why he was stopped in the first place. "I want you to throw this fight." The moment he spoke, it was as if the whole room became silent. Even the roaring of the crowd had ceased like the volume on a TV was muted. "Excuse me? You want me to what?" Frozen narrowed his eyes, while hoping he misheard his leader. "You heard me! I want you to throw this next fight. Just don't make it easy for him to win." Hearing this response bugged Frozen as he never had to throw in anything. "You know how I hate to lose. So, why do I have to go and throw a match like this. Why should I waste this opportunity?" The pegasus was honestly starting to get sick and tired of his boss lately. Was it because of him meeting Calhoun, or was it what Samurai had talked to him about?

"Don't you get it? What that zebra had said was right. The more each of us fights, then the more that the crowd will be watching us. Watching and waiting for when we make a mistake, or when we do something that we aren't supposed to. Don't you see? If they see that we are using that gift, then our whole strategy is blown. It was even stated in the rules, but what do we know? We blew raspberries at the rules as rules are always made to be broken. Knowing that griffon, he'll rat us out and then we'll be disqualified. So, how do we get them off of our tail? By making sure that one of us has to lose and that one is you. Besides, it's like you were telling us on the way over to this dump of a town. You're not much of a fighter. Plus, you get to go and check up on Calhoun to see how he's doing. If anyone should tell him that he's in the group, then it has to be you." Cosmic explained, Cheap listening to the conversation back and forth. "You know, he does make a point. That's a deal one wouldn't refuse and I know all about deals." He winked, Frozen contemplating as he weighed his options. On one hoof, they could be more focused in their numbers to take out the competition. With Fold potentially being on their side, their odds of victory was greatly increased. On the other hoof, it was a bit of a risk. If they found out that Cosmic was using his gift on them and their fights, then they'd be out of the tournament. Not only that, but their plans to rule the town would be thrown out the window.

It was a hard pill to swallow, but Frozen had figured that there was only one outcome for them to succeed. "Fine. I'll do what I have to, but you said I didn't have to make it easy. In that case, let's see if I can't make that ruffian sweat a little." Adjusting his glasses, the pegasus started to make his way out of the gym and towards the ring.

@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Oni Equine @Frisk @Reality Check @Courageous Thunder Dash @Starforce 

Back in the stands, Dynamo watched as Sledge Hammer had entered the ring in preparation for the next match. He chuckled and smiled as the construction pony had gotten the crowd hyped up for the next fight. "It seems like he knows how to get the crowd's attention. It's always good to get everyone psyched when it comes to having fun." His ears suddenly perked as he heard someone calling out to him and the others. Looking around, he saw a young, teenage unicorn standing with others. Upon further inspection, however, Dynamo had gasped as he was able to recognize the pony. The same coat/jacket, what he thought were a few clocks or watches, had still reminded Dynamo of the time traveling pony. "Finn! It's so good to see you again." He smiled, waving at the time traveler. Upon being introduced, Dynamo nodded as he realized he was still in the stands. "Some things happened when I was fighting against Lightning Dust. I wanted to make sure that Bluebell was okay, so I came up to the stands. I hope it was okay and I hope I didn't steal your seat." He says, realizing that the extra open spot was probably Final's. Upon seeing who Final had brought with him, the gaming unicorn had stopped as if he was frozen in time.

There, standing right in front of him, was something a gamer could only dream of. That being a Pokemon, but not just any Pokemon. Dynamo's jaw dropped as he saw a legendary Pokemon standing right before him. "T-There's no way..." If he recalled, he knew of the giant bat-like creature. "I remember now." He gasped, about to head over as a grin began to form on his face. Even the now named Necry admitting he was a Necrozma added onto the fact of his excitement. As he momentarily pulled away from Bluebell, he stopped as Necry had started to yell as if they were in pain. What shocked Dynamo more was that Necry was transforming from a giant bat to a giant lion. While the bat was the size of a griffon and the lion was the size of a pony. Dynamo couldn't help in being surprised as it was both Dawn Wings and Dusk Mane Necrozma. Dynamo's excitement immediately faded as he frowned in concern. He didn't know what was happening to Necry, but he wished there was something he could do. He could probably use the belt to try and use some healing abilities, but he was still recharging his magic from his fight against Lightning.

