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The Super in Supernatural Friendship! (Group)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@Samurai Equine @Sphinx-Ara 

"Oh that's nice," Swift Wings replied to Trilby. "I'm not usually into fashion and accessories, but when I am, I feel like I struggle with figuring out where to start."

  On 2024-06-01 at 9:54 AM, Evelyn Noir said:

"O-oh you're nonbinary? H-how does that go? I-I mean if it's okay to ask, I've n-never met anypony who is nonbinary before"


"Well nonbinary means that said pony doesn't feel like they are either male or female. For me, I feel like I'm somewhere in between both genders. Due to this, it can be hard to figure out who I am and where I fit in. Like Trilby, you say you make accessories and such. When I say I struggle with figuring out where to start, what I mean is sometimes, it's hard to find accessories that aren'tfor stallions or mares," Swift Wings shrugged. 

  On 2024-06-01 at 9:54 AM, Evelyn Noir said:

After about five minutes, she had changed to her true form and calls out to them "Trilby, Swift, I-I'm ready, you can come in"


"Oh, I see," Swift Wings remarked. "No worries, you aren't the only one who struggles with fitting in."


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@Samurai Equine @Skylight Scintillate

Caramel would blush brightly at Trilby's compliments and do her best to listen to Swift's words, nodding "I-I see, that can definitely be difficult, like..I suppose it could make it hard not to only find accessories and fashion, but what kind of friends you want to have, like..who you want to let into your most inner circle and have them know almost everything about you" she would say to Swift "I..I can understand how that feels, though I guess it doesn't help that my daddy and sis are over protective of me.." she says, looking down a little, before looking back up to speak with Trilby "O-oh yes,. it is okay to ask these questions, and no the holes don't hurt, they're just kind of there.. as for can I make webs, well actually yes I can, daddy says its a silk thread I use. He says it's super strong and can actually be used to make things" she blushes.

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@Sphinx-Ara, @Skylight Scintillate

Trilby is so excited, he is beside himself. "I'm not sure whether to ask for a hug or to be wrapped up in your webs." He says to Caramel.

He also looks back at Swift. "Well I've also carried an assortment of gender neutral hats and accessories. But if there is ever anything specific you've been looking for, just let me know, and I'd be happy to carry it in my shop."

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  On 2024-06-05 at 4:28 AM, Caramel Ripple said:

Caramel would blush brightly at Trilby's compliments and do her best to listen to Swift's words, nodding "I-I see, that can definitely be difficult, like..I suppose it could make it hard not to only find accessories and fashion, but what kind of friends you want to have, like..who you want to let into your most inner circle and have them know almost everything about you" she would say to Swift "I..I can understand how that feels, though I guess it doesn't help that my daddy and sis are over protective of me.."


"Yeah I hope we can use the similarities we share to become nice friends," Swift Wings offered. 

  On 2024-06-06 at 8:27 AM, Trilby Hatter said:

"Well I've also carried an assortment of gender neutral hats and accessories. But if there is ever anything specific you've been looking for, just let me know, and I'd be happy to carry it in my shop."


"That's nice," Swift Wings replied. "I'll let you know when I'm in the mood for something specific."

Swift Wings wasn't really sure what else to say, so they kind of just stood there half awkwardly.


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@Skylight Scintillate@Samurai Equine

Caramel would giggle and look to her new friends "Well, I don't know about wrapping you in my webs, it could be very difficult to get out of, but..I'll settle for a hug" she says to Trilby and hugs him, then hugs Swift "and I'd love to be good friends with you Swift, perhaps we can go shopping for fashion and accessories together sometime, after you are done with your missions with my sister?" she would ask them.

Evelyn would smile as she hears her sister talking to her friends, she would knock on the door "Sis, guys, I'm gonna get ready for bed, we're going to meet Rarity and Coco pretty early in the morning, so would be best for everyone to get to bed soon" she would say before making her way to her room.

Caramel smiles, writing down her number and giving it to them "H-here, so you can..keep in touch"

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@Sphinx-Ara, @Skylight Scintillate

"Yes! We should all go shopping at my shop. Special discounts all around." Trilby agrees and hugs Caramel. "This is so awesome~ To think, as a young colt, I use to be afraid of bugs. But I am finally getting over those fears, I think." Trilby explains. And it is true, he didn't hesitate to hug Caramel and seems to enjoy it.

