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Champions of Celestia

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Character Sheets:

Player Kujamih
Name   Ku•ya
Race   Earth Pony
Level  3

Strength   6
Agility    3
Intellect  3
Charm      6

Stamina   10/11 ( 9 from Attributes + 2 from Inner Strength)
Willpower  9/11 ( 9 from Attributes + 2 from Inner Strength)

(Racial)     Inner Strength  4
(Cutie Mark) Pony Sense      5
(Extra1)     Healing         3
(Extra2)     Defiance        4
(Extra3)     Confidence      3
(Extra4)     ...

Equipment: Reinforced Horseshoes, Leg Armor (light)


Player Samurai Equine
Name   Samurai Equine
Race   Unicorn
Level  3

Strength   4
Agility    5
Intellect  4
Charm      5

Stamina    9/ 9
Willpower  9/ 9

(Racial)     Telekinesis    4
(Cutie Mark) Fire Magic     5
(Extra1)     Combat         4
(Extra2)     Teleportation  4
(Extra3)     ...
(Extra4)     ...

Equipment: Samurai Armor, Samurai Sword, Buster Sword


Player Ocean Wavedream
Name   Dr. Clue
Race   Pegasus
Level  3

Strength   4
Agility    5
Intellect  5
Charm      4

Stamina    9/ 9
Willpower  9/ 9

(Racial)     Flight         5
(Cutie Mark) Investigation  6
(Extra1)     Combat         4
(Extra2)     ...
(Extra3)     ...
(Extra4)     ...

Equipment: Royal Guard Armor (light), Reinforced Horseshoes, Sword


Player abrony-mouse
Name   Mango Eve
Race   Pegasus
Level  3

Strength   3
Agility    5
Intellect  3
Charm      7

Stamina    8/ 8
Willpower 10/10

(Racial)     Flight           4
(Cutie Mark) Pony Sense       4
(Extra1)     Acrobatics       3
(Extra2)     Persuasion       4
(Extra3)     Sleight of Hoof  3
(Extra4)     Performance      3

Equipment: Dagger, Leather Armor

Character sheets will be updated when the stats change.

Edited by PawelS
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Before we start the adventure, you should finish creating your characters. @Kujamih and @Samurai Equine already did it, so just let me know if everything is OK or you want to change something.

For @Ocean Wavedream and @abrony-mouse, you need to do the following:

1. Increase your Attributes (Strength/Agility/Intellect/Charm) by 2 points total.

2. Choose a cutie mark skill.

3. Choose an extra skill.

(More information here.)

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And so, the story begins...

Chapter 1: In Her Majesty's Secret Service

Ku•ya: Pony Sense test (d4). Result: 4. Success!
Mango Eve: Pony Sense test (d4). Result: 4. Success!

(Yes, I legitimately rolled a 4 for both of you. Not that it matters much at this point...)

It was a dark a stormy night. Little did you know that your life was about to change forever... No, that's not how it starts! Actually it was day, and Ku•ya and Mango Eve knew what was going to happen, because of their Pony Sense. Samurai wasn't very surprised either, as he did receive correspondence from the Princess before. Anyway, wherever you were at that day, the Royal Messengers found you and gave you letters that read as follows:

"Princess Celestia wants to see you. Arrive in Canterlot Castle at noon on the Spring Equinox day. Show this letter to the guards, and they will let you in."

Below is Celestia's Royal Seal, with a sun symbol resembling her cutie mark. The Spring Equinox is a week from now, so you still have some time to prepare for the journey. Dr. Clue is already in the castle, performing her Royal Guard duties, so the letter was simply given to her by her commander.

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I travel to Canterlot! but I took the most dangerous route to gain some exp and level up! roll pinkie sense....I mean pony sense if I will be successful in my journey! or whatever the sense would tell me! even so adventure awaits! 

kuya was in a hurry so he just picked whatever weapon he can pick up. an apple if there's any and a random bag laying on the floor or on the way to the exit. 

charm roll check if people would let it slide if I accidentally grabbed their belongings.


