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Make Your Mark: Chapter 2 - Overall Discussion

Ashen Pathfinder

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i kinda wonder if hasbro actually reads the fandom posts or they only look at yay kids.

as a marketing knowlege nerd i think we are forgeting tha


so basically twlight can only communciate throuth th tree of harmony


9 hours ago, Splashee said:

Dragon, or should I say.... "baby", is doing a lot for Hasbro sells.

But it could do more if the 3D team cared more about animating it! :awwthanks:

Hasbro is more for the dallot sign then the fan base we aren’t th targged market it

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Okay, first off, this is a MASSIVE improvement over the first special for "Make Your Mark." It does look like the animators are beginning to figure out their CGI craft; in a similar manner to how season 1 of G4 looks rough when compared to later seasons. Have faith in the crew!

Along with that the writing was also majorly improved, and the characters were much better as well. I'm on the fence about Opaline as a villain until I see her do more, but I do like that her bits of infiltration were actually successful. Granted her design is...not great, but she at least seems competent. Of course Misty is an absolute doll and I love her so much and if I see ANY HARM COME TO HER I WILL-enough of that. XD

While not every episode was great; no episode was bad at all! When added with the character growth we've seen from Tell Your Tale it's all been wonderful!

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The G5 optimists were right and the doomers were wrong. :squee:


This is by far the most positively received piece of G5 content besides the movie we've gotten so far, and for good reason. They finally listened to what so many fans have wanted from MLP for years now, a plot-heavy series with no filler and every episode affecting something that happens in the following episode. The tired "everything is filler" format from G4 of the main characters needing to learn the same lessons again and again while defeating a one-shot, maybe two or more-shot villain here and there, GONE. Everything is cohesive to the ongoing plot, the way the characters grow and develop here feels so much more natural, and the way the comedy flows always fits so well with the story. The weakest aspect of this show is definitely the animation and some REALLY corny jokes. Let's be real though, Friendship is Magic's animation was never that great and it had all sorts of corniness too, for sure. I will always refuse to obsessively nitpick this series, I fully appreciate what they're doing with it. I'm also more confident than ever now that this show is being made by people who genuinely love this franchise and want to make something special for the fans to enjoy. :BrightMacContent:

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18 minutes ago, CloudMistDragon said:

The G5 optimists were right and the doomers were wrong. :squee:


This is by far the most positively received piece of G5 content besides the movie we've gotten so far, and for good reason. They finally listened to what so many fans have wanted from MLP for years now, a plot-heavy series with no filler and every episode affecting something that happens in the following episode. The tired "everything is filler" format from G4 of the main characters needing to learn the same lessons again and again while defeating a one-shot, maybe two or more-shot villain here and there, GONE. Everything is cohesive to the ongoing plot, the way the characters grow and develop here feels so much more natural, and the way the comedy flows always fits so well with the story. The weakest aspect of this show is definitely the animation and some REALLY corny jokes. Let's be real though, Friendship is Magic's animation was never that great and it had all sorts of corniness too, for sure. I will always refuse to obsessively nitpick this series, I fully appreciate what they're doing with it. I'm also more confident than ever now that this show is being made by people who genuinely love this franchise and want to make something special for the fans to enjoy. :BrightMacContent:

Total of 538 votes... That's not much though....

I don't know but maybe because I've watched, "the owl house, the ghost and mollycghee, and Amphibia," that my taste and expectations for gen 5 got high.... 

Crosses fingers that chapter 3 gets better.

For now gen5 movie is my top pick next is chapter 2 then chapter 1 at the bottom. 

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On 2022-09-28 at 9:55 AM, Splashee said:

Dragon, or should I say.... "baby", is doing a lot for Hasbro sells.

But it could do more if the 3D team cared more about animating it! :awwthanks:

So I just watched the latest episode of Tell Your Tale this morning, and Sparky made an appearance in it and he honestly looks while not great, way better in 2D than him in 3D. And when Tell Your Tale's making a character better looking in it than the main show, you've got an issue.

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I just finished the season and I overall I have to say that I really liked it.  The first thing I noticed was that the animation was a clear step up from the Make Your Mark special.  While being a TV show it doesn't have the same kind of budget the movie had, it no longer bothers me as for a tv grade CGI cartoon I actually think it looks pretty good in its own right.  However the most interesting thing about the series is how it managed to blend being a slice of series with an ongoing series storyline.  When this series and Tell Your Tale was announced I thought that the latter would be used to cover the episodic elements of the series while Make Your Mark would be primarily used for adventure and exploration and serialized storytelling.  Given how G4 operated and how it handled its major events in its 2 parters being fairly separate from its slice of elements I thought it would be the same here.  With that in mind I was surprised that wasn't the case here.  With both elements blending smoothly with the episodic adventures being the a plot of the episode with each episode having a b plot relating to Opaline's ongoing quest to become more powerful.  This was something that I found worked really well and helped to give it more of an identity compared to g4 which outside of season 9 didn't really do overarching villains, and even then never to the extent that Make Your Mark is going for.  This ended up being something that I really liked about the season, and hope to see continue onward in further chapters.  So yeah overall a good season and I look forward to seeing more from this series going forward.

