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Pony Facts/Confessions: Rainbow Dash


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This is just a thread where you can post things like facts, confessions, and other little bits of info about said pony. This one, for instance, is about Rainbow Dash. I started with her because I have a little confession to make pertaining to her...


Okay... Here goes.


I originally thought RD was a boy. :o

Edited by MatrixChicken
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I originally thought RD would be sweet and helpful during her first appearance.

WTF was I thinking.

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She was my favorite pony at first, but know I like AJ,Twi and Rarity more. I think she makes an awesome impression in the first episodes but then the others catch up(and some overtake her). Still think she looks cute tough
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I'm not too crazy about her either. She's alright, but can be arrogant a lot of the time to a point of unlikability.


She is a bit snarky... But I like that. :D I may not think she is the way she should be, but she's fun to watch. Kinda like, say, Tony Stark. xD
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Hm, not a ton of RD love floating around this thread :blink:


Well, she Is my personal favorite. I see that a lot of her hate comes from her cocky attitude, but TBH that's why I like her so much. She's confident, and has that sort of 'Can do' attitude.


Sure, she can let that go to her head at times (more like all the time) but that just adds to the character. She has flaws, that makes her character more human (Not in a physical sense :P)


She sets goals and strives to achieve them, and that's what I respect about her.


But on top of all of that, she's loyal. She is always the first one to stand up for her friends. Hell, in the very first story arc she was offered up a role on a flight team (I know it was fake, but she didn't know that) and she would rather give up what she has been working for all her life than abandon her friends. I respect the hell out of that.


And I just like her design :P





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Edited by Eljordo
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i originally thought Rainbow was going to be a tad bit nicer and less cocky, but if they take that away wouldn't they just take her whole personality away.

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Yea, initially wasn't a huge fan of RD but she's really fleshed out into a great character. She has her flaws just like all the other ponies. Except with her and Rarity their flaws are more glaring. Because they can come off as abrasive and, dare I say, bitchy. But you have to take the good with the bad and more often than not the good far outweighs the bad and that's exactly Dash. She can be a bit overzealous at times but she never loses sight of what's most important to her. Nothing but love for all the mane six. :wub:

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I think Scootaloo's role-model should be a mix between Applejack, Rarity and her own style influenced by Rainbow Dash. Being solely influenced by dash alone would probably be unhealthy.I

It would also contribute to the synergistic nature of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, since otherwise Sweetie Belle is miniature Rarity (in some ways) and Applebloom is miniature Applejack (in some ways).

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Well, honestly, shes my least favorite. She can be mean sometimes.


RAINBOW DASH FACT: Did you know Rainbow Dash used to be girly? She loved to dress in style... But one day, Rainbow dash went with her friends ToolaRoola and StarSong to see what she thought would be a beautiful ballet. But it was really Toolaroolas suprise...It was the wonderbolts! Something struck her that day, and she cut her long hair and became a tomboy!

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Rainbow honestly does come off in both voice and appearance as a boy to me, still, to this day. Like, I know she's a girl obviously, but I could still see her as being a boy.

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