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open Into Limbo: Worlds Collide

Evil Pink One

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@Illiad Easle

It seems that concentration of purple creatures are leading them to the School of Friendship. Blu wouldn't be surprised as these creatures are attracted to Magic, and what greater magnet than the head mistress herself.

But soon after, as you have reached the gates of the school. It has gone quite eerily quiet.

No signs of students nor the purple creature, only the trace of purple stain left from a post combat, and a lot of  fainted, small creatures. 

" It looks like somepony beat us to the action, nevertheless we should secure the School and look for survivors. Would you join us brave hero?" One of the Guards asked.


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@Kujamih @Windy Breeze

Blu was suspicious of the lull in hostiles, "Stay alert, this could very well be a trap. To be clear, I am not a hero, I'm not doing this for a selfless reason."

Still, it aligned with his interests to have the guards accompany him into the school, no sense making enemies now. "But yes, let's secure the school."

He'd let some of the others go ahead of him, because again he was not a hero, but would keep his eyes peeled for anything of interest, or that he could use. The library that Starlight had kidnapped him with for instance, maybe she had put the stolen books back in?

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

As they cautiously entered the school, they would now see Students and guards lay fainted on the Floor but we're no longer infected.

" Quickly aide the survivors! Hero, I'm sorry but we will be prioritizing the injured. You two! Aid the hero, while we clean up here."

Now only him and two guards remain in his party.

Soon after a big explosion could be heard on the second floor.

" QUICKLY GUARDS ! EVACUATE THE INJURED." the Guards would scurry to rescue the injured, not knowing if the ceilings would collapse. Surely another explosion like that would be dangerous for the structure of the whole school.

"Lets go hero!" The familiar voiced Guard spoked to you and soon after charged up stairs. 


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Blu rolled his eyes at being called a hero again, but didn't make an effort to correct them, They really need to learn the difference between a hero and someone who has their own motives. Still, he wasn't about to let himself become bereft of aid, and so would follow along with the two that remained with him, his weapon ready to go at the first sign of danger.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle @Windy Breeze

~Blu, Nimbus and Iffy~

Iffy would not get the answer she wanted as the rest of the student follow the lead of the earth pony heading towards the stairs heading to the head mare's office. 

While Nimbus and Apple Bloom charged up stairs and attacked any on coming Purple creatures, A loud Smash on the walls, and crumbling parts of the building would stop them.

As the dust settled, their path was destroyed and the outside could be seen.

There, a giant purple zombie bear like creature stairs back at them.

It Roars which could break ear drums and blast off Light weighted creatures.

With that. A flurry of Flying purple bat like creatures would swoop in the building and begin to attack on sight.

As Blu and the other guards reach the top, they'd be greater by the swarm of purple bats. Amidst the Chaos, students are fleeing and fighting for their lives. Further more, there seems to be an Earth Pony, and a Pegasi bravely defending the students.

Meanwhile the giant bear slowly backed away, as if it was going to give another charge at the School. Another collision with that bear would surely crumble the school down and kill everyone in it. 


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@Kujamih @Windy Breeze

Blu immediately set to work making adjustments to his weapon, "Keep the bats off me, I'll take out the bear."

While he had been reluctant to kill these creatures before, it was clear that this bear was far too powerful and dangerous to wait, and his weapon's projectiles simply did not have the surface area to impart sufficient force to knock out the bear without penetrating.

So, better to just lean into it, at the very least it would be a quick death for the bear.

Idly he wondered where that supposed 'very powerful and friendly head master' was, if she was not here protecting her students. Her absence further cemented in his mind how she was unfit for her position. 

Provided the guards could keep the bats off of him for the five minutes it would take to adjust the magnetic runes, he would be ready to start firing on the bear, hopefully stopping it before it could attack again. Given his weapon was now lethal, he would wait for a clear shot. He wasn't going to risk hitting any ponies, infected or not, but he wouldn't hesitate if only infected small creatures, like bats, were in the way.

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle @Kujamih

It begin as a faint speck as he was fighting but he easily recognize it: Exhaustion began to show its ugly head.