Edited by cmarston1
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On 2022-09-28 at 11:07 PM, CloudMistDragon said:

The tired "everything is filler" format from G4

Maybe I got stockholmed by G-4:  I actually kind of wanted to see filler in MYM after several episodes of serialization.

That feeling didn't last all that long, though.

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16 hours ago, Megas said:

Misty is 100% getting reformed and joining the mane cast

I expect so, but the question is when she will.  And it might not be for a long time.

On the one hand, we're sympathetic to her, rooting for her to have a better life than the one Opaline's given her, and the most satisfying end to a story arc for her would be her switching sides.

On the other hand, the moment she reforms, her Vile Villain / Laughable Lackey dynamic with Opaline disappears.  There's room for a lot of comedy and exposition with her dynamic with Opaline, and if I were a writer, I'd want the freedom to use that.

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After watching the new episodes, I was very surprised by what I saw. The stories were simple but fun to watch. The animation was a big improvement over part 1. I do like the little call backs to G4 like the kid who was reading a book about a tree that grew elements. Makes me wish they hadn't replaced Sunny's house from the movie. It had a lot of character with her dad's stuff from ancient Equestria. It would have been interesting if she found a journal from her dad and it inspired them to visit different parts of Equestria. I hope that they go exploring in future episodes instead of just having three locations. I'm really liking Misty. She has a great design and I'm glad she's not a mindless servant. She wants a cutie mark but wrongly believes that only Opaline can give it to her. 

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Well, on a positive note, I'm still here.  I was fully expecting to watch an episode or two, decide that G5 is trash that's unlikely to get much better, and make tracks.  As it stands...I'll keep watching for now.  I don't think MYM or TYT will ever reach the level of being a show that really sticks with me, but I can see myself watching through it once and being reasonably entertained...for the most part.  

I'm definitely more invested in the villain subplot than I thought I would be, though I'm kind of torn on how I feel about there being a pair of antagonists present throughout, as it kind of overshadows the rest of the series for me.  At least FiM allowed for breaks between the main plot so it could be mostly off-episodes that are more slice of life, albeit with fantasy elements.  Here, it's pretty much a given that the villains will appear in every episode going forward.  Early on it seemed as though they didn't do a ton, but as the "chapter" progressed, they had more and more involvement, and I was intrigued for a time as to where things would go. 

Unfortunately, I also don't think episodes 7 and 8 upped the ante enough to live up to the hype that previous episodes (especially episode 6) created.  I get the sense that that's intentional, as there is clearly at least going to be a chapter 3, and the writers don't want the story to be over too quickly.  However, I am starting to be concerned that this particular plotline will overstay its welcome before too long.  Also, I'm wondering if MYM is the Opaline and Misty show, as I do have to wonder if there are plans for after their arc wraps up.  Anything that follows will have more of a sequel vibe, I think, than something that feels like a logical continuation.  It's certainly doable, mind you, and it's not as if the staff behind this series really care if it gets repetitive.  

I am having a bit of a similar problem with the Mane Five.  I think they all have some kind of defining moment, some more than others, and none are at their worst IMHO.  On the other hand, as the chapter progressed, I started to notice that pretty much all of them could use some more development, or at the very least, it would be nice if we could get more in the way of fresh material from them.  I really hope they don't all end up just being one-note.  Speaking of one-note, Sparky may hamper future appearances from Hitch.  Baby characters in general aren't known for being very dynamic characters, and while I certainly think the series is trying to give Sparky some more variety than simply having him run off and engage in various antics, I really don't know if there is a ton that can be done to make him more interesting.  Clearly TYT won't even give us a break from either Sparky or the villains, so I guess we had best get used to both.  

Also, why does it seem that Zipp is the only pony who really cares about...let's just say plot related things?  Hearing from Twilight Sparkle and forewarning about a villain seems like something all of the Mane Five would be focused on, including the bloody cop in the group, but no, Zipp is the only one who actually cares.

