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Unicron vs Discord who would win in a fight?


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Unicron The Chaos Bringer: Powers & Abilities

Robot God Physiology / Divine Machine Physiology (Evil)
Transcendent Demon Physiology
Transcendent Alien Physiology
Anti-God/Satanic Incarnation
Dark God Physiology
Destruction Embodiment
Evil Embodiment / Darkness Embodiment
Chaos Embodiment / Physiology
Chaotic Form
Calamity Hell
Madness Aspect Manifestation / Madness Embodiment
Possession: Unicron is known to possess anyone who infused themselves with Dark Energon, even after death.
Nerco-Mechanical Physiology
Darkness Manipulation
Chaos Manipulation
Death Manipulation
Dark Energy Manipulation
Darkness Wave Emission
Shadow Generation
Undead Summoning
Cursed Blood: via Dark Energon. A corrupt form of Energon that serves as Unicron's lifeblood. Supposedly more powerful than standard Energon and much less stable, it can have radical effects on different machines. In Transformers Prime, it turned the Decepticon ship Nemesis into a sentient being and turned the dead inhabitants of Cybertron into robotic zombies.
Death Embodiment / Death Aspect Manifestation
Mystic Alien Physiology
Cosmic Hunger/Super Eating
Multiversal Destruction
Galaxy Destruction
Planet Destruction
Reality Consumption
Space Consumption
Time Consumption
Reality Consumption
Matter Ingestion
Apocalypse Inducement
Space Manipulation (Mid Tier)
Time Manipulation (Mid Tier)
Reality Warping (Mid Tier)
Erasure Immunity
Energy Manipulation
Cosmic Awareness
Creation (Evil)
Object Creation
Heralds - Like a certain other godlike, world-destroying comic character, Unicron can create heralds to do his bidding. He does this by corrupting Transformers and bending them to his will or by building them within his own megastructure and imbuing them with their own Sparks forged from his own spark core. Unicron maintains a telepathic link with his heralds with near limitless range and can torture them if they get out of line.
Physical Manifestation Creation
Transcendent Energy Manipulation: through the Armor of Unicron.
Transformations - Unicron usually has a robot mode and a planet mode. His planet forms across the multiverse have all looked similar with only slight differences between them. In Transformers Prime, Unicron was actually the core of the planet Earth and was capable of forming multiple bodies from rock and earth to fight against Optimus Prime.
Black Hole Mimicry
Planetary Physiology
Planet Lordship
Living Factory
Astral Form - Even if Unicron's body is destroyed, his astral form is eternal and will return to the astral realm upon "death". From there, Unicron can reincarnate himself in another divergent universe to continue his path of destruction.
Multiversal Power Link/Multiversal Singularity - As a singularity, Unicron has no doppelgangers across the multiverse. Though the inhabitants of various dimensions might interpret his origins in varying ways, there is likely truth to each of them. He can maintain a physical presence in one universe at a time, but his astral essence transcends such barriers.
Infinite Strength
Infinite Stamina
Supernatural Speed
Infinity Durability
Dimensional Travel
Immortality; via an Indestructible Spark.
Swordsmanship (Mid-teir)
The One
The Matrix of Leadership 

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Discord The Master of Chaos,  Powers and Abilities 

As an embodiment of Chaos, Discord appears to be omnipotent. He has manifested a great number of abilities and skills over the course of G4 MLP - abilities that he has shown so far include:

Hybrid Physiology: Discord has a body made of different parts of creatures and animals.
Nigh-omnipotence: The source of his reality manipulating abilities and among other powers, is the power to be near the pinnacle of Omnipotence, which makes him the most powerful character to be seen in the show. He would may also flawlessly restore anything to its original state, possess a complete and utter collection of powers, heal or fix anything without fail, or even manipulate space-time, or cosmic elements at will if given the proposition.
Chaos Magic: Discord is capable of altering reality into many ways and manipulate the laws of nature and the physics of the world via his chaos magic. It can also erase the magic of others, such as Starlight Glimmer.
Reality Restoration: As of been shown in some episodes (namely "Keep Calm and Flutter On", and "To Where and Back Again Part 1") he is also capable of restoring reality back into its original state. Whichever is more efficient, this can count as a power to balance his reality affecting chaos magic or a counteractive ability to use against other reality warpers.
Size-Shifting: Discord has varied in size from very large to be small enough to fit in a pony's ear.
Shapeshifting: Discord has taken many odd forms, some of which defy physics or parody characters.
Gesturify: Sometimes he has to require the use of snapping his fingers whenever it comes to most of the reality distorting powers he owns by far, otherwise they wouldn't function correctly as he expects them too. This is a sub-power that comes with his chaos magic in general.
Probability Alteration/Logic Manipulation: Discord can cause extremely unlikely events to occur within his vicinity and alter the laws of logic to his whim.
Telekinesis: Discord has shown enough telekinetic skill to lift the entire Mane Six up magically, such as when he "grabbed" them by the collars.
Hypnotic Magic: Discord has shown the ability to corrupt others and is skilled at hypnotic magic. He can even outright take control of someone's mind, although he prefers not to.
Telepathy/Nigh-omniscience: Discord was able to know all the strengths and weaknesses of the Mane Six as well as their names, without ever having met them before. He also knew about Twilight Sparkle's princess coronation and the "Winter Wrap Up Song", despite not being there. He also knew how Twilight Sparkle felt about her role as princess, and in Keep Calm and Flutter On, he reveals that he heard everything about Celestia's plan to reform him, while imprisoned in stone.
Fourth Wall Awareness: Discord appears to be aware he is in a cartoon, even though he doesn't explain what he does.
Teleportation: One of the most used abilities, Discord is able to teleport from one place to another, as well as teleport objects or people and make objects disappear out of thin air. He can also teleport across alternate dimensions such as the real-world of "Ogres and Oubliettes" and his own personal dimension, summon individuals from anywhere to his own location, or transport himself to someone else's location without knowing exactly where they are. This appears to be his main method of transportation, as he is shown frequently to detest walking and most other forms of travel.
Creation: Discord is shown to be skilled with creation magic. He is able to create objects, creatures, and plants at will, including powerful magical creations like the Plunderseeds.
Levitation: Discord is able to float in the air.
Flight: Discord can fly using his wings. He was also able to achieve a supersonic flight similar to Rainbow Dash's.
Replication: Discord can create copies of himself and of other people, creating a replicate of Trixie out of her hat.
Animation: Discord can bring any inanimate object to life.
Appendage Generation: Discord can grow extra body parts.
Anatomical Liberation: Discord can make parts of his body come apart, and is able to move them while detached so. He is also shown using this ability to remove Princess Celestia's tail without her noticing.
Object Possession: Discord was able to use his head to possess a balloon, and he can also appear magically in various objects, such as gems and stained glass windows.
Transmogrification: Discord can alter the appearance of objects and creatures, such as: giving rabbits deer legs, making a squirrel and a rabbit large and hulking, and turning apples into oranges and oranges into apples.
Matter Ingestion: Discord is able to consume matter such as glass, a painting, a teacup, and a telephone without any negative side effects.
Portal Creation: Discord can open portals to different dimensions by using his eagle claw to cut through the fabric of reality, or open a portal to grab things in another point in a location.
Disease Generation: Discord can inflict ponies with any kind of diseases and illnesses.
Pyrokinesis: Discord is able to generate blue or green flames, as shown in "Three's A Crowd" and "Make New Friends but Keep Discord" respectively. He can also create images using blue flames.
Smoke Generation: Discord display creating the amount of smoke to cover a background as shown in "Ogres and Oubliettes".
Color Alteration: Discord was able to fade Twilight's friends' colors, he also changed his color to blue to make it look like he had the "blu flu" or change himself into green and turned a tablecloth from white to red by touching it.
Thought Manifestation: Discord is able to show his thoughts to others by using clouds of smoke, such as when showing Twilight Sparkle and Princess Cadence a flower that would cure the "blu flu".
Enhanced Strength: Discord is deceptively strong, enough so to take a tree out of the ground and taking a big rock out of the ground with just one arm.
Enhanced Durability: Discord took a blast from King Sombra's dark magic without injury.
Enhanced Hearing: Discord was able to hear Applejack from a distance away.
Weather Magic: Discord is able to manipulate the weather by making rain clouds go crazy, causing thunderstorms or creating cotton candy chocolate rain clouds.
Animal Manipulation: Discord is able to manipulate the animals' behavior by making them go wild unnaturally.
Daytime Manipulation: Discord is able to manipulate celestial objects at will to bring about daytime or nighttime.
Gravity Manipulation: Discord is able to make things float into the air, and making objects lighter or heavier. He can undo the gravity of an area to cause things to float above air.
Time Travel: Discord is able to project himself and others into events that have happened in the past.
Bubble Imprisonment: Discord is able to imprison ponies in magic bubbles which is a similar trait to Tirek once he had drained Discord of his magic.
Prehensile Tail: Discord can use his tail to hold things, and can make his tail tuft into a hand.
Cartoon Physics: Like Pinkie Pie, he is able to use cartoon physics by stretching his limbs, deflate like a balloon, zipping his mouth shut, moving very fast, turning his mouth upside down and appearing out of unexpected places.
Magic Imbalance Detection: Discord has the natural ability to sense major disturbances in magic, such as magic being stolen, or transferred into others.
Immortality: Discord seems to be immortal, as he has stayed in his stone prison for thousands of years without dying. He claims himself to be centuries old and is also presumably just as old as, if not older than Celestia and Luna. As shown in The Last Problem, years into the future of the series, Discord didn't show any sign of aging.
Clairvoyance: Discord can use his crystal ball to see and watch over anything or anyone in Equestria.
Necromancy: Discord is also capable of bringing the deceased back from the grave, as he did with Sombra, but it seemed he had to draw symbols into the ground to do so.
Energy Blasts: Discord can shoot large beams of dark energy that can blow a hole in the wall or shoot white energy beams from his fingertips to zap away objects.
Petrification: Discord can turn others into stone, as demonstrated with Cozy Glow, Queen Chrysalis and Tirek.
Master Trickster and Manipulator: Discord is good at deceiving ponies and making them do his bidding without even realizing it.
Discord's strengths are many, while his weaknesses are extremely few. Attacking him head-on is usually doomed to fail, as he can easily thwart any assault through his reality-warping power. However, he is vulnerable to the Elements of Harmony, which have successfully turned him to stone twice. Using the Elements also dispels all of his chaotic magic, returning things to their rightful shapes and places.