It has not affected his actions but he was already concerned about when will it become stronger. He kept on fighting and fighting the creatures, freeing the infected and disintegrating some. He had to get some rest later on, but with the battle this many enemies, he knew getting some rest is impossible.

Then, the wall beside him collapse. Nimbus was able to avoid the debris. When the dust settled, his eyes widened. Unfortunately for him and everyone in or near the school, they are going to a bigger problem.

Silver's teeth gritted, his heart wishing Thunderchief and squad were here to help him.

He would overhear a voice ordering the guards, telling them to keep the bats off him while takes care of the bear. He turned to a dark blue unicorn stallion. Is he insane? facing a huge bear can get himself killed!

Nonetheless, he is ready to help out the guards deal with the bat-like creatures.


If it wasn't for the students dragging Iffy Quizzy amidst the chaos, she would have been among those infected by the monsters. She was left no choice but follow the students, still unaware of the dangers.

Edited by Windy Breeze
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@Windy Breeze @Illiad Easle

~( Nimbus, not Silver), Iffy, Blu.~

As Blu prepares his gun for lethal, and the remaining ponies guarding him, one of them, an earth pony with a shield and an apple insignia approached him and asked, 

" Hey there partner, you got some fancy weapon ya got there. I know it could knock them other critters to kingdom come, but can  it handle that 3 story high of a giant gruesome bear? Coz if it can I suggest  you do it quick cuz I can sense it charging at us! " Blu would notice that this earth pony won't directly look at you in the eye. It seems to be that this pony is blind, since her pupils are quite deem and blurry.

Outside the Bear has already made quite a distance and is charging right at the school once again.

Not only that, drones of purple bats would try to attack Blu and Block his sights on the bear.

" I am sick and tired of them noisy Critters!" The Earth pony yelped.

 Even though she is blind, she could accurately hit incoming bats with debris and her bare hooves.

One of the guards would then charge towards the bear while hitting his shield with his weapon!


His plan did work as every bat got attracted by his noise. But soon enough he'd get over powered by the numbers of them pouncing on to him.

The careless guard would yell in fear but

The noise of the hungering purple bat's screech would mask his scream of agony.

Never the less a short opening was given to Blu to take the shot.

Meanwhile, Iffy  would run out of cover since every pony she was hiding from behind was either been taken by the flying bats, or has scattered everywhere.

Nimbus, on the other hand is doing fine, even though he just got out of the hospital. 

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@Kujamih @Windy Breeze

Blu inwardly sighed at how over the top these guards were. They took hero worship to a whole other level. He could probably start killing the guards protecting him and they'd bend over backwards to justify it at this point. He wasn't about to test that though, he had a bear to kill.

Blu would also ignore the blind earth pony's concerns, if they survived this he'd be able to piece together that this was the third in Alpha's trio, but he was focused on getting the shot exactly right as soon as the time came.

6 hours ago, Kujamih said:

Never the less a short opening was given to Blu to take the shot.

And take the shot he would, no regrets, no remorse, and if the shot was still clear once he reloaded he would fire again, and again until he was sure the bear was down.

(At full power, Blu's gun has a penetrating power comparable to a .50 caliber. It travels faster but the fact that the rounds are cylindrical rather than conical reduces penetration.)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Windy Breeze @Illiad Easle

As he took the shot, Blu didn't expect the shot he made to be so powerful that it blew him away. He didn't have enough time to test the full powered version since he was disturbed at the animal sanctuary, and this was his first time shooting it in full power.

luckily the Blind earth pony was able to catch him, but shot of the gun would give a bit of numbness to Blu.

" Holy Cow! That magical out put scared the living poop out've me! You okay there colt?" She asked.

meanwhile the bullet zooms at quite a speed. It hit the bear at it's head dead center. And would cause to explode the bear's head on impact. This caused the giant bear to skid on its tracks and eventually stop. No movement can be seen from the bear.

".... Damn...." One of the guards said.

everyone was stunned at the site and would look at each other, then to Blu.

some would whisper in this belief and some would cheer.

the rest of the purple bats would flee as the loud screeching sound the bullet made as it sliced through the air, would scare them off. While the other purple creature would be attracted to the source of the noise.

the remaining guards would notice this and proceed to head to where Blu is and g protect him.