Thankfully, Chelsea had brought the legendary into a warm hug, while letting out water energy to heal Necry. "You said you're name is Necry, right? Are you okay? You're not in any pain, are you?" He asks, wanting to make sure that the Prism Pokemon was okay, before hoping to talk to them. As everything was going on, he had seen a mint green unicorn with a blue hat was next to Final. "Oh, hello. It's nice to meet you too. My name is Dynamo Pad, but you can call me Dynamo. What's your name? If you don't mind me asking, that is."

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@Kronos the Revenant @Dynamo Pad @Frisk @Oni Equine

Chelsea sensed another presence. She turned and saw Kronos...who was holding a Master Ball. "Kronos? Why are you holding that Master Ball. This Necrozma here isn't one to study...in fact...he has quite the story..." Chelsea said looking at Kronos.


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@Kronos the Revenant  @Dynamo Pad  @Courageous Thunder Dash

Necry sensed the presence too...and turned around with a mighty roar.¨When will people learn!!!¨ Necrozma asked loudly.

Necry started to glow....¨Oh no not...¨ 

´Bright light is about to burst out of Necry!´

He was Transforming...into Ultra Necrozma...but when he revealed himself ...he was a shiny ultra and not a normal ultra due to the two in one form...



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@ExplosionMare @Frisk @Kronos the Revenant @Ragland Tiger @Oni Equine @Reality Check @Dynamo Pad

Chelsea gasps. "See that's why you don't assume Kronos...look what you've done..." Chelsea said annoyed. She gathered some water energy and wrapped Necry in a bubble to suppress his pwoer. She then rushed him outside of the tournament ground. "Great...now how are you supposed to get back to that normal form of yours...?" Chelsea asked. 

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Necry said with determination,¨I guess someone needs to battle me...but dont worry, I´ll be fine after. If anyone-¨ since Kronos was the one who started it, he extremely Eyeballed him,¨-is up to it. OR IS ANYONE CHICKEN?!?¨ Necry yelled as he broke through Chelsea´s magic.In fact he absorbed part of what remained of the suppressor as if if was Light. 

(ooc: Oh great, this might cause some people to challenge him.)

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@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Frisk @Oni Equine @Reality Check @Courageous Thunder Dash @Starforce

Dynamo's ears perked as Chelsea had mentioned Kronos' name. Looking towards the steps, Dynamo smiled as he saw the cybernetic pony had made his presence known to the group. "Hey, Kronos. It's good to see you." He says, before tilting his head in confusion as he saw what appeared to be a master ball. "Uh...Kronos? I hope you don't mind me asking, but why do you happen to have a master ball on you?" He asks, before gasping upon learning that Kronos wanted to study Necry. "I wouldn't say that, Kronos. I agree with Chelsea as this Necrozma looks really friendly. I don't know how Necry got here or why, but it's really nice to meet them." He says, before his ears fell due to the mighty roar. Looking towards Necry, Dynamo gasped as the Prism Pokemon began to glow, before transforming. Necry was gone, but in it's place? Was a giant dragon of blue light with four wings.

Seeing the giant Ultra Necrozma had caused Dynamo's legs to give out on him. He fell to the ground in a sitting position as he saw the giant legendary in the sky. "Oh...I was not expecting that to happen today." He almost could chuckle as he was sweating bullets at how scary things were becoming. However, this was no time to laugh or joke. Upon hearing Chelsea's question, Dynamo could only shake his head. "If I were in the game, then I would hope to use Metagross. It can take some attacks, before I use toxic and heal spam to stall out the fight. At least, that's how I was able to win that fight." He explained, while the female griffon was trying to suppress Necry's power. Eyes darting around, Dynamo had tried to think constantly on what he could try to do to help save the Prism Pokemon. "Do you think there's a way we can talk to him? Put the master ball away to show that we mean it no harm, Kronos!" Dynamo exclaimed, but it was proven futile as Necry was eyeballing Kronos. "Or...maybe not." He stated as Necry had broken through Chelsea's water barrier.


