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Everypony who has influenced my life


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This took me a while to make, so it is a little TL:DR, but we shall get through this.


I will be explaining how each and every one of you has affected my life, as you all have in some way.


Do not be sad if you are off the list, because if you are, I have not talked to you on a personal level yet.


And admins, do not worry. You will have a special place on the bottom.


And yes, this forum IS my life.


So I do think of everypony here everyday.



(insert username)- You have shown me not to be too serious when I find a displeasure able person on the internet, and I thank you for it.


Akaraah- I miss you greatly, you have no idea. Whenever I saw you on the forums, you always made me feel happy, as you always had something nice to say. Wish you would come back.


Arylett (Angel)- Listening to my problems, and being the best rp mod I have seen, as the mod actuallu rp's with us x3


Apple Bloom- Oh, where do I start with you. You got me through my depression when it was at it's strongest, you are always there to help anypony in need, and you are a wonderful person. If I ever met you IRL, I would hug the shit out of you.


Applejack- Oh boy, where to start. You made me realize that raging over xbox/or Mlp forums is a big no no. You made me a happy pony.

AppleShy Sparkle- You are not afraid of what anyone says. I love you so much, as you make everypony feel great about themselves, along with you.


Authetius- Oh boy. We started off on a rough start, with all of our fighting and all. But you made me realize what a joke meant between friends, and I love you for forgiving me.


Big Macintosh- Oh boy, this is going to be fun to start with you. You showed me how you should not be afraid of what other's think of you, even though you are afraid of your parents yourself. Be strong Big Mac, you got me to be.


BizzarePony- I miss you a lot. I wish you would come back to us. You made me happy in my time of depression when we role played, and I miss those times.


Blue- OH BOY. This one is going to be good. You sir, are the single most eloquent person I have ever had the joy of meeting. You think of everything you say within seconds, and it is always the deepest set of mind set. You sir, are awesome.


Braeburn- I love you bro. You got me through my depression as well, even though you had to escalate it to do so. Thank you for everything.


Caps lock pony (Viscra)- I will always call you Viscra. You made me realize that I am not the only one who is depressed,and you act like me when you are. I respect you bro, and I hope you get better.


Captain Marvelous- You showed me a non brony could hang out with bronies and get along wonderfully. You make the world seem like a better place than it really is c:


Colton Manestache- Oh lord, you sir are a silly goose. You come to review us, end up staying c: I love you bro, and I hope you stay with us a long time!


Crispy- Oh sweet lord. You are basically the first brony I have met, and you made me WANT to stay on the site. Our little rap battle made the brony you see here today.


cuteycindyhoney- You showed me people who are older are very cool. You make my day when I see you post.


D1SC0RD- Oh lord, you ma'am are awesome. Whenever I see you post, I know I am in for a laugh or two.


Discordian- You are the most level headed pony I have ever met. I wish I could act like you sometimes and not care about most things, but alas, that shall never happen. You will always have a place in my heart.


DJ Rainbow Derpy Dash- You made me realize post counts mean nothing. Thanks c:


Doctor XFizzle- You make me want to be a better person. You make me happy all of the time with your constant pelvic thrusts c:


Evilshy- You are seriously one of the coolest ponies I have ever met. I wish you would come back, you make me happy.


Feather Spiral- You made me realize that raging over a tiny topic is worthless. Thank you.


Fghik- You showed me that any problem, big or small, can be solved with your friends help.


Fizzydoop- My best bro. What else can I say?


Flare- You showed me that anyone can troll, but it takes real skill to never break character.


Fluttershy- Where the heck do I begin with you. You helped me through my depression, made so many avatars and signatures for me, and one of the rest graphic designers ever.


Grendo- The coolest pony alive. I imagine he can do anything he wants with art, and make it look amazing.


Gummy- Where the hell did you go man :c You made me want to visit the site more because I saw the top poster was amazing. Come back to us :c


Hayze- 'Nother person I don't know how I could live without. Again, you are another pony to get me out of my depression, and is the coolest pony ever.


Ice- Seriously cool as Ice. You make me happy everyday.


Jonke- You are seriously one of the nicest ponies I have ever met. You are so kind to me, I wish I could repay you c:


King K Roop- One of the best conversationalists I know. And you're not fat >.>


Klopp- Your username makes me laugh. In all seriousness, you are again, one of the nicest ponies I have ever met!


Kodiak- You helped me through my depression, and showed me my anger is a silly thing I can be rid of. Thanks c:


Krall- One of the smartets ponies ever. You show me how being an intellectual pony could help in the long run c:


Lady Rarity Pony- You showed me that me posting bunches will cause another pony to become like me c:


Linguz- My bestest friend ever. Need I say more?


