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Illiad Easle

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@Illiad Easle

I think @Cheerilee is working on leaving the forum for the time being, and had wafted with me to take over some of their story angles, but I didn't think it was happening yet. We'll see what they write about this. If nothing, we can try and sort out things.

For now, we can keep a post with the two of us going, aye. :)


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Illiad Easle

So Cherilee sent me some messages about Spiral, and the last part they wrote, were that they were not going to log into the forum again. Hence I have to pass the message along.

So they essentially wanted me to take over their characters. Frankly, I dunno if it is a good idea, or if it best to simply have them somewhat int he background, and then take over as another character that could be in the same setting/have some relations to them? Like an advisor to Spiral, or a neighbor to Janet/someone else there, etc. Doesn't need to be someone actually connected. Just an example.

So... Would you prefer to just leave those parts, have me take over the chars as best I can, or overtake the settings, but as other characters? 


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

I was already phasing out Spiral in favor of Power, but that won't be for some time. I think you could take charge of the decisions Spiral makes as consul without having to take over role playing that character. There aren't many major decisions between now and the election, but I'll prompt you for them as they come up and you can speak in general terms about them. 

As to Janet, if you want to play a different character at that bastion that's perfectly fine, we can even reset the situation there and play it from the beginning. If you're not interested in that sector though we can leave it alone.

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Sorry for the late reply, Birthday madness, and then cooldown after.

I can handle the Spiral parts then as she is faced out bit by bit. And as for Janet, might be simpler to go with a fresh one there. She can fade into the background, and the camera focus elsewhere, as it were.

I see that it were getting to where Spectral were mentioned, and it appeared to be time for him to be approached. I could have another foal in that could then take over from that point, to make it as seamless as possible, and things just go from there? I still have a few characters left in the bank that's on the younger side.


I have Jelly Drop for instance. Bat Pony father, pegasus mother. Light sensitive eyes, hence the shades, and what else you see in the picture, are her large, fuzzy pet spider, Gary.

Why Gary you may ask? Well... Why not?

Anyway, if she's here... One of her parents could theoretically be alive and there too. I never established much about her mother, but this is her father.


His name is Stargazer. I originally have him as a Night Guard, but I can change it if need be, or both he and his wife would be dead. If he's alive, he'd probably be worked hard with guard duty of some sort, leaving Jelly to deal with several things on her own, for a lot of the day. Yet dead or alive, it's in the RP that she always adored him, and wanted to grow up to be a strong, resourceful guard just like him. So she likes to help, and keeps some things on her, that can help. Y'know, some bandages, a flashlight- Minor, easily accessible things, that can be nice in a pinch.


Usually I have this one, as being a creation of Discord, from some plane between planes, where he picked her out, from other formless shadows, and gave her proper form. But Omen doesn't look too old here, so she can be repurposed for this RP, in some other capacity.

Still... Perhaps something usable regardless? Earth pony filly, who were struck by some attack from Discord/other chaotic source not long before the gate closed. She'd have no power from it, but her grey pattern would slowly move around on her body, making it hard to ignore that something were off about her. A bit of a potential social pariah though, considering what the vision of her would remind others off, but would try and reach out every now and again.

Not depressed, but more after everything, just... Numb to it all. She doesn't feel depressed, or sad about how she's treated, or viewed. She's run out of tears to shed for that, nor much joy of any sort. She keeps thinking maybe if she finds a proper purpose, or some friends, it will get easier, but at least when she is alone, there is a kind of cold comfort in the numbness, since she isn't hurting from things at least.

As for what she'd be doing around... No powers, pariah, seems like she could be made to use doing menial labor normally, as she'd still be an earth pony, so she can at least drag/push/lift things.


I have used him so little, I can't even remember his name. xD So uh... Yazid. And imagine him smaller.

So Yazid is a zebra, plain and simple. He enjoys tinkering with elixirs and potions, though he's not much for following the regular recipe books, and instead started from a blank one, and learns through trial and error. Usually he just makes something that others before him have, but occasionally he mixes something that's special, and not in the regular books, if any at all. If they're any useful, is another question entirely, but he'd thrilled regardless, as it's a vector for learning.

