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Lord Theoretical

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Laughs, now there are unpopular options and just plan untruths. I like Trixie, especially after the Magic Duel episode but she was far from being a hero.


None of what happened in Boast Busters would have happened if Trixie had just been honest with herself and to others. A pony says something as unlikely as defeating an Ursa Major, others will call her out on such. It would have been only a matter of time before her lies and bragging would come back to bite her.

Funny thing about Magic Duel though is how it proved how Trixie could be an amazing performer without having a 'better than thou' attitude and having an ego the size of Equestria.


Really?  In that case Twilight Sparkle is a villain because she has panic attacks over the smallest thing not going as planned.  Fluttershy is a villain for not being brave and turning into a bitch from time to time.  Applejack is a villian for her constant lying when she is supposed to be the element of honesty.  Rainbowdash is a villian because she is constantly boasting and bragging.  Rarity is a villain because of her obsession with fashion and greed.  Pinkie pie...  I got nothing, she's good.


Anyway of course all of them are hero's but my point is they all have negative traits.  I also think that if Trixie had managed to beat that Ursa Minor then nobody would question that she was in fact a hero.  You seem to be basing it purely on if she was actually successful.  Well to me someone who trys to save someone even though they are not capable of it is far more a hero than someone who is capable of doing it that doesn't do anything.  Even more so if they manage to buy time for the people that actually have the ability to save the day to gather what they need and arrive.  Lets take for example the episode Dragonshy (one of my personal favorites), Fluttershy is considered the hero of this, but is she really?  She refuses to come along and once there refuses to do anything.  All of the other ponies try and try again but are unable to force the dragon away.  Finally Fluttershy steps in and manages it becoming the "Hero".  First of all if it had been up to her she wouldn't have even been there to save the other ponies, so the others are the heroes.  Then they are heroes for trying everything they can think of to chase the dragon off, even though they did not work.  They are also heroes for buying time until Fluttershy finally decided to act, which she could have done at any time.  Really all 6 of them are heroes in the end.  Except maybe Rarity who let her greed get in the way of everything.


This happens again in Magic Duel where Fluttershy refuses to even give a message to Twilight Sparkle.  It is up to the animals to carry her there just so she can give the message.  Keep in mind that Fluttershy is one of my top 3 ponies along with Twilight Sparkle and Trixie so I'm not trying to really bash on her here but to make a point about what is and what is not a hero.


Back to Trixie.  Now in Magic duel she is a villian, not because of who she is but what she has become.  This is much like Spike becoming a villain because of his internal dragon nature of greed or Luna being a villain as Nightmare moon.  All 3 became villains after letting one of their bad traits  take control of them and they became someone they normally would not be.  Once that thing was removed they all became heroes again.  This is unlike Rarity in her vanity of Sonic Rainboom who was just straight up a problem.  Once the amulet is removed Trixie saw what happen and became her normal self again and sorry for the things she did while wearing the amulet.  Note that she never apologized for her story telling because there was no reason for it.  Now back to Trixie on stage.  Yes she "lied" to the ponies while she was on STAGE!  That is what entertainers do!  They tell stories to entertain people.  If this is wrong then every single musician, artist, actor, comedian is a criminal!  That means we can't have My Little Pony in the first place!  Heck all of us should be locked up for supporting a criminal act as well just for watching the show.  Come on man this is ridiculous to hold anything against Trixie just for telling a story.  It is not her fault that two ponies in the audience were so stupid that they decided to lure an Ursa to the town.  This is no different than blaming a video game for some school shootings.  It is the fault of the murderer that the murderer did what he did, not some game designer who had never met the guy.   Then we get to when Trixie was woken up by those morons.  She could have let them suffer for their stupidity, but she didn't.  She did her best to fight back that Ursa and save a bunch of ponies that had outcasted her.  Trixie would have been completely in her rights to run away and let Ponyville and those two morons suffer for their actions.  Instead she stepped up as a HERO and did her best.  In the end she failed, or did she?  She managed to keep that Ursa occupied long enough till the big guns were able to move in and handle the situation.  Ultimately Twilight Sparkle was hailed as the hero but it was really both Twilight Sparkle and Trixie.  Note that none of the other mane 6 stepped in as heroes either in that episode.