Speaking of the Twilight appearance, while I don't know if it's intentional, the clear laziness of not even bothering to use aged Twilight actually puts me at ease, as it essentially means that the Equestria of G5 can't possibly be the Equestria of FiM.  I'm ok with such an implication, as I would much prefer G5 to be in an alternate universe for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that I now no longer have to be upset that it invalidates FiM.  So...thank you G.M. Berrow and others for caring so little about how to properly tie the two series together that you inadvertently made it impossible for them to actually be in the same universe.  

So...I'll be back for Chapter 3.  I really hope it's not all downhill from here, but I guess we will wait and see.  

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Here is my short review of Chapter 2 as a whole, divided into several categories:

1. The Setting: It all happens in Maretime Bay (and in Opaline's Castle), probably because it reduces the amount of 3D assets required. I hoped for some Bridlewood, Zephyr Heights, or even a new location to explore, so I'm a little disappointed here.

2. The Characters (mane 5): Izzy was my favorite in the movie, and now she seems a little more annoying sometimes. As for the other characters, I approve of their development here.

3. The Action: This is an element that I don't like that much, because things that happen here are usually very colorful, chaotic, and not very meaningful. This is different from FiM, where the action is more clearly explained and truly establishes the characters and their motives.

4. The Villains: Unlike FiM, they decided to use a permanent villain here, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Opaline and Misty sure have an interesting story to tell, and I'm looking forward to what happens next.

5. The Lore: Another interesting aspect of the series. Twilight's (incomplete) message is a good start, hopefully in the future we'll discover more about the events that led to the separation of the tribes.

Overall, I'd prefer some things to be done differently, but it's still pretty enjoyable to watch.

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On 2022-09-26 at 7:37 PM, Sparklefan1234 said:

I'm curious if we are going to have to wait a REALLY long time for eight more episodes aka "Chapter 3"

or if the wait will be short so people won't lose interest too quickly. :ooh:

I heard that there will be three specials possibly next year along with around twelve episodes for the next pack of episodes thankfully. We still also got that Christmas special later this year.

Agreed though. I'm starting to get a bit impatient with waiting this long.


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I felt that Sunny was very uninteresting, very one dimensional. Her only personality trait is 'unity' between the ponies, but nothing really personal about her. I do not see anything about Sunny that makes her a leader - I feel as if Zipp should be. Sunny needs more development. 

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12 hours ago, Props ValRoa said:

I felt that Sunny was very uninteresting, very one dimensional. Her only personality trait is 'unity' between the ponies, but nothing really personal about her. I do not see anything about Sunny that makes her a leader - I feel as if Zipp should be. Sunny needs more development. 

I prefer hitch over sunny.... Izzy died in my head cannon... Hope she gets resurrected.... I like zip as well... Zip feels more real. While pip.... Pip has a cellphone... Nuff said. Sunny was practically became apple jack.... A background pony LOL

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On 2022-10-01 at 7:20 AM, Megas said:

Misty is 100% getting reformed and joining the mane cast

I agree. Misty isn't bad, just have no place to go other than Opaline.

I know we've seen Twilight in the Crystals Message, but what about Spike?

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19 hours ago, Props ValRoa said:

I felt that Sunny was very uninteresting, very one dimensional. Her only personality trait is 'unity' between the ponies, but nothing really personal about her. I do not see anything about Sunny that makes her a leader - I feel as if Zipp should be. Sunny needs more development. 

I'd argue that Sunny doesn't 

In Ali-conned of Make Your Mark, Sunny does have a love for people and wants them to be healthy, but nopony listens unless she puts on basically a mask being her Alicorn form being like a celebrity. Opaline asked her if she wants to stay as her old formed self and be like that, because Sunny is literally treated as an outcast in her normal form. But at the end of it, she learns a lesson about how it's not the people who like you because of something that doesn't connect with who you really are, but it's the one's who like and care for you as you are yourself. And Sunny decides the ladder. 

I felt for Sunny during that episode, especially coming from someone who usually is outcasted by lots of others.

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1 minute ago, Props ValRoa said:

@Sweet Sweet Dreams

I would have wanted Sunny to get angry at the Filly Four, to show that she doesn't want to be idol worshipped. As in, her having a moment where she got enraged by how they were acting towards her and her alicorn power revealed itself to them.

"Ali-conned" feels like the moral in "Fame and Misfortune" of G4, where the moral is is that some people just won't listen or care about what you have to say. 

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Moments ago, Sweet Sweet Dreams said:

"Ali-conned" feels like the moral in "Fame and Misfortune" of G4, where the moral is is that some people just won't listen or care about what you have to say. 

That is true, although I feel like Sunny needs to learn to stand up for herself instead of walking away under pressure. 

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