Kuya also has no idea where he is because he had too many ciders to drink that time. all he cared was he got a message and adventure! Roll dice if Kuya is near or far from Canterlot... either way he would still go to dangerous places to gain exp and level up  even if Canterlot is just around the corner... it just means he has more time adventuring before he can adventure some more! .... HUZZAH!

Edited by Kujamih
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At the time, Samurai was doing his duties in Japone, patrolling for any signs of disruptive delinquents, law-breakers, or even possible enemies to his homeland. As he was making the rounds, a messenger arrives to tell him he's been summoned. First, he visits his shogun, who confirms that princess Celestia has indeed summoned him. His shogun gives him the letter, and Samurai bows before taking his leave. There are other brave soldiers and warriors in his homeland, and he will trust them to safeguard Japone for the time being. When Princess Celestia summons you, NEVER hesitate!

The journey is a long one, Japone is not a neighbor of Canterlot, so traveling there is not easy. However, Samurai Equine has traversed this distance enough to know how to get there as fast as possible. He charts the journey so that he will arrive promptly on the correct day. He could teleport there, but seeing as teleportation is not really his strong suit, it's better to save it for emergencies only. The letter said nothing about this being an emergency. As he checks his travel supplies, he gives Japone a final glance as he marches forward into the the unkown wilderness the paved roads ahead. "Fear not, my princess. I shall be at the palace without delay."


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Dr. Clue professionally accepted the letter from her commander with a slight nod for respect. The letter had the royal seal on it, and Dr. Clue could instantly tell that it was from Celestia. Given that she was finished with her duty for the day, she opened the letter in her commander's office and read it. 

Princess Celestia wants to see me? I wonder what she wants to talk about. Dr. Clue found it especially strange that Princess Celestia decided to send her a letter given that she could see Celestia from her commander's office; It had an open window that looked down on the throne room.

She also found it a bit strange that the letter gave her a one week notice, despite her being in the throne room basically everyday. Looking at the schedule on the wall, she was supposed to be where Celestia would be anyways.

To say that the letter was short and to the point would be an understatement. Dr. Clue didn't have much to work with, but she decided to analyze the letter a bit more and see if she could figure out anything more from it.

(Roll intelligence and investigation, I think.)

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Mango's eyes lingered on the departing messenger pony, the unopened letter in her mouth as she flapped up to read it in the comfort of a low-lying fluffy white cloud she had commandeered while staying at a minor Equestrian settlement that had taken her fancy. She had a funny feeling about this letter - it contained something big... the butterflies in her stomach made her feel light-headed and her mouth was dry. Therefore she decided not to open it :P 

She left the letter in the cloud while she did her now standard routine in the town: a harvest play where she tied her wings and played the part of the greening of Equestria. She enjoyed the part of Smart Cookie particularly - those ole pony southernisms always got the farm ponies laughing. Her opposite number, a purple earth pony called Cherry, wasn't at all bad either, and she was sad to see Cherry go at the end of the week.

The letter was always in her mind, however, and eventually, when the week drew to a close, she resolved to open it and read it. After reading it through and then it through a few more times, and then thinking about on her afternoon flight, and then talking about it more while drinking with the earth pony farmers in the tavern... she pulled herself together and flew unsteadily to Canterlot (thanks in particular to a particularly rough plumb coated farm-mare who had slapped her on her withers and told to heed the Princess immediately or there'd be trouble). 

Her main thoughts as she flew were that the Princess could want her for a great adventure - perhaps her special talents as an actor had reached the esteemed furry white ears of their ruler? Or maybe this was about her parents somehow - perhaps they had finally tracked down the evil Roc to its lair? Or perhaps the Princess just had a thing for oranges...  

