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private Junior Speedster's Flight Camp RP


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''Um.. Okay, See ya later than?'' Splinter said while cocking an eyebrow. ''I don't know... She seems shy.'' Spliter said while looking at Speda. ''Same Answer.'' Splinter said while looking at Lark.

Edited by The Hoodie Ninja
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The more desperate Hurl wanted to pull himself out, the deeper he sank into the soft cloud. At the end, the pillar rolled over his head like he was nothing but a piece of dough. Unflattening himself off, the red and yellow griffon sat up dizzily before he watched his surroundings with a dumb and lost look. His wings gave a flap when he spotted someone. A griffon! The sight of the unfamiliar but also familar figure calmed him down a bit, though Hurl couldn't identify him. He's probabaly from a diffferent flock. Why does he look so calm with the....ponies? Aren't they going to eat him?

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Lighting was looking around, ponies wasn't really his thing. He looked over saw a red and yellow griffon. He walked over to him, his gray

feathers ruffling in the wind. He smiled and spoke "How come you not over there with all the other students?" he asked.

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((Oh poop. I missed a lot...))


Viper landed in the clouds, confused as to what was going on. "Umm. I seem to be late," he muttered, half-hoping someone would hear him and clear things up.

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Hurl's caution toward the gray griffon vaporized as he screeched grumpily, "I am not a student! I don't even want to come here!" Lashing his tail and puffing his feathers, he stood up and let out a loud 'hmph'. Marching right past the older griffon, Hurl broke into a run, spread both of his red wings wide, and leaped of from the edge of the cloud. Breeze swerved past him, ruffling his unkempt feathers again. "Just wait until they see me showing up at theri nests for abandoing me here! I am going to tear- Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Falling straight down to the ground like a rock, the small griffon desperatly tried to flap his wings, but one of it, crooked to a wird angle, refused to budge.

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Lighting looked at him as he pushed past him. He saw him fall and dashed after him. He took flight and flew up, and turned it into a nose dive. He flew beside him and saw the problem. He tried to grab it him, and fly up with him or at lest try and stop him from hitting the ground to far.

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Faint Ruby stayed quiet in the corner of the group of ponies getting togheter to wait for the coach. She was to embarassed to try to say anything to anyone, she would probably mess it all up and cause everyone to dislike her or something in that direction, she thought with a silent sigh.


Because of that, she spent her time with studying the other ponies at the clouds. Noticing a pony she quickly realized went by the name Fluttershy, she started to feel bad for her. "She really reminds me of myself... maybe... I can talk to her?" went through her mind. Without thinking she walked more closely to her, not that it showed that she was approching her, but merely getting closer, trying to build up courage to try to say something.


But before she was able to say something to the other pony named Fluttershy, something caught her sight in the corner of her eye. A creature she quickly categorized as a Griffon went down the corner of the cloud with a scream.

"O-oh no! Someone fell down!" she tried to shout, even though it come out merely as a quite saying.

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Ruby quickly moved to the edge of the cloud, seeing if the Griffon was okay. Seeing another Griffon had gone after the other, she truly hoped that they both would be okay.

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"Aaaaaaahhhh~! I don't want to die like this~~!", screamed Hurl helplessly as he continued to fall, tumbling in the air again and again with one extended wing spread out, veering off randomly in all direction. The wind was so loud against his ears he could barely hear himself scream or anygriffon approaching. Something he never felt before crept up his heart: fear. This was the first time he found himself in tears. Four limbs flinging and eyes squeezed shut, the small griffon tried to grab onto any cloud, any bird, or anything. "Sis! Flary! Sis! I am falling, help me! I am falling!" Closer and closer the solid ground came.

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Turning around, Lark saw the Griffon falling and seeing his danger, flew as fast as he could to go help out. He quickly got underneath the injured griffin, but not expecting all the sudden weight, he couldn't hold him alone, and he started hurtling to the ground with the other griffon. "I... can't let this happen!" He said as he tried as hard as he could to fly up with the other griffon on his back. They were slowing slightly, but still hurtling toward the ground way too fast.

Edited by anythingmasterz
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Lighting got to both of them, and put his wings out. The wind start to hit his wings and slowed down even more. But his wings we're slowly folding when the wind started hitting hard. He start to flap his gray and teal wings, and called down "How you holding up down there?"

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"Aaaah! Aaaah?! Aah?!" Feeling both the brush of fur and feathers against him, Hurl was too confused to make out of how he just got saved. As soon as he felt something underneath him, he hooked his talons on it, accidently clawing the pony on the flank. His good wind flapped and blocked the older griffon's face and field of vision. Flinging open his eyes, the small griffon yelped as he felt all of them slowing down and also gliding straight for a branch. "Who-who are you? Ooooh, look out for the branch! Look out for the branch!"

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