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open Into Limbo: Worlds Collide

Evil Pink One

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@Evil Pink One


1 hour ago, Evil Pink One said:

" di nt expect that you'd side with em hero. I guess yer more blind than me." She said while wiping the blood out of her mouth.

She looks at it.

"I dont recall blood lookin like this... Heh."

"I'm siding with me. You've given me no reason to trust you, and many reasons not to."

1 hour ago, Evil Pink One said:

"Blu... I made the mistake of blindly following the cause and aimed to kill you. I don't want to do the same mistake anymore."

Blu sneered at that, but didn't reply. It was clear that she was not forgiven yet.


1 hour ago, Evil Pink One said:

" .... Don't.....dont you dare call me that!"

18 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

"Well then wayward sister, you're gonna have a harder time if you cross me now."

(Apple Bloom called her sister first. Odd that she would suddenly have problems with the term.)

1 hour ago, Evil Pink One said:

Her eyes begins to drip black blood and the mist surrounding her eyes intensifies.

(She could see the future for a few seconds ahead, but that doesnt mean she can out run the bullets, as proven the many holes she have on her body.)

Blu gathered as much as she seemed to dodge before he fired, which was necessary given her slower speed and the speed of the bullets.

Funny thing about the future, it was pretty nebulous, especially when you had to start reacting before the action was taken, and when the actor could respond in kind.

A few shots to spur her momentum in a direction, followed by shots that her momentum would leave her unable to dodge.

1 hour ago, Evil Pink One said:

whats done is done. And Blu.... If its not much to ask... Can we... Save her?"

Blu remained focused on his goal, "You're welcome to try."

1 hour ago, Evil Pink One said:

But Apple Bloom sees through this tactics and would hide from the dust ,rocks and trees.

Blu didn't need to see her clearly to know where she was enough to shoot her. Thanks to Starlight he had bullets to spare and magic to reload faster than his hands would have allowed.

Even if he wasn't hitting her, she had to concentrate to dodge his bullets, meaning she couldn't put her whole focus into Alpha or to him. Each grazing hit would take its toll, slow her down.



1 hour ago, Evil Pink One said:

" I'll try to sing a spell that can calm others and put to a relaxing sleep. Mix it up with my healing magic, and maybe i can do a wide range healing through song. I'd love to help the others to sleep well and heal them all together. You wouldn't mind seeing my performance that is?"

Fuoco sighed, "We learned from the sirens, when they used their songs to control our alicorns. The throat node, it is usually not developed enough to do more than unite the ponies in song. But the sirens showed us it could be so much more powerful, so much deadlier. Others learned how to help, to heal, but that was not my lot."

She turned to watch Misty, "I may not be able to help you, but I would like to see you try."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

5 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Apple Bloom called her sister first. Odd that she would suddenly have problems with the term.)

(She called her wayward sister not because of endearment. More of a mockery of her.

While alpha called her sister as of her love and respect to her.

And the situation at that point differed. Emotions at that point are quite high.

That was then and this is now so to speak. )

The chaotic dance between the two sisters grew chaotic and intense as Blu choreographs it with a hail of bullets.

But one seems to grow tired and slow, hence the black blood scatters from the battlefield.

Apple bloom would release earth shattering hoof strikes to the ground and to Alpha.

Making strings of combos to block the bullets, by making a wall of dirt infront of her and kicking it towards blu or Alpha.

Blu and Shallow are far enough for them to easily dodge the incoming rocks. But they'd soon notice that they're moving farther and farther away. It seems Alpha is luring them away and destroying all the trees that are near her.


This also shows that Alpha is always on flight and never touches the ground when doing combat with her. And Shallow is hopping from tree to tree.

At some point, Cozy would help by shooting lasers on incoming projectile and putting up a shield with ease.

" its a long story..." Cozy would reply If ever Blu looks at her curious or shocked.

 Apple bloom though, would not be impressed.

" what in tarnation! Who gave her alicorn powers again!?"

The chaos ensues and rampaging earth pony tires.

Alpha was able to lock Apple bloom into an embrace.

She'd give a deep hug to her and cry,


"sorry for what?" An unknown voice answered.

Shocked, she quickly tried to let go but the other would lock her in a hug instead and both met eye to eye. It was not of Apple Blooms.... But it was of a grinning mad pony named Madeline.

" Letting go already? But i want more HUGS!"

she began to slowly squeeze the life out of Alpha.

She could only struggle but the mad pony is hell of a strong mare.her red eyes would shine and would gaze at Blu.

" uuu the boy is dangerous." She would not wait for Blu to make a shot and would just blink out of existance and be replaced by a ragged body of a white stallion wearing a royal guards armor.

Released from her grasp Alpha would drop to the ground and pant heavily and check her injuries.

" what the hell was that..." Alpha groaned in pain.

Shallow had an intense goosebumps at the sight of the teleporting pony which Blu might've felt.

" uhhhhh... Fourth wallers.... The worst of the worst." Shallow spoke.

Cozy has no words for the event. It just reminded her of pinkie pie.

" an evil pinkie? Really?"

Alpha would sulk in defeat and cry of frustration. But wont last that long.

" you guys need some rest or do we continue on north?" Alpha quickly went back to the goal in mind.



And tried she did.

( If so, fuoco would have been rejuvenated and slept well for the night. if not perhaps you would add pointers or what not before sleeping. etc?)

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@Evil Pink One


20 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

The chaotic dance between the two sisters grew chaotic and intense as Blu choreographs it with a hail of bullets.

(It occurs to me, given the speed of bullets, Apple Bloom will be seeing herself grievously injured and killed dozens of times over as she uses her future sight to dodge the bullets. That has got to take quite the toll on her mentally.)

20 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

" you guys need some rest or do we continue on north?" Alpha quickly went back to the goal in mind.

Blu looked aghast at what had just happened. He had nearly shot the white pony but managed to stop at the last moment. "The buck was that? She was just gone! there was no buildup, no warning, just here then gone."

He snorted as he reloaded his pistol, "We need to keep moving. Especially since it's clear that we're running out of allies by the minute. Given she was also compromised, it is possible our warning didn't make it to anyone. So time is even more of the essence."