He then hears Evelyn from the doorway. "Okay, thank you for the update!" Trilby says with a wave. "Hmm... Now to figure out where to sleep. The van or the living room might not be super comfortable, but it might be strange for me to sleep in the same room as one of the mares... Then again, I don't want to appear antisocial either. I agreed to this trip so we could all bond as friends." This is a real headscratcher.

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@Samurai Equine @Sphinx-Ara 

  On 2024-06-11 at 7:28 AM, Evelyn Noir said:


Caramel would giggle and look to her new friends "Well, I don't know about wrapping you in my webs, it could be very difficult to get out of, but..I'll settle for a hug" she says to Trilby and hugs him, then hugs Swift "and I'd love to be good friends with you Swift, perhaps we can go shopping for fashion and accessories together sometime, after you are done with your missions with my sister?" she would ask them.


"Yeah that'd be cool," Swift Wings replied, not really sure what else to say here. "Uh, see ya for now..."

  On 2024-06-12 at 8:12 AM, Trilby Hatter said:

He then hears Evelyn from the doorway. "Okay, thank you for the update!" Trilby says with a wave. "Hmm... Now to figure out where to sleep. The van or the living room might not be super comfortable, but it might be strange for me to sleep in the same room as one of the mares... Then again, I don't want to appear antisocial either. I agreed to this trip so we could all bond as friends." This is a real headscratcher.


"Well umm, you know that while I'm like a mare in a lot of ways, I'm not a mare, right?" Swift Wings asked. "If you feel comfortable staying with me, I don't mind," Swift Wings offered.


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@Skylight Scintillate @Samurai Equine

Evelyn would smile and call out to her two friends "You're both welcome to sleep in my room, I mean, we're all adults and we'll be sharingthe van anyways, so might as well get used to it" she says before getting into her nightwear and slipping under the covers of her bed, getting comfy and warm.

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@Sphinx-Ara, @Skylight Scintillate

Trilby smirks. "Well there you have it. Can't beat a solid argument like that." Trilby says, then turns to Caramel. He takes her hoof in his own. "Goodnight, Caramel. Maybe some other time, you can join us. Though I really do hope that some day, you'll bless me by visiting my shop. I'd love to see you there. For now, pleasant dreams, my dear." Trilby kisses her hoof before taking her number and heading out.

Trilby goes to the bathroom to change into his pajama shirt. No hats to bed. He puts a snore strip on his snout, brushes his teeth, and puts moisturizing cream on his cheeks. "A complexion this nice doesn't take care of itself." Once he trots back to Evelyn's room, he pulls out his sleeping back and pillow, and gets inside it. "Do you think ghosts sleep?" Trilby asks. One last thought before slumberland.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Samurai Equine @Sphinx-Ara 

"Alright goodnight everypony," Swift Wings would reply.

Unlike the other two, Swift Wings didn't really wear anything to bed. In fact, other than brushing their teeth, Swift Wings wasn't really sure if they had a nighttime routine. Instead, Swift Wings would just flop onto bed, wings and legs splayed out, and would be out within a minute. 

Edited by Skylight Scintillate


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@Samurai Equine @Skylight Scintillate

The night went on without incident, save for a certain brown Changeling mare, perhaps sneaking in and deciding to snuggle up with Trilby. Evelyn would soon wake up and as she opens her eyes to see it, she would smile and chuckle gently "Oh dear Trilby, seems you've really gotten her attention" she would say, getting out of her bed and stretching "Well, we'll have breakfast, gather our things and then head out, oh and Swift, Rarity is quite excited to meet you, she says she has some outfits you might like" she says as she brushes her fur, mane and tail.

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@Sphinx-Ara, @Skylight Scintillate

One of Trilby's legs kicks when he sleeps, but he does snuggle up close to Caramel in his sleep, unconsciously enjoying the warmth and companionship. When he finally wakes up in the morning, he sees who has visited him in the night, and is practically beside himself with confusion and shock. "...Mother warned me about days like this. I'm officially switching colognes." Doing the best he can, Trilby get up without waking Caramel. He takes time to wash up, get rid of the snore strip on his snoot, and get dressed again. "Another day, another chance for adventure."

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Samurai Equine @Sphinx-Ara 

Much like Swift Wing's nighttime routine, it seemed that they didn't have an extensive morning routine either. Instead, Swift Wings would flop out of bed, brush their mane and tail a little, and maybe grab a quick bite to eat for breakfast. Swift Wings was glad that their mane and tail stayed pretty straight even when they rolled around in bed at night. They could never have the patience to brush their mane and tail for long. 