He has also been shown to be vulnerable to other entities of immense power, such as a sufficiently empowered Lord Tirek. This is most likely due to Tirek's anti-magic properties being capable of shutting down Discord's magic when sufficiently empowered, or simply because Discord did not have time to realize he was being betrayed before he was drained of his magic. Similarly, a sneeze from the Tatzlwurm was able to infect him with a severe illness he was not able to cure himself of.

One important weakness of Discord is his ego. He tends to be extremely arrogant and overconfident, and so assured of his own invincibility that he will not go all-out against enemies. He learns from this mistake and while disguised as Grogar, he brushes off King Sombra's own overconfidence and ego. In addition, his tendency to underestimate opponents means that he can be taken by surprise and defeated before having the chance to react. While intelligent, he is also susceptible to being manipulated and fell for Tirek's proposition to become allies, not suspecting that Tirek would betray him in the end. Also, prior to his redemption, he secretly wanted a friend, which allowed Fluttershy to sway him towards the side of good.

As shown in "Discordant Harmony", if Discord stops exhibiting his usual chaotic behavior entirely and starts to act "normal" instead, he will lose his abilities and slowly fade from existence. Thankfully, Fluttershy managed to make him return to his normal state before this could happen, thus saving his life. This is why he shouldn't avoid his position of what he represents.

Discord is weak to anti-magic in general as he couldn't counter the Changelings' anti-magic - though (as is common with omnipotent characters) his weaknesses come and go as "plot demands" - this is done to prevent Discord from basically winning every battle the ponies may comes across save for the most extreme examples (as Starlight even mentioned Discord could, if he wanted, defeat the entire Changeling army by sneezing had they not utilized anti-magic, making the threat null and void).

Discord's biggest weaknesses, however, is that he sometimes does not think things through. The worst example of this would be in Season 9 where, despite being able to fool the Legion of Doom, he never expected that they would plan to betray him by using the bell he instructed them to get, or that his plan to help Twilight gain more confidence in herself would have the opposite effect.

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Who would win in a fight? Discord or Unicron?

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Those are far, FAR too long to read.

Discord would be the winner though. A master beats a bringer any day.