Fuoco would elect to meditate rather than sleep, giving her body a full rest while her mind remained more on alert. She could go a few days like that, but it would be better if she could find a place she could safely rest before it came to that.

She'd be among the first to start moving after the rest period, ready to continue their journey with all due speed.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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16 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

It occurs to me, given the speed of bullets, Apple Bloom will be seeing herself grievously injured and killed dozens of times over as she uses her future sight to dodge the bullets. That has got to take quite the toll on her mentally.)

( probably at this time she cant fully grasp this ability, she just got those eyes. plus take note that Apple bloom was Alpha originally and can out perform Scootaloo with tactics and experience, since even if scootaloo is faster than apple bloom, she can still out perform her by baiting her and tactfully fighting her. also she is forcing Blu to distance himself from you. giving her more time to react from the bullets. also she uses her surroundings and or making that said surroundings to block the bullets and also harasing you with that said terrain. the first bullet or so already made apple bloom learn it the hard way, and i want her to come of as the smart tactful strong one in the group, hence she was the first Alpha. 

.... BATMAN but cute and pony.) 

16 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Blu looked aghast at what had just happened. He had nearly shot the white pony but managed to stop at the last moment. "The buck was that? She was just gone! there was no buildup, no warning, just here then gone."

" Fourth wallers I tells ya... " Shallow repeated. 

" An evil pinkie pie. " Cozy added. 

16 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

He snorted as he reloaded his pistol, "We need to keep moving. Especially since it's clear that we're running out of allies by the minute. Given she was also compromised, it is possible our warning didn't make it to anyone. So time is even more of the essence."


Alpha's injuries would quickly regenerate thanks to the purple infection, but it noticeably spreads ever so slowly from her body.

Alpha would sigh deeply and not enjoying what's to come.

" This drama is taxing... And surely Beta's gonna unload some heavy stuff on me too." She'd then look at the group and ask.

" Please if you have something to say or unload stuff on me do it now and lets get it over with, I'd rather chug the whole water than slowly savour it. Surely you all have something to say."

" Buck you, you deserve everything that came to you...what? " Shallow replied with no reserve.

"... " Cozy would instead go near Alpha and give her a deep hug.

This would stun Alpha for a bit and drop a tear.

In return, alpha would try to hug her for a bit.

"... QUICK! say something mean to them Blu, so I wouldn't look like a PR! Ick!" Shallow panicked and requested.



16 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Fuoco would elect to meditate rather than sleep, giving her body a full rest while her mind remained more on alert. She could go a few days like that, but it would be better if she could find a place she could safely rest before it came to that.

She'd be among the first to start moving after the rest period, ready to continue their journey with all due speed.

It seems that she wasn't the only early bird. Fuoco would notice someone seems to be snicking away from the group and into the forest. The one in question is hooded so its hard to tell, but the body was small in nature, probably a mare.


@Illiad Easle

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@Evil Pink One


On 2024-03-01 at 3:13 PM, Evil Pink One said:

and i want her to come of as the smart tactful strong one in the group, hence she was the first Alpha.

(She didn't exactly come off as that when she was with Fuoco, but if that's your vision for her I'll keep that in mind.)

On 2024-03-01 at 3:13 PM, Evil Pink One said:

" Fourth wallers I tells ya... " Shallow repeated. 

" An evil pinkie pie. " Cozy added. 

Blu looked exasperated, "Those words don't mean anything to me." He shook his head, "Forget it."


On 2024-03-01 at 3:13 PM, Evil Pink One said:

"... QUICK! say something mean to them Blu, so I wouldn't look like a PR! Ick!" Shallow panicked and requested.

Blu raised an eyebrow at Shallow before looking at Alpha, "I still intend to see you duly punished for your crimes."

That was all either of them were getting to that end.

"Now can we get moving? We're not accomplishing anything standing around here."



A sharp whistle conjured a small amount of flame in front of the hooded pony, and would likely wake some of the others to take notice. "Hey! Where are you sneaking off to?"

She wouldn't pursue if the hooded figure ran away, and would instead set about waking everyone to prepare to leave immediately believing that their position was about to be given away if it hadn't been already.

If the hooded figure stopped, she would approach to interrogate further.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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3 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

and i want her to come of as the smart tactful strong one in the group, hence she was the first Alpha.

(Nope. More of a facade with fuoco.

I mean she's blind yet she can keep up with the rest is questionable.

Shes usually on the side... Scheming:Sunny-huh:)

3 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Blu looked exasperated, "Those words don't mean anything to me." He shook his head, "Forget it."

" creatures who can freely travel though limbo. or wormholes. not sure if they can make paths or just know how to use it, is up for debate. further investigations we had with them gave a lot of answers as what caused this ODT entering our world... why you probably got here. why this mess happened. "

Alpha answered.

" uuuuu.. yeah. " cozy replied.

"what she said" shallow answered.

3 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Now can we get moving? We're not accomplishing anything standing around here."

".. that wasn't mean enough Blu, i still look like a pr! ck... "Shallow was abit disappointed to your come back. 


"anyway, lets go." Alpha answered.

Cozy would let go at this point, but now has a smile on her face.

" wait! what about that one?" cozy pointed at the lifeless royal guard. 

they continued on heading north toward Beta.



somewhere inside a cave,

"you still alive cuz?" Madeline asked.

" surprisingly yeah. I am." Apple Bloom replied, while bleeding on the corner.

" i only asked an eye cuz, not immortality and future sight! and what's with this black blood!?" she angrily asked.

to be honest, you should be dead right now and a puppet for me to play with. i didn't expect ya to survive and gain powers. huh... must run in the blood i suppose. i guess you ain't adopted cuz! hahaha" madeline laughed crazily.

with Apple Blooms frustration she flung a rock towards her, but would eventually miss. 

"oh cmon!? i saved ya didn i?"

"please.. i know what yer up too from the beginnin... ya aint killin me that easily." Apple Bloom answered.

