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The Elements of Disharmony


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Well I have been kinda been think about that for a fan-fic I might make and was using the idea of the elements of Disharmony.


Honesty-  Dishonesty 


Kindness- Cruelty


Laughter- Sadness 


Loyalty- Betrayal


Generosity- Greed


Magic- Darkens


The magic one I am still working on, but that is how I see the elements of Disharmony being.

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The Element of Magic should stop being taken so literally by everyone. The magic of friendship is the ability to form friendships despite differences and its ability to withstand hardships.


So the opposite of Magic is Hopelessness.


Also, I think a broader opposite of Loyalty is Selfishness.

  • Brohoof 1
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The Element of Magic should stop being taken so literally by everyone. The magic of friendship is the ability to form friendships Hopelessness.


Also, I think a broader opposite of Loyalty is Selfishness.

I agree with you and you're spot on saying Hopelessness is the opposite of Magic in this case. That's exactly what happened to Twilight. She lost hope. Bravo!

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Without looking at too many other posts, I came up with:


Honesty - Deceit

Kindness - Cruelty

Laughter - Despair

Generosity - Greed

Loyalty - Treachery

Magic - Discord


Magic is a tough one. I concluded that, discord is opposite to harmony. Harmony is created by friendship, and friendship is magic. So.. yeah, not confusing at all. huh.png

Edited by Sugar Cube
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  • 2 years later...

Nonono, these. Are the elements of Chaos, not the direct opposite of Harmony! Wrath, Thievery, Deceit, Mess, Ego, and Chaos!

The trick is getting them to be able to effectively work together, Chaos doesn't do that too well. Also, Discord is the Spark.

I'm actually writing a rather long story on it.

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Cruely, Deceit, Sorrow, Greed, Betrayal, Err...Darkness? Chaos? Science? Not sure what the opposite of magic would be considered...

I had this very same idea awhile back. I even made evil opposites to the mane 6.

Edited by Asbel Lhant
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For every force, there is an opposite and equal force.


So I guess somewhere out there in Equestria are the evil versions of the Elements of Harmony which will one day be wielded by six evil ponies who want to bring chaos and destruction to Equestria and it will be up to the Mane 6 again to stop them.


That could actually make a nice episode. I want to see the Anti-Mane 6.

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Honesty: Dishonesty.

Kindness: cruelty.

Laughter: malice

Generosity: greed

Loyalty: Treachery

Magic: Solitude/selfishness. This is due to Friendship being magic; essentially the opposite of Magic in the elements of harmony would be Magic fueled by an indvidual's Sole abilities, contrasting with magic fueld by one's bonds with others.

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Magic is the hardest, I like "Discord" but it's already taken in the show. :P

Maybe "darkness" or "depravity"...

Edited by Blobulle
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greed, betrayal, deceit, cruelty, despair, hmm magics a tough one... dark magic? instead of princess of friendship,  itd be enemies? could be any number of things.


as for wielders:


sorrow: sombra

deceit: shared by flim and flam

greed: tirek

betrayal: gonna sound weird, but nightmare moon (imagine if she and luna were seperate, could work)

cruelty, and opposite to magic are unclear. crueltyd make a good alternate for tirek or sombra

Edited by mysticalnight
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The Elements of Disharmony are an interesting concept. The Elements of Harmony correspond to five character traits and a catalyst; Loyalty, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty, Kindness and Magic. Conversely, the Elements of Disharmony can be their antithesis, their natural counterparts, but also five character traits and a catalyst; Betrayal, Rage, Avarice, Deceit, Apathy and Magic.


Loyalty's natural counterpart would be the lack thereof; Betrayal. Laughter has a way of making bad things seem small and good things seem big; so it's natural counterpart must reverse the impetus. Rage has a way of making the good things seem false and bad things seem worse. Generosity is the selfless giving of oneself, its natural counterpart would be the selfish taking of others; Avarice or greed. Honesty is the best policy, telling the truth in every situation. Its natural counterpart would be covering up the truth, creating Deceit or a lie. Kindness is a natural code of ethics, pleasantry and concern for others well-being. Its true natural opposite would be a lack of ethics, a lack of pleasantry and no concern one way or the other; it is Apathy, uncaring and indifferent.


The Element of Magic catalyzes the other five Elements of Harmony, it is the tie that binds the six of them together. However, magic in Equestria has been shown to be completely neutral, separate from yet also both good and evil. It can be an instrument of harmony such as when used by Twilight, or an instrument of chaos such as when used by Discord. Thus, while the Element of Magic would catalyze the Elements of Harmony, it would also catalyze the Elements of Disharmony.

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elements of discord.





matter of fact... doesn't discord introduction episode basically cover what those all are?

Are they gonna be a real thing or just a theory??Are they related to that fake staff Starlight Glimmer was using?

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Magic- dark magic


Laughter- seriousness


Kindness- cruelty


Loyalty- betrayel


Honesty- fibbing


Generosity- selfishness


I guess that's what I think they'll be

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  • 1 year later...

For every force, there is an opposite and equal force.


So I guess somewhere out there in Equestria are the evil versions of the Elements of Harmony which will one day be wielded by six evil ponies who want to bring chaos and destruction to Equestria and it will be up to the Mane 6 again to stop them.


That could actually make a nice episode. I want to see the Anti-Mane 6.

I agree. I would love for the "anti-mane 6" to manipulate the good mane 6.

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