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35 minutes ago, Mango Eve said:

Mango's eyes lingered on the departing messenger pony, the unopened letter in her mouth as she flapped up to read it in the comfort of a low-lying fluffy white cloud she had commandeered while staying at a minor Equestrian settlement that had taken her fancy. She had a funny feeling about this letter - it contained something big... the butterflies in her stomach made her feel light-headed and her mouth was dry. Therefore she decided not to open it :P 

She left the letter in the cloud while she did her now standard routine in the town: a harvest play where she tied her wings and played the part of the greening of Equestria. She enjoyed the part of Smart Cookie particularly - those ole pony southernisms always got the farming clouds laughing. Her opposite number, a purple earth pony called Cherry, wasn't at all bad either, and she was sad to see Cherry go at the end of the week.

The letter was always in her mind, however, and eventually, when the week drew to a close, she resolved to open it and read it. After reading it through and then it through a few more times, and then thinking about on her afternoon flight, and then talking about it more while drinking with the earth pony farmers in the tavern... she pulled herself together and flew unsteadily to Canterlot (thanks in particular to a particularly rough plumb coated farm-mare who had slapped her on her withers and told to heed the Princess immediately or there'd be trouble). 

Her main thoughts as she flew were that the Princess could want her for a great adventure - perhaps her special talents as an actor had reached the esteemed furry white ears of their ruler? Or maybe this was about her parents somehow - perhaps they had finally tracked down the evil Roc to its lair? Or perhaps the Princess just had a thing for oranges...  

might this be ditzy doo's/derpy's ancestor?:squee:

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You're pretty close to Canterlot, but you like to live dangerously, so you take a route that is known to be frequented by bandits. And it doesn't take much time until you see three ponies fighting, one of them appears to be attacked by two other ones. You're too far to figure out any details of the situation. If you get closer, there is a chance they will see you.

@Samurai Equine

Being a well-organized pony, you plan the journey to be as quick and safe as possible. It's mostly uneventful, until you get close to your destination. In the fields east from Canterlot, you encounter a middle-aged Earth Pony mare, who is struggling to pull her wagon out of the mud. "Please help me, good sir!" She calls out when she sees you.

@Ocean Wavedream

You examine the letter.

Intellect (d5), result: 5
Investigation (d4), result: 3
Best result: 5. Success!

Looking at the style of writing, you can discern that it was written by Golden Quill, the Royal Scribe. In the corner of the page there is a barely visible numbering: "3/4".


As you fly towards Canterlot, there is a particularly large storm cloud ahead of you. It seems the local Pegasi have scheduled a thunderstorm in this area. Flying right through it can be dangerous, going around it will take much more time, and going above it will put your flying skills to a test.

Edited by PawelS
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As Samurai nears the final leg of his journey, he lets off a relieved and happy sigh. Canterlot and Celestia's castle is within viewable distance! However, the brave samurai hears a call for help. Such distress cannot simply be ignored. Celestia would never want that. "Ah. Hai! One moment, please. I'll help you right away!" Seeing as he has trained for combat nearly his whole life, Samurai is naturally very strong. He won't even need to use half of his strength as he gets behind the wagon and begins to push it out of the mud. However as he pushes the wagon free, he decides a little low-level fire magic can't hurt, right? Just enough to dry up the mud so nopony else will get caught in the mud either, right?

(I guess roll for effectiveness? Low roll, mud dries up. High roll... Send the excess fire magic into the sky for free fireworks display? Or whatever you decide since you're the story master.)