" yup and I underestimated ya... boss told me to kill ya... i still can. but whats the fun in that? cmon cuz work with me." the both stare down at each other.



the gates of crystal Empire, still standing and unfazed. as the sun sets

and there, royal guards patrol the area, the group observed 

"hmm... looks good to me." Shallow Observed. 

" you can tell with just that? " Cozy questioned.

" it boggles me how you've eluded me up to this point..."  Alpha, disappointed at herself.




the hooded stranger ran in a panic that it occasionally trip and fall but still continued to run toward the forest.

everyone woke up and was confused at the commotion, some who were awake would also try to investigate what happened.

Fuoco would notice that Gruit would run pass the hooded stranger and towards you.

"what seems to be the commotion! are we under attack? where!?" he asked in a panic. 

kuya would interrupt. "you were supposed to be on guard! wha happened?"

" i know! "

" where's Misty!?" Tiara panicked. 

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@Evil Pink One


20 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

" wait! what about that one?" cozy pointed at the lifeless royal guard. 

Blu sighed, "If he's dead he's of no use to us. If he's alive, and carrying him won't slow us down, then bring him."


20 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

and there, royal guards patrol the area, the group observed 

"hmm... looks good to me." Shallow Observed. 

" you can tell with just that? " Cozy questioned.

" it boggles me how you've eluded me up to this point..."  Alpha, disappointed at herself.

Blu would look for somewhere with a good vantage and some cover to setup his rifle. Hooking up the scope to the Kernel he'd be able to examine the visible portions of the city and the guards closer while also allowing the others to see the images on the screen. "Here, how does it look?"

Blu would keep himself between any of them and the Kernel, not letting any of them get close enough to touch it. "Given you are infected, I don't have high hopes that they'll let you in, nor would I blame them after what happened at the tower. If they see me and Cozy with you they'll probably deny us entry just by association. I'm also not a fan of approaching alone."

He'd look towards Alpha, "Any plans? You did bring us here."



20 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

"what seems to be the commotion! are we under attack? where!?" he asked in a panic. 

kuya would interrupt. "you were supposed to be on guard! wha happened?"

" i know! "

" where's Misty!?" Tiara panicked. 

Fuoco would snort, a bit of smoke leaving her nostrils, se was willing to give Gruit the benefit of the doubt, maybe the hooded figure was partially invisible? "Our position is compromised. If we don't want to get ambushed we need to get moving. Spread the word, I'll guard the rear until everyone is moving."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

He'd look towards Alpha, "Any plans? You did bring us here."

"I can get in no problem legally or not. The problem here is  Shallow."

Alpha answered and looked at Shallow from mane to tail.

" hey don't look at me like that." Shallow blushed.

" even if she wasn't infected her shark tail is a big give away to the enemy.

We dont know how deep Beta's connections are in the Crystal Empire."

"Hey i can slip into that place no problem. Why'd you think you've never cought me?" She gloated.

" i suggest you three find a way in while i wait for you guys inside. Hmph." She jumped into the trees and vanished.

" they don't call me Shadow Shallow for nothing... Sneak sneak sneak.... Ninjaaaahhhh..." she continued to be noisy.

" well... I can speed through no problem. You two?"alpha asked.

".... Well im an alicorn... I think i wont have any problems...i also believe that beta doesn't know about anything about me yet... So maybe Blu and I can use my privilege as an alicorn and to meet Queen Cadence and Shinning Armor?"

Alpha interrupts, " cadence has gone Missing with the rest of the leaders. So most probably Shinning armor is the one in charge."

She then stares down at Cozy.

" be careful on what you have to say about Princess Flurry heart."

Cozy at that point realized on what mess she's in now. Her eyes shortened and focused and cold sweat began to come out.

Both of them stare at each other.

" having cold feet? Good. At least you've changed." Alpha encouraged her....in a way.

"She gulped her dry mouth, " yeah im good... Im ready." She then began to try to psyche herself up.

" is this plan okay with you Blu? You'll remain cloaked and unnamed. Beta already knows about you, while cozy glow was expected to be dead, but now an Alicorn. We'll declare that she has eliminated the enemies. Your comms still good Blu?" ( the ones they used when they fought the demons in ghastly gourge.)

(I forgot to add that alpha carried the Guard.)

" the guard seems to be infected as well... So I'll probably carry him with me for now. But if he's deranged, I'll easily deal with him."

" anyway, we'll find you."



The people have moved and she has protected the rear. No rustle or bustle.. no signs of trouble.

But it seems someone went back to meet her.

Diamond Tiara. she seems troubled.

 @Illiad Easle




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For once, Blu didn't have any notes, and simply nodded, "Sounds like a plan. We'll meet you on the inside then."

He would look over at Cozy, "Well, we can play up my young stature, say you rescued me? As for the stuff I'm carrying, we can say they used to belong to my parents, who didn't make it. That should be enough for them to not look too closely, nor question why I wouldn't want to be separated from them."

He would nod, stowing his stuff carefully for the journey and to hide his weapons from plain view. Neither the pistol nor the rifle should be recognizable to anyone who hadn't seen them in action as weapons, but adjusting some of the pieces would further obfuscate the rifle's purpose. "Let's get moving then, I hope it's warmer in there than it is out here."



Once everyone was moving Fuoco would look for a cart near the back with enough room for her to sit in. She was more effective with magic if she didn't have to move, since it would free up her hooves to play the flute, but if one was not available close enough to the back she would be content to walk.

When Tiara approached Fuoco simply made eye contact and raised an eyebrow, "Need something?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle


" shouldn't it be the other way around?" Cozy replied.

" you're an alicorn Cozy, it'll be easier to believe that you saved him and less questions would be asked. And besides. Blu made that part of the plan so he's alright with it." Alpha pointed out.

" oh... Okay." Cozy sheepishly.

" you guys go on first, I'll watch you guys here and move... On the other hand... We can use this royal guard as props." Alpha gave the unconscious royal guard to Cozy.

" i forgot being an alicorn gives me Earth pony strength... He's quite light...why didnt we even bother removing his helmet and look at him though?"

( all my fault i left that detail out sorry)

Cozy removed the helmet of the unconscious royal guard.

