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open My Little Portal: Testing is Science [ROLE PLAY]


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"It would seem that the pony with the gray coat has injured himself. These test subjects are so dumb they are hurting themselves." GLaMOS thought to himself.
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"Well how were we supposed to know such a tiny amount of water like that would burn us like that?" Alex said in defense of Splinter. "I'm sorry if I offended you. But anyway, can I ask who you are?" Alex said to the cyan colored pony with a green mane.

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"Okay I don't mean to rush, and I understand the idea of helping and learning about each other, but I'm an impatient pony, I'm pressing the button in 5 seconds, whoever's not on, isn't on." Ali said, annoyed, and she began her countdown.

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"Here we go then." Ali said, walking towards the button.


Before she pressed it, however, she shoved Splinter towards Alex. "Catch Doctor!" She said, then pressed the button, and lept on the platform herself.


As they started moving, she said "I wouldn't actually leave anypony behind, I just wanted to get this over and done with. Sorry for the scare."

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Cain didn't move, and waited for the platform to slowly move across the...toxic waste. "You know if that platform doesn't move back, we" He waved a hoof at the ponies who hadn't gone onto the platform, "Are practically bucked."

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((-_- I need a list of all the ponies in a role play so I don't forget anypony))


"I hope it does, then." Ali said weakly.


I didn't even notice those ponies! Ali thought to herself. Maybe I need an appointment with my eye doctor again.

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Ivy blinked as it suffled along "They'll be ok, this tes must of been used a 100 times before" she smiled trying to cheer her up. "I mean its not if they can make tests up out of thin air!"

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Ali was slightly taken aback at the randomness of the comment, but then drew back and let loose laughter that echoed around the chamber.


"I'm sorry," she said, as her laughter died down. "But you are just, too random."


((so, um, when exactly is the platform going to hit the next button?))

Edited by Parties like Pinkie
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"Well thanks for brightening up my day a bit, Splinter. And it looks like the platform is close enough to jump to."


Ali stepped back a bit, and lept over the waste, landing safely on the platform.


Suddenly, she began to laugh again.


"I can't believe we forgot!" she said to Splinter. "We have wings! We could just carry the others over, if the platform doesn't go back!"

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''WEEE!'' Yelled Splinter as taking a leap of faith. He landed on the platform face first. ''I swear I'm fine.'' Said Splinter as getting up.

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Ivy put her ears down looking at the gap. She soon jumped and landed gracefully on her hooves. As she landed her eyes we're closed and she slowly opened them again. She then looked at Ali, she tried to flap her wings and they wiggled.


"Erm... Ali are wings are tided to us... so none of us can fly"

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"Figures." replied Ali, helping the last of the ponies off the moving platform, which began to move backwards once it hit the end of it's track.


"Well, that's one worry out of my mind!" She said, before yelling back to the stranded ponies "It's coming back!"

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Cain rolled his eyes. "We're about 5 pony lengths from you, no need to shout, jeez." Although secretly he let out a deep breath as he waited in anticipation to see if the platform would begin it's way back.

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