Yes, TRIXIE IS A HERO! and that is the truth.  I don't like being called a liar for what I see and I hope now you can at least respect my view on this, even if you don't like Trixie.  If you still refuse to accept that Trixie is a likable character and certainly not a villain (except when wearing the alicorn amulet) then there isn't much else I can do.  I would have to say you are blinded by ignorance and overly judgmental if you cannot at least accept her, and my views of her.  Just don't call her a villain   She may not be on the level of the mane 6 but she at least is up there with Spike, Cadance, Shining Armor, and Celestia.  I still hope and dream of Trixie having her own short spin-off series.  Maybe 6 episodes or so.  

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been so long.,.dunno if I posted this


Granny Smith is pointless...can't stand here...don't know why she is on the show...overrated (yes I am aware she 'started' Ponyville


Also...the Cakes' foals episode is so blah...I skip that and the Granny Smith episode 

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I hate Tumblr

I couldn't care less about Sherlock, Glee, Homestuck, Vampire Diaries, A Very Potter Musical, CSI, American Idol, Corpse Party, etc. etc.

I think dance is an art that should be more appreciated.

I find John Green to be a horribly genetic author

Ed Sheeran is overrated.

When people talk about their pets like they're the best thing on the planet, that annoys the hell out of me.

Saying "cats" randomly isn't funny. Not everything a cat does is hilarious.

I think celery has the most strong and awful scent ever.

PewDiePie, Smosh, Cry and all those really aren't that funny.

I will never like Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest

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Well...here goes nothing!


-Potatoes are gross

-Too many people have let this site take over their life (aka my boyfriend) instead of using it for fun/ an outlet

-Disney channel is a disgrace to society

-Sexual/Obscene humor is immature..NOT funny!

-Old video games (like Mario on the NES or Sonic on the Genesis) are superior because they are simple, but challenging. 

-TV is no longer worth watching. Period. 

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Well...here goes nothing!


-Too many people have let this site take over their life (aka my boyfriend) instead of using it for fun/ an outlet

Uhm could you explain further cause I'm confused and curious...


1) People that don't swear are much more pleasing to listen to

2) Kindness is so rare that it immediately brings up a smile on my face :)



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My maybe not so popular opinions:


- I don't like the USA. I don't hate it, I just don't like it.

- A large part of nowadays pop music is either boring, low-quality or just plain bad.

- Sex and pee/pooh jokes are cheap and not really funny.

- I like to speak in UK English rather than US English (even though neither of them is my native language).

- Part of the brony community is ... weird... (but yeah, that happens to every community where one part is weird or over-the-top)

- Fluttershy and Rarity are my two least favourite Mane 6 characters.

Edited by MandelSoft
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Not even My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic? If you think that show has nothing to offer, I believe that you've come to the wrong place.  ;)

Haha I actually don't have that channel so I watch it online or on Netflix. I guess I should have elaborated that I mostly meant reality tv. 


Uhm could you explain further cause I'm confused and curious...


1) People that don't swear are much more pleasing to listen to

2) Kindness is so rare that it immediately brings up a smile on my face :)


It's not the site or the people on it, those are great. It's a really good positive community. But, for example, I haven't seen my boyfriend in months because he would rather spend time on here than with me. I worry that some people are missing out on real life relationships because they've become so involved on here. It would be sad for this site to be the reason people lose someone close to them. I'm mainly speaking from experience here...Sorry if it's confusing, I guess the point is that some people put this site before the people that care about them. 

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The quote below got me thinking about my alcohol preferences.


- Heineken is pretty average beer, and I would never buy one of their mini-kegs.


- Captain Morgan rum is better than Bacardi, with the exception of the Tattoo variant. Tattoo isn't horrible but tastes a little too similar to cough syrup for me to drink regularly.


I think that vodka isn't any good or natural and shouldn't be drank even in small doses.

Have you tried mixing it with orange juice? That's a popular concoction. Personally, I don't like vodka neat or on the rocks; it's best when mixed with something.


- XFCE is best desktop environment.

Now that Gnome is dead, I'm sitting on the fence with XFCE and KDE. Edited by Artemis


Kyoshi made this ^^



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The quote below got me thinking about my alcohol preferences.


 Have you tried mixing it with orange juice? That's a popular concoction. Personally, I don't like vodka neat or on the rocks; it's best when mixed with something.


