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private Fallout Equestria: Stable 00


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On 7/20/2020 at 8:44 PM, Randimaxis said:

Dip grinned.  "Well, if you don'know where you are either, then we can be Lost Buddies together, yah?  Better ta be lost with a buddy den all alone an' stuff; mama awways said dat 'if you get put widda buddy, you STAY widda buddy', so I guess we can be Lost Buddies, okay-okay?  All good scrim and stuff?"

Amber looked at him. "Um, sure I guess you can say that(?)" She gave him an awkward smile. "But I was more looking for a good place to stay and rest. Beside we just met, it won't be wise to called me your "buddy." "    She didn't mean to sound rude, but she was really surprise that anypony will just be so...well, welcoming to her. She wasn't use that kind of nice gesture.

 She took a better look at him and noticed this colt has been gone through a lot, with all the scars and torn jumpsuit. She's curious what's his story is and what sort of hell he had gone though like she has. She couldn't help but to be surprise about how can this colt  still be so optimistic.


On 7/20/2020 at 8:44 PM, Randimaxis said:

Oh!  You're a pretty Night mare!"  He then gave a giggle, covering his mouth as he did.

"I made a funny!  NightMare?  I am da FUNNY GUY today!  An' wif company around ta hear it, too!  Thanx you for talking to me an' not shooting my butt; not much leff, an' I LIKE my butt," he grinned.

She tried not to blush from his flatter and just as he drop the joke, she couldn't help it but make a little chuckle.  "Alright, alright I'll give you that one" she rolls her as she grin. 

On 7/20/2020 at 8:44 PM, Randimaxis said:

"Dis is a eight-hunnit year old froot pie!  Dey say you can heat um 'n' eat um, but I like 'em just like they are already... here, you wan' one?" he offered, holding it in her reach with his magic.


She pull back a little as Caution offer her his fruit pie. He's right about being it 800 year, for the color is very moldy but despite of it unappealing appearance her stomach growl anyways. "Um.." Trying to stop her stomach from growling. She wants to take since she haven't eaten for about two days now but she doesn't feel comfortable taking anything from anypony. Who knows how hard he might have searched for that piece of pie. She used to be independent and finding things on her own.  Her stomach continue to growl and she took a deep breathe.  She's overthinking again. She took the pie using her magic.

"Thanks, but I bet you want something in return for this huh?" 



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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Abbey would look to Eldritch "Don't worry about that, I have no intention of making Gale have to suffer being out here too long" she'd say, as they both got on all fours and scurried off. 

About ten minutes later, Abbey would call on her own pipbuck to Eldritch "Eldritch you hear me?" she'd ask "there are indeed raiders and bandits here, the outside isn't exactly swarming, but we hadn't checked the roof, but i doubt it'd be clear. As for the inside, well when there's raiders outside a building, there's likely to be raiders inside as well, not to mention their boss. What do you want to do? We can wait for you to arrive or we can start picking off the raiders outside"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lazy Ferret

" Start picking them off only if you are absolutely sure they are raiders that we can't negotiate peacefully. We don't want to start killing innocent ponies. "

Eldricg felt his stomach churn at the thought of taking a life. He really didn't like the idea...

" oh and I'm on my way. "

He added the second part a bit belatedly as he trotted off in the direction of the sisters. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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"They're definitely raiders boss pony" Abbey would say "Slavers possibly, we just saw a innocent pony being dragged somewhere" she says "Meet you soon, make these fools pay" she'd say as she would click her pipbuck and they both begun to approach the raiders on the outside.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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On 7/23/2020 at 7:08 PM, TBD 🚬 said:

"Um, sure I guess you can say that(?)  But I was more looking for a good place to stay and rest. Beside we just met, it won't be wise to called me your "buddy."

Dip laughed.  "Awwwww, ev'ryone's a buddy in da Wasteylands - you just godda know what to say, iz all!"  He chuckled a bit more, then sighed.  "Not dat I awways know what to say, bud I'm sure dere's a way.  S'okay though; dat's just another day in the outdoors!"

He then cocked his head a bit.  "Yeah yeah?  You lookin' fer a place ta sleep, you sed?  Well, uhhh... I found dis cave an' stuff, an' I was thinkin' about staying in here - affer I check it for more roachies, o' course.  I wuz havvin' a snack for a mom-OH!!!"

He took hold of his messengr bag and gave her a smile as he opened the front flap.

"Yu wanna snack?  I gots plenny, an' I really don't needta eat, anyhoo... I gots COLAZ!"

Reaching in (in full view, to keep her from getting antsy), he brought out a Sparkle-Cola and a Sparkle Cola RAD.

"I drink the raddy-aided ones, but I gots some dat you could have, too - if ya wannit!"