" Royal Guards! Protect the hero!." One of the guards yelled.

" You alright? That was one powerful magic you did there. It would be a shame for us, if your heroism ends here at a young age. We'll take it from here. "

but the problem has not ended yet.

the corpse of the giant bear starts to jolt and move once more.

" ....Damn....." One of the guards spoke. 


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@Kujamih @Windy Breeze

(The recoil on Blu's gun would be more comparable to a shotgun, given it doesn't use an explosion to propel the projectile it doesn't have as much wasted energy, but he is fairly small and likely not properly braced. Once he learns to brace his telekinesis against the ground rather than himself he'll be a real force to be reckoned with)

Blu shook off the help, "I'm fine, we're not safe yet anyway." He turned the power back down a little bit to compensate, it had clearly been too much for the bear anyway, hopefully that would make the recoil more sustainable, maybe if he braced the gun against something instead of just holding it with his magic? He'd have to look into building a mount of some sort.

As the mist hadn't left the bear as it had the other creatures Blu wasn't taking his eyes off of it just yet, so he noticed when it started twitching. "Burn it. Does anyone here know any type of incendiary rune?"

If someone did he'd pass them a few rounds and ask them to apply the rune to one end of the cylinder and set it to activate on impact. Otherwise he would just get ready to try and paralyze the zombie bear, a shot to the hip or spine below the rib cage should be enough to keep it from going anywhere too quickly.

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle @Kujamih

Luck would ran out eventually for everypony and Iffy was not an exception to this. Her group had scattered after the bat-like monsters attacked the group, taking three students with them. Iffy did seem to be important to the other students and they ran in all directions without plan to save themselves. Iffy was starting to realize the danger she has put herself in as some bat-like monster set their eyes on her. She stepped back, “I don't like the way you guys are staring at me.”


Nimbus was surprised the by weapon the unicorn wield, he has never seen like it before. It was able to topple the bear into the ground without touching its body, even scaring the bees by the noise it released. How is that possible? He had no idea.

He was about to approach the unicorn when he noticed the bear's body flinched. He stopped and eyed the body wearily.

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@Windy Breeze @Illiad Easle

Blu would only get a blank stare from the Royal Guards.


"The colt wants milk?"

" The monster must have a weakness to milk! "

" ...Got milk? " *Smack!*

The Guards asked and questioned to themselves.

as the Giant headless bear starts to jolt and stand back up once again, Blu was forced to take aim at the creature for one more shot. As he focused his sights on the target... He noticed that something is popping out from the hole he created from the creature.

it seems it's mister bear, stuck and possessed with glowing purple eyes. 

But the giant's body is starting to grow back and covering Mister bear once more.


Some of the guards would try and save Iffy and the rest of the students but it seems one above rank gave orders to prioritize the heroes safety.

" Do not break position! Defend the hero!"

Apple Bloom on the other hand was not part of the guard and would give no care for their orders.

She would swoop down and start kicking the bats off with pinpoint accuracy.

" You alright there sugar cube?"

She asked Iffy.



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@Kujamih @Windy Breeze

Blu suppressed the desire to run his muzzle in frustration as the guards demonstrated their ineptitude, "Stars, I'm surrounded by imbeciles." It was clear to him now that their hero worship was a direct result of their utter incompetence, if the guards were so uneducated it was no wonder they saw him as a hero. He wondered if the leadership were similarly challenged, or if they had selected unintelligent guards for a reason.

Still though, he wouldn't get his revenge if he died here, so he maintained his focus on the bear, while he noticed that there was a normal sized bear trapped within the larger bear he did not recognize it as the bear he had travel with in part due to the distance and in part due to the fact that he hadn't much cared for the bear to begin with. For all he knew it was just another bear. Still though, that gave him a better target, if he could take out the bear the form would likely dispel.

He'd have to time it pretty well though, one powerful shot to clear the armor, then a less powerful shot to take out the bear within. Provided the guards around him were competent enough to keep the sightline clear for two consecutive shots he should be able to pull it off.