From TFP, Unicron seems relatively vulnerable, as he requires others in order to commit much in terms of actions of his own, such as a dark energon enriched vessel to possess, along with dead cybertronians. The Matrix of leadership which harness all of the past knowledge of the primes, is essentially a piece of software that only has a unique quality in that it can only be weirded by an approved administrator. Despite what Ratchet had to say, Vector Sigma really is nothing more than a computer in terms of functionality. :ButtercupLaugh:

I could go into it a few other things but it's not really necessary because of one thing. Discord has the ability to change the rules of how a universe functions. The only thing holding him back is his own personality.

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11 hours ago, SharpWit said:

Those are far, FAR too long to read.

Discord would be the winner though. A master beats a bringer any day.

From TFP, Unicron seems relatively vulnerable, as he requires others in order to commit much in terms of actions of his own, such as a dark energon enriched vessel to possess, along with dead cybertronians. The Matrix of leadership which harness all of the past knowledge of the primes, is essentially a piece of software that only has a unique quality in that it can only be weirded by an approved administrator. Despite what Ratchet had to say, Vector Sigma really is nothing more than a computer in terms of functionality. :ButtercupLaugh:

I could go into it a few other things but it's not really necessary because of one thing. Discord has the ability to change the rules of how a universe functions. The only thing holding him back is his own personality.

Good point. The Only thing These two Godlike Being have in common is their share love of chaos and Both of them are immortal,

with unicron is trap in the earth core ( which is kind of creepy since he is the chaos bringer) he need amuch more Powerful and Durable Host to fight against Discord

Unicorn does have  the Abilities to create avatar of himself from the earth surface and Discord create more of himself aswell

The Only thing that holding Unicorn and Discord. Unicorn is trapped inside the earth core or he is the earth core and Discord  his Personality holding him back

and I wonder how would equestria hand the aftermath of the fight since we are talking about Godlike entity that can Destroy planet. so I'm Probably sure that equestria would suffer a lot of damage after the battle.

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As stupidly OP as Discord is, very few things can actually hurt Unicron, like the Matrix of Leadership. I really do doubt Discord's chaos magic could actually do anything to him. Only other things that could actually hurt Unicron, much like Discord himself, as far as I know


Are the Elements of Harmony


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1 hour ago, Megas said:

As stupidly OP as Discord is, very few things can actually hurt Unicron, like the Matrix of Leadership. I really do doubt Discord's chaos magic could actually do anything to him. Only other things that could actually hurt Unicron, much like Discord himself, as far as I know

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Are the Elements of Harmony

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It seen like it would be an never ending Battles between These two godlike  entity  or maybe the element of harmony Might even Destroy him outright

I've often wondered would powerful objects that belong to realities Transformers only encounter rarely would have any affect on Unicron.  I'm referring to things like the Marvel Multiverse's Infinity Gauntlet or Cosmic Cubes or the Equestrians' Elements of Harmony.  Likewise would the Matrix Of   Leadership affect beings like Galactus or Discord

While such omniversal artifacts lie outside of my purview, I am aware of some of those that you speak of. The Infinity Gems, though they grant effortless control over the fabric of existence, are fundamentally tied to the universe they were created within; outside of their home reality, these powerful stones are mere baubles. I believe the Cosmic Cubes allow a greater flexibility in their use, but they require a greater degree of mental focus to wield, and the spark of sapience that exists within each one would make employing them against Unicron a dangerous prospect.

As for the Matrix, though a repository of great power, its ability to be used as a weapon against the Chaos Bringer typically stems from their connected origins—be it a conduit to the power of Unicron’s brother and opposite Primus, or its status as the final work of the Oracle, the being that assisted the Primacron in the Devourer’s creation. I doubt that the Matrix would have any effect on the powerful beings of other realms, and I hope never to see the day when such a theory is put to the test.

The one exception among the items you speak of is the Elements of Harmony. In worlds such as my home reality, where Unicron is an abstract being, the embodiment of hatred and conflict; I do believe that in these timestreams, the energies of honesty, kindness, laughter, generosity, loyalty and magic would be uniquely potent against him. If held by worthy bearers, I am confident that the Elements of Harmony would be able to subdue Unicron, if not to destroy him outright.

Edited by Scootaloo9074090
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