It's just tainting the delicious orange juice :). It's just the alcohol that is drank purely for it's effect which I think it is awful.

It's strong, doesn't have taste, so there's no other explanation.


I only drink alcohol rarely and purely for taste. I drink beer and cider(hard to find and very expensive in my country :( ), lately stopped drinking everything else even if others are asking me to join... I hate vodka!


I hate the state of being drunk :/, I hate losing control over myself in any extent...


That should explain that better :)



If anyone feel like talking, chatting, need an advice, have a problem or just need cheering up, I'm at your service. PM me without hesitation

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Ever since the Tea Party came to prominence I've been ashamed to be American.


I think that sometimes, in the most extreme cases, it's acceptable to slap a woman.


There are a lot of corrupt CEOs and politicians out there who are responsible for the mess we're in right now and I wish someone would murder them.  I'm not exaggerating.  I want them dead and displayed in public as a warning to the rest of them.


I think that anyone who still bothers Lauren Faust about changes made to FiM is, at best, functionally retarded.  How many times does she have to tell you that she doesn't work on the show anymore?


Animal cruelty should have a minimum sentence of having five burly guys beat the shit out of you with pipes.


Whenever I hear someone claim freedom of speech in circumstances where it doesn't apply, I automatically think they're a moron.

Edited by Mister Jack
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*Everything before

Whenever I hear someone claim freedom of speech in circumstances where it doesn't apply, I automatically think they're a moron.



Which are those if I may ask?


People are wearing to much clothes as for winter... and then they're surprised how easily you can catch cold.... immunological system - bad, cold resistance - 0



If anyone feel like talking, chatting, need an advice, have a problem or just need cheering up, I'm at your service. PM me without hesitation

Hey, why won't you check out my YouTube channel Right Here?


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Alright then here I go:


1 - Muse are a crappy band


2 - R.E.M are a crappy band


3 - Most of the 80's music sucks


4 - Amnesia isn't scary and it's boring

(Same goes for Slender and SCP)


5 - I think that it's stupid that people would wanna live in Equestria


6 - Skrillex doesn't deserve the amount of popularity he has


7 - Most of the brony music is either half decent or just sucks in general


8 - around 70% of the modern EDM is either okay or sucks


9 - Discord is worst villain

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3 - Most of the 80's music sucks

While I'll agree that most of the mainstream music in the 80's was awful. The pop music was cheesey AF, hair bands were more about style than substance, rap back then was OK, there were a few decent New Wave acts like The Cure but not much else. So yes almost everything on the radio back in the 80's was sh*t. But, the 80's had lots of good stuff in the underground, you had some good indie bands like Sonic Youth, Pixies, Husker Du, etc., some sick metal bands like Kreator, Death, Celtic Frost, Mercyful Fate, etc. and some great punk bands like Black Flag, Social Distortion, Misfits, etc.

Edited by Neighvana666
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I really like Gilda and would love to see her come back and patch things up with Rainbow Dash. I also don't give infinity shits that she made Fluttershy cry.


And since apparently hating Call of Duty is a popular opinion now, I can say this ease now. I like Call of Duty and think it's a top-notch shooter(I just hate what it did to the industry)

  • Brohoof 2
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Well, where I am right now, a lot of people are against the restrictions on gun use that is occurring in America. I for one, support the idea, especially after noticing Australia's success with tight restrictions.

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- Gangnam style sucks now.

- The "X is best pony" meme now is getting too goddamn annoying.

- I still think the the new Angry video game nerd reviews are funny.

- I found Nostalgia Critic's lets play on Bart's nightmare funny.

- Call me maybe is a load of T-rex shit.

  • Brohoof 1
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"Closet Brony" is an extremely stupid term. It's an insult to those of us who have actual problems, those of us who are in the closet for a legitimate reason. You're a fan of a TV show, no one's going to hate you for that. Pull your head out of your ass and get over yourself.

Edited by HylianTwilian
  • Brohoof 2

how even is otter and how can it be if

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"Closet Brony" is an extremely stupid term. It's an insult to those of us who have actual problems, those of us who are in the closet for a legitimate reason. You're a fan of a TV show, no one's going to hate you for that. Pull your head out of your ass and get over yourself.

That