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The Super in Supernatural Friendship! (Group)


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@Skylight Scintillate @Props Valroa @Samurai Equine


It started on a early Fall evening in Canterlot, where the young, enigmatic Pegasus mare known as Evelyn Noir would be at the small indipendant cafe known as The Hole in the Wall Cafe, waiting for her three friends to arrive, as they were going to discuss their plans for the year, and she was pretty excited as not only had her band gotten a few gigs here and there, but she came across a few places around Equestria to explore. She would sit at her table, using her wing to hold her mug of hot chocolate and sip on it while waiting.

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Swift Wings glanced down at their SmartPone 15 before glancing up at the cafe, confirming that this was the location they were given. Once confirmed, they landed and entered the cafe, pulling up the invitation on their phone in the process. They would take a quick glance around the cafe and trot over once they spotted the pony they were looking for. "Hi there, Evelyn Noir, right? I'm Swift Wings," Swift Wings introduced themselves as they took a seat.

Edited by Skylight Scintillate
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Upon hearing the approaching hoofsteps coming her way and then the soft voice speaking her name, she would use her wing to take out her earbuds as she was listening to some music while waiting and then smiled "Hi Swift Wings ,and yep, I am indeed Evelyn Noir, kind of hard to miss though, not many other purple pegasus mares in leather jackets" she says with a chuckle, a slight sparkle in her eyes as she says that, "Glad you could make it though, we're just waitin on two others than we can begin" she says with a smile.

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Trilby Hatter, dressed as dapper as ever, is using his own cellphone right now as he walks to his next destination. "That's not what we agreed on. The contract said that fee would stay the same unless I fail to renew the agreement. Well my payments have been on time, and I intend to renew. Good day, sir." He ends the call and puts it away.

Seconds later, he arrives at his destination, the cafe. "Evelyn? Am I on time? Today's been pretty hectic for me." Trilby says.

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Evelyn who had just been chatting with Swift Wings, would smile as she hears Trillby approach "Hey there Trillby, nah you'e not late, Swift Wings just got here as well, we're waiting for one more, then we can discuss things. but I am quite excited, as my band's finally getting a hoof in the music scene with a few gigs, but I do uh, need some new flatmates" she'd say, playing with her mug. "I'll tell you all more when the other pony is here"

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"Well I hope you and your band have lots of success. We could all use it right now. Be right back~!" Trilby steps away for just a second to order a large boba tea. Once he paid for his refreshment, he joins Evelyn again and sits down at the table with her and Swift Wings.

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@Samurai Equine @Skylight Scintillate @AuroraGlimmer

Collapse would walk into the cafe, she also had her SmartPone 15 in her pocket and she was aware this is where they would all be meeting. Her cheery bright yellow coat was very hard to miss. Collapse would quickly find the table they are at, greeting them with an innocent smile. "It's good to see you all. How are you?" she asked them as she sat down with her rather large saddlebags full of various gadgets. 

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"Thanks Trilby, and you're right, everyone could use a bit of success, especially these days" Evelyn would say, soon smiling more as the last pony arrives "Hey Collapse, well I can't speak for the other two but I'm doing pretty good" she says, waiting for Collapse to sit down before continuing, "I was just telling the others that my band has finally got some gigs, but I do need some new flat mates as my old ones are moving out" she chuckles then flicks an ear "But that's not why I said to come here, I got some really awesome places to go exploring, some of them, even have been rumored to be haunted or have had strange things happen" she'd explain to them "Thing is..my dad uh..doesn't want me going to them alone" she admits to them somewhat embarrsedly.

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Trilby waves at Collapse, welcoming her to the table. "Oh Evelyn, you don't need to say another word. I all ready dream of excitement and adventure~! Anything to break up the monotony of everyday life. So where are we dropping?" Trilby asks, adjusting his hat.

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Noticing Trilby ordering a boba tea, Swift Wings would do the same. Once the rest of the group had arrived, they would introduce themselves again. "Hello Collapse. Hi there Trilby. Also a boba tea fan I see?" Swift Wings joked. 

6 hours ago, Evelyn Noir said:

"But that's not why I said to come here, I got some really awesome places to go exploring, some of them, even have been rumored to be haunted or have had strange things happen"

"Ooh, adventure awaits! Where are we going? What will we be doing?" Swift Wings would ask as they sipped their tiger milk boba tea.