It was, " White Light!?" Cozy exclaimed.

(To blu he is the unnamed familiar guard he keeps on meeting on the castle and who escorts them once in a while.)

"? Starlight's personal royal guard? What is he doing here? He never leaves Starlight's side... are you telling me that....Damn it im going to kill that fourth waller..." her rage reverberates the atmosphere. 

" she is definitely connected to ponyville." Alpha murmured.

" damn it... The more reason you need to bring him in and be treated as soon as possible. He is our only clue to the whereabouts of Ponyville."

Cozy would gently carry Light and nod in agreement.

They rushed to the wall's and the guard greeted differently in return.

Spears and sword was pointed at them.

" HAULT! NAME YOURSELF!" one of the guards shouted.

" cozy would remove her cloak.


She then presents the injure royal guard.

" i am with Sir White Light a Royal Guard assigned to head mare and grand mage Starlight Glimmer, And sir Blu, who is a resident of Ponyville."

The guards where shocked of the news, and an alicorn giving the message to them. What a weird day for the guards.

"Quickly! Aide our brother, and shelter the survivors!"

As they reach the gates, the doors closed from behind.

" Princess, you are all safe here. Protocols dictate we send everyone in the infirmary, please follow us." The guard in charge explained.

But just five steps were made every royal guard halted and saluted. It seems someone of great stature has arrived.

At first it was confusing because no one was there. But the one coming is someone above the sky descending towards them. It was Flurry Heart.

Cozy could only gawk, as she knows she is in trouble. One can tell as Flurry hearts usual look was distraught with anger.

Cozy would land and deeply bow down towards her.

" Princess! Please! Forgive me!" She shouted and cried.

" you have turned into an alicorn?... Why? Did you deserve it? Or did you cheat your way into one once more."

The guards could not help but mumble and whisper. To them they have no idea whats going on. But to Flurry Heart, who is filled with rage, could think a lot of things against her.


" I will not make the same mistake AGAIN! My incompetence has caused too much for me to be forgiven, thanks to you... Never again!"

" I Flurry Heart, have judged Cozy Glow, fitting of Death as her punishment. Execution now."

Her horn begins to beam up her eyes starts to glow as her tears drop.




" i can't find Misty, everyone from our team hasn't come back yet and we still cant make contact with Ponyville!" Tiara lashed out of frustration.

She then sat down tired and worried.

"... it's just the two of us left..."

She looks outside from the distance and wonders painfully on what would happen next.

As they near the Crysta Empire Gruit ale would approach them.

" we are near, who should we send?"

"I'll volunteer" Tiara replied.

" then 2 more perhaps?" Gruit asked.





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18 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

" I Flurry Heart, have judged Cozy Glow, fitting of Death as her punishment. Execution now."

Her horn begins to beam up her eyes starts to glow as her tears drop.

Blu really considered what he was about to do, and really hoped it wasn't about to bite him in the flank, but he was betting that between the changeling cloak and Flurry not wanting to be seen murdering a young pony in front of her guards, he should emerge unscathed.

He stood between Cozy and Flurry, more symbolically than anything given their relative sizes, but standing on his hind legs would help a bit even if it was a bit more precarious than he would have liked.

Despite wobbling he fixed his gaze on Flurry, "No. You want her, you go through me."



19 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

" i can't find Misty, everyone from our team hasn't come back yet and we still cant make contact with Ponyville!" Tiara lashed out of frustration.

She then sat down tired and worried.

"... it's just the two of us left..."

Fuoco let out a long tired sigh, "I watched my family die, you know, before I came here. There's a certainty in that, but there's no hope. Our team may be missing, but that means they may yet be alive, and in the mean time we have this village to save. We can stop, turn back, and look for them. Put everyone at risk to make certain of their deaths. Or we can continue, get these ponies to safety, and hope that they will one day return."

She looked over at Tiara, "I am sad that Misty is missing, I can only fear that she was abducted in the night. I understand that this whole experience is new for you all. You've never suffered loss of this magnitude or frequency before. I've lived it, and I hope to help as many of you as I can to survive it better than I have, so you don't end up like me."


19 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

As they near the Crysta Empire Gruit ale would approach them.

" we are near, who should we send?"

"I'll volunteer" Tiara replied.

" then 2 more perhaps?" Gruit asked.

Fuoco nodded, "I'll go as well."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

Despite wobbling he fixed his gaze on Flurry, "No. You want her, you go through me.

"!?" Flurry heart was taken aback as her magic was absorbed by the cloak.

The guards at this point are still shocked at the actions of their princess.

As her magic nullified, the dust settled. The two made eye contact.

Her tears continue to drip and her breathing still heavy.

" Blu?" Her tone shocked and confused.

" GENERAL. Take note and spread throughout our kingdom that transpires here." Flurry spoke with resolve.

 " Blu, young hero of Ponyville. You have done great many a deeds. Utmost respect should be given to you, and everyone throughout ponyville should know of his name and respect."

" Cozy Glow, you have assassinated one of my guests, betrayed Ponyville, and worst of all, lost my trust." She spoke as she pierce her gaze through Cozy Glow. In return she could only bow down and could not look into her prince's s eyes.

" knowing this Sir Blu, you still side with her? Do you know the dangers she can bring?" She stared at him angrily.

" the only reason that you still stand, is because of the blessings you have from many important figure such as myself."

Her horn glows intensely once more.

" Please, give me a good reason not to kill her, if not step aside Sir Blu."



Tiara would listen but a bitter and angry expression leaves her face.

But she knew what she says is the truth.

She holds her tears and look down on the ground. 

She wouldn't reply and would stay silent.

This would not last as she would eventually stand up and sit beside her.

If ever Fuoco would look into her, she would intentionally look away. Eventually shed lean over her.

" ....hey..... Sorry."

She said without looking.

( conversation may continue if you want and the outcome may and can alter etc.)

1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

Fuoco nodded, "I'll go as well."

Tiara would glance at her. But wouldn't say much about it.

Gruit in the other hand feels something's up.