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Kujamih @Illiad Easle

Iffy shut her eyes tight and raised a hoof to her face to block assault as the bats swoop in for for the kill. She did not feel them crash to her forelegs; a voice gave her the courage to open her eyes.

It was pale yellow earth pony mare with cherry-red mane and orange eyes looking at her with concern. The mare had defended her from the winged creatures with the use of her legs.

“I-I'm fine” Iffy stuttered as she stood up, still shaken up by the previous ordeal, “What's going on? Why are these...things harassing us?”


Nimbus winced at the small growth that formed in the bear's injury. He was about to approach them when he was torn away by the noisy screeches of the bat-like monsters heading towards him. He is quick to flew to the aside and kick out his hindlegs at the creatures as they fly, taking out most of them.

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@Illiad Easle

@Windy Breeze

Nimbus had become an unwitting lure for the bats for Blu to have a clear shot at the giant once more.

Blu's timing was perfect and his first shot delivered.

But he adjusted the shot weaker this time, hence a smaller hole and a smaller opening for his second shot.

But he would not falter as he quickly reloads and takes another shot for the bear this time. 


but before it could directly hit the bear a wayward bat would get hit and deflecting the bullet, causing it to only hit the side of the bear.

The bear did not faint though.

But before Blu could take anymore actions, he could hear from the distance what seems to be a sonic boom from a jet fighter. Which was weird since no aircrafts that could break the sound barrier has been ever invented yet from this world. But his questions would soon be answered as a streak of amber lightning hits the Giant, causing it to explode in purple mist.

As the mist fades a way, a familiar face greeted Blu. The amber lightning he saw was none other than ALPHA, stealing his kill.


 Apple Bloom couldn't reply to Iffy, since the events were too chaotic. But would soon end as the amber Lightning strikes down. 

"Tsk... Scootaloo..." Apple Bloom frowned. 


Edited by Kujamih
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@Kujamih @Windy Breeze

(Again, Blu's weapon doesn't use explosives so wouldn't *Bang* when fired. If anything it would have a more magical or electrical sound like *fzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzop* As it charges then releases the energy. The more charge the louder it gets.)

Given the power he had set it to, while it would only knock out a bear, it was more than enough to obliterate the bat it collided with. Still though, Blu wasn't in the fight for the glory, so he wasn't annoyed that the final strike had been stolen so much as he wasn't happy to see the pegasus who had tried to murder him again.

Still though, he had other objectives, turning to the guards, "Not time to celebrate yet, we've still got to make sure the area is clean of infected. Does anyone know where the headmaster is? And why she isn't here helping us defend the students?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle @Windy Breeze

( sure the fzzzop! Is an 👍 with me but even a railgun would still give a Bang sound since your gun is releasing something compressed. Soo it's more of a fzzzzooooOOOPPP BANG! right?)

You've cought the blind pony's attention from your remarks.

" True, it's not like the Headmare would let this kinda sorta mess to be hanginaround. Quickly, let's head there right now. "

As the Blind pony leads you through the debris and in to Headmare's chamber, she did not bother to knock but hurriedly opened the door.

" Starlight! What're you doin letting this mess happen to the school?..." As she parted this words she suddenly grew silent and scared.


The scene was in total Chaos.

Bodies of multiple creatures lay fainted and covered in blood. There, a humanoid dragon covered in armor is pinned to the walls bruised and defeated; on the other side, a griffon covered in armor and a changeling devoid by it's color, lay silent on the ground, drowning from their own blood; a Yak standing it's ground while unconscious; while a hippogriff with broken wings silently weeps at the side. And the last one standing in the center of it all, was Starlight Glimmer, covered in Bruises and blood, about to close a purple portal from above.

As she successfully closes the portal, so did her energy. She quickly fainted from where she stand.

But before she could crash to the ground, ALPHA quickly flew by and grabbed ahold of her.

She would momentarily give pause as she looks to her Headmare's weak, fainted body, before slowly laying it down. She'd then give orders from a device stuck on her ears.

" Quickly! I request a healer, a doctor or an Aid in my location! We have multiple casualties, the ambassadors of Harmony and the Headmare are all in critical danger."

