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My Little Pony: Wolves VS Ponies! Text Based Role Play Game


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(First thing's first: That wasn't funny Flare.. that was offtopic.)


Garth finished eating and put the remaining bones back on the counter. "I do love eating meat. So getting to the point, why did you spasm?"

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(First thing's first: That wasn't funny Flare.. that was offtopic.)


Garth finished eating and put the remaining bones back on the counter. "I do love eating meat. So getting to the point, why did you spasm?"


sorry i am a bit immature
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Garth grumbled. "When you get the courage to tell me about it, find me." He got directions to the dorms from the nurse. "I'll be in my room in the dorms. Knock when you get to my door and I'll let you in." He started to walk towards the elevator.

Edited by Linguz
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Shy flower watched garth walk away and kept his head down.

"I am...sory guys. I just...can't tell you what I did..."

He got up and started to head to his dorm as well.

*Well, he is the only person I have closest to a friend here anyway....Should I tell him*

He walked up to the elavator and got to the hallway where the dorms were and stood outside Garth's door.

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Garth was sitting in his room, on a chair he had retrieved from the first floor. The entire room was a mismatch of different tools he had found in the pile to be used as weapons and wooden furniture he was shaping into something else with his claws. He heard somepony's clop (sound of hooves hitting the ground) outside his door. He got up and opened it and saw Shy standing there. "I thought you'd come. Didn't expect it to be this early." Garth went back into his room and pulled out a bench from the pile of wooden furniture. "Take a seat." He sat back down in his chair.

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Autumn was worried about Shy, and Garth's wounds, but he know that he should leave them be. He had his leg looked at and bandaged by the nurse, then left to get something to eat.

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Shy flower slowly walked into the room, looking at all his possesions.

*He sure has alot of things for just crashing into the school today...*

Shy flower sat down.

"So...where to begin?"

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(Garth is a busy griffin. He likes to do something at all times in his life.)


"How about where you left off up there? What did you do that you can't tell me?"

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The fully correct way of saying what you want to say:


Flare walked over to her dorm and sighed, "Too bad i don't have a roommate." She climbed into bed and quickly fell asleep.


Comma before dialogue starts if you use a speaking verb. I consider sighed as one. Period if it's an action before it. Capitalize first letter in dialogue. End dialogue with a period not a ellipsis if there is nothing left. Removed the 'and' and capitalized the 'S' in she. Changed too to into.


Going into Garth mode:

Your posts are full of mistakes. You don't look over them or even try to make it look nice. Everypony else has good grammar and capitalization and whatnot in their posts except you. You have a load of mistakes.

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The fully correct way of saying what you want to say:


Flare walked over to her dorm and sighed, "Too bad i don't have a roommate." She climbed into bed and quickly fell asleep.


Comma before dialogue starts if you use a speaking verb. I consider sighed as one. Period if it's an action before it. Capitalize first letter in dialogue. End dialogue with a period not a ellipsis if there is nothing left. Removed the 'and' and capitalized the 'S' in she. Changed too to into.


Going into Garth mode:

Your posts are full of mistakes. You don't look over them or even try to make it look nice. Everypony else has good grammar and capitalization and whatnot in their posts except you. You have a load of mistakes.


sorry, i am terrible at writing. =/
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