" hmmm anyway then I'll send Blitz with you. She is a pegasi who is proud of her speed. We can use her as our messanger to inform us of our next action. Agreed?"

( if so they would venture to the Crystal empire.)

Small talk would transpire between Blitz and Tiara. But Fuoco seems to give a vibe that is hard to talk with. But Blitz would try and break the ice between them two.

"Well anyway, it's nice to be with the heroes who saved us. And i can finally do my part!" She would carefully fly towards Fuoco.

" so miss Fuoco... Um if theres anything you need that is if its within my power... Id gladly help out. I mean you can rely on me! Is what, is what i wanted to say hehe." She introduced herself. She was a bit off and shy towards Fuoco, seeing that she thinks highly of her.

@Illiad Easle

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10 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

" Please, give me a good reason not to kill her, if not step aside Sir Blu."

Blu's expression hardened, "That you would execute her without trial or due process is reason enough. However, I'll give you 4 more reasons:

  1. Cozy's actions were the result of manipulation by one she trusted. She believed she was acting in your best interest.
  2. We're in the middle of a war, and we can't afford to lose any potential allies.
  3. She has information on the enemy that would be lost with her death.
  4. She owes me her life and I intend to see that debt repaid."

If Flurry looked sufficiently placated by those answers he would continue, "While her actions may yet warrant her execution, she deserves a fair trial. As now is hardly the time for a trial to be conducted in a fair and just manner it is in our better interests for her to be useful in the meantime, either in defense or in information. If you do not trust her for defense or to move freely, and given what I've heard I don't blame you, then put her under guard until such time as you do trust her, or a proper trial can be held."



10 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

"Well anyway, it's nice to be with the heroes who saved us. And i can finally do my part!" She would carefully fly towards Fuoco.

" so miss Fuoco... Um if theres anything you need that is if its within my power... Id gladly help out. I mean you can rely on me! Is what, is what i wanted to say hehe." She introduced herself. She was a bit off and shy towards Fuoco, seeing that she thinks highly of her.

Fuoco raised an eyebrow, "It's good that you want to do your part, but be careful who you indebt yourself to. All I expect from you ponies is respect, not favors, not power, not obligation. If you fight, don't do it because you feel you owe it. Fight for those who deserve it."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

the guards around her would mumble and question what is happening. betrayal? judgment? fair trial? question and discord arose.

but to flurry heart, all eyes are on her. their mumble is like a dagger through her heart. to her she is being judged, questioned or belittled.

this infuriates her.

she cannot make mistakes, for she is a princess. 

a word that curses her.

pressure builds up.

her judgement, in a noise.

she is but a colt trapped in the workings of a cruel being.

she seems to start to break apart. she may be standing atop of the thrown with her guards, but in reality she is alone.

before she'd give in to the darkness inside her heart, 

Scootaloo swoops down and hugged her.

she was too fast for anyone to react,. this gave Flurry heart a shock and snapped her out of her depression.

"my dear student... forgive me. for i have left you, betrayed you. i will not leave you again. we'll make it right again, bring back everyone."

"... teacher... "

her hug would then turn into a push.

" sweet words... i don't need it... but thanks anyway. i need to grow up and taste bitter r continueeality."

Scootaloo could only lower her head in sadness.

"Blu, then let it be heard! you are responsible for Cozy Glow for now on, her sin is your sin! And with that, we owe you no debt nor favor. 

" Cozy Glow, hence forth, you are a slave to Blu. He may do whatever he pleases with you."

She then walks toward Cozy and demands Blu to step aside through just her stare. If that wasn't enough to convince him to move the guards would force him, for his own good. 

She would proceed to give Cozy one hell of a slap enough to make an alicorn bleed.

" That is for betraying me."

Cozy would take the full hit and give no resistance.

" continue with the procedure. I will wait for you in the castle." she then flies alone.


-Fuoco -

Blitz's eyes sparkle in awe and inspire as she listens to her lecture.

"you are sooo cool!" Blitz is now more inspired than ever before.

( things here can be changed at anypoint and be interacted and disturbed.)

They would soon reach the empire and see that the coast is clear.

normal city, normal guards, nothing's burning, and no one's eating anyone.

.....probably a dud of an information we had. should we send Blitz back to call them in, or do we further investigate?" She asked. 

Blitz could not wait though as she was hyped.

" I'm on it! She'd zoom back to the group to give them the clearing."

" NO WAIT! damn... that was my fault Fuoco. i should've seen that one coming."

" uhh damn, well  i guess its best we introduce ourselves to the guards." 

as they approach the guards they would halt them for questioning.

 " who goes there!"

" i am Diamond Tiara!  from the family of Rich, from ponyville! with me is Madam Fuoco, from ponyville as well."

the guards were shocked as another survivor has arrived.

"quickly! Aide the Survivors inside the walls! give them proper aide and shelter! more guards would come out from the walls, not to attack them but to aide them in.

stretchers  and first aid kits were presented to them.

" please lay down, is there anything we can do for you? any pain or injuries we need to know?"

one of the guards asked.


they would not be answered as the guards priority is their safety and their immediate transportation inside the walls. 

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@Evil Pink One


2 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

"Blu, then let it be heard! you are responsible for Cozy Glow for now on, her sin is your sin! And with that, we owe you no debt nor favor. 

Blu looked shocked at that, as well as a bit indignant.

2 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

" Cozy Glow, hence forth, you are a slave to Blu. He may do whatever he pleases with you."

His expression grew furious at that.

"Absa-bucking-lutely NOT!"

He was tempted to strike her himself, but settled for turning his attention to those present, "Show of hooves, who here approves of slavery? Because I don't. And I'm not going to stick around if that's how things are done here."

(You'll need to decide if Flurry continues as you planned, or if Blu's rebuke has any effect.)



2 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

" i am Diamond Tiara!  from the family of Rich,

(Wasn't she the mayor of Ponyville?)

2 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

" please lay down, is there anything we can do for you? any pain or injuries we need to know?"