His cat is usually there to just hunt rodents and demand pets, not caring much for his various potions. Though he have given her a what he assumed safe and stable healing potion once, where she were hurt, that might have had some side effects. Which ones? I dunno, this is on the fly, as most stuff from me are, but you ever wondered what a cat would be like, if it could breath fire for instance?

Yazid would be a loner, not much for making friends in general, though he'd reach out and talk with others every now and again. Especially if they seemed alone, and needed a chatter. Or in case someone needed a nice healing potion. He's gotten the hang of that one a while back now, and any word on what minor side effects there were before that, is surely just exaggerated. He assures you it's perfectly safe now.

Anyway, those are my thoughts currently. But I can go from scratch, if nothing here works.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Jelly Drop sounds like a great replacement for Janet. While she won't have much access to the castle and the Order, she could have an in with the thestral side of the Archback group, we could say that one of her grandparents on her father's side was a thestral of the Fastar clan, and we can make one of her grandparents on her mother's side a zebra of the Mohotma tribe (Since it looks like she has some zebra in her, but if that was just a style choice we can ignore that.)

She'd be born while the mountains were up, we could say her mother is part of the Children, so living in the mountain, which is why she would go to the same school as Janet and Spectral. Maybe her mother died during one of the altercations between the groups? It would explain her father's more zealous position guarding ever since. I'll leave whether she was killed by a zebra, a thestral, or if the circumstances of her death were too confused to determine who was at fault, up to you. (And whether Jelly knows the truth about it or not. Maybe part of her father's distance is his efforts to find who is responsible for his wife's death?)

That would be an interesting murder mystery side story, but that's all up to whether you're interested in it. I'd also be fine with both of her parents being dead and having her be adopted by some of the children or even some of the Order (To elevate her to the same level of access as Janet had).


Omen, One thing to remember is that the gates are still open in this universe, Fort Tartarus becoming a stronghold of loyalists after Discord's defeat.

Regardless, I have some ideas, maybe she could be in whatever camp the other Blitz is in? Like she was another captive of the loyalists and Blitz spared her (Or her strange nature allowed her to survive) and she stuck around afterwards?


Yazid, he could fit in with the zebra, whether in the group that follows the elders and remains or in the group that follows the general and ventures forth, I could see some interesting stories for him.


They're all good options, whichever (or all) you pick to stand up just let me know and I'll write their starters.

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

18 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Jelly Drop sounds like a great replacement for Janet. While she won't have much access to the castle and the Order, she could have an in with the thestral side of the Archback group, we could say that one of her grandparents on her father's side was a thestral of the Fastar clan, and we can make one of her grandparents on her mother's side a zebra of the Mohotma tribe (Since it looks like she has some zebra in her, but if that was just a style choice we can ignore that.)

Style choice, but I can work with your suggestion to make things easier, no problem. :)

18 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

She'd be born while the mountains were up, we could say her mother is part of the Children, so living in the mountain, which is why she would go to the same school as Janet and Spectral. Maybe her mother died during one of the altercations between the groups? It would explain her father's more zealous position guarding ever since. I'll leave whether she was killed by a zebra, a thestral, or if the circumstances of her death were too confused to determine who was at fault, up to you. (And whether Jelly knows the truth about it or not. Maybe part of her father's distance is his efforts to find who is responsible for his wife's death?)

That would be an interesting murder mystery side story, but that's all up to whether you're interested in it. I'd also be fine with both of her parents being dead and having her be adopted by some of the children or even some of the Order (To elevate her to the same level of access as Janet had).

I could see the mother's death being something that's still unsolved, being part of why he is more zealous. Because he can't say if it was related to who she were, and thus if her killer might come for him, or worse yet, his daughter. He will be around when he can, but he would definitely want to follow whatever clues he could, or catch whomever did break rules, to ask questions, in case someone had heard something. Both for the sake of giving his wife's memory some peace, and to make sure Jelly isn't in danger. Also to give himself some peace of mind, but he would consider that to coincide with his wife being given justice.

