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Debate Pit Returning


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A bit ago we closed political debate on MLPF entirely with very very rare exceptions. Below is the link discussing that decision below. 

Debate banned

As stated this was a temporary measure. The time is coming that it will be returning with a fresh start. Before it reopens there will be a very very long post detailing the changes from a system standpoint, the user standpoint, and the decorum expected. This forum will be brand new. Old topics will not be visible (this is actually a brand new space). The rules will be detailed later after forum leadership has finalized them, and staff has been properly trained. 

Some things to bear in mind, the prohibition of current events of a political nature outside of the Debate Pit will be enforced. This will not be a forum area that newer users have access to (like before), and there will be a strong focus on stay on topic with not only the main subject but also in replies. New topics will require staff approval before they are visible to ensure that the opening opinion is done in good faith. More to come as we get closer to opening this section. 

  • Brohoof 10
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