Edited by Samurai Equine
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Refreshed after the evening fly, Mango decides to try stretching her back muscles and fly over the thunderstorm. As a chosen pegasi of the Princess she feels that Celestia must believe in her flying skill. Also, Mango enjoyed the look of a thunderstorm from above - all those flashes and rumbles, not to mention avoiding getting her orange/green mane and tail wet if she went under, since it always took ages to dry and then when it did it would be all frizzy for meeting Celestia. Also the long trot in the dark would be scary and would take so much longer and it would be just terrible if she was late! Celestia might imprison her in a dungeon, or shout at her in all caps! Mango scolds herself for taking such a long time to read the letter - if she'd just read it in the first place she wouldn't need to rush now :( 

Mango opts to use one of the basic flying tips she'd learned from the occasional pegasi that had stopped by their dwelling as they passed through towards Canterlot (many of them surprisingly well informed, being prospective or ex-guards). She opts a technique she called 'Goldfinch' (she liked to name her techniques after birds) which involves a stroke that goes from closed frowny stance (crossed hooves, frowning and clutching her wings together) to open stance (big smile, with wings and hooves outstretched).








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Your appearance has distracted the attackers. The defender uses this opportunity to escape their grasp and run away. One of the aggressors pursues him. The other one, a bulky looking Earth Pony, approaches you. "Got some bits?" He asks through gritted teeth, because he holds a knife in his mouth.

@Samurai Equine

You try to pull the wagon out of the mud.

Strength (d4), result: 3
Telekinesis (d4), result: 2
Best result: 3. Success!

You successfully pull it out, then you use a fire spell to dry the mud.

Intellect (d3), result: 2
Fire Magic (d4), result: 2
Best result: 2. Partial success.

The place looks dryer than before, but there is still some mud in it.

The mare looks a little scared by your use of fire magic, but when you finish doing it, she takes a package out of the wagon and gives it to you. It contains an apple pie. "Thank you, sir! I'm taking my pastries to the market to sell 'em. Please accept this one as a sign of my gratitude."


You decide to fly over the thunderstorm.

Agility (d5), result: 2
Flight (d4), result: 2
Best result: 2. Partial success.

Your maneuver doesn't work quite as you intended though, and you get caught inside the storm for a moment. You lose 1 Stamina, your mane and tail are frazzled.

The storm is now behind you, and you see the Canterlot Mountain in front of you.

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"here good sir!" he showed the bag and jingled and tossed it so the bandit would here and see it. as soon as he was near the bandit to grab his sack of bits. he waited for the opportunity that the bandit was distracted and looking at it and in the process of grabbing it. in that moment ( even if the bandit is still looking at him while grabbing the sack of bits.) he would throw it at the bandit's face to distract him even more increasing his chance for a surprise. and while the bits is going into contact Kuya has already released a mean hook from his free hoof. to be extra cautious he exerted extra effort of making a one two hoof punch combo just to make sure that this pony is down and out for the rest of the week.

( if successful) he would then grab his pouch. and say...

" ...how rude." 

he would then chase down the other bandit, pursuing its victim.

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Well, a little drier is better than nothing. Better to hold back too much rather than accidentally make things worse.

About that time, Samurai notices the thankful civilian offering him something. "Oh? For me? Puresento (Present)? Ah, arigato gozimasu desu." Samurai takes the offering and waves goodbye to the citizen. Once again, Samurai has committed yet another good deed. However, he's not hungry right now, so he'll save the pie for later.

Once he has made sure the citizen is fine and on their way, Samurai once more heads for Celestia's castle. He won't need to show the letter to the guards. His position as a samurai puts him on the same level as the royal guards. He has their same level of authority and access to the castle. They know his face and should recognize him. Unless protocols have changed while he was away, of course.

Edited by Samurai Equine
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After being buffeted about and emerging Mango shakes herself off id-air and continues on her way, though drained and rather dizzy. 'Last time I try the chaffinch in a storm. I should have gone with the Goose technique.' she grumbles. 

Mango will alight in Canterlot in the late evening and make her way to the palace. She will bemoan the frizzy state of her orange mane to anypony who will hear on the way :P 


1 hour ago, Props Valroa said:

because the US flag is the ultimate pride flag



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You try to trick the bandit into believing you will give him the gold.

Ku•ya: Charm (d6), result: 1
Bandit: Intellect (d3), result: 1

Difference: 0. Inconclusive.