Fuoco waved them off, "I'm unharmed. We're the forward scouts for our group, save your resources for those who need it. Starlight sent us to find and connect with groups outside Ponyville, and we've brought with us a group of ponies who need aid more than we do. They should be arriving shortly if they haven't been attacked in our absense."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

flurry would glare at Blu.

 " why do you challenge me?" the insecure alicorn asked, angrily.

the guards on the other hand are confused on what to do, and would look at each other and waited for someone to do it first. 

as she waited, no hooves would be raised. her vision darkens as her mind and thoughts clouded her and whispers, " you are alone."

but before her thoughts would be engulfed by darkness, someone would pull her out of it. Alpha would put a hoof on her shoulders, and the other would is raised high.


the general would be the first to raise her hoof and the rest would follow, some would be hesitant, some would disagree, but they have a duty.

"the princess might not have chosen her words properly but i have seen Blu changed hearts, and his discipline can truly change such as cozy glow to a better pony. the princess actions tying her to Blu would help her sins be forgiven, and as well further make her a better pony, which i hope sir Blu agrees."

she'd quickly head towards Blu and whisper.

"this is the least resisted path. please, she is not our enemy and we do not want her to lose face. please let her have her win. if not then please not here. i am sure you'll win this argument, but is it the wisest choice to do? "

Flurry had a bit of time to think and was a bit frustrated at herself.

"well then sir Blu.. i hope that answered your question."

( if no resistance the slapping sequence will proceed and cozy would leave.)



19 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Wasn't she the mayor of Ponyville?)

(Yes but i think filthy rich is more known, hence she uses her family name status.)

19 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Fuoco waved them off, "I'm unharmed. We're the forward scouts for our group, save your resources for those who need it. Starlight sent us to find and connect with groups outside Ponyville, and we've brought with us a group of ponies who need aid more than we do. They should be arriving shortly if they haven't been attacked in our absense."

 As they heard what she had said, the guard rushed back in and returned with five others.

" tell us which path are they so we may assist them."

Tiara would give them a detailed instruction on how to get to them. meanwhile, the guard would suggest to hurry inside.

(if they choose to enter.)

inside the castle, special treatment would be given to them. food was prepared and the ward area was quite nice. a few pony would be seen on the ward.

actually just one badly injured guard was there, alone and unconscious. 

"stay for a while as we check up on you. a doctor will soon be with you."

(alone time at the ward)

Tiara would welcome the soft bed of the ward. it ain't a high class bed, but it beats sleeping on the ground.

meanwhile the unconscious guard would have a hooded visitor. her presence was quite a shock as she seemed to have came out of no where. 

Edited by Evil Pink One
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@Evil Pink One


19 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

Alpha would put a hoof on her shoulders, and the other would is raised high.

Blu raised an eyebrow at that, though his face showed disappointment.

19 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

"this is the least resisted path. please, she is not our enemy and we do not want her to lose face. please let her have her win. if not then please not here. i am sure you'll win this argument, but is it the wisest choice to do? "

Blu did not deign her question with a response.

19 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

"well then sir Blu.. i hope that answered your question."

He nodded, "Indeed it did. Enjoy your imminent subjugation."

With that he turned and left the way he had come, intending to leave the city. Given they were just five steps from the gates, it should prove an easy task. If the gates were closed, well, they would soon open for the new arrivals. (Assuming they both arrived at the empire from the same side, which I think is fair given how northerly the empire is.) Blu would simply walk out when the gates were opened to let in Fuoco and Tiara.



(This does assume quite a bit, I can rewrite if you want things to not happen this way.)

Fuoco would pay the blue colt little mind as she entered the city, though she would stop immediately when she saw not one, but two alicorns present (Again, since the confrontation was set just inside the gates). She seemed frozen, the emotions behind her eyes swaying between terror and fury as she contemplated what to do.


(If instead they enter through a different gate)


Blu would ask for the gate to be opened to let him out, citing that he had left something important outside that would be dangerous for anyone but him to handle.



19 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

"stay for a while as we check up on you. a doctor will soon be with you."

Fuoco would nod, but was on high alert. Things seemed too peaceful here, too calm for all of the anxiety in the guards.

19 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

her presence was quite a shock as she seemed to have came out of no where. 

Fuoco didn't react to the hooded figure's sudden presence, she could have easily teleported in. She didn't know the customs here and was not about to risk sounding an alarm if nothing was apparently wrong.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

(Which would be the fun and best chaotic choice here.... Of course the one where they enter the same gate!:griiin:)


As Blu said his part, the gates behind him would soon open giving him the chance to leave. But then he'd meat an earth pony stunned in her tracks.

There, Diamond Tiara would meet Scootaloo, Cozy Glow and Flurry heart. Her first reaction was joy as she saw familiar faces, but soon realize that something is wrong in this picture. Cozy Glow on her knees. the princess, crying and in anger, and Scootaloo in shock as she look at Tiara.

( depending on what Fuoco would do some parts may change and be cut off at any time)

" Diamond Tiara, You're alive!" She'd quickly give her a hug and noticed the earth pony with her.

" and you.... It's nice meeting you again."

At this point Alpha would like to continue to talk with Tiara but sshe has more pressing matters to attend to.

" please Tiara. Help me out abit. You've been the longest with the princess. Her heart is in turmoil and she needs all the help she can get. Cozy... Cozy can't help now please stay by her side for now."

She'd then run at Blu's side

" what are you up to Blu? If you won't agree to the princess's terms then Cozy would still be punished for her sins and you're just gonna leave her there?"

At this point, She'd even try to stop Blu on his tracks.

Cozy is still on her knees while Flurry looks at her, slowly boiling her head with anger.


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@Evil Pink One

3 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

" what are you up to Blu? If you won't agree to the princess's terms then Cozy would still be punished for her sins and you're just gonna leave her there?"

Blu snorted, "It hardly surprises me that you would support slavery on top of murdering foals. But I had hoped there was something worth saving here. But no, this place deserves what it got, rotten to the core as it is. As for Cozy, if she is truly my property then harming her would be an attack against me, and would reveal Flurry to be a murderer and a hypocrite, two common traits for a tyrant, they suit her well. If she is not my property then Flurry is a liar, a third common trait for tyrants. In either case I'll have no part in it. I gave her an out, she could have locked her in a tower or a dungeon, but she chose this out death instead. I'm going to find somewhere to watch how it all goes down."

