Samurai Equine June 12, 2022 Share June 12, 2022 @Skylight Scintillate, @Kujamih, @PawelS Samurai is beside himself with that one comment. He wants to say something, but he doesn't want it to come off wrong. So instead, he pulls Dr. Clue aside and whispers to her. "She knows that we have the authority to arrest her for obstruction of justice, right? Should we wave that authority? I can't play the bribe game. I'm too honest for that." 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Clue June 12, 2022 Share June 12, 2022 @PawelS @Samurai Equine @Kujamih Dr. Clue stepped aside with Samurai Equine and whispered her reply to him. "Actually, that's literally what I just said," Dr. Clue whispered back, pulling out Equestria code 904 title 10 article 104 to show Samurai Equine. "So you want to go ahead with this?" Dr. Clue asked. She would wait for Samurai Equine's reply, an if he agreed, she would go ahead with her idea. "Actually, yes, we can arrest you. So what will it be?" Dr. Clue said, turning back to face Raven Cry, getting ready to tackle her. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evil Pink One 13,512 June 12, 2022 Share June 12, 2022 @PawelS @Samurai Equine @Skylight Scintillate It looks like Kuya became the good cop and the rest became a bad cop in the routine. " EEYYY EY EYYY! Hold your horses.... We're supposed to be the good guys here. And remember, Shadow assisted us and gave us this informant. If we arrest her this'll give Shadow a bad name and we'd lose more clues doing what you're doing. The walls have ears and news spread fast in the slumps. If they found out that we arrest ponies willy nilly no pony's gonna assist us.... But if they know we give rewards, the easier it is for us. So what do you say magician? We can offer what the princess can offer to you... So what's your price? " As you can see from my friends actions, they've been given quite the authority by the princess, So could you if you helped. Maybe a place in the castle? Your very own research facility?" 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silly Druid 7,214 June 13, 2022 Author Share June 13, 2022 (edited) "I already told you," Raven's Cry says to Kuya, "I don't want to get closer to Celestia. There are other ways to gain power and knowledge, you know." When Dr. Clue said she could arrest her, the witch considers her options. "I don't want too much attention. If ponies at the castle know I have this kind of information, they will start bothering me. That's why I have reservations here..." Then Shadow Dagger steps in. "I'm starting to regret I brought you here, but maybe we can fix it. Let's do it this way: Raven tells you what she knows for a small fee in bits and you promise to never tell Celestia or any of her acquaintances what's the source of your information. As the holy knights of the princess, or whatever the thing you do is called, you're honorable ponies who won't break your promise, will you?" Edited June 13, 2022 by PawelS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samurai Equine June 14, 2022 Share June 14, 2022 @Skylight Scintillate, @Kujamih, @PawelS Samurai pats Kuya's shoulder. His effort was better than Samurai's. But then Shadow Dagger makes an interesting proposition. Samurai looks to his friends to see their reaction. He looks to see if Raven Cry. "...Is that what you want, Ms. Cry?" Then he pauses and looks down a second. He inspects his armor, making sure there is no visible dust or blemishes. He weights his options heavily as he leans to one side. "My word definitely is my law. However.... To be honest, I probably shouldn't make a promise like that. There may come a time where I have to put the fate of Equestria above any secrets I hold..." Yep, he might regret this. But Samurai straightens up and faces Raven Cry directly. "I'll make that promise, but only under one condition. Ms. Raven Cry, you have to promise never to use your knowledge and resources against Equestria, ever. If I find so much as a single innocent civilian harmed or put in danger because of you, then our deal is off. Those are my only conditions. Do you accept?" Samurai holds up a hoof. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evil Pink One 13,512 June 14, 2022 Share June 14, 2022 @PawelS "sigh... You're supposed to be smart... I never told you to be close to Celestia in anyway? I don't really need to be close to Celestia either? But here I am, a mercenary under Celestia's name. Fine if you don't get it, we can give you bits. You have no idea what you missed." Kuya shrugged it off and left raven alone and went to Shadow's side instead. " Pfff she don't get it does she? She can do a lot of stuff without the royal guards sniffing around her house if she is under Celestia. I can easily take missions in the guild if they know I'm under Celestia. You Shadow can have the thrill of becoming one of Celestia's Assassin from the shadow or something, infiltrating for information and sabotage. If you ponies just open up your eyes and think of the possibilities the princess can give you... " 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Clue June 14, 2022 Share June 14, 2022 @PawelS @Samurai Equine @Kujamih Dr. Clue didn't say anything. Instead, she stared at Kuya, confused by his methods. "Well Raven clearly isn't interested in your bribes, Kuya," Dr. Clue whispered as she pulled Kuya aside. However, after Shadow Dagger proposed an idea and Samurai Equine reluctantly agreed to it, Dr. Clue decided to also agree to it. "Fine, I'll also agree to it under the same conditions as Samurai," Dr. Clue said. In addition, she couldn't help but to think about the way Raven mentioned something about other ways go get power and knowledge. She wrote down all the most important notes that had happened so far in her notebook. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silly Druid 7,214 June 15, 2022 Author Share June 15, 2022 @Samurai Equine @Skylight Scintillate "Of course." Raven's Cry answers Samurai and Dr. Clue. "Despite what you may think, the services I offer are never meant to harm anypony." @Kujamih "You." She turns to Kuya. "You didn't promise to keep quiet about me being your source of information. If you do, I'll tell you what I know and we'll get this over with." 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evil Pink One 13,512 June 15, 2022 Share June 15, 2022 @PawelS @Samurai Equine @Skylight Scintillate " You're smarter than you look I see... I'll agree to that, as long as it's 100%legit Intel. then you got a deal with me." he'd offer his hoof for the deal. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silly Druid 7,214 June 15, 2022 Author Share June 15, 2022 (edited) "It appears we've come to an agreement." Raven's Cry notices (but ignores Kuya's hoof gesture), and starts describing the matter using her monotonous voice. "The symbol you showed me belongs to a secret society called The Night Hooves. Several years ago I was involved in it, until I decided it was a waste of time and left. Their ideology is based on the belief that Princess Luna didn't actually turn into Nightmare Moon, and Princess Celestia banished her because she was jealous that Luna was more beautiful than her." The witch pauses, waiting for any comments or questions from the listeners before continuing the story. Edited June 15, 2022 by PawelS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evil Pink One 13,512 June 16, 2022 Share June 16, 2022 7 hours ago, PawelS said: "It appears we've come to an agreement." Raven's Cry notices (but ignores Kuya's hoof gesture), and starts describing the matter using her monotonous voice. "The symbol you showed me belongs to a secret society called The Night Hooves. Several years ago I was involved in it, until I decided it was a waste of time and left. Their ideology is based on the belief that Princess Luna didn't actually turn into Nightmare Moon, and Princess Celestia banished her because she was jealous that Luna was more beautiful than her." The witch pauses, waiting for any comments or questions from the listeners before continuing the story. "Pshhh not as beautiful as my mare! HAH!" he proudly proclaims. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samurai Equine June 16, 2022 Share June 16, 2022 @PawelS, @Kujamih, @Skylight Scintillate Samurai was proud that his friends backed him up on his conditions. And so, a deal was struck. The intel was quite heavy. "So there really is a secret society forming in the dark..." Samurai nods as he takes it in. "If that is truly their ideology, I imagine they'd be happier if Princess Celestia was no longer in power." 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Clue June 17, 2022 Share June 17, 2022 @PawelS @Samurai Equine @Kujamih Dr. Clue was vaguely aware of Princess Luna and Nightmare Moon. However, despite the fact that Luna was Celestia's sister, Dr. Clue didn't really know that much about her given that Celestia didn't usually bring it up. However, that made sense to Dr. Clue; Banishing one's own sister to the moon seems like quite the touchy subject. However, Dr. Clue was aware of secret societies that opposed this banishment. Dr. Clue didn't say anything, instead writing down all the important notes that Raven Cry said. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silly Druid 7,214 June 19, 2022 Author Share June 19, 2022 (edited) Raven's Cry reacts to Samurai's suggestion: "So you have information that they want to do something to Celestia? Well, that's possible, although during my times we didn't do anything like that. We did some research of Luna before the banishment, as well as some spells and rituals that were supposed to bring her back. As you can surmise, none of it worked. However, after leaving the organization, I still had contact with one of the members for a time, and she told me there was a change of leadership, and the new leader was somepony they called »the beetle« (she didn't tell me his real name). We lost contact since then though, so I don't know what's going on there now." Edited June 19, 2022 by PawelS 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samurai Equine June 19, 2022 Share June 19, 2022 @PawelS, @Skylight Scintillate, @Kujamih Samurai listens respectfully yet intrigued. "I don't know that much about Princess Celestia on a personal level. I don't know the details of her relationship with Luna, the banishment of Nightmare Moon, and so on. I'm learning as I go. It's not my place to pry. If Celestia wanted to share any of that information with me, she would do so. Until then, I don't ask, I just follow orders. Still... If The Beetle is as determined as he sounds, then it's important to stop him as soon as possible. I know from first-hoof experience what's it like to let somepony like that go unchecked." Samurai stops for now. He didn't come here to talk about his personal history. "Ms. Raven Cry, would you happen to know where The Night Hooves have their meetings these days?" 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evil Pink One 13,512 June 20, 2022 Share June 20, 2022 @PawelS @Samurai Equine @Skylight Scintillate " YAAAAAWWWWNNN!..... Sorry... I'm really a pony of action.... If you're friend lost contact with you, then there's a chance that, that pony was silenced. There's a high chance they know about you too Raven Cry... There's a chance they know we're here.... I'm not gonna force you but I worry for your safety. you can join us on our quest, or you can go ask for protection and stay at the castle, OR you can stay here and defend yourself here. Your choice." Kuya would check the windows and outside for a pony suspicious. Light would also ask everyone to help out. " It's best that everypony should check the house and outside. Check for bugs or traps... Etc." @Skylight Scintillate As soon as Light is alone with Dr. Clue. He'd whisper at her. "You heard what she said right? She was once a member of the cult, and we aren't sure if dagger is one as well. Can you keep a close eye on those two? The only reason I want them to join us is so we don't lose sight on them. Now that we're in deep I'll follow you lead no matter what. I'm not sure but I feel a trap. When we got here, it was too quiet, too easy and too ominous. I think Samurai can easily adjust so I didn't need to talk to him about this." 