The Guards would respond and aid as much as they can. 

The blind Mare would also hurry towards the injured and give what seems to be potions.

She would reluctantly go near Alpha though.

As she was about to give a potion to the Headmare, their meeting would be inevitable.

"Scootaloo..." The Blind mare greeted.

While Alpha could only look away ashamed for some reason.

As the Headmare drinks the potion her conscious would return.

"... I didn't expect to see you traitors here..." She smirked, while trying to hide the pain she has.

"I'm sorry..." The blind pony replied.

While Alpha was a bit mad with her reply.

" We wouldn't be in this mess in the first place if you've trusted us more..."

" I know... I'm such a fool aren't I." Starlight replied.

Alpha almost cried, but she'd rather not and quickly left the room. There Alpha would meet up once again with Blu locking up both their gaze. 

"Tsk.... I see you've been busy.... Thank you for your assistance from this world..."

She would then leave and head out and patrol the whole area. Slaying any purple ODT she spots. 



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@Kujamih @Illiad Easle

This was no good, yet does not make sense either. When did the bat-like monsters decided to swarm him and for what reason? He kicked, punched, and even smack them with his wings mid-flight.

One of his punches connected to one of the bat-like monsters, hitting right square to the face and making them disappear. He felt a prick from his right ear and proceeds to swipe at the creature biting at the skin. He had to find a place to rest, his injuries from whatever happened to him while he was unconscious began to remind him that he is not completely recovered and that he needed rest.

Then, he heard a loud boom coming from somewhere, he is unable to investigate this but it does not seem he needed as the source came in a zoom struck the bear strong enough to disintegrate its existence from this world. It was a fellow pegasus, a mare, who made the kill. The noise of the sonic rainbow caused all of the bat-like monsters to flee, leaving Nimbus alone.

Nimbus would follow the blind pony and the others to the headmaster, including Iffy who doesn't want to be seperated.

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@Kujamih @Windy Breeze

Blu felt no pity for the headmare's state, in his mind she deserved everything she had gotten and it was only because of the state she was in that he didn't attempt to remove her horn right then.

Though her derogatory comments against the group almost caused him to reconsider. For a moment he contemplated knocking her back unconscious with the blunt end of his weapon, but held off, there were more important things to do now, in this state she wasn't worth his time or attention, so he left without a word.

Had he good medical training he would have tried to help the injured creatures in the room, but the training he did have mostly extended to humans, and a little bit to ponies, and most of those creatures weren't ponies. He'd leave their care to whatever constituted a professional in this organization.

When Alpha spoke to him though, he responded, "I didn't do it for you. Murderer."

Sure it was a risky move to call her out like that, but Blu took solace in the fact that they both had bigger things to deal with at the moment, that he had potential allies nearby, and that at this range he'd be hard pressed to miss unless Alpha proved him right and killed him first.

He'd wait for any response by Alpha before heading off, directing any guards who tried to follow him to stay with the injured and care for them. If they insisted he'd allow no more than two to follow him. He'd then set out to find the library he had been kidnaped in, or with, if it were where he had left it he'd be able to find it, but if it had been moved he'd have to ask around about it.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle @Windy Breeze

Alpha would give Blu a faint laugh and smile.

" Heh... It would be quite weird if you did it for me." She casually jest.

One of the guards approached you, it was the familiar Guard.

" Is there a problem here Agent Scootaloo?" 

"None what so ever Whitey." She mockingly replied to the guard.

Eye contact would spark, showing that bad history is present between maybe with this too but also with their agency.

"Then maybe you should leave..." 

"You ODTs are always trouble..." She said as she left.


" Sorry to pry in but, do you know her? She may be hot but, she is trouble... You think you can introduce her to me?" 


As Blu requested to be left alone, the guards would still insist that he had an escort with him, and agreed to have two to escort him.

As they left Blu was able to retrace and find that the Library is still there, but... 

The Library was in a mess. Evidence of Purple creatures invaded the place, as the windows and doors are broken and purple mist exudes from it.

The familiar guard cautioned Blu, " whatever's in that library, better be worth it..."



