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Angry Video Game Nerd


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Honestly, I love AVGN, but only his older videos. The majority of his new stuff feels incredibly forced. The one new review that I loved was the Ghosts n' Goblins review, but the ending was an example of something extremely tacked on. I still watch his other videos all the time. There is such a simplistic charm in them that I cannot get enough of. I think that is what is wrong now, he is losing that charm.


Hopefully the movie is good, but it doesn't really seem like an AVGN movie at this point...

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I am a big fan of the AVGN, and I do enjoy his latest videos. I watch them for what they are. I guess the quality has dropped some, but I don't pay attention to that kind of stuff unless it's incredibly noticeable. I just watch to watch and be entertained and even educated some. But honestly, he has devoted so much time to his movie for probably the past 1 1/2 years or so that when he does get the chance for a video, he probably can't spend the time he would like on it. His movie is getting much closer to being finished now, so he has some more free time, but that will change soon again because he is going to be a father. So he has to find time for the movie, episodes, and for his wife and soon to be child. I could imagine the quality of his episodes slipping because he just doesn't have the time like he use too.


Here is his latest update on the movie BTW. AVGN Movie Update


But yeah, been a fan for a long time, and will be fan for a long time to come.

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I like AVGN's videos alot and I anticipate his movie, though I agree there has been somewhat of a decline in quality as time has passed. Still, there are some gems to be found among the newer videos, particularly his review of Action 52, which he has convinced me, is the worst game of all time. Lay off E.T. and Superman 64.


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Inb4 Smitty :P


Anyways, I love this guy! AVGN is one of extremely few people that have managed to make genuinely laugh my arse off.


His newer stuff may not be as good as his old, but some of his new stuff are freaking hilarious:


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JAMES ROLFE! Love that swearing, wacky, yet informative bastard! He's perhaps one of my favorite Internet personalities out there.


Honestly, I love AVGN, but only his older videos. The majority of his new stuff feels incredibly forced. The one new review that I loved was the Ghosts n' Goblins review, but the ending was an example of something extremely tacked on. I still watch his other videos all the time. There is such a simplistic charm in them that I cannot get enough of. I think that is what is wrong now, he is losing that charm.

Hopefully the movie is good, but it doesn't really seem like an AVGN movie at this point...

I don't think he's losing his charm, he's just losing interest in AVGN overall. Keep in mind he's been a filmmaker all his life, and he's made it fairly clear that, as much fun as he's had with the Nerd character over the years, it's not something he wants to focus on forever given that he's got a ton of other projects he'd like to work on.


Of course, the same sort of thing happened with Doug Walker, who essentially "retired" his Nostalgia Critic character in what was to be the final TGWTG anniversary movie, but then decided to bring him back after he realized the fans weren't taking well to the other material he was making in its place. From that point on, he began incorporating the cast of the aforementioned failed material into his reviews, which IMO has made the show more interesting. Perhaps James will do something similar to spice up his reviews, should his other projects lead him to dead ends and force him to keep his focus on AVGN...

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I'm a fan of his, but the whole controversy last year over the Cheetahmen 2 kickstarter scam and his connection to it seem to raise a red flag.  I still like the guy and his videos, but... some of his critics raise an interesting point. 

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Avgn used to be hilarious but i think the quality of his videos have gone down recently. Its probably because of the movie, but i honestly feel he is not putting forth as much effort anymore.

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did you make that picture.  Super Awesome!!! 

This guy is a hoot!!!


Ya his quality has gone down a bit due to his life and movie, but at least he is still putting out videos, and his friend Mike is keeping the website alive, even if he has a different style. 

I can't help but cut him a break.  Married, moving, a movie!, and the fact he's been doing this since 2006 makes him a pretty loyal guy to his fans.  If and when he has kids, he may stop all together, but I hope not.  He has a life too, so don't be too harsh.

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did you make that picture.  Super Awesome!!! 

This guy is a hoot!!!


Ya his quality has gone down a bit due to his life and movie, but at least he is still putting out videos, and his friend Mike is keeping the website alive, even if he has a different style. 

I can't help but cut him a break.  Married, moving, a movie!, and the fact he's been doing this since 2006 makes him a pretty loyal guy to his fans.  If and when he has kids, he may stop all together, but I hope not.  He has a life too, so don't be too harsh.

The picture? Oh no, It's a fan made pic from his youtube background if you go there. XD


His quality has gone down, but he is still one of the best, after all, we all have lives, we can't continue on the same process forever.  

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That is very difficult to answer.

All of his reviews are funny,but here are my

top 5


5.Silver Surfer-Everytime i get on youtube,i automatically go to this one.


4.Star Wars-A F@#$@n Scorpion!! Also the beerdroid.


3.Spielberg games-"We're gonna need a bigger @$$...to $#%t out this f#$#@n turd.


2.Atari Sports-Funny as heck,especially the football parts.


1.Dark Castle-Hilarious!!!


That is all.

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I liked all the episodes revolving around console systems.  The CDi, Pong consoles, NES Accessories, etc....I feel like I get more of out of those information-wise and entertainment wise than from the game centric videos...


My favorite of the game centric ones has to be Action 52 and The Cheetamen...what were they thinking!

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My favourite episode has to be the one where he revisits the Back to the Future games. Though that was a close call between that, Power Glove and The Wizard/Super Mario Bros. 3.

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  • 3 weeks later...


That episode was HILARIOUS. Especially when he was "advertising" the Sega CD in the beginning of the episode, it always makes me LOL. The film's gonna be great but too bad I probably won't be able to see it :S

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This is the funniest episode ever because it's 52 worthless games that make him rage SUPERHARD.

Every time I watch it I start dying of laughter.

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  • 9 months later...

So, how many of you have been keeping up with the updates for the Angry Video Game Nerd Movie? Because it really shows just how much work is needed to make a movie. If you somehow didn't know he was making a movie, then here's the trailer.


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I used to watch his series all the freaking time and I ended up enjoying it even more than the Nostalgia Critic at one point. Like with NC, I haven't been making that big of an effort to keep up with his show as of late, but I've watched a few of the most recent episodes and I'm glad that he's still pouring his heart and soul into it.


As for my favorite episodes...I have too many. :P I'll try to list my top ten though.


10. Ghostbusters

9. Indiana Jones Trilogy

8. Fester's Quest

7. Milon's Secret Castle

6. The Terminator

5. Dark Castle

4. Bugs Bunny's Big Birthday Blowout

3. Back to the Future Re-revisted

2. Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde Re-revisited


1. Castlevania (all parts)

Edited by CloudMistDragon
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