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i would love to join, this sounds like a non violent, good RP to start with :)

my name is Amelia Monocle, and i have a side job mixing mock/cocktail's at nightclubs, and get hired for parties.



hmm okay you you can join.. wow she is tall.


any way It would be nice to get a new pony, because things have slowed right now.

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hmm okay you you can join.. wow she is tall.


any way It would be nice to get a new pony, because things have slowed right now.


she's actually normal sized, ignore my bad accuracy she's not royalty or anything. i'll hopefully be able to get a new picture done for it soon XD

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she's actually normal sized, ignore my bad accuracy she's not royalty or anything. i'll hopefully be able to get a new picture done for it soon XD


now when you say cocktails, I am just hoping you mean the non alcoholic kind. Ponies don't drink.... that would be bad
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now when you say cocktails, I am just hoping you mean the non alcoholic kind. Ponies don't drink.... that would be bad


to be honest, she does :lol: BUT i added that she makes mocktails because i knew that some people (if not all) wouldn't want alcohol in their RPs. So she can be either (I won't include actual cocktails in your roleplay) so thanks for telling me that ponies don't drink :D

Edited by Amelia Monicle
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to be honest, she does :lol: BUT i added that she makes mocktails because i knew that some people (if not all) wouldn't want alcohol in their RPs. So she can be either (I won't include actual cocktails in your roleplay) so thanks for telling me that ponies don't drink :D


Thanks, and also more or less I think that I just personaly don't believe in the consumption of alcohol...... But thats just me.
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Thanks, and also more or less I think that I just personaly don't believe in the consumption of alcohol...... But thats just me.


never start drinking, never get addicted or do stupid things while drunk... not a bad thing to beleive in ^_^

  • Brohoof 1
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Is it too late to join? Click on my sig to see my character. Im trying to find an active roleplay and this sounds like one.


Its never too late to join! The only thing you have to do now is find a place in the story, good luck to you!.
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I will join if you give me a little bit to make an OC. Keep it open for me while I make a character!!


Let Filly in! I was in a roleplay w/ Filly before, and Filly was awesome at roleplaying! Let Filly In!
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Um, well, er...Seems like a decent roleplay, but it already has so many pages...uh...could I join by any chance?




Don't really have an image, computer is acting up *rolls eyes* again.


HEY RESOLUTION... funny enough I was just about to call you and tell you to get your flank over here but I can see youve found your way lol... yeah you can definitly join~!
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Yeah, I saw Shade telling Filly Pinkie Pie to join, so I decided, "Why the **** not" and decided to join.

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I'd love to join! One thing though, I've used the same OC for several RPs now. Should I create a new one, or just ret-con his backstory? (both of the other RP just kinda... stopped. they remain unfinished to this day) Shining Mask - Characters - Roleplay Characters - MLP Forums


You can do whatever you wish, Personally I don't think an OC's backstory is supposed to change,

But still, do what YOU want, anyway here is your brohoof approval, you are in post anytime.

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I brought new people to this roleplay :D I feel awesome and helpful now! The more, the merrier, ya know?


yeah I was talking to Mal starbolt... and she thinks we should put a limit on how many people we let join. what do you all think


also we will be having a vote to see what the next plot twist will be... post ideas in the thread everypony!

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"also we will be having a vote to see what the next plot twist will be... post ideas in the thread everypony!"

Ooh! Um, what if... I know this sounds weird, but what if.. an earthquake... hits Ponyville? *backs into the corner*

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Hmm... might be an ok idea for a limit, so things don't get too confusing... but the more the merrier... I have to think about it...

And for the plot twist... Every pony in Ponyville is robbed of what they hold most dear?

Edited by Shade
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If that DOES get chosen, my character would wake up without her fruit store. And then she wouldn't have any fruit to sell.


Well, atleast I'm buying something from you at the moment :D Hope it's not too many bits... I'm not all that rich XD
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I think I should leave the RP, everything is really confusing me, I'm not so active here, and I'm not catching up fast enough.


Noooo! The more the merrier, right ): I really hope you dont leave, and if you do, we understand... Goodbye...
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