Meanwhile, Apple Bloom (blind pony)

Would start to suggest to evacuate everyone from the school, since the place is crumbling apart and is also hard to avoid ambushes.

The Guards would agree but would still avoid her none the less.

Two royal guards would attend to Starlight Glimmer, " we'll take it from here Agent." The Guards said with a tone.

" Ex- Agent... " Apple Bloom added.

She would then assist the other injured ones.

" Would anyone please assist me with Lady Smolder?" She asked, but the guards would not aid her.





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@Kujamih @Windy Breeze

4 hours ago, Kujamih said:

Sorry to pry in but, do you know her? She may be hot but, she is trouble... You think you can introduce her to me?" 

"No." He would not elaborate as to which question he was answering, the guard should be smart enough to tell though that Alpha and Blu were acquainted.


4 hours ago, Kujamih said:

The familiar guard cautioned Blu, " whatever's in that library, better be worth it..."

Blu sighed, all the fighting that day had taken a good bit out of him, it wouldn't be a good idea to over extend himself just to have his magic fail him in the middle of that building, and he didn't have the resources to burn it down.

He shook his head, "Knowledge is always worth it, but it can wait. I'm going back, maybe we can help heal, regroup, and go back to clearing the school once we have our full strength." Besides, it would be more cathartic to burn it down when they weren't at his mercy, but rather his debt.

He'd head back to where the injured and Applebloom were. He'd find a small clear space and set up the Kernel, using the scanners within to evaluate the status of those he could reach. He'd be able to detect broken bones in any who had internal skeletal structures, as well as teach the Kernel about the inner workings of these new creature types.


(I hope it's alright to post again as I step my character back.) 

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Kujamih @Illiad Easle

Nimbus watches as everyone are readying to evacuate the school, including one earth pony mare who can only do but look around her surroundings. She was wearing a blue uniform with yellow streaks, and a small number 55 on the collar. He decided to approach her. “Feeling overwhelmed?”

The mare was slightly surprised and shly replied “You can say I was. I don't understand what's going on, those flying things were bent on attacking me and everypony and I...I...”

“Calm down, take a few deep breathes till you no longer feel your heart beating,” the mare did what she is told to do, taking deep breaths; Nimbus did the same and continue to breathe with her until she stopped. Nimbus composed himself and calmy speaks to the mare, “How are you feeling?”

“I'm...” the mare looks at him in the eye, “I feel okay. I don't feel scared anymore.”

He gave her a 'i'm proud of you' smile “Good to hear that. Don't worry, we are going to get out of here with everypony. Look around you, do see your classmates or friends?”

The mare frowned “Oh, I'm not a student, sir. I have a...“

Whatever the mare is saying was cut off from Nimbus as Apple Bloom's pleads for help is heard. He is dismayed to see the guars ignoring her so he decided to come and help, abandoning Iffy.

“What do you need?” he approached, asking Apple Bloom.

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@Windy Breeze @Illiad Easle

Apple Bloom was about to shed some tears, but luckily was interrupted by the pegasi.

" Oh! If it isn't the brave pegasi who had my back.... Yet again aiding me, truly I appreciate your assistance."

the dragon would soon wake and see both of you pony talking to each other.

"... Apple Bloom? Urgg!!" Smolder tried to talk, but the pain would prevent her.

"Hush now, you'll be bright as an apple from our orchard as soon as we get ya outa here and into a hospital."

as both Nimbus and Apple Bloom try to carry out Smolder, and the atmosphere is not as dire as it was before, Apple Bloom can now have a casual talk with Nimbus.

"The names Apple Bloom by the way... Thanks for disobeying my orders. So I guess I'll take a blind eye for you disobedience hahahaha forgive the pun.."

then Blu would weirdly return back and started assisting the injured.

as they got near the pony, Apple Bloom would then start to question on what is Blu up to.

" What you up to hero?" Apple Bloom questioned.

but one of the guards would somewhat be in their way, as if to show that he is present and guarding Blu from her.

Apple Bloom was a bit ticked off at the blocking guard.

"Is there a problem?" She asked with a hint of frustration from the guard.


"Ohhh nothing..." The familiar guard said towards Apple Bloom. 


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