I think Jelly would just be told that her mother had died, and attend what funeral they could give her body, but he wouldn't tell her details. He'd want to protect her from that sort.

This also works well into one of Stargazer's most notable traits in the RP I have used him in: He's sleep deprived, due to needing to use a lot of energy to both do his job, and to be as good of a single father as he is able to. Different circumstances here, but the baseline idea remains the same.

18 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Omen, One thing to remember is that the gates are still open in this universe, Fort Tartarus becoming a stronghold of loyalists after Discord's defeat.

Regardless, I have some ideas, maybe she could be in whatever camp the other Blitz is in? Like she was another captive of the loyalists and Blitz spared her (Or her strange nature allowed her to survive) and she stuck around afterwards?

I could see the more erratic Blitz finding Omen to be an amusing trophy to keep, as well as having part of her feel some pity for the young mare, for the position she were in. So she'd be kept around, and be one of the few she *liberates* over time, who doesn't have a bomb strapped around their neck, to prevent them from trying to run away from her stronghold. Not that there's many other places to go, but it would fit her paranoia to not trusting those who worked for her enemies before, or might have. Even if they were prisoners.

But Omen not showing any sign of disobedience over time, would allow her some modicum of freedom, in the bomb being removed, with the threat of it being put back on, if she tries something. She will not, and thinking over it further, I have another thing that she could be doing, but I will keep that to myself for now., Some things I wanna keep hidden for when this alternative Blitz gets into things. :)

Alt Blitz is maybe crazed and could kill you if you did something you really shouldn't have, but she's still a better option for many survivors, than trying to live out there, and long as you don't do something stupid, things will be mostly good for you. She still got a good heart, even if it's shattered and tainted by now, so she can feel empathy and pity. But it can also quickly turn to scorn, so best to not stir the hive.

18 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Yazid, he could fit in with the zebra, whether in the group that follows the elders and remains or in the group that follows the general and ventures forth, I could see some interesting stories for him.

I could do whatever with him really. But if you want to explore the zebra side of things proper, he'd likely be a good way to do that. Depends if you want a younger, or older perspective on that, since I do have one other, though she'd be more of a mixed race entrance into things here.


Zeehva. She's a fun one, as she can use her magic to pick up residual magic and liquify it. She can't cast a spell with it, but can use in her potions.

When I made her, I had it that most spells would leave some residue, leaving to a droplet or two most times, when you were talking low ranked spells, or when she were late to an area where a stronger spell had been cast. Residue disappears after a time I'd argue, so she had a fair few small vials on her, that she would collect the various types of magic in, then use as were needed.

I also had her as being not a zebra herself, but having married one, and gotten her stripes by proving herself a good enough alchemist, to earn her spot in the traditionalist village he came from. The stripes being added with dye, as a symbol. She's also nicknamed The Weeping Widow though, so you can imagine how the marriage went. But that's more for the OG story. A lot of leeway with her if she'd be useful here. She's a better alchemist, and can add her own spin on things, but she doesn't have the innocence of a youngster who haven't seen most of the darker side of things to her. She's marred by fighting, with scars that won't ever heal fully. And having unicorn blood, might make some look down on her, as I can imagine some more traditional ones, would not be keen on those not pure-blooded, though you'd know better than me, of course. :) Doesn't have to be a direct descendant. Could be from a grandmother or something.

Yazid is more the carefree and calm one, that would have to be confronted by the more harsh reality, as things progressed, and have more of an excited, hopeful attitude. The sort who sees things being wretched at some point, but find hope that things will improve. Potentially via something that he might be able to do.

Anyway, wasn't meant to add another one here. Just since you didn't need the more young one for that angle, I remembered this one. Also yes, the two of them share the same creator program. The others are split between two others. One of which doesn't even work anymore.