  On 2024-06-24 at 9:42 AM, Evelyn Noir said:

"Well, we'll have breakfast, gather our things and then head out, oh and Swift, Rarity is quite excited to meet you, she says she has some outfits you might like"


"Oh, sure," Swift Wings replies as they finish brushing their own mane and tail. "I'm quite excited to see where this day goes as well. Let's go."


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@Samurai Equine @Skylight Scintillate

Evelyn couldn't help but giggle at Trilby's reaction to having Caramel snuggle up with him at night "Come now Trilby, old friend, you turned on the charm pretty thick last night, and with her cuddling up with you last night, it shows she really trusts you and feels comfortable around you, which is a good thing" she would say calmly to him as she brusehd her mane and tail.

After they had a quick, but filling bite to eat for breakfast, Eve would get her gear and take them to the van. In the van were all her other equiptment, including monitoring and cleansing equipment and multiple hoof written journals of her encounters and evidence. "Welcome to your new home for the next..Celestia knows how long" she would say with a smile, setting up her things "Alright, so as the carousel is here in Town, I can drive, and it should hopefully be a quick job, its the one at the Asylum that I'm worried about, as tehre's a lot of negative history to that place".

After the others had settled in, she smiles and begins the drive towards the boutique.

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@Sphinx-Ara, @Skylight Scintillate

"Ooh. I can haz maerfren." Trilby says, cheeky. He grabs a quick breakfast and then collects his things. It wouldn't be long before their adventure beings.

"Now this is the part of the journey I was waiting for! Just us, the friends, roughing it into adventure." Trilby says before getting settled in the van. He makes sure his belongings don't take up too much room and there is still a path so that everypony can move around freely in the van. "Let's just hope it's not one of those situations where the easy job becomes the hardest. Though I guess by that logic, the hardest would become the easiest, so it would all balance itself out?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Samurai Equine @Sphinx-Ara 

  On 2024-07-05 at 5:48 AM, Evelyn Noir said:

"Welcome to your new home for the next..Celestia knows how long" she would say with a smile, setting up her things "Alright, so as the carousel is here in Town, I can drive, and it should hopefully be a quick job, its the one at the Asylum that I'm worried about, as tehre's a lot of negative history to that place".


"Sounds like a plan," Swift Wings replied as they followed along with the others. Given that Swift Wings wasn't exactly familiar with the supernatural, they mentally prepared themselves for experiencing strange and unusual things. 

While in the van, Swift Wings would prefer to sit close to the window with the window down. They preferred feeling the wind in their face when on the road.

  On 2024-07-06 at 7:08 AM, Trilby Hatter said:

"Let's just hope it's not one of those situations where the easy job becomes the hardest. Though I guess by that logic, the hardest would become the easiest, so it would all balance itself out?"


"Uummm, I don't think that's how that works?" Swift Wings replied, getting a bit confused themselves.

Edited by Skylight Scintillate


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@Samurai Equine @Skylight Scintillate

Evelyn would look to Trilby first "Well..that's up to the both of you, just remember my warning from yesterday" she would say to him with a light chuckle, starting the engine, then addressing the both of her friends "Swift is pretty much spot on then, thankfully it doesn't work that way, in fact, I would be very very worried if it did" she would say "imagine if the Carousel was haunted by maleveolent spirits and the Assylum was haunted by benevelont spirits..chaos!" she giggles softly. as she drove.

About an hour later, they would arrive outside the Carousel, where Rarity and Coco Pommel were waiting for them. "Ah, already waiting for us, Rarity is quite punctual" she would say as she puts the van into park and turns off the ignition. "Alright you two, lets get to it, first of all, is collecting all information Rarity and Coco can give us, then we set up the equiptment" she tells them before getting out of the van.

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@Sphinx-Ara, @Skylight Scintillate

Trilby makes sure his nice hat is polished and looking it's absolute best. He even gives his ascot one last adjustment. With Evelyn leading the way, Trilby hops out of the van. "Rarity! Coco Pommel! I've come to bargain. ...I mean, help." Trilby says, pointing dramatically before relaxing. He bows before the two mares. Whatever happens next is up to them.

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@Samurai Equine @Sphinx-Ara 

"Hello there Rarity, hi Coco. I'm Swift Wings by the way," Swift Wings introduced as they got out of the van. "So I've heard you called Evelyn to report some supernatural occurrences happening within the boutique. What have you observed?" Swift Wings asked as they took out their SmartPone to take notes. 

