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As a Human, who would you live with?


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I would run to Zecora.


While she might not have the best house, I'm pretty sure she can work things out and find something to return me back home


She works with potions mainly. She doesn't do Hexes or cast spells, doesn't perform ritual. But an idea would be getting her to transform you into a pony with a potion and such :o



Party everyday xD

Except Tuesday....Gawd I hate Tuesday


No moar time travel please.

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If you could live at a house of the mane 6 ponies, because you just appeared into Ponyville and need a place to stay while say, Twilight finds a way to get you back to earth, who's place would you stay at?

In this, you're human.


Honestly, I wouldn't mind staying at Pinkie or Fluttershy's place.

Applejacks can't be so bad either. But as a human, since earth and unicorn ponies can't be on clouds, Dash's place is off the list for me. I don't want Twilight having to cast magic on me for me to get there


What the heck? I was oddly just about to make a, "Which pony would you room with in college" thread today! Anyways, I thought it out.


I initially thought Fluttershy, since there would be no fighting over whose room is whose, who gets to take a shower first, etc. Fluttershy would surrender in any such dispute. I wouldn't take more than my share of things, of course. I share a similar personality with her, and would probably be able to have good conversations. However, she'd feel nervous around humans, I think. Living there would make her feel out of place in her own cottage. I'd feel like I was intruding.


Rarity's house might be nice. She's generous enough to give anyone (we are humans) a place to stay. I'd have to mind my manners, which wouldn't be an issue. I could respect her belongings, and make room when she needed it. The issue would be keeping up with her neatness standards, which I wouldn't be able to bear.


Rainbow Dash, assuming one could live at her place, would be kind of fun to live with. You'd get to wake up and see her work on the weather. It'd be rather exciting to be able to see her practice her moves. If she were confident enough about it, we could discuss the Daring Doo series on certain evenings. However, I can't help but feel that she'd be the dominant type. You know, the type who turns on the hot water while you're taking a shower if she needs to get in, or the type who would turn on her music loud while you're trying to sleep.


Pinkie Pie might be fun to live with. We could share jokes, and play games. She's one of the nicest of the mane six, so getting along might not be so difficult. However, being like Fluttershy, I'd need my space from time to time, and I don't know if Pinkie Pie would understand that. She can be quite boisterous, something that would be a problem come bedtime.


Twilight Sparkle seems like a good choice. She's not as outgoing as Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, nor as withdrawn as Fluttershy. I would love to talk about Equestria's history with her. However, she has the habit of stressing out over any problem. She'll overthink things, and make everyone around her worry. I don't think I'd be able to deal with the stress.


Applejack: is that a good choice? She's always there when you need her, and has strong bonds with everypony she knows. While I don't know if I'd enjoy farm life, Applejack is accustomed to living around many ponies already. She would know how to share, and how to settle living disputes. With the farm being busy, I'm sure I could find a place to fit in, despite my shyness.

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Twilight sparkle for the main 6, because, I love to read, and Twilight is my favorite of the main 6.


But say if it didn't have to be the main 6, I would find Trixie, and live where ever she lives....

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She works with potions mainly. She doesn't do Hexes or cast spells, doesn't perform ritual. But an idea would be getting her to transform you into a pony with a potion and such :o


Erm, maybe a potion that will kill me and revive me back on earth? Posted Image

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Erm, maybe a potion that will kill me and revive me back on earth? Posted Image


I wouldn't take the chance. :P


I'd live with pinkie. Not only would there be awesome parties, but as an added bonus, she could teach me how to bake cupcakes and other delicious desserts! :)


Trust me, you don't wanna make cupcakes with her.

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Remember, you're human. As much as you want to stay, it won't work. You don't belong. Say a MLP pony was in our world. Some would adore, and it would go on the news, get attention, be experimented with.. Etc.


If we were there too long, we would scare them, cause we are on average three to four times their size. Many reasons more, too.


I think i'll start a thread on if it was permanent, us also being ponies. I'll start it in bit, but you guys can if you'd like.


Instead of having Twilight trying to find a teleport spell to get me back to Earth, I would tell her to find a Human to Pony spell to turn me into a pony. Being in Equestria is better than Heaven to me. I would prove to everypony there I could be a productive member of society.


To answer the topic question, I would be in Twilights treehouse. Cuz she's awesome :D

  • Brohoof 1
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It's a tie between Rarity or Fluttershy's house for me :) Rarity cause it'd be amazing to be able to help out with making all sorts of garments, especially with her awesome fashion sense, plus she's pretty nice. Fluttershy cause she's really nice, and I'd have something to do all day with helping take care of the animals! I love animals :D

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Pinkie Pie naturally, c'mon a gingerbread house? Let's be honest how many of us have wished to live in an actual house you can eat. K' maybe not a lot of us but still...

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Twilight or Rarity based on the size of the places they live. After them, AJ. Mostly because I'd want to be working the farm. :)


I think I agree with you Twilight or Rarity would be the ones I would ask first
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Logically It's be Rarity; But screw logic.


Pinkie pie? Omg that'd be annoying no offence to her, but I'm sure if I were able to ask anypony in ponyville they'd agree.


Derpy Hooves? Nobody more I'd love to hang out with!! I'd have to say living with her would be quite a hassle. But seeing as this is the ONLY pony I get to see in real life I'd pick her because she is just the best. Otherwise no.


AJ? She would just be fun to live with! She knows how to have fun, wouldn't mind playing sports, or any of that. A great pony to live with I think.


Rainbow Dash? It would be so great to have her around! It'd be hilarious to be around just because she's so funny. She's athletic, so sports yes.... Just everything about her would make her an awesome roomate. So I'd havve to pick her over derpy Hooves at this point.... (ponies playing sports? HELL YEAH, my pegasus buddy dunk it on your head! football? FORGET ABOUT IT)

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BetaWolf said what I instantly thought. Rarity is very generous. But to be honest, I'm not the tidiest alive, and I don't think I could live up to her high-maintenance OCD existence. I would pick AppleJack, if for only that I know a lot about trees and pomology and I think I could be helpful on the apple farm. Plus, I can climb trees which is prolly a rare skill in Equestria. That being said, I'm also more than a touch Aspergerish and I think Twilight might be a more interesting conversationalist.


I'm stalling.


I suppose I would sleep over at Twlight's, supposing she doesn't mind.



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My bottle of glue.


Posted Image

But seriously, I would prefer to go on a vacation with Rainbow Dash, because of her daring personality and competitive attitude.

Edited by Prince Mio Scuro Hero Dusk
  • Brohoof 1
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Depends how long I'll be staying, because in all honesty I won't be able to sustain a similar life that I'm living momentarily in any pony's house. If I had to choose, regardless of it, Applejack's. Big house, bigger barn (I'd rather stay in the barn) and I can work part time instead of pissing time away.

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