He stopped, and turned to face Alpha, "Actually, why don't I tell you how this goes down. First, Flurry executes Cozy despite her words because Flurry cares far more about revenge than being a good leader. The guards see that Flurry is fallible and just as likely to kill them should they make a mistake. They follow through fear and plot a coup. The enemy exploits this dissension in the guard, some fall in with them to secure their lives, selling themselves into slavery to save themselves. This city falls and everyone is subjugated. Flurry finds out that Cozy was telling the truth, and that she murdered her only friend over a misunderstanding, then kills herself out of shame after realizing that her quest for revenge lost her everything."

"I meanwhile will watch, and wait. Maybe she'll come to her senses before this all plays out and send someone to beg for my help, but know this: If Cozy dies, so to dies any chance that I will help any pony who follows Flurry."

He turned away again, eyes scanning the horizon, "I help those who deserve it, and Flurry does not deserve my help."

(Blu is far enough away and speaking softly enough that it would be difficult for anyone else to hear him other than Fuoco and Alpha being the closest. But if the alicorns have superior hearing then they might hear him too if they cared to.)

Fuoco only partially heard what Blu said to Alpha, but the words she did hear struck something inside her, "A... tyrant... alicorn...?"


Her eyes focused on Flurry. If Flurry struck Cozy, or acted too agressive towards anyone present, she would use her incapacitation song like she had on the alicorn in the Everfree, locking both Cozy and Flurry into an energy draining note while she struggled to figure out what to do next.


If Flurry calmed, then Fuoco would calm a bit too, but would still be especially wary of her despite having seen her before given the trauma she endured at the hooves of the alicorn in the Everfree.

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

4 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

hardly surprises me that you would support slavery on top of murdering foals. But I had hoped there was something worth saving here. But no, this place deserves what it got, rotten to the core as it is. As for Cozy, if she is truly my property then harming her would be an attack against me, and would reveal Flurry to be a murderer and a hypocrite, two common traits for a tyrant, they suit her well. If she is not my property then Flurry is a liar, a third common trait for tyrants. In either case I'll have no part in it. I gave her an out, she could have locked her in a tower or a dungeon, but she chose this out death instead. I'm going to find somewhere to watch how it all goes down."

" Then why leave her then?(cozy glow)" alpha asked.

" if you were able to forgive cozy glow why not Flurry heart! I know she isn't like this. What if she is also a victim like Cozy Glow? Why let her fall. I know she's good." She said defeated and torn apart.


Seeing Alpha leave her side was enough of a budge for her to think wildly.

" not so long she said she wont leave you, and yet there she goes." A whisper to her ears.

She stares at Cozy, and a chuckle arose her cheeks.

" looks like they left you too... Serves you right... Now you know how i feel." 

Cozy would not answer and continue to bow down to her.

Flurry heart was not satisfied, she even got angry. 

In her mind, she began to question. "Something was not right, why am i like this. I am still angry... Angry at her? Or am i angry... At me?"

Frustration and chaos feels the princess's head.

Her hooves uncontrollable.

She began to grab cozy glow.

" look at me! I want to see you miserable like me!" Flurry yells in pain.

" I'm sorry!" Cozy could only say in horror and grief as she sees what she has done, to her friend.

The guards in panic and disorder, as they do not know how to calm and ease their princess's pain.

Alpha would see this part and alarm her.

"No no no no!"


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@Evil Pink One

9 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

" if you were able to forgive cozy glow why not Flurry heart! I know she isn't like this. What if she is also a victim like Cozy Glow? Why let her fall. I know she's good." She said defeated and torn apart.

Blu snorted, "What part of: 'lock her up and give her a fair trial' indicates that I forgave her? I never said she was innocent, just that she deserves a proper trial, like you do. I said she was more useful alive than dead and that she might not be guilty, but that isn't forgiveness. Besides, forgiveness is earned. Flurry has acted as a tyrant and will be treated as one until she demonstrates that she is not."

9 hours ago, Evil Pink One said:

Frustration and chaos feels the princess's head.

Her hooves uncontrollable.

She began to grab cozy glow.

" look at me! I want to see you miserable like me!" Flurry yells in pain.

Blu motioned, "See? It's already started. Flurry is too concerned with revenge to even let her own stated punishment stand because it didn't have the effect she wanted."

Blu would continue, but Fuoco started to play, hijacking the alicorns' throat nodes with the same simple ostinato that she had used on the alicorn in the Everfree. As it would draw all of the alicorns' magic into itself, making the song self sustaining within them, it would undo any magic effects that either alicorn was keeping active, like protection spells or control spells. Given there were two of them, even if one managed to stop the other would cause it to start again, and so close together it would also drain any active magic cast on them. Should an alicorn hear it or any others with a developed throat node, say, through mental projection, they would also fall under its effect, though Fuoco would be unaware.

The side effect being that Fuoco would have to keep her throat node closed until the alicorn collapsed, meaning that she couldn't use any other magic while the alicorn was incapacitated.

Unlike the previous occasion though, Fuoco didn't have a group to back her up, no plan beyond disabling the attacking alicorn, the reactions of those around her would determine what happened next.

Blu was surprised by the development, "Well shoot, if I knew alicorns could be disabled by sound... maybe this will play out differently."

He stopped his departure to watch what came next.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

The princess began to choke  and weaken. Cozy would feel it too but she seems to be more worried about Flurry heart rather than herself.

".. W- whats t-the... Meaning..of this?" The confused and in pain princess asked.

Diamond Tiara would know. 

"sister stop! What you're doing is dangerous!" She accidentally called Fuoco. And she does have a point.

Alpha who easily picked up what was going on would try to intercept Fuoco. But it seems that Diamond Tiara would suddenly block her.

" what are you doing! I asked you to help the princess!" Alpha questioned tiara's actions.

" i know, let me handle it." She replied.

At this point the guards would sooner or later pick up whats going on and would start to point there weapons at them.