He pondered for a moment, then his eyes lit up like he had a thought.

"Ummmmmm... wouldja be upset if I asked for a boddlecap for it?  I mean, if you don't gots it, I can still givvit to ya... but I'm trying ta get bedder at sellin' my stuff, 'cuz some folks take a vantage, an' I godda get bedder at bein' a trader somehows, right?"

He smiled kindly at her... which, as a ghoul, looked weird on his rotting muzzle, but... it also looked like it was a common thing for the ghoul to smile, as the creases in his face lined up perfectly with his goofy grin.


"Thanks, but I bet you want something in return for this huh?" 


"Naaaaaaah... I offured it, so yu keep it!  'Sides, I don't godda eat nohows - and I likes helpin' folks out!"

  • Brohoof 1

=====  ( 0=====


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On 7/27/2020 at 11:48 PM, Randimaxis said:

Dip laughed.  "Awwwww, ev'ryone's a buddy in da Wasteylands - you just godda know what to say, iz all!"  He chuckled a bit more, then sighed.  "Not dat I awways know what to say, bud I'm sure dere's a way.  S'okay though; dat's just another day in the outdoors!"


"Well hey, l guess the war and all this waste can drive anypony away from being who they are. But um..if you live another day, can't complain right?" Amber is so bad at trying to comfort when she noticed Caution being a bit down. 

On 7/27/2020 at 11:48 PM, Randimaxis said:

"Ummmmmm... wouldja be upset if I asked for a boddlecap for it?  I mean, if you don't gots it, I can still givvit to ya... but I'm trying ta get bedder at sellin' my stuff, 'cuz some folks take a vantage, an' I godda get bedder at bein' a trader somehows, right?

Amber took on the bottle he offered. "Well remind me to repay you back then Caution." Amber still uncomfortable taking thing from somepony but Caution was being generous, that she will have remember to reply him sometime.  "um, sure I mean I don't collect bottle caps for anything." She pop the cap and hand over to Caution. 

On 7/27/2020 at 11:48 PM, Randimaxis said:

 He then cocked his head a bit.  "Yeah yeah?  You lookin' fer a place ta sleep, you sed?  Well, uhhh... I found dis cave an' stuff, an' I was thinkin' about staying in here - affer I check it for more roachies, o' course.  I wuz havvin' a snack for a mom-OH!!!"

Amber look around the cave, the place seems  like a good spot to rest for the next day and she is feeling a bit exhausted. She have not yet trusted Caution but she's too tired to even think about that. She sign.  "I suppose I don't mind staying a night with you but any funny move, then that roach will be the last your meal. " She continue walking far on the opposite side of the cave and place her things on the ground. 

  • Brohoof 1



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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  • 1 year later...

@Skitty Skittles
Eldrich tore across the wasteland towards the sisters. He knew that their supplies were limited and the faster they ended the fight the safer they would be. He wanted to avoid hoof to hoof combat if possible too. It was one thing to get lumped up in the vaults gym but another out here. His immune system might not much like the bacteria and stress cuts and bruises would provide. As he crested the hill he thought he heard gunfire or fighting. But that could be his mind playing tricks. He said a swift prayer to Luna and charged forward. His horn started to glow and then over glow until even in full sunlight he was a beacon of green balefire. ( rookie movie he would likely regret this later ) 

" Abby where are you?!

His shout echoes across the Equestrian wastes. This unicorn was as green as the radioactive sunsets and just dropped any element of surprise he might have. But the sisters would sure have the focus off them if the raiders were not deaf and blind.........

May the Friendship be with you. 


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  • 1 month later...


Abby could hear Eldritch coming over and shouting to her, she'd yell back "Over here, boss! We're about half way done with the raiders" she'd say, pointing to a cliff that wasn't far away, and was where her sister Gail was set up with a rifle. "Lets get this over with, so we cat Gale somewhere safe"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Eldrich crested the hilltop and saw a few of the raiders firing towards a sparse bit of cover. Assuming this is where the the sisters must be he let loose a blast of balefire. The brilliant green ball of energy streaked across the wasteland leaving a chard path of ashes in its wake. The gun fire stopped for a moment as several raiders were nothing but ash. The others momentarily stunned. That is when Eldrich learned the first rule of real ranged combat. Move, Shoot, Communicate. You better be dead if you are not doing one of the above. As a hailstorm of bullets tore his way he threw up a lesser wall of balefire but it only turned the bullets to slag coating him in splatters of molten lead. His mother would have tanned his hide if she heard the language he used as he ran for the cover of a small overturned cart. Hopefully the sisters had time to recoup now. because it was he who might need rescuing. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Abbi would signal to him, as the last few were being picked off by Gail. "Ey boss, arrived just in time, these were no basic raiders.. But your Balefire seemed to do the trick" she'd say, then signalling over to Gail, who packed up her rifle and rejoined them.