  On 2024-07-17 at 8:31 AM, Trilby Hatter said:

"Rarity! Coco Pommel! I've come to bargain. ...I mean, help."


"Bargain? Huh?" Swift Wings exclaimed as this surprise broke their train of thought.


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@Samurai Equine @Skylight Scintillate

Rarity would giggle a litlte while Coco rolled her eyes at Trilby's antics, before the both of them hugged the purple pegasus, "Evelyn darling, so good of you to come, and with friends as well" Rarity would say, as she and Coco led them into the foyer of the clothing boutique. "first of all, I do not bleieve either of you have been here before" she would say to Trilby and Swift Wings "So, welcome, welcome" she smiles, getting them a seat to sit down on before telling them of the occurences. "It all started about three weeks ago. SOmeof our thigns would either be moved or go missing overnight, and the mares and stalions who work overnight have reported cold spots and strange noies coming from the attic" she would tell them, "Fluttershy assures me that the family of raccoons that used to live here have moved on, so it isn't them" she would tell them as Coco serves them some coffee and nods.

Evelyn thinks for a moment "Well, the things going missing or bieng moved could have been blamed on the Raccoons, the cheeky little critters that they are." she would say with a giggle "But since Fluttershy assured you it isn't them, along with the cold spots and noises at night time, could be a spirit residing here or...it could just be that this place is old" she says with a slight chuckle, shaking her head "well, we've got the day to set up, and I'll need to get everything from the van, so why don't you two do the side stuff?" she suggests.

Rarity would smile "Excellent idea darling, Trilby dear, why don't you come with me, I would love to discuss selling your hats in my boutique, as I personally have a collection myself" she would say, "and Swift Wings, would you kindly go with Coco, she would love to get your ideas on fashion and accessories for those of the nonbinary persuasion" she says, beginnign to lead Trilby to her office.

Coco would smile softly to Swift Wings "Please follow me, we can discuss everything at my station" she would say, leading them to her station, then asking them "Alright, please tell me Swift Wings, what are the sort of things like designs and colors that you look for fashion and accessories in your daily life?" she asks


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@Sphinx-Ara, @Skylight Scintillate

Trilby follows and takes a seat. He nods for now, listening carefully. He still expects this to just be a formal, paranormal investigation. He doesn't expect anything personal. That is, until Rarity shows interest in him. "Oh, you actually know about my business? And you want to sell some of my hats in your boutique? Well, uh... Yes! I'd be honored! You really are shaping up to be the generous pony that I've heard so much about. There are so many uptight designers who could learn a thing or two from you." Trilby happily follows Rarity.

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@Samurai Equine @Sphinx-Ara 

  On 2024-07-18 at 5:22 AM, Evelyn Noir said:

"It all started about three weeks ago. SOmeof our thigns would either be moved or go missing overnight, and the mares and stalions who work overnight have reported cold spots and strange noies coming from the attic" she would tell them, "Fluttershy assures me that the family of raccoons that used to live here have moved on, so it isn't them" she would tell them as Coco serves them some coffee and nods.


"I see. And you have ruled out, err, natural causes? Such as a draft or the building's utilities?" Swift Wings would ask.

  On 2024-07-18 at 5:22 AM, Evelyn Noir said:

Coco would smile softly to Swift Wings "Please follow me, we can discuss everything at my station" she would say, leading them to her station, then asking them "Alright, please tell me Swift Wings, what are the sort of things like designs and colors that you look for fashion and accessories in your daily life?" she asks


"Oh, uh, well, um, how do I put this?" Swift Wings stammered, surprised by the sudden change of topics. "Well I'm not usually into fashion, but I prefer more casual clothing. Something that's casual and comfortable, but doesn't impact my ability to fly. Also, I prefer something with bright colors, and feels modern, but isn't genderized. I mean, I feel like it's hard to describe my fashion preferences, especially relation to gender and gender expectations and norms into words..." Swift Wings explained.


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@Samurai Equine

Rairty would smile as she walked and talked with Trilby "Well you have such a unique style and I think it is quite sad that your hats aren't more widely available" she would say to him, "And I always believe us small business owners should work together. I remember when I first started up, it was so hard to get any business outside of Ponyville" she would say as they soon arrive to her sewing room, where she had plenty of manquins set up with dresses and outfits paired with some of Trilby's hats she thought worked with them. "I might have jumpthe shark a little here" she would say with a light smile.