He doesn't fall for it, but also doesn't realize what's going on. You use this opportunity to throw the bag at his face and attack him with your hoof.

(hoof attack) Ku•ya: Strength (d4), result: 4
(throwing the bag) Ku•ya: Agility (d3), result: 3
Bandit: Agility (d4), result: 2
Difference: +2 / +1. Success!

Your attack is successful, but the bandit recovers from it, and attacks you with his knife.

Bandit: Strength (d5), result: 5
Ku•ya: Agility (d3), result: 3

Difference: +2. Bandit's success.

The bandit's stab is successful. You lose 2 Stamina. You strike back with your hooves.

Ku•ya: Strength (d4), result: 2
Bandit: Agility (d4), result: 1
Difference: +1. Success!

The bandit falls to the ground. You take back the bag from him, and follow the other aggressor.

Ku•ya: Agility (d3), result: 3. Success!

You run fast, and manage to maintain eye contact with both the bandit and the victim, who escapes into the bushes on the side of the road. The bandit follows him there. It's getting dark.

@Samurai Equine @Ocean Wavedream @abrony-mouse

You are in Canterlot. It's evening on the day before your meeting with Princess Celestia. You should decide where to spend the night.

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*SNIFFFF* "aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh....... I'm already here so let's just do it. "

Kuya charged full blast towards their direction trampling, trashing running over anyone in his path. 

if ever he gets a clean hit he would add in a few hooves to finish the job. but if not at least he made sure he blocked the other bandit on hi path.

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You pursue the two ponies, trying to keep track of them.

Intellect (d3), result: 2. Partial success.

You lose track of the victim, and the bandit is distracted by your presence and loses track of him too. It's a mare, who turns her attention to you.

Charm (d6), result: 3.
Bandit: Charm (d5), result 2.
Difference: +1. Success!

Seeing the determination in your eyes, she backs away slowly.

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" aaaahhhhh....you know how hard it is to catch up with a whole on the side?" he showed his stab from the other bandit. "so you know he had what was coming right? now I don't wanna mess a pretty face such as yourself so might I suggest  this bag of bits your friend refused?" he used the same trick again so he could slowly go near the mare. and again try and distract her. to talk to her if he can.

whatever happens he waited for the opportunity for the mare to get distracted. and pounce on her and force his way to her by grappling her and making her unable to move.

" let's get to know each other better?"

he'd apply pressure and pain to gain information. and if none what so ever then he'd put  her to sleep.

Edited by Kujamih
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Mango immediately heads to the palace, having been worried about being late, but after holding her invitation importantly up to the face of a guard she is informed that the letter actually describes tomorrow. 

Mango rereads the time and sighs with relief, even if she is a bit embarrassed by her mistake. She will ask the royal guard if she is allowed to have a room in the palace and, if she is told no, she will try to charm the guard into letting her stay in a little room there. After all she is only a poor widdle orange pegasus filly who only wants to a little room with a place she can sort out her mane and tail *pout face* :(

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Oh my. Where did the time go? Oh well. Still making good time, even if he has to stay at inn for the night.

Samurai finds the best looking inn he can find and decides to check in. "Konbanwa! Eh, gomen nasai. I know it's really late, but I require lodging for the night." Samurai bows politely before reaching for his money. "I'll take any room you can give me. However, I was wondering if your nicest suite is available? You would be doing Equestria and Princess Celestia a big favor."

Samurai attempts use his CHARM to get the best room they have to offer.

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Dr. Clue was patrolling the entrance of the castle the when she noticed a peculiar yellow pegasus trying to enter.  It was right at the end of her shift too. She walked over and took a look at the letter along with the other two royal guards. She immediately recognized it as the letter she had. She nodded to the other guards and said "Let her in." Then, turning to the yellow pegasus, she said, "I've got some space in my place. You can stay the night with me. What's your name?" She said with a slight smile.

Edited by Ocean Wavedream
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