I can't draw, so these programs are excellent for me. :)

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Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

I remember those programs, you showed me where that last one is and I've used it a few times to draft up characters that I've shown you before, it's very helpful!

So we'll add Omen, Jelly and her father, and Yazid. I don't know if adding Zeehva would add much to the story, or if it would just clutter up the situation. We can have her available to show up later, I think she would fit in better at the Himallama bastion anyway, so if/when the story heads in that direction we can set her up.


Another idea, I was wondering where to drop the Avarice statue and her accompanying amulet. Do you think Blitz would be tempted by such a thing? The deal offered is that the statue gives power to the amulet wearer proportional to the amount of treasure given to the statue, but similar to the alicorn amulet the wearer is corrupted over time (Like the orange lanterns) and the power granted suffers from diminishing returns.

If she wouldn't be tempted by such a prospect then I'll drop the statue somewhere else, but I think that could be an interesting combination.

Although, maybe it's not a good idea to mix two forms of crazy, and I bet she'd be wary of anything draconequis adjacent after her experiences with the loyalists.

Your thoughts?

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

(Hah! I saw your reply early for once. xD)

50 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

I remember those programs, you showed me where that last one is and I've used it a few times to draft up characters that I've shown you before, it's very helpful!

So we'll add Omen, Jelly and her father, and Yazid. I don't know if adding Zeehva would add much to the story, or if it would just clutter up the situation. We can have her available to show up later, I think she would fit in better at the Himallama bastion anyway, so if/when the story heads in that direction we can set her up.

Sounds good to me on all accounts. As said, I brought up Zeehva because she entered my mind as I were writing. It happens at times. :) There's no rush, and we'd have something to work with in the future, when we get to the Himallama bastion.

52 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

Another idea, I was wondering where to drop the Avarice statue and her accompanying amulet. Do you think Blitz would be tempted by such a thing? The deal offered is that the statue gives power to the amulet wearer proportional to the amount of treasure given to the statue, but similar to the alicorn amulet the wearer is corrupted over time (Like the orange lanterns) and the power granted suffers from diminishing returns.

If she wouldn't be tempted by such a prospect then I'll drop the statue somewhere else, but I think that could be an interesting combination.

Although, maybe it's not a good idea to mix two forms of crazy, and I bet she'd be wary of anything draconequis adjacent after her experiences with the loyalists.

Your thoughts?

I don't think Blitz would fit the bill of one drawn in by the statue. Her alt version here is paranoid and controlling. Giving herself in to worship a statue doesn't seem her style. Trying to blow it up for thinking it some sort of loyalist weapon seems more likely her thing. :)

But it could have fallen into the hooves of some of her enemies, and they seen it as a useable weapon to try and finally get her down, before she blows up their base too. And if it worked to keep her from doing that even once, they might be willing to keep feeding it, as they saw it being efficient. And at the time when they finally noticed what it were taking from them, it would likely be too late, and they'd be addicted to the power.

Or if you want an individual that could be corrupted... How heavy is that statue? In case for instance, Blitz got hold of it, wanted to blow it up, but someone then stole it, and the necklace.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Illiad Easle

Sorry for the long delay. Had to deal with some family matters for a bit.

I'll get responses out tomorrow, and add in an opener for Jelly into things. I'll wait with the others until there's a setting for me to put them in. :) Unless you want me to just try and toss something out there, and see how it goes?


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Illiad Easle

I'll edit in something about Jelly later, or tomorrow. Too annoyed to deal with it right now.

I had a lot more written than you see there, but then suddenly, half of what I had written were gone, and Control-Z did nothing. I don't have the time right now to try and scramble my brain on what I wrote for an hour more than this, so I'll just have to wait until later, and put what there is right now, before more goes away.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Oof! That's always a pain! 

Whenever that happens to me I always tell myself to write my posts outside the forums first and copy them in, but it happens so infrequently that I forget by the time it happens again. 

No rush, I'll set up Jelly in my next post so you're not going in blind.

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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