Gail looks to him "Yeah, just in time, I'm out of bullets" she'd say with a grunt


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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" Well at least my skills are good for something. Now I need a moment to  patch myself up

Eldritch dug in his saddle bags and pulled out a scalpel and some medical salve. He cut out bits of molten lead from his fur where it had burned through his stable barding. Using the salve and some plastic to cover the worse of the burns he looked up ready to go. 

" We really are gonna need these supplies if I keep taking fire like this. At least covering the burns should keep infection at bay. Do you think we will face more raiders inside? Or would they have poured out to defend their group? "

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Gail digs around in her pack "Ahah, knew I had at least one" she'd say, taking out a medpack "Here boss, knew this would come in handy at some point" she'd say handing it to him as Abbi would look over at the mart "I cant' see any one inside, I'd say they all rushed out to defend their group, the whole pack mentality sort of thing" she'd say to him, "but I'll keep my finger on the trigger, just in case"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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" Thank you. With my condition this could be a real life saver. The buildings side has a sign against it. Ironshod? Think it made armor? Sounds like we can find some useful stuff in there. Do we want to try to go in through multiple sides or all stack up and enter as a group? Also we have to make sure we are careful to take only what wont weigh us down but can be valuable for use or trade? Do you two have any experience with such buildings? I can open any door by melting it but I don't want to damage anything inside..... "

Eldritch makes sure to try to be friendly. This could be a long trip and bad blood wouldn't help any pony. They had to get used to working as a unit and be able to lean on each others skills. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Gail just nods "Can't have you getting sick or dying on us, now can we?" she'd ask with a light hearted tone as she then gets her rifle out again and checks through her scope to double check "Well, I can't see any immediate threat, but our experience with these kind of buildings is that it is best to enter as a group, have each other's backs" she would say, "and I think either armor or maybe even weapons...in either case, while we may have dealt with the raiders, I can safely bet that there'll be some sort of security measure, turrets and bots" she'd say, putting her rifle away and getting out her AK, which was in poor shape.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Eldritch stood up and headed towards the building motioning for the twins to follow him. He was careful to look for a side of the building that had no windows or obvious places to shoot from in ambush. But it meant they did have to circle half way around the building before they got to the back which had no cover for ambush but had a single steel door. With a short burst of flame Eldritch melted the door to slag. He holds up a hoof to indicate to wait. 

" The door will still be hot so we need to give the fame a moment to cool. I can see the hall in front of us appears empty how should we go in? Like do we need to guard the exist or should we go in and stick tightly together? And you mentioned bots or turrets how do we keep from triggering them? "

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Abbi would think for a moment "Best to stick tightly together, while spreading out could help cover ground, its best to stay together, in case of ambush or attack" she'd tell him, "Do you remember all those horror movies before the fallout? How everytime they'd split up, they'd all get killed? Well yeah, it may be a trope, but its true, splitting up makes it easier for the killer or in our case bots or raiders that may have stuck together" she'd finish, as she'd get out her own AK, slightly in better shape. "Just give the word for when it's time to move in"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Eldritch slowly heads in the smell hits him like a buck to the face. Harsh and chemical in nature it was clear this was being used to make substances like Dash and Buck. He coughed and his eyes watered as he moved forward. In the hall he could see posters of various weapons schematics all over. There was a sharp corner up ahead and a closed door off to the right about half way up. His eyes forward sparkle didnt seem to show any threats but he looked back at the twins to see if they had any advice. 

" Do we want to go  check the side door first? If so you want me to melt it again? Or is it safer to try the handle? I think this is a weapons plant based on the posters. We could find some good loot or we could be facing some nasty traps..... Odds are a bit of both....

May the Friendship be with you. 


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The stench of the drugs manufacturing would make both of the girls wrinkle their noses "Uh..lemme think" Abbi says "Melt it, lets do it from afar, just in case there's a trap attached to it, or a mine" she'd say, then looked to Gale who was setting up getting out her rifle "Whatch'ya doing sis?" She'd ask

"Preparing, just incase there's more raiders, bots or turrets behind the door" Gail would reply


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Eldritch nodded and started to summon balefire. But the air got hot. Something was wrong. THE DRUGS. The vapor in the air was flammable. That is why the didn't barricade in here to shoot from cover. So Eldritch changed tactics. He summoned acid. Throwing it at the door it started to melt. From inside a slight whirring sound could be heard not that the door was not there to mask it. 

" Is that a turret? What do we do? If it shoots a single spark could set off the vapors. But I need line of sight to hit it with acid....... I cant really do much in the way of levitation. I mean like I can move a ball or a book but nothing heavier....