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Clue June 21, 2022 Share June 21, 2022 @PawelS @Samurai Equine @Kujamih "Ok then," Dr. Clue replied to Kuya. "Do you know anything else about this cult?" Dr. Clue pressed Raven Cry. She jotted down notes of what she heard from Raven Cry so far. She also glanced at Shadow Dagger to see if she was up to something. Roll investigation and intelligence to see if she can figure out anything else from those two. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silly Druid 7,214 June 24, 2022 Author Share June 24, 2022 (edited) @Samurai Equine "Back in my days we had meetings in a different location every time. Usually in some uninhabited places in Canterlot or near it. At the end of every meeting the leader told us the place and time of the next one." @Kujamih When Kuya starts searching Raven's Cry's house for traps, she interrupts him. "Hey, don't snoop around in my place." She doesn't display any anger though, her voice is still devoid of emotion. "I don't think I'm in danger, but even if I am, I assure you my house is magically monitored all the time." @Skylight Scintillate Raven's Cry thinks for a moment, trying to remember what else she can say about the organization. "Well, we also made a few trips to the old castle in Everfree Forest, searching for anything that belonged to Luna. We didn't find much though, only some tapestries, which we left in place as there was no point in bringing them with us." Shadow Dagger looks through the window, and doesn't seem interested in the ongoing conversation. You use your investigative skills, trying to figure out anything more. Intellect (d5), result: 3 / Investigation (d6), result: 4. Best result: 4. Success. You notice that when Raven's Cry was talking about her friend in the cult, she was very careful not to say anything that would reveal her identity. Edited June 24, 2022 by PawelS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samurai Equine June 25, 2022 Share June 25, 2022 @PawelS, @Skylight Scintillate, @Kujamih For once, Samurai wasn't sure how to proceed. "If The Night Hooves care that much about Princess Luna, I feel like it'd be easier to track them down by going to the underbelly of society and pretending to sell lost treasures belonging to her." He might have to rely on his comrades again for ideas. But just in case... Roll for Intellect. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Clue July 5, 2022 Share July 5, 2022 @PawelS @Samurai Equine @Kujamih Dr. Clue pounders for a bit before speaking up. She noticed that Raven seemed to be very careful to avoid revealing who she got her information from, but she wasn’t sure how she could get Raven to reveal this pony. “Well that seems like an interesting idea. I do have another idea though. I think I remember some information about Luna that some other royal guard mentioned. However, I’m not sure how accurate it is though.” roll intellect. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evil Pink One 13,512 July 5, 2022 Share July 5, 2022 @PawelS @Skylight Scintillate @Samurai Equine "Hmmm....." He doubted. " Anyway... Anymore information you could give us? If not then we don't want to over welcome our visit and put the heat on you. Of course if you do have more information, then just name the price and I'll do whatever it is you want" he winked at the poker faced mare. ( Roll all his dice if he has too) 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silly Druid 7,214 July 9, 2022 Author Share July 9, 2022 @Samurai Equine Raven's Cry comments Samurai's idea: "Well, if they're preparing for something big tomorrow, then I suppose they are too busy to pay attention to you pretending to sell things." @Skylight Scintillate Intellect (d5), result: 5. Critical success! You remember one of the guards mentioned that Luna was able to visit ponies' dreams. Which is strangely in line with the way Celestia was warned. Could there be a connection? @Kujamih "Nothing more comes to my mind at the moment, but maybe if you ask me about something specific, I'll recall more details." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evil Pink One 13,512 July 9, 2022 Share July 9, 2022 @PawelS ".... Hmmm.... What did you ponies do there anyway? Maybe that'll jog some memories?" 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samurai Equine July 11, 2022 Share July 11, 2022 @PawelS, @Skylight Scintillate, @Kujamih Samurai takes a step back away from his friends and Raven Cry. He needs to contemplate. He just met Raven, so how is he suppose to say the right thing to help jog her memory? Think, Samurai, think! "...I wonder if Celestia knows about The Night Hooves." Samurai quietly says to himself while trying to think of what to do or what to say. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Clue July 11, 2022 Share July 11, 2022 (edited) @PawelS @Samurai Equine @Kujamih “Hmm, what is the cult’s opinion on Luna? Nightmare Moon? Celestia? The rumors that Luna can dream surf are true, right?” Dr. Clue plundered out loud. Edited July 11, 2022 by Skylight Scintillate 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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