@Skylight Scintillate

Coco would look to Swift and nod "W-well, we do think it is a possibility, but most ponies aren't too keen on investigating it unless it is something supernatural" she would say to them, nodding and writing down everything that Swift was telling them "O-oh it's quite alright, I think I understand.. I find accessories like scarves can be quite gender neutral, though they can be a bother with flying, from what I have heard" she says to them.

@Skylight Scintillate @Samurai Equine

- bit of a timeskip -

Evelyn had finally gotten everything they needed set up and the cameras ready to record. They are all sitting around the table, having dinner that Rarity cooked for them. "So, the first thing we will do, is explore the shop and areas around it, inlcuding outside and the upstairs, to eliminate the possibilities of this all being natural and the building just being old" she would say, "How-ever, while setting up everything, I did come across some cold spots that did feel a bit odd. I also did a bit of research, Nothing violent or really bad happened here in the past, but ther was one incident when this was the headquarters for the Midsummer Theatre Revival group where..." she stops for a moment "Where a little filly was playing in the backstage area and a prop collapsed and crushed her.." she says with a sadness to her tone "So, it is possible, her spirit is still around and is jsut lonely and wanting to play" she would say "some poltregeists aren't evil like the ones you see in the movies or read in books, some are just mischevious" she would say to the group. "I've also interviewd most of the employees, and no one has said they have not said to anyone that isn't a customer that they are welcome to the shop, so we can likely rule out an Annabelle situation"

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Seeing how Rarity all ready has some of Trilby's hats makes his heart swell. He was NOT expecting that! "Well, since we're being honest... I've had a few ideas for a collaboration line between the two of us. My hat designs with some of your exclusive materials. Your dresses with some of my exclusive accessories. I am sure we could hammer out the details."


@Sphinx-Ara, @Skylight Scintillate

Trilby listens to the situation. "Hmm... I don't have a lot of experience dealing with little foals, let alone spirits of little foals. Perhaps with enough time, I could build a little puppet theater. Wait, would that even work on a spirit?" Trilby thinks it over as he graciously eats. "Oh my, this meal is just as fabulous as the hooves that prepared it. Do I taste a hint of truffle?"

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@Samurai Equine @Sphinx-Ara 

  On 2024-07-25 at 12:37 AM, Evelyn Noir said:

Coco would look to Swift and nod "W-well, we do think it is a possibility, but most ponies aren't too keen on investigating it unless it is something supernatural" she would say to them, nodding and writing down everything that Swift was telling them "O-oh it's quite alright, I think I understand.. I find accessories like scarves can be quite gender neutral, though they can be a bother with flying, from what I have heard" she says to them.


"Yeah scarfs are quite nice, but I agree with what you say about them getting in the way when I fly. Maybe I'll wear some of them when I'm not flying," Swift Wings would reply. They would glance around at the different clothing at the boutique. "Hmm, what else do you think looks good on me?"

=== Time Skip ===

  On 2024-07-25 at 12:37 AM, Evelyn Noir said:

They are all sitting around the table, having dinner that Rarity cooked for them. 


"This food is quite nice," Swift Wings would note.

  On 2024-07-25 at 12:37 AM, Evelyn Noir said:

Evelyn had finally gotten everything they needed set up and the cameras ready to record. They are all sitting around the table, having dinner that Rarity cooked for them. "So, the first thing we will do, is explore the shop and areas around it, inlcuding outside and the upstairs, to eliminate the possibilities of this all being natural and the building just being old" she would say, "How-ever, while setting up everything, I did come across some cold spots that did feel a bit odd.


"I see. I was thinking we could use inferred cameras to see where the cold spots are. And if supernatural phenomenon doesn't show up in inferred cameras, then we would know that this would be the case," Swift Wings suggested. "What equipment did you set up?"

  On 2024-07-25 at 12:37 AM, Evelyn Noir said:

Nothing violent or really bad happened here in the past, but ther was one incident when this was the headquarters for the Midsummer Theatre Revival group where..." she stops for a moment "Where a little filly was playing in the backstage area and a prop collapsed and crushed her.." she says with a sadness to her tone "So, it is possible, her spirit is still around and is jsut lonely and wanting to play"


"Oh. Thats... sad," Swift Wings replied. "I hope she's ok. How long ago was that?"

  On 2024-07-25 at 12:37 AM, Evelyn Noir said:

"I've also interviewd most of the employees, and no one has said they have not said to anyone that isn't a customer that they are welcome to the shop, so we can likely rule out an Annabelle situation"


"Uuh, what's an Annabelle situation?" Swift Wings whispered to Evelyn.


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