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@Frisk @Dynamo Pad @Kronos the Revenant @ExplosionMare @Ragland Tiger

"Ugh...this is all your fault Kronos..." Chelsea said powering up to Stage 2. She gathered a load of energy. "Giga Drain!" Chelsea shouted as she aimed a beam at Necrozma. A load of energy was sapped from Necrozma. Chelsea dispelled most of the energy but kept some for herself. "Guys...we gotta sap its energy. By doing this, we could revert it back to its regular form." Chelsea stated. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Upon hearing Chelsea mention that they had to sap Necrozma's energy, Dynamo nodded in agreement. "That's a good idea in theory, but I want to say that's easier said than done. I don't know any energy draining spells." He says, before a sudden though crossed his mind. "Wait a minute. Hey, Chelsea! Are you able to help restore one's magic? I might have an idea, but I'm low on magic." He knew it was a bit of a stretch, but his previous mention from before was what he had been aiming for.

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Giga Drain wasnt very effective on Necry...¨Can you idiots survive this?!?¨ He questioned as he was preparing a familiar move...
Z-move energy was being prepared...He is about to unleash his full powered Z move...¨I wont go down without either the move being used, or without a fight!¨ he yelled. It was impulse but inside, Necry tried to fight it. Nothing happened...The move was about to take effect...

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@Frisk @Dynamo Pad @Kronos the Revenant @ExplosionMare @Ragland Tiger @Oni Equine

Chelsea let out a burst of energy that restored Dynamo's magic. She sensed Necry inside trying to fight. She envoloped herself inside a ball and traveled inside Necry's spirit. Inside, Chelsea could see the clash of darkness and light...Necry trying to hold on. With a burst of light, Chelsea pushed back the dark spirit. "Necry! I'm in your spirit. You can do this! You can fight the darkness. Please don't put everyone here in danger. You can do this..." Chelsea said encouragingly. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash @Dynamo Pad  @Kronos the Revenant

The Z move was withdrawing, and Necry was returning to normal.¨Thank you Chelsea...¨Necry called on the power of the moon to calm him down...He then shifted to Dawn Wings again.

¨Im sorry, everyone. I may need more help than I thought....¨ He said calmly

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@Frisk @Dynamo Pad @ExplosionMare @Ragland Tiger @Oni Equine @Kronos the Revenant

"Well that's what we're here for Necry. We're your friends. Yes, it'll take some time, but I know you can do it...as for you...Kronos..." Chelsea said turning with a glare. "...You need to not be so impulsive. You could've put everyone in danger. This is a different pokemon, he's insecure and is still trying to remember his history." Chelsea said sternly to Kronos. 

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@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Frisk @Oni Equine @Reality Check @Courageous Thunder Dash @Starforce @Kronos the Revenant

Even as he felt his magic being restored from the energy that Chelsea had taken from Necry, Dynamo wasn't sure if there was anything he could do. With how they were in the crowd and the Z-move was beginning to form. It looked like there weren't many options. However, it looked as if Chelsea had entered Necry's spirit in the form of a ball. "I remember this. Didn't she do the same thing when we had to help Finn when one of Kronos' spirits was out of control?" He asks, recalling a time that felt familiar to this. Waiting with baited breath, the gaming unicorn could only watch and prepare for any inevitable. "Please, Chelsea. If anyone can help Necry, then it's you." He says, before the giant dragon had begun to disappear. As the light faded from the creature, Necry had once more turned into the form of a Dawn Wings Necrozma. Upon hearing Necry's apology, Dynamo smiled softly, while shaking his head. "There's no need to apologize, Necry. I'm just glad that you'll be okay." He says, letting of a sigh of relief he didn't know he was holding.