Eldritch was clearly embarrassed by being a one trick destructive pony. He felt useless but attempted to keep a brave. face. He tried to think of anything they could use. He heard of grenades that shorted out electronics in a few pre war books.... What he wouldn't give for one of those now.. he had an idea but he didn't know how safe it was. 

" Look my magic is destructive in nature only outside of levitation. If it can break rip or burn I can manage it. But it also cant help. Water and ice and destroy but they can also sooth and help things grow so that is a no go... but I can increase the density of a small area..... a mini black hole if you would. It lasts a few seconds and can take out things the size of two ponies side by side. But I don't always control it that well so if you have a better idea nows the time.... "

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Abbi frowns "Figures, give me a moment to think of something" she'd say, "Alright, we seem to be in the reception area, perhaps there's a computer we can hack to shut the thing down" she'd say, "Though, I do think I have a stealthbuck handy" she would say, hiding out of sight of the turret and begins to rummage through her pack "And don't worry, at least you have magic, Gail and I are practically useless other than being spotters, packmules or fire cover"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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" That is perfect. If you can hack it and shut it down that would save a lot of hassle. Then we might have a base of operations to work forward from. Plus who knows what sort of access to other systems the computer might give you. What can we do while you move forward?

Eldritch looked excited at the first actual plan being hatched. They were working as a team... things might work out better then he hoped. Then he noticed it... a thin wire across the bottom of the door. 

" Hey be careful going into that room there appears to be a wire on the door. Somehow the acid missed it and I dont know if cutting it will trigger anything. "

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Abbi would nod "Alright, here it is, last one though" she'd say, slipping the device onto her wrist and pressing the button to cloak herself, and begun looking around, being careful of the wire, she stepped over it and soon found a terminal "bingo" she calls thorugh her Pipbuck "Found a terminal boss, gonna try to hack it, keep Gail safe, will ya" she says, and then begins trying different attempts.

A few moments later, there was a sound of the Turret shutting down, and Abbi returned, uncloaking herself "Alright, i shut all security down, but we should still keep our guard up, just in case"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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  • 6 months later...


Eldrich heads forward cautiously gently stepping over the melted bits of door. The arcid smell of chemicals stings his nose. He struggles not to cough feeling a little light headed as the fumes get stronger the deeper down the hall they get. Stepping into the room with the turret he looks around and sees a few terminals that seem to be broken. a couple of file cabinets and the real gem gas masks and rubber horseshoes handing off of hooks on the wall. 
He grabs 3 of the masks and starts handing them out. There are two more on the wall which he strips of their cartridges. He hands one to Abbi and puts one in his own saddle bags. 

" These should really help with the smell. The rubber coverings can protect our hooves too. We should search the room and get anything we can. We really need supplies right now so lets take our time. If you can think of anything else we can do while we are here to air this place out while keeping it intact enough for shelter that would be great. It would be nice to have some place to fall back on as we scout out around us.

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Abby and Gail would follow Eldrich into the store and look around, before hearing him speak and giving them the gas masks and rubber horseshoes. Abby would take the gas masks, making sure to help Gail put hers on and secure it first before putting on and securing her own, "Not sure what the horseshoes can do for us, we're ferrets, and thus don't wear horse shoes in general, though I do appreciate the thought" she'd say to him, nodding,

She then looks to Gail "Oh Gail, you're the tech wiz here, can you get into the consoles and disable any remaining security, and open up any doors and safes?" she'd ask her sister, who simply nods and gets to work on the console. Abby looks to Eldrich "right, while she does her thiing, I'll use a stealthcolt and scout ahead a little, could you stay here and make sure she isn't ambushed?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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" Sure thing. Just don't get too far. We want you to have a clear route back if there's trouble. We can try to move every couple rooms at least so long as we have a stealthbuck we can use. Once we are out we will have to change tactics. Ill search the cabinets here to see if there is anything else of use. If not we can wait for your word. Or gun fire.... just be careful of sparks the air here is flammable at the least if not explosive.

Eldrich turns to the cabinets and starts to pry at the doors. One pops open after a slight tug. The papers within long since crumbled to dust. he manages to find a couple of paperclips and three caps of S
parkle Cola. As he went to shut the drawer he heard a tink and looked in. There was a round gold coin looking object.... he had never seen anything like it but he stashed it in his bag with the rest just in case. There were three more drawers. One was empty. The other two were stuck shut tightly. He could not risk melting them until the gas was cleared.  

" I hope your sister has better luck with her search then me. Because we are really gonna need supplies if we are gonna make it out here long enough to find the cure. "

May the Friendship be with you. 


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