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@Skylight Scintillate @Samurai Equine @AuroraGlimmer 

"I am quite eager to do an adventure, I am sure we are prepared for that." she said and looked to Swift Wings. "Tea? I think I'll have some tea as well." Collapse said, and would order some spiced chai tea for herself. Once the tea arrived she felt the hot cup between her soft yellow hooves. Collapse looked in Evelyn's direction as she wanted to know where they would be going as well.

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@Skylight Scintillate @Props Valroa @Samurai Equine

Evelyn would smile, sipping on her hot chocolate "Awesome, really glad to hear that everyone is on board with this" she'd say as she gets out a map of Manehatten "Well, first of all, we're going all the way back to my hometown of Manehatten, there's a few spots there I want to check out...including my..." she looks down a litlte "My parents old house, I just feel like..their spirits aren't at rest and I need to remedy that" she'd tell them, but then perk up a little "Two other places are the Stonehoof Asylum, its on the outskirts of the border of Manehatten and the Forest" she says, stopping for a moment "and the third place, I feel you'd love this one a lot, Trilby" she says, looking to her old friend "Coco Pommel has reported a lot of strange noises and events happening at her Carousel Boutique, so Rarity has asked me to go look into it...as a favor" she gives Trilby a big smile and a wink, "Now, I've got most of the research done and most of teh equiptment we need in my van, which will comfortably fit all of us and any luggage we have in it, it's almsot a tour bus at this point" she laughs "But, I'm sure our friend Collapse here will be thinking up of all kinds of neat inventions to help with our investigations"

Edited by AuroraGlimmer
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@AuroraGlimmer, @Props Valroa, @Skylight Scintillate

Trilby smirks and shares a toast with Swift; fellow boba lovers. But he respects what everyone else got, so he shares a toast with Collapse and Evelyn too.

He listens to what Evelyn has to say and scratches his chin. "Hmm... I've actually heard some bad things about Suri. But hay, where my friends go, I'll go. If I'm lucky, maybe I can convince Ms. Suri to carry some of my products."

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@Skylight Scintillate @Props Valroa @Samurai Equine

Evelyn nods, sharing in the toast to friends and adventure, blinking "O-oh did I say Suri?" she asks with a laugh and shakes her head "No,no, I meant Coco Pommel, Suri is a piece of work, but Coco is actually rather sweet" she'd say as she shakes her head some "As for convincing Coco to carry some of your products, you're better off going straight to Rarity, which..I can always pull in that favor from her, after all, my band gives her lots of business" she smiles softly, "and at least for this trip, we won't have to worry about accomodation, my dad can hole us up"

Edited by AuroraGlimmer
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@Samurai Equine @Victoria Everglade @Props Valroa 

On 2024-03-16 at 12:45 AM, Evelyn Noir said:

"Well, first of all, we're going all the way back to my hometown of Manehatten, there's a few spots there I want to check out...including my..." she looks down a litlte "My parents old house, I just feel like..their spirits aren't at rest and I need to remedy that" she'd tell them, but then perk up a little "Two other places are the Stonehoof Asylum, its on the outskirts of the border of Manehatten and the Forest" she says, stopping for a moment "and the third place, I feel you'd love this one a lot, Trilby" she says, looking to her old friend "Coco Pommel has reported a lot of strange noises and events happening at her Carousel Boutique, so Rarity has asked me to go look into it...as a favor"

"Ooh, Manehatten, it's such an interesting city. I wonder what is going on with Coco Pommel and the Carousel Boutique..." Swift Wings would reply as they sipped their boba tea. They didn't really have much else to add.

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@Samurai Equine @Skylight Scintillate @Victoria Everglade 

"Well perhaps we can help them out with whatever is going on. I've heard a bit about Suri, Coco and Rarity. I think it would be lovely to meet them." Collapse said with a fond voice as she sipped her tea, agreeing with Swift Wings. 

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@Victoria Everglade, @Props Valroa, @Skylight Scintillate

Trilby nods. "Looks like we are all in agreement. Our first adventure should be to see Coco. After that, I think we should go check out all those other places in Manehattan, and then the Asylum. Sounds like there is enough to keep us all busy for a few days. Don't you agree, Evelyn?" Trilby says.

