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Snatch the Cookie!

Phoenix Dirac Wright

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The title pretty much says it.




The game is simple really! When someone has the cookie, another person must snatch it by any means necessary. And I mean, ANY MEANS.

For Example:


Pony 1: I punch Pony 2 into the ground and take the cookie.


Pony 2: I distract Pony 1 with music to the point where he forgets about the cookie and I snatch it.


Pony 3: I trip Pony 2 and run off with the cookie.



You cannot kill the person who has the cookie and getting him out of the game permanently

You cannot disable the person in any way. Only attack him to get the cookie.

Lastly, YOU MUST NOT EAT THE COOKIE! (Very important rule. Don't screw it up.)


Okay. I have the cookie now. I want you guys to take it by any means necessary.



(On a off side note, this is my first official topic so yea!)

Edited by Dirac Wright
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(More rules needed on the cookie in the future...)


YOU EVIL EVIL DUDEFARMER!!!!!!!!!!!!! GINGER POWERS ACTIVATE!!!! *creates my own cookie* here Fluttershy I got you another one... :(


Do not defy the game. There is only 'The Cookie'. Treat it like it's the last cookie in the universe.

And by the way, while you were reading this, I destroyed the other cookie.

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(More rules needed on the cookie in the future...)



Do not defy the game. There is only 'The Cookie'. Treat it like it's the last cookie in the universe.

And by the way, while you were reading this, I destroyed the other cookie.


You, sir, cannot destroy a cookie that belongs to Fluttershy! *eats soul*
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Just the other day I was looking at this picture I found on the internet. The picture was a painting, and it carried a rather interesting message. It had many different colors on it. There was red, and blue, and orange, and green, and yellow, and purple, and black, and white, and brown, and teal and many variations and shads of each. Looking at the picture was like looking at the sole of the artist, The longer I stared the deeper into his or her sole I was draw, until I found myself completely absorbed by it. Looking around, I could still see all the colors, but they were now swirling around me, creating all sorts of interesting scenes...

After you fall asleep from my long and pointless story, I take the cookie out on a date at a fancy restaurant, so I can get to know it better.

Edited by Lord Pretty Pie
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Using my keen sense of direction, I track Dirac Wright down. Upon finding him, I use the spinning dragon take-down that I learned from an aging kung-fu master to incapacitate him. Either that or I made the move up on the spot and I'm lucky it worked at all. Either way, I now have the cookie! "MINE!!!!" I shout as I flee the scene victorious.

Edited by Lord Pretty Pie
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I pop up next to you like Pinkie Pie when you stop to breathe, and snatch the cookie while you are staring ahead. By the time you realize you have lost the cookie, I have made it to the museum to hide with my cookie in a secret compartment.

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