"It's just like what Chelsea had said. We're you're friends and friends are always there for each other. I know we just met, but I would be happy to be your friend." He says, looking back to Kronos with a look of concern in his eyes. "If it's okay, then can you please put the master ball away, Kronos? Necry doesn't seem to be like the type of Pokemon who would want to be captured." He says, hoping he wasn't stepping over any boundaries or causing issues for the others. It was a good think Chelsea was able to help calm the Prism Pokemon down. Otherwise, one wouldn't be able to determine the safety of the crowd or even the town of Friendshire.

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@Dynamo Pad 

“Im very sorry,” Kronos said as he crushed the Master Ball into pieces, “I dont know what came over me. Just, please, forgive me. I wasnt aware that this Necrozma was your friend. Still, there’s so much i want to observe.” He red cybernetic eye glowed bluish white and decided to do some scans of Necrozma.

”Fascinating,” he said in awe, “The amount of energy you exude is simply amazing. Why, you could power up an entire continent with this much energy. I hope you dont mind me asking, but how did you get here?”

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@Kronos the Revenant

¨Well, Im not entirely sure yet, because my memory was erased before I supposedly came.¨ Necry stated.¨But, somethings hitting me...¨

Then, at that very moment, he remembered...(Initiate flashback here, the others can see it through his power)

¨Mommy? Daddy? Anyone? Are you here?¨ Said young Necrozma as he woke up from his nap in the Dusk Mane Village.¨Maybe they are all out at the fields...¨ So he went.

At the fields, he saw his Dusk Mane dad standing against an army of Dawn Wings Necrozma.¨He is the last one! GET HIM!!!"They outnumbered him greatly...and the Necrozma Dawn Wings army had won against the last Necrozma Dusk Mane army...¨DAAAAAD!!!!! No...¨ Young Necry cried...

¨Huh? a child? hmph. SImple. ERASE HIS MEMORY TROOPS. I BANISH HIM FROM MY NEW KINGDOM!!!¨the newly crowned ruler of the Ultra Verse.

¨NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!¨Young Necry yelled (end flashback)

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@Frisk @Kronos the Revenant @Dynamo Pad @ExplosionMare @Ragland Tiger

Chelsea could see something come over Necry...a memory. She gathered some water energy and projected th memory on a blob of water energy she created. What unfolded, was heartbreaking. Chelsea gasped loudly, and sniffled a little. "What an evil scoundrel..." Chelsea said hugging Necry close. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash  @Ragland Tiger  @Dynamo Pad  @Reality Check  @Kronos the Revenant

¨My Dusk Mane species was made to balance Day and Night, and the Dawn Wings wanted to plunge the universe into night forever. But without the Dusk Mane, The Dawn Wings will end up upsetting the balance of day and night...¨ Necry said. ¨But they wont come here...they want control over the Pokemon Worlds only. Unless they knew I am here.¨

Edited by Frisk
who im saying it to
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@Frisk @ExplosionMare @Dynamo Pad @Ragland Tiger @Kronos the Revenant

"Thundy and his friend Dynamo, who call themselves brothers could definately help you with controlling your abilities. They're both in the fighting tournament right now, but if you get with them tomorrow, they'd be so happy to help you out." Chelsea said. 

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@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Frisk @Oni Equine @Courageous Thunder Dash @Reality Check @Starforce @Kronos the Revenant

Hearing the sincerity in Kronos' voice, Dynamo smiled softly as he nodded in understanding. "It's okay, Kronos. I would try to ask just in case instead of going for the capture. Finn showed up and brought Necry and someone else alongside him. So, we're still learning who the two of them are." He says, taking note of what Kronos had gathered about the Prism Pokemon. All the while, thankful that the master ball was destroyed to give Necry a sense of comfort. "Speaking of which, I don't think we mentioned Necry's name until now. So, I'm honestly surprised that you said that he is a Pokemon. I know of the series, but I didn't know that you knew of Pokemon. Are you a fan of the series, as well?" He asks, learning something new of his friend. As the prism bat began to explain his story to the group, Dynamo had noticed Chelsea, who had used her water energy to project a bubble of Necry's memory. The gaming unicorn watched on as the young lion had woken up in his village. All the while, trying to find their family. Seeing the events unfold had Dynamo place a hoof over where his heart was. He felt sick to his stomach to see someone being treated, while losing so much. 