Lyra- For being one of the coolest ponies ever to me, and dealing with my annoy-ingness c:


Marshmallow- For being one of the most level headed users I have ever seen in my life. You make me want to be a better person.


NeverNeverland- For dealing with my emotional problems and listening c: Thank you so much!


Ouker- For listening to my life story, and helping me get through my sadness c:


Pencils- For being the smartest pony ever, beside Blue. You sound like a philosopher, and remind me of an old sage. You make my life better by filling me with knowledge c:


Pinkamena Diane Pie- For showing me not everything is want it seems. Sorry for saying you hated me.


Pinkie 3.14- For being my little fanboy c:


Pinkie Prectar- For making an avatar that makes me smile everyday c:


PlasmaStormX-15- For showing how protective I can be for the ones I love. You may of made my depression worse, but you also killed it at the same time.


ProjectRKA- For being the best Dj ever, and making my saturdays worthwhile.


RaccoonBL- For being one of the nicest ponies ever. I love ya bro.


Sandwhisper- My true love. I love you with all of my heart.


Scootaloo- For always using logic c: You make me want to be smarter.


Seb- I am the one who tought you how to roleplay, yet younever did with me :c Makes me sad, but your still on list c:


Senn555- For getting me into MLP music.


Shankveld- You have barely been here a week, yet you are already close to me. You make me happy everytime I see you!


Slendermane- For getting me into roleplaying on the site. I cannot thank you enough!


Slictz- For corrupting my mind with ponies. In all seriousness- You are one of the coolest ponies ever!


Swoop- For being there for me when I need it c:


tailsthefox- Although you are new to the site, I have known you for months. You make me feel better about myself all the time c:


ThePinkazoid- For making me want to be a better person c: You make me very, very happy.


Tich- For being for me in the skype room when I have my emotional breakdowns.


Tom the Diamond- For getting me even more addicted to MLP. You sir are awesome.


Tyger- For making me constantly laugh everyday c:


Vicke- Good god, you are awesome man. No matter how much you think I hate you, you keep trying to help me get better. Thank you.


Viscra- An awesome friend on the forum who shares about all of my emotional problems.


Zoop- For being the most level headed pony ever. You help anypony in need, including me. No wonder you are a moderator now c:


Now for the admins!


Feld0- Where to begin...


You are my hero. I wish I could be you when I grow up, and you are a year older than me. In all of my years of being an avid forum user, you are seriously the first admin I have ever seen to be active seemingly 24/7. I love you bro, and my activness here proves it. I plan on staying on this site until you decide to take it down, which I wish is never.


Kurtiss- The coolest admin I have ever seen. You are amazing, and you seemingly never get mad. Again, you are so freaking cool!




Well, this took me hours to make. Again, if you are not in the thread, I just don't talk to you enough. But we can clearly change that. Bye everypony, hope this was not too long to read.

Edited by Yuki
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Shankveld- You have barely been here a week, yet you are already close to me. You make me happy everytime I see you!




D'awwhhh <33 I love reading your posts and statuses :) one of my best bronies :D ~


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Flare- You showed me that anyone can troll, but it takes real skill to never break character.


:mellow: thanks! some would think its an insult to be called a troll, but its a complement!

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NeverNeverland- For dealing with my emotional problems and listening c: Thank you so much!


There's no need to thank us bro. And I'm sure that you didn't need to thank me. :)


However, we're (or in this case I'm) happy that you're as happy as can be! And Shank's right, you do have some of the best posts I've seen on the site, so don't forget to give yourself a compliment too man!

Edited by NeverNeverland
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I didn't even think I'd be in here.. But I was and it made my day.


It's always a joy to read your posts. Seeing ypur replies make me smile, even if they're serious. Don't ever leave the site, kaay? The fact that you took the time to apperciate each brony makes you one of the most loving people I know.


-le hug-

Edited by D1SC0RD
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Breaking your record each day... What a life.


Edit: AS IN "I WISH I COULD BREAK MY OWN RECORDS, EVEN JUST ONCE". I didn't mean to imply that you had no life T_T

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Krall- One of the smartets ponies ever. You show me how being an intellectual pony could help in the long run c:


Sir, I must profess my gratitude; such a bold and unprompted expression of love - both for myself and our compadres - is a rare thing, and surely something this world is sorely lacking.


It therefore falls to me to offer you, in response to your commentary, a non-physical embrace of friendship. A paltry gift, to be sure, but one that I do not give lightly, nor without thought.



IV;DP (Immoderately Verbose; Declined Perusal):


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