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Rainbow Dash versus Pikachu...FIGHT!


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I wouldn't underestimate Rainbow Dash in a fight. She was able to kill 1st gen Starscream :P





Rainbow Dash wins this, I doubt Pikachu could even land a hit.


Thank you SO MUCH for that video; haven't been properly entertained like that in such a long time. I'm gonna go watch some more of their videos now!
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ah ha, but due to rainbow's hot headedness and irationality, she would imediately jump to the conclusion that a new foe cannot see or fight as well int he rain, and as we know, Rain dance+thunder combo, it becoems impossible to miss with thunder.


Oh wow, I did not think of that. Pickachu might actually win this. Seeing as how Rainbow Dash might make it rain, trying to blind pickacha, Pickachu could one hit KO RD and win.

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Oh wow, I did not think of that. Pickachu might actually win this. Seeing as how Rainbow Dash might make it rain, trying to blind pickacha, Pickachu could one hit KO RD and win.


Do i get an A+++ for overthinking the overthought statement, participating in the forum and overthinking this scentence?
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Do i get an A+++ for overthinking the overthought statement, participating in the forum and overthinking this scentence?


You deserve an A++++ for overthinking every thing that is possible to overthink. Alright I change my vote, pickach could win, depending on how the battle goes. It all depends on the moves used.

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On the assumption there are no clouds, rainbow can only attack pikachu physicaly, in which she has to get close to Pikachu, pikachu also has enough speed to see a move coming, in order for rainbow to hit such a speed she ahs to speed up, in which pikachu can plan. Also in using an electric attack his/her entire body becoems electrified emaning rainbow can't hurt pikachu without being shocked.


your turn :P



In the process of Rainbow Dash putting away the clouds, Pikachu would have the clouds shock her to Kingdom Come. Rainbow Dash would then lay out unconscious onto the ground, lightening-struck and smelling of burnt cheese.


Sure, my turn ^.^ lol


As fast as pikachu Is, I am not convinced that he (I'm PRETTY sure Pikachu is not female, but don't quote me on that) could dodge Rainbow Dash coming at him at near mach 5 speed.


Dash would most likely launch herself at pikachu much like a torpedo, and even without going sonic rainboom she would be pretty much un-dodgable by someone like pikachu at her speed.


Don't get me wrong, Pikachu is no slouch speed wise, but he just isn't in Dash's league in that respect.


And let's assume that somehow Pikachu sees Dash coming and tried to shock her. It has been proven on multiple occasions in the anime that someone like Ash (A 10 year old kid) is able to stand up to one of Pikachu's shocks. With that I have no doubt that while Dash may get hurt, it would not be enough to flat out knock her out cold.


Even if it did have knockout power, Dash would still be moving with such momentum that it would probably knock out Pikachu easily.


So in my opinion, Rainbow Dash wins.


At best for Pikachu, Rainbow Dash is knocked unconscious from shock and Pikachu is knocked unconscious from getting smoked by the flying torpedo that is Rainbow Dash :P

Edited by Eljordo



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Sure, my turn ^.^ lol


As fast as pikachu Is, I am not convinced that he (I'm PRETTY sure Pikachu is not female, but don't quote me on that) I highly doubt he could dodge Rainbow Dash coming at him at near mach 5 speed.


Dash would most likely launch herself at pikachu much like a torpedo, and even without going sonic rainboom she would be pretty much un-dodgable by someone like pikachu at her speed.


Don't get me wrong, Pikachu is no slouch speed wise, but he just isn't in Dash's league in that respect.


And let's assume that somehow Pikachu sees Dash coming and tried to shock her. It has been proven on multiple occasions in the anime that someone like Ash (A 10 year old kid) is able to stand up to one of Pikachu's shocks. With that I have no doubt that while Dash may get hurt, it would not be enough to flat out knock her out cold.


Even if it did have knockout power, Dash would still be moving with such momentum that it would probably knock out Pikachu easily.


So in my opinion, Rainbow Dash wins.


At best for Pikachu, Rainbow Dash is knocked unconscious from shock and Pikachu is knocked unconscious from getting smoked by the flying torpedo that is Rainbow Dash :P


In the past all of the shocks Ash has withstood were weak and not at pikachu's full power, when pikachu was first recieved by ash he shocked him alot, but pikachu wasn't well trained, and in the others were reaction shocks which are not at full potential.


If rainbow dash launched herself at pikachu, pikachu would use a random electric bolt, which would more so send lightning everywhere, while it would be less concentrated, it is still enough to shock rainbowdash, and at which you ahve clearly pointed out she is flyng at a rediculouls speed, meaning that when the unavoidable bolt hit RD it would knock her out of her trejectory and leave her to plummet towards the ground as she cannoth slow hersefl down that suddenly.

