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My Little Pony: Wolves VS Ponies! Text Based Role Play Game


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My Little Pony: Role Playing Is Fun! Text Based Role Play Game


Note: If you would like to play as a character on the show it comes as first come first serve.



After years of harmony in Equestria, something unexpected strike the ponies…

Every night when the ponies are at sleep, wolves creep about the town. Many ponies either get seriously injured, or worst, eaten by the hungry wolves.

The unexpectedness of the attacks shocked the city. Ponies everywhere take extra precautions. They closed down festivities, stores, and most hid in their houses all day and night.

Nevertheless, the wolves don’t fail in attacking and hunting down the ponies.

There was only one way to escape this horrible attack. That is to be accepted to “The Faraway Pony Island High School” (PIHS).


The rich academy had about 8 floors in their school building,

Outside: Courtyard

1st and 2nd floor: Classrooms

3rd floor: Kitchen or cafeteria.

4th floor: Relaxza room (game room/library)..

5th floor: Boy’s dorms (single room with roommate)

6th floor: Girl’s dorms (single room with roommate

7th floor: Teacher/staff living space (three rooms/dorms for each staff)

8th floor: Secret floor, mostly use for storage.

It was the only place in all of Ponywolrd where there were no reports of attacks.


Luckily you were accepted in it…



Male Student Ponies:

1 Terra Gaea and Autumn Breeze

2 Big Macintosh and Lenk

3 Shy Flower and Griffin








Female Student Ponies:

1 Evilshy and Createty Paw

2 solar flare









Staff/Teacher Ponies:

1 Freemane

2 Cheerilee





Character sheets:


Student Ponies:

Type of Pony(Earth, Pegasus, Unicorn, ect…):
  Age of Pony:
  Cutie Mark(if has one):
  Preferred Dorm:
  Favorite subject:

Staff ponies:

Type of Pony(Earth, Pegasus, Unicorn, ect…):
  Age of Pony:
  Cutie Mark(if has one):
  Preferred room:
  Subject teachers or job in the school:
Unknowingly to the ponies though, wolves lurk hidden in the shadows… Waiting for an attack. Yes, they are hungry for pony..

Somewhere off in the forest behind the school lies a pack of wolves. They watch the ponies and plot for a way to hunt them…


Alpha Male (The leader of the pack): Woffie

Alpha Female (The leader’s mate):Ruffie

Beta Male (Second in command):

Beta Female (Second in command’s mate):

Lead Hunter (leader of the hunter wolves):

Lead Healer Wolf (leader of the healer wolves):

Lead Trainer (leader of the trainer wolves):

Lead Fighter (leader of the fighters):

Hunters (They hut for food and they are the main attackers of ponies):

Healers (They heal sick wolves):

Trainers (they train and teach apprentices.):

Fighters (they fight and battle in war):

Apprentices (The pups who are old enough to learn the pack’s ways): midnight

Pups (Baby wolves):


Character sheet for wolves:

  Pack status:
  Magical power:

All forum rules apply

No killing other people’s character’s without their permission!

No God modding (being over powerful and not being able to have injury)

No Power-playing (controlling other people character)

No Mary-Sues or Gary-Sues, (over perfect characters)

Don't be gorey.

Edited by dohorcadrg
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Pegasus pony

Name: Evilshy

Crush: none. I don't need other ponies

Looks: like fluttershy (I'm her evil twin sister)

Age: a year older than pinkie pie

Gender: F

Cutie mark: 3 spiders

Hobbies: taking care of "bad" animals. Spiders, snakes, rats, etc.

Dislikes: "good" or "normal" animals. Other ponies, although I dislike them slightly less if they are also evil.

Preferred dorm: what do you mean?

Favorite subject: history of war (we had this class at my highschool. It was awesome :D )

Other: I'm basically just a permanent flutterb****, or as I prefer to call her, evilshy. I fgure if fluttershy had stayed evil long enough, she would've started to care of "bad" animals. I do not have the Stare, but I am able to communicate better with my animals, i.e. they always listen to me. I think the wolves are awesome, and I like them even though I know they don't like me, and would probably kill me if they had the chance. I think it's funny when other ponies get caught by them.

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Earth pony

Name : Terra Gaea

Crush : None

Looks : A mantis green pony with dirty white markings along it's body, a short white mangled mane with a short also white matted tail, with dark green eyes and a normal stature. (I had something like this in mind)

Age : 13

Gender : Male

Cutie mark : A bright green leaf surrounded by 3 pale leaves.

Hobbies : Gardening, reading and a lot of sleeping.

Dislikes : Loud noises and a large number of people.