Upon Chelsea hugging Necry, Dynamo shook his head as the memory had come to an end. "I'm really sorry you had to go through something like that. Nobody should ever have to subjected to something like that." He says, recalling a certain memory from his history class about eternal night. He wasn't sure if the Dawn Wings that took over and Nightmare Moon were the same, but it almost felt similar to the gaming unicorn. "Would anything happen if the balanced was disturbed? I know you said that they want control over the Pokemon Worlds, but do you think there's any way to stop them?" He knew that it might have been an impossible question, but he couldn't just leave a friend in trouble. Glancing over towards the female griffon, Dynamo tilted his head at the idea of helping Necry control his powers. All the while, feeling unsure if he'd be of any help. "I mean, I'd be all for helping out in any way. I'm not entirely the best at controlling my own magic either, but I'll still help. It's still really interesting to know that you're an actual Pokemon. I've played the games, but I never would have expected Pokemon to actually exist." Since he had visited the video game world, he began to understand the possibility of game worlds existing. He just hadn't expected to see an actual Necrozma to appear in Equestria of al places, but it was still interesting, nonetheless. 

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@Frisk @Dynamo Pad @ExplosionMare @Ragland Tiger @Oni Equine @Kronos the Revenant

“I can’t imagine just how bad things would get if the balance was disturbed. It’s like…if Nightmare Moon or Daybreaker ruled over Equestria…” Chelsea commented. “Like if Dialga or Palkia didn’t exist. I’d personally take Palkia if I had a choice…” Chelsea added looking at Kronos. 

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@Dynamo Pad @Courageous Thunder Dash @Oni Equine @Ragland Tiger @Starforce @Frisk @Kronos the Revenant

“What about ‘change’, Dynamo?” Pencil asked due to hearing Dynamo mutter under his breath.

“From what I can gather, I believe he is experiencing a change of heart, similar to how Thundy is earning his way to a pure heart.” Sparkly responded.

“Ah, that makes sense.” Pencil reasoned before reengaging in a conversation with the stallion.

“So, you’re going to fight after all? W-well, good luck Dynamo, and I hope you have a bit of fun out there as well. Show Cosmic and the gang what a true fighter looks like!”

“May your battle be competitive yet peaceful.”

The two mares smiled at Dynamo. Once he was ready to leave, they would send him off with a wave. As they were waiting, they were surprised to see Final return. What was more surprising is that he was not alone—another stallion and a mysterious creature was with him. From the looks of it, they were new residents.

“H-hello there, nice to meet you. I-I’m Pencil Pouch.” she said to the newcomers. She then took a moment to address the creature, who, based on everyone else’s observations, was a Pokémon. Pencil couldn’t believe it.  “Are…are you a real Pokémon? Not just one Dynamo or Thundy summoned?”

“It is nice to meet you both, Reality Check and Necry. I am Sparkly Green but you may refer to me as Sparkly. I have much to teach you about where I come from if you are interested to hear it.” Sparkly introduced.

The mares were about to converse more but before they could, Necry began to transform out of control. Chelsea tried to calm him down, but that only attracted Kronos. Kronos was not here to help. Instead, he wanted to observe the Pokémon for himself. The rest of the group did their best to stabilize Necry but it took a lot of work.

Pencil wanted to help but was unable to think of any spells that would assist in the situation. Sparkly, thankfully, was able to contribute to the spell already in motion by adding some of her own magic. It took her a moment since she was not completely used to her horn but she managed to create a decent stabilizer shield around Necry.