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@Samurai Equine @Skylight Scintillate @Props Valroa

Evelyn would smile and nod "I would agree with everyone, the first one ought to be Coco Pommel's" she would say with a stretch "and who knows, we might even pick up more work around the town while there" she'd say then look to Swift Wings "and yeah, Manehatten can be quite..interesting, so to say" she'd say with a chuckle, finishing her hot cocoa and getting herself a boba tea "So, I got all of your addresses, so I can pick y'all up when you're ready with your luggage for the trip"

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@Victoria Everglade, @Props Valroa, @Skylight Scintillate

"I'm ready any time, my dear. I'm always packed and ready for adventure. Just need put a sign out in front of my shop. As the saying goes, a good stallion doesn't keep a good mare waiting." Trilby gets out of his seat and gives Evelyn a gentlemanly bow. "Collapse. Swift." With a tip of his hat, he makes sure to bid the others farewell for now before going off to close his shop and grab his luggage.

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@Samurai Equine @Skylight Scintillate @Props Valroa

Evelyn would allow herself a small blush across her muzzle as Trilby would make his leave "Alright Trilby, I'll pick you up from your shop" she would say, shaking her head clear before looking to the other two "I assume the two of you are either already packed or just about to be, just let me know when and where to pick you up" she would smile, finishing her boba tea and pays for it, "I do need to tidy the van up a little, so take your time"

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@Samurai Equine @Skylight Scintillate @Victoria Everglade

"I am already ready to go, so I am good to go." Collapse said with a cheery grin, nodding off to Trilby as he would leave to close up his shop. Collapse would finish up her tea and the food she had, throwing out some trash as she stood up from her chair, ready to leave to wherever they needed to go. 

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@Samurai Equine @Victoria Everglade @Props Valroa 

On 2024-03-20 at 6:19 PM, Victoria Everglade said:

Evelyn would allow herself a small blush across her muzzle as Trilby would make his leave "Alright Trilby, I'll pick you up from your shop" she would say, shaking her head clear before looking to the other two "I assume the two of you are either already packed or just about to be, just let me know when and where to pick you up" she would smile, finishing her boba tea and pays for it, "I do need to tidy the van up a little, so take your time"

"Oh that would actually be right after I finish an assignment for the Cloudsdale Weather Factory in Manehatten. Something involving the Manehatten Weather Team... Anyways, I suppose I'll meet up with the rest of you in Manehatten? You got my number, right? Just message me when the rest of you are there," Swift Wings explained as they confirmed their schedule on their phone. They would pay for their boba tea on their phone before grabbing it and getting up to go. 

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@Skylight Scintillate @Props Valroa @Samurai Equine

Evelyn would smile and nod "Of course Swift, we'll meet you there" she tells him before standing up and looking to Collapse "and with that, I'll pick you and Trilby up in a bit" she would say, smiling to the two ponies before she waved goodbye with a wing and went to her van to clean and tidy it up.

About two hours later, she would finish tidying her van, and would text Collapse and Trilby to meet her back at the Cafe, as tehy will be meeting Swift in Manehatten. She would then drive back to the cafe, waiting for her two friends, and already had folders with information on their jobs.

While she waited, she would set about restringing and tuning her guitar, playing a few songs in practice while waiting.

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@Victoria Everglade, @Props Valroa, @Skylight Scintillate

Trilby had put a sign on the door of his shop that says "Closed. Business by appointment until further notice.", followed by Trilby's phone number. He has a large luggage bag on rollers, with a special box just for hats. Speaking of, he switches from his current one to a designer black cordovan hat with a steel blue band that has 2 flowing tails. Gotta dress the part, after all!

Getting the alert, Trilby makes his way back to the cafe and soon joins Evelyn in the van. "Let's get this party started~!"

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@Samurai Equine @Skylight Scintillate @Victoria Everglade

Collapse had gone back to her place to get ready and get additional supplies she might need for the trip - and would be there to meet the rest of them back at the cafe. "I am all ready to go." Collapse said with a smile, having larger saddlebags visible this time as well as a large canteen for a lot of water. When she was back with her friends she greeted them all with a happy smile on that yellow face of hers.

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