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Back on the actual topic of Pikachu Versus Rainbow Dash. That's a toughie right there. Pikachu is mostly based around speed and lightning. The same could be said exactly for Dash.


I know Dash is definitely faster, but is she more agile? Possibly the same as Pikachu there.


Seeing as Dash has control over lightning I believe we can assume she has a fairly high tolerance of it; even though it'll damage, it won't to a whole lot.


Dash can control lightning but she needs clouds to do that and she also needs to move the cloud in the general vicinity of the target; seeing as Pikachu will likely move from an easily seen attack this sorta leaves her without it.


Rainbow Dash is able to actually fight with Karate. Pikachu has absolutely no skills in hand to hand combat, only what he was given which would be bites and tackles.


Rainbow Dash can fly. This leaves Pikachu heavily outgunned here seeing as she can easily pick him up and just as easily slam him into the ground with speed. Yeah, she will most likely have to endure any electric attacks from Pikachu but even if she couldn't hold on, that still leaves Pikachu with a fall from various distances it needs to handle.


Rainbow Dash can create small tornadoes. Unless Pikachu has amazing strength in those small paws, it's getting sucked into it. That can lead to follow up attacks such as the weather control.


Rainbow Dash can think outside the usual confines of battle. Pikachu, while it can come up with a few things here and there, has to be told certain commands to actually intake into a battle for best procedures. Even without a commander and if it could think for itself, it's still stuck with a few basic attacks that it will not change at all, leaving Rainbow Dash with the capability to change the battle flow to her liking.


Seriously. With all this taken into consideration, I don't see how Pikachu can come up with a win at all against her

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In the past all of the shocks Ash has withstood were weak and not at pikachu's full power, when pikachu was first recieved by ash he shocked him alot, but pikachu wasn't well trained, and in the others were reaction shocks which are not at full potential.


If rainbow dash launched herself at pikachu, pikachu would use a random electric bolt, which would more so send lightning everywhere, while it would be less concentrated, it is still enough to shock rainbowdash, and at which you ahve clearly pointed out she is flyng at a rediculouls speed, meaning that when the unavoidable bolt hit RD it would knock her out of her trejectory and leave her to plummet towards the ground as she cannoth slow hersefl down that suddenly.


I'm still not convinced that Pikachu's lightning would have enough punch to knock out Dash, especially considering she must have a huge tolerance to lightning being a weather pony.


You did point out a pretty big flaw though. I think the one way Pikachu could win this is if he was able to make her crash going at high speeds.



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I'm still not convinced that Pikachu's lightning would have enough punch to knock out Dash, especially considering she must have a huge tolerance to lightning being a weather pony.


You did point out a pretty big flaw though. I think the one way Pikachu could win this is if he was able to make her crash going at high speeds.


In this scenario she dosent need to one hit Rainbowdash, just enough to make rainbowdash knocked to the ground, and then finish her off with oen attack. Also i'm not convinced rainbow has that much tolerence towards lightning, her specialty seems to be rain and cloud clearing. And she was zapped by a pretty light shock from trixie.
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I'm still not convinced that Pikachu's lightning would have enough punch to knock out Dash, especially considering she must have a huge tolerance to lightning being a weather pony.


You did point out a pretty big flaw though. I think the one way Pikachu could win this is if he was able to make her crash going at high speeds.


I dont think that would make a diffrence considering normally an arena is made up of dirt or grass and Rainbow Dash can Crash into solid stone at high speeds and just shake it off


My OCs: Mellow Genny Techmo

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In this scenario she dosent need to one hit Rainbowdash, just enough to make rainbowdash knocked to the ground, and then finish her off with oen attack. Also i'm not convinced rainbow has that much tolerence towards lightning, her specialty seems to be rain and cloud clearing. And she was zapped by a pretty light shock from trixie.


Yes, but that was using magic to shock Dash. For all we know that electric attack could have been extremely strong. I suspect that Pegasi in general have a huge tolerance towards lightning; it would make sense seeing as they can stand on clouds and can control them, which would in point mean that it would be almost common knowledge for ponies to know this. Trixie with this knowledge most likely zapped Dash strong enough to get a jolt outta her.

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Yes, but that was using magic to shock Dash. For all we know that electric attack could have been extremely strong. I suspect that Pegasi in general have a huge tolerance towards lightning; it would make sense seeing as they can stand on clouds and can control them, which would in point mean that it would be almost common knowledge for ponies to know this. Trixie with this knowledge most likely zapped Dash strong enough to get a jolt outta her.


Fair point, but i'm not sure i agree with it. Also , you saw what it did to derpy, she was just about charred.
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This fight is literally unfair pikachu has no chance of winning! Have you seen what Rainbow Dash is capable of? I know what pikachu can do and is it is really good but Rainbow Dash would wipe the floor with pikachu!



