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Graduating Tonight!

chef sanders

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So tonight I'm going to be graduating from high school! I haven't seen a topic like this yet, so I wanted to ask you guys something: how was your graduation?

"I hid $1 Million in the..."

- My final joke

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I graduated from HS ages ago! It wasn't anything special (for me anyways) it was more like torture. In southern California, it's ALWAYS summer, and we had our graduation held in my school's track & field...field. In the middle of June. On one of the HOTTEST days of that year. It was one of the worst experiences of my life! I ran to the offices to pick up my diploma and got the hell out of there after the ceremony!


Anyways, congratulations on your impending graduation and good luck on your transition into college!

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First of all congratulations in achieving that milestone. I'll be honest in that I just wished my graduating ceremony lasted a little less, sitting for 3 hours to wait for a diploma is just nerve wracking.

"Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa...

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Congratulations! I hope you have fun in college!


I didn't go to my high school graduation. I thought that was boring because I've had to sit through my mom's and my brother's. So I stayed home and slept. :D

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First off, congratulations!


I graduate from HS next year (when summer is over, I'm a senior! :D) I graduated from Middle School in 2009, I'm really looking forward to my last year of HS, a big congratulations to you!

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My graduation was what I expected it to be. That is a bad thing.

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Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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High school being over is not a liscense to do whatever the hell you want. You don't get to good off now. In fact, it's the exact opposite.


DO NOT make the same mistake I did and totally fuck up your first few quarters in college because you think college=freedom. It really doesn't.

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One kid fainted during my graduation, it was SO freaking hot in there. I was very glad when it was finally over.....

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My graduation was recent happened May 20th of this year. It was sad, but I felt happy too. Mixed feelings. That's basically what everyone felt.


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  • 10 years later...

Our graduation was the same year.

It was great. I felt like the world was open to me, things were looking bright. Looked bright. The months that ensued just HAD to suck. It didn't have to be that way.


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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I was homeschooled, so me and my family did a private graduation. I did go to a college for a certificate, but I decided to receive it through the mail rather than a graduation ceremony.

*totally not up to any shenanigans* :ithastolookpretty:

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