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@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Oni Equine @Frisk @Courageous Thunder Dash @Kronos the Revenant @Starforce @Reality Check

Upon hearing Kronos' remark, Dynamo gasped as he couldn't help in chuckling alongside the cybernetic pony. "I guess I never asked as I still don't know much about you, Kronos. I'm still interested in getting to know you as you seem like a really nice friend, in my opinion." He smiled, listening as his friend listed off some of his personal favorites. "Those are some really nice choices. Zygarde is a pretty cool legendary and I like the whole Power Construct ability. I have a couple of favorites that could equal a team of Pokemon. My favorites are Alolan Ninetales, Cinderace, Appletun, Metagross, Hawlucha and Dusk form Lycanroc. If I had to pick a favorite overall, then I would choose Alolan Ninetales." He smiles, before his eyes shrank as he heard Chelsea's response. "Did you happen to read my mind, Chelsea? I mean, I was remembering when Nightmare Moon tried to take over Equestria. So, it feels like what we learned is almost similar in a way. So, I can see what you're saying about Nightmare Moon. I don't think I know about Daybreaker, but I'm guessing it's sort of related to Nightmare Moon." He says, before everyone began listing their legendary of choice. "I guess if I had to pick a legendary, then I would probably say Suicune."

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@ExplosionMare @Dynamo Pad @Kronos the Revenant @Ragland Tiger @Oni Equine

“I guess I just thought about it the same time you did… oh…don’t tell Thundy I said this but…he has a massive crush on Primarina…so much he’d want to marry one. It was also the same with Braixen. Me? It was…Incinaroar…” Chelsea said blushing a little. 

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@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Oni Equine @Frisk @Reality Check @Courageous Thunder Dash @Kronos the Revenant @Starforce

"I guess great minds think alike, then." He chuckled, before listening close as the female griffon whispered something about Thundy to him. His eyebrows raised in surprise, before smiling as he learned something new about his friend and brother. "I mean, Primarina is cute and an awesome Pokemon. I remember hearing others talk badly about Popplio when it first was announced, but I thought it was cute. Especially when it stood up on it's flippers like it was in a circus performance. I remember seeing it and knowing that was the starter I wanted. Incineroar is a pretty cool Pokemon, as well. I've been getting into competitive battling and Incineroar is a pretty awesome teammate in battle." He explained, shaking his head as he felt he was getting off topic. "S-Sorry about that. I love Pokemon and have always seen myself as a trainer whenever I play the game. Sort of like whenever I watch the anime. Although, I can't say if I've ever had a crush on a Pokemon before." He says, rubbing the back of his neck with his front left hoof. All the while, giving a sheepish smile and chuckle. Although, he was unable to recall any memory of something like that happening.

Upon hearing his name being mentioned, Dynamo looked over to Pencil, who had called his name. "Oh, it's nothing, really. It's just that, I was thinking about what Thundy had said when it comes to change. Back when I was younger, I was always afraid of making a friend in fear that I either make a fool of myself and they end up leaving. That, or I'm afraid that I don't deserve to have a friend, love or anything else that Cosmic and the others tried to accomplish. This was based on their bullying, but I guess it still stuck with me to where I didn't know what the word friend actually meant. After everything that had happened when you all helped me. It made me think of when Thundy had mentioned that everyone can change. So, it's why I came to that decision of I want to keep going in this tournament and to have fun. To be able to stand up to Cosmic and to let him know that I want to move on from the past. To live in the present and work towards a better future. Not only that, but I want to get to know everyone as they get to know the true me. With what Cosmic and his team had done, I feel as if I'm always afraid to commit to something. To always be afraid to be my true self around others in fear of being rejected." He closed his eyes and sighed, shaking his head to erase such doubts. "That's why when this tournament is over, I hope we can all hang out, talk and get to know each other better. With everything you've all done, I'm really grateful to call everyone here a friend or someone very precious to me." He says, nodding as both Pencil and Sparkly gave their words of encouragement to the gaming unicorn. "Thank you Pencil and I definitely will. Thank you, as well Sparkly and I'll make sure to do my best." He says, giving a small, yet shaky smile. He was scared as he wasn't sure what the future would hold for him, but he knew that he had those that cared for him now. 


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