" halt! Whatever you're doing stop! Assaulting the princess is a grave offense!"

And while they were distracted, beneath Fuoco's shadow. a hooded mare would come out of it and proceed to stab her with a large needle. More likely on her foot, as it would be the nearest target.

Its aim is to stab her and not kill her.

Everything happened so fast that they couldn't react on time. 

Not only that, but inside the walls smoke began to rise. And a hew of orange and red is seen inside the walls. 

Fuoco would know what it is.



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@Evil Pink One

On 2024-03-08 at 5:14 PM, Evil Pink One said:

"sister stop! What you're doing is dangerous!" She accidentally called Fuoco. And she does have a point.

Fuoco shook her head, "I can't stop it. And they won't be harmed. Once they pass out it will stop."

On 2024-03-08 at 5:14 PM, Evil Pink One said:

" halt! Whatever you're doing stop! Assaulting the princess is a grave offense!"

Seeing weapons pointed at her triggered something within Fuoco, the fire within her rising, "I had to stop them before they could hurt anyone. And I did. They will emerge unharmed, and so long as they do not threaten anyone the lesson will not need to be repeated."

She moved into a defensive position. While she wasn't a good fighter she was pretty fast on her hooves when it came to dodging.

"If some mage here can deafen them, that will also stop it."

On 2024-03-08 at 5:14 PM, Evil Pink One said:

And while they were distracted, beneath Fuoco's shadow. a hooded mare would come out of it and proceed to stab her with a large needle. More likely on her foot, as it would be the nearest target.

Its aim is to stab her and not kill her.

(This will depend on which side of Fuoco her shadow is. If her shadow is behind her, then this will work, but if her shadow is in front of her she will be able to dodge given she is on alert.)

On 2024-03-08 at 5:14 PM, Evil Pink One said:

Fuoco would know what it is.


Fuoco's attention was more on the guards, though she would move to retreat, "We have to warn the others, they aren't safe here."


Blu, watching from outside, would simply nod, "Yeah, there it is. Happened much faster than I thought."

He again turned to put some distance between himself and the fire, I'm not in a position to fix the societal faults caused by ineffectual leaders. Once it all burns down maybe I can help rebuild a better society out of what remains."

Blu would look for some sort of overlook with a good vantage point, close enough that he could return if/when things calmed down, but far enough that he'd have time to escape if things got worse.

  • Excited 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 2024-03-11 at 12:21 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Seeing weapons pointed at her triggered something within Fuoco, the fire within her rising, "I had to stop them before they could hurt anyone. And I did. They will emerge unharmed, and so long as they do not threaten anyone the lesson will not need to be repeated."

She moved into a defensive position. While she wasn't a good fighter she was pretty fast on her hooves when it came to dodging.

"If some mage here can deafen them, that will also stop it."

Tiara would block the guards way.

" she is!... she is saving the princess! Do not harm her!"

In return the guards would halt their actions and question one another.

Soon the princess would drop down and fall unconscious.

" uuu.... She put them to sleep!" She added.

Alpha would check on the princess's

" they're asleep. Do not worry."

 She'd then close in on Tiara and Fuoco.

"You two better know what you're doing."

On 2024-03-11 at 12:21 PM, Illiad Easle said:

This will depend on which side of Fuoco her shadow is. If her shadow is behind her, then this will work, but if her shadow is in front of her she will be able to dodge given she is on alert.)

(They headed north and i think equestria rise and fall from west to east and its near sundown. Probably from the side)

On 2024-03-11 at 12:21 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Blu would look for some sort of overlook with a good vantage point, close enough that he could return if/when things calmed down, but far enough that he'd have time to escape if things got worse.

(He'd probably see the shadow assailant, or react to it since he knows Lyra or Shallow use this skills etc.)

The assailant would strike at her right side. And when she tried to evade Shadow tentacles would try  to grab ahold of her.

Alpha was quick to notice and trued to strike down the one stalking at the shadows.

She was only able to damage the cloak, revealing an infected Lyra.

This alarmed both Tiara and Alpha.

As soon as she was revealed. She quickly hid inside her own shadow.

Alpha would rush towards the alicorn and carry them through the air.

"don't let them capture the princess!"

As soon as she got airborn, something painful felt on her neck. As she looks at what the cause, it was Flurry Heart biting down her neck.

She was at a lost.

"BLU!!!" She yelled at him. Her eyes was filled with determination and was ready to face death.

@Illiad Easle


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@Evil Pink One

On 2024-03-17 at 8:59 PM, Evil Pink One said:

The assailant would strike at her right side. And when she tried to evade Shadow tentacles would try  to grab ahold of her.

Fuoco acted quickly, once the alicorns were asleep she could open her throat node again, and with a shrill whistle a ring of fire dispelled all the shadows in her vicinity. 

She would move out of the city walls where the only shadow near her would be her own, so as to minimize the shadowmancer's avenues for attack, and to continue with her goal of stopping the refugees from being brought into the city, given it was growing more and more clear that this place had been breached.


On 2024-03-17 at 8:59 PM, Evil Pink One said:

"BLU!!!" She yelled at him. Her eyes was filled with determination and was ready to face death.

Blu snorted as he set up his weapon, everything had happened as he had predicted, albeit at a much faster timeframe than he had expected. Cleary this place had already been infiltrated, and he had been right not to trust what looked like too pristine a setup. How much of it was just a facade remained to be seen.


Nonetheless, he wasn't about to watch as someone he had denounced as a tyrant killed the one he was looking forward to bringing to proper justice.

He prepared his weapon, the range was closer, and due to the lack of time the shot would be less powerful than when he had killed the previous alicorn. He was also going for a body shot this time to increase the chance of hitting the moving target, depending on how still Alpha could hold.

But, given Flurry was smaller than the previous alicorn, and drained by Fuoco's trap, even a reduced power body shot could prove fatal.

Against all Tyrants...

Blu took the shot, and hoped his perception of the situation was correct. He was aiming for Flurry, center of mass. The bullet passing through Alpha in the process was likely, but acceptable given how easily she seemed to recover from injuries.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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