Preferred dorm : Male dorm?

Favourite subject : English (Are we supposed to pick a real subject or a MLP style made up one? If so then probably Earth Magic or something? :L)

Other : Terra has somewhat of an obsession with 'the earth' but hates animals. He is very curious and often doesn't use his head following his curiosity getting him into a lot of trouble.

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Name: Autumn Breeze

Crush: None (yet. I am shy)

Looks: Red orange body, with mixed warm colored mane, tail, and wing feathers. Looks like leaves in Fall. Kind, polite, and shy.

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Cutie Mark: A book with a red leaf sticking out as a book mark.

Hobbies: Reading and art (admiring, not creating)

Dislikes: Rude ponies, heights, and math

Preferred Dorm: Male

Favorite Subjects: Science and Literature

Other: Kind and quiet. Always has his nose in a book and is often looking out windows, dreaming of other worlds. This causes him to be a little scatterbrained and seem lazy. Loves nature. Has some trouble flying because of his fear of heights. Orphened by the wolf attacks, but doesn't like to talk about it (blames himself). Currently lives on campus, having nowhere else to go.

Edited by Slendermane


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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Type of Pony: Pegasus

Name: Createty Paw

Crush: N/A

Looks/description: She's a light blue pony, with a light purple mane and tail.

Age of Pony: 15 in pony years

Gender: Female

Cutie Mark(if has one): A dark blue pawprint with a pencil across it.

Hobbies/Likes: She likes writing, art, music... Anything creative!

Dislikes: She hates math and doing nothing.. She hates boredom

Preferred Dorm: female dorm 1

Favorite subject: A mix between Pony Science and Pony Language.

Other: She's secretly friends with one wolf




Createy Paw watched the deep dark forest outside her dorm window. She has plans to meet her wolf friend today, but that was not until the sun sets. She looked back into her dorm, and sat in front of a blue notebook she placed in the middle of the floor earlier. She glanced over at the drawing of her wolf friend and her that she made in notebook. She giggled lightly to herself than turn to the next page. She saw a small little poem she wrote about her best wolf friend. This was indeed her friendship notebook, the one she held so dearly to her heart.

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Autumn Breeze sat on a chair in a student lounge (4th floor), looking out the window. Another semester is starting. He sighed. I wonder what this year will be like? I guess I should go to my dorm to greet my new roommate. Please let him be better than the last one. I can't stand another sweaty sock. Why does a pony need so many socks! He picked up his things and headed for the stairs.


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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evilshy walked into her new dorm, dragging a large trunk behind her. her roommate didnt seem to have arrived yet. looking around, she sat down on what looked like the softer bed and began unpacking. books, a coat, all normal things, except for a large jar with holes in the lid. she held it up and smiled fondly at the quarter sized spider nestled in the corner, waiting for a meal.


"how was the trip, arachne? your such a good little spider, yes you are. mommy hopes you were comfortable, ,cuz she sure wasnt."


Recalling the ride from her aunts house, she glared in disgust. nothing good to eat, the ride was far too slow and bumpy, and at first, she wasnt allowed to bring arachne. luckily, she had been able to hide her well enough from the conductor. evilshy doubted shed be using that particular train again, although vague, undeveloped plans of revenge floated around her mind. something involving releasing snakes on the train. she giggled an evil giggle, and pulled a second jar from her trunk. inside were several crickets. she took one out and pulled its powerful jumping legs off.


"we wouldnt want you jumping around arachnes jar, now would we? she's had a long journey and doesnt want to deal with prey that can break out of a web."


evilshy unscrewed arachnes lid. she was such a good spider, she never tried to get out of her jar, except when she was allowed to. evilshy dropped the cricket in and watched gleefully as it struggled to break out the web. arachne skittered over to it and began to wrap it in web. before long, the cricket was tightly cocooned as arachne injected her venom. evilshy watched her pet spider feed for a few minutes before setting the jar on her desk and laying back on the comfy bed to take a nap.

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Terra entered the dormitories hallway (I assume it's some type of hallway) pushing his trunk ahead of him. He began scanning the doors looking for the correct number. "H-he did say it was number 1, right?" Terra mumbled to himself. He timidly pushed open the door to his dorm peering carefully inside to check no-one was around before bringing along his case.


Terra stared at the empty bed thinking about all the horrible possibilities of room mates he could have. "What if he's messy... What if he's loud... What if he.." Terra shuddered before finishing his sentence. Reaching into his bag he set a small green, flowering plant on the bed in a neat brown pot and began to stare at the pot, shuddering once more.

Edited by Makar
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Autumn arrives at his room. He politely knocks, even though the door is open. Seeing his new roommate, a green earth pony staring at a plant, he asks, "Excuse me, but is this room number 1? My name is Autumn. Do you mind if I come in?"


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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Terra turns to face the pony, feeling slightly awkward.

"Oh, uh. H-Hi.. I'm Terra, t-this is room one. Is this your room?" Terra glances back to the plant, shuddering again before turning to face Autumn once more.

Edited by Makar
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"Yah, I guess I'm your roommate. Nice to meet you. You already look alot nicer (and cleaner) than my last roommate. Is it your first time here?" Autumn came into the room to his bed and started unpacking. Most of his luggage was books (classics, sci fi, and fantasy), and one picture. He began putting them on the shelf above his bed. He paused to look at the picture, a photo of his family, before setting in front of his books.


(unrelated: I just noticed I am an advanced member now! Cool!)

Edited by Slendermane


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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"Well, eh, thank you. It's nice to meet you too, it's my first time here."

Terra turned back to his case, tying to figure out what to put where, while still watching Autumn from the corner of his eye.

"That's a lot of book you've got. Have you read them all?"

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"Nah, just about half of them. I'm probably going to have to get rid of a few to make room for more. I've lived here for a few years now. Don't worry. It's a pretty nice place, when you get used to it." He sat down on the bed and faced Makar. "What kind of plant is that?"


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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Earth pony

Name: Big Macintosh

Crush: used to be Luna but we broke up.

Looks: like Big Macintosh, Eeyup!

Age: 17

Gender: M

Cutie mark: A green Apple

Hobbies: tending to the needs of ponies, outsmarting Applejack, acting as a fatherly figure tword sisters, guitar, Eeyup

Dislikes: girdles

Preferred dorm: Boys

Favorite subject: Band and PE

Other: I'm the tough guy, all the fillies and mares want me but I tend to not notice.

Edited by BigMacintosh


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"Oh, wow. I don't read, much." Terra looked around the room blankly " The plant, it's a rare vine plant that I got from my family it's quite particular about where it will live, these conditions seem perfect! The plant itself does attract p-parasprites though..."

Terra sighed, sitting down on the bed "I-i wish the gardens in this place were bigger."

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Shortly after his Vacation, which was ironically spent applebucking, Big Macintosh entered the boy's dorm covered in applejuice, mud and sweat. He jumped on his bed layed back, and relaxed. "Sup colts?" He said to the other two room mates while biting into an apple.

Edited by BigMacintosh


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To Big Mac: "Uh, hello. Nice to meet you. I'm Autumn Breeze."

To Makar: "I help tend the school grounds during the summer, to pay for my room and board between semesters. I could show you around the gardens if you like. I'm no expert though."

To Big Mac again: "Usually it is only two to a room. Oh well. Is it your first time here?"


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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Type of Pony:Earth



Looks/description:light green, Dark green eyes

Age of Pony:12


Cutie Mark(if has one):Triforce of courage

Hobbies/Likes:fighting evil

Dislikes: ganondork,bollum,millydus

Preferred Dorm:8th floor

Favorite subject: Ancient History

Other:Owns a strange sword and very rarely talks.

  • Brohoof 1

I am, by any practical definition of the words, foolproof, and incapable of error.

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(out of character: Awesome! Link is making a cameo!)

  • Brohoof 1


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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walks in dorm and stares at evilshy: Ahuh?!


(It's gonna be sort of boring though,Slendermane, barely talking.)

Edited by THEj

I am, by any practical definition of the words, foolproof, and incapable of error.

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Evilshy woke up to an annoying sound. thats probably my roommate. she sounds like an idiot already.

Evilshy lazily opened her eyes and rolled over to face the door. a pale green colt was staring at her. hiding her initial surprise at waking up to find a boy in her room, she slowly sat up and smiled at him.


"enjoying yourself? its not nice to watch a girl sleep, you know."


she got up and smiled evilly at the colt. she clapped her hooves together, and a small rustling sound came from her trunk.


"besides," she said, not taking her eyes from the colt "its stupid. how do you know she cant protect herself?"


she glanced sideways at the bag. a quiet hissing sound could be heard now. she smiled.


"did you sleep well, belinda?" she looked back at the colt. "id turn around and walk away if i were you. and tell the other boys that if they want to watch any of the fillies sleep, evilshy from room 1 wont be too happy about it."

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Leaves, but not before turning the snake into a cloud of purple smoke.


"ya know, I fight wolfos all the time in my world," I think. "too bad they don't believe i'm from hyrule...

I am, by any practical definition of the words, foolproof, and incapable of error.

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