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Fair point, but i'm not sure i agree with it. Also , you saw what it did to derpy, she was just about charred.


A small counter to your point on Derpy. Rainbow Dash is supposed to be part of the weather control ponies whom help control the weather. Derpy...is a mail pony. Although from what I've seen from the show that Pegasi in general have a tolerance to lightning, it still points that you'd have to build some amount of tolerance to it.


Think of it this way as well. Dash can do the Sonic Rainboom. Her body has to withstand an enormous amount of pressure from such a thing which is in a literal sense crushing her. So yeah, Rainbow Dash can be seen as having, in general, a very high pain tolerance.

Edited by Hazardus_Havard

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A small counter to your point on Derpy. Rainbow Dash is supposed to be part of the weather control ponies whom help control the weather. Derpy...is a mail pony. Although from what I've seen from the show that Pegasi in general have a tolerance to lightning, it still points that you'd have to build some amount of tolerance to it.


Think of it this way as well. Dash can do the Sonic Rainboom. Her body has to withstand an enormous amount of pressure from such a thing which is in a literal sense crushing her. So yeah, Rainbow Dash can be seen as having, in general, a very high pain tolerance.


While i agree it is likely she is likely, lightning resistant, that dosent make her immune, she is still able to be damaged by lightning, While her body would also have a high pain tolerence, Pikachu only needs the send her attack off course which i do believe he is more then capable of doing.
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Pikachu would win. Considering Pikachu's advantage over flying types, his ability to produce lightening at will from the rain clouds (that Rainbow Dash controls) and his battle mentality (Pikachu's a battle POKEMON for crying out loud. His technical skills in survival heavily outnumber Rainbow Dash), Pikachu takes the cake. And in the scenario that Rainbow Dash is headed straight for Pikachu (let's say even close to ground level), we're talking speed of sound (or something slightly faster) versus Pikachu's shock attacks that blast forward at the SPEED OF LIGHT! Pikachu would blow away Rainbow Dash in a heated battle, with Pikachi standing over Rainbow's unconscious, charred-to-a-crisp pony body.

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While i agree it is likely she is likely, lightning resistant, that dosent make her immune, she is still able to be damaged by lightning, While her body would also have a high pain tolerence, Pikachu only needs the send her attack off course which i do believe he is more then capable of doing.


After a bit more digging, I'm not even sure if Rainbow Dash hitting the ground at high speed would knock her out. Considering she can bust clean through trees and smash against solid rock and still get up, I would say that Pikachu would have a very tough time damaging Dash.


And I probably don't need to mention her lightning resistance again, and while she isn't immune per se, It would take a LOT of electricity to seriously hurt her.



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A small counter to your point on Derpy. Rainbow Dash is supposed to be part of the weather control ponies whom help control the weather. Derpy...is a mail pony. Although from what I've seen from the show that Pegasi in general have a tolerance to lightning, it still points that you'd have to build some amount of tolerance to it.


Think of it this way as well. Dash can do the Sonic Rainboom. Her body has to withstand an enormous amount of pressure from such a thing which is in a literal sense crushing her. So yeah, Rainbow Dash can be seen as having, in general, a very high pain tolerance.


Pikachu's tolerance to pain is so much greater than Rainbow Dash's. Which is "painfully" apparent throughout the entire Pokemon series.


After a bit more digging, I'm not even sure if Rainbow Dash hitting the ground at high speed would knock her out. Considering she can bust clean through trees and smash against solid rock and still get up, I would say that Pikachu would have a very tough time damaging Dash.


And I probably don't need to mention her lightning resistance again, and while she isn't immune per se, It would take a LOT of electricity to seriously hurt her.


I am sure Pikachu is able to produce just the right amount of lightening to damage her. We've seen him produce Thunder Storms, for crying out loud.

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After a bit more digging, I'm not even sure if Rainbow Dash hitting the ground at high speed would knock her out. Considering she can bust clean through trees and smash against solid rock and still get up, I would say that Pikachu would have a very tough time damaging Dash.


And I probably don't need to mention her lightning resistance again, and while she isn't immune per se, It would take a LOT of electricity to seriously hurt her.


yes but all of rainbowdash's destroying stuff was like a barnyard and whe wasnt going at mach5, alternatively we could do the math. Assuming my math isn't too far off. Mach 5=1650/sec. F=MA, how much do we assume rainbow dash weighs? Let's say 60kg, which is probably a fair bit under, i'm not too familiar with a horses' phisiology much less a pegasus.

1650*60=99000. While she could stay alive from that against wind resistance, good luck surviving that when you hit the groud.

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While i agree it is likely she is likely, lightning resistant, that dosent make her immune, she is still able to be damaged by lightning, While her body would also have a high pain tolerence, Pikachu only needs the send her attack off course which i do believe he is more then capable of doing.


Oh no, she can definitely get hurt, but it would have to be one of Pikachu's heavy hitters and none of the light weight attacks it uses.


Even so, send off Dash' s attack? What attacks? In a previous post I made, I had already listed off ALL the attacks they both were capable of and the only ranged attack she has is lightning. More than likely Dash would opt to attacking with her hooves, tornadoes and speed. That's where things get tricky.

Pikachu's tolerance to pain is so much greater than Rainbow Dash's. Which is "painfully" apparent throughout the entire Pokemon series.




I am sure Pikachu is able to produce just the right amount of lightening to damage her. We've seen him produce Thunder Storms, for crying out loud.


I have seen the ENTIRE poke'mon series growing up twice over. The last of the seasons sucked IMO. Beside that point, Pikachu is still small and can't handle a lot of physical abuse for very long like a bigger opponent. Not saying Pikachu can't take on anything, I believe he's extremely high leveled, but Pikachu was based around speed and lightning which is an exact likeness of Dash, pretty much evening them out. You'd have to subtract those two things to see what is left in the fight.


yes but all of rainbowdash's destroying stuff was like a barnyard and whe wasnt going at mach5, alternatively we could do the math. Assuming my math isn't too far off. Mach 5=1650/sec. F=MA, how much do we assume rainbow dash weighs? Let's say 60kg, which is probably a fair bit under, i'm not too familiar with a horses' phisiology much less a pegasus.

1650*60=99000. While she could stay alive from that against wind resistance, good luck surviving that when you hit the groud.


WHY would Dash use the Rainboom in an actual fight? It's not a race. I know Dash is over confident quite a bit, but she's not stupid. Aside from that, why would she even use her top speed, it gets her no where in a fight. Edited by Hazardus_Havard

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yes but all of rainbowdash's destroying stuff was like a barnyard and whe wasnt going at mach5, alternatively we could do the math. Assuming my math isn't too far off. Mach 5=1650/sec. F=MA, how much do we assume rainbow dash weighs? Let's say 60kg, which is probably a fair bit under, i'm not too familiar with a horses' phisiology much less a pegasus.

1650*60=99000. While she could stay alive from that against wind resistance, good luck surviving that when you hit the groud.


If anything this just proves Rainbow Dash's toughness. Rainbow Dash crashes all the time during training, showing that she would indeed have fantastic luck surviving the hit to the ground.


She may knock herself out, maybe even hospitalize herself, but she would survive.



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Oh no, she can definitely get hurt, but it would have to be one of Pikachu's heavy hitters and none of the light weight attacks it uses.


Even so, send off Dash' s attack? What attacks? In a previous post I made, I had already listed off ALL the attacks they both were capable of and the only ranged attack she has is lightning. More than likely Dash would opt to attacking with her hooves, tornadoes and speed. That's where things get tricky.


Rainbow dash does not have the capacity to single handedly create a tornado. Pickachu could also doge all hoove attacks, mainly because RDF has to gear up to get any force behind it, aside from that if she hit pikachu she would be electrecuted with such immense force.

WHY would Dash use the Rainboom in an actual fight? It's not a race. I know Dash is over confident quite a bit, but she's not stupid.


While she may not use the sonic rainboom she'd still be diving, which would still be painful.



If anything this just proves Rainbow Dash's toughness. Rainbow Dash crashes all the time during training, showing that she would indeed have fantastic luck surviving the hit to the ground.


She may knock herself out, maybe even hospitalize herself, but she would survive.


survive but deafted. Edited by Lostwanderer
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WHY would Dash use the Rainboom in an actual fight? It's not a race. I know Dash is over confident quite a bit, but she's not stupid. Aside from that, why would she even use her top speed, it gets her no where in a fight.


Quick correction, mach 5 is not her top speed. It's her average speed lol


She goes mach 10 at sonic rainboom speed :P


I am on your side however, I believe RD would win



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Rainbow dash does not have the capacity to single handedly create a tornado. Pickachu could also doge all hoove attacks, mainly because RDF has to gear up to get any force behind it, aside from that if she hit pikachu she would be electrecuted with such immense force.


While she may not use the sonic rainboom she'd still be diving, which would still be painful.




survive but deafted.


]I didn't say she could instantaneously make tornadoes. It takes time for an attack like that. Even so, Dash actually knows Karate (I find this really strange but going with the show -_-)


So she has a huge upper hand in actual physical combat against Pikachu whom is left with bites and tackles. Yes, I think Pikachu has a great amount of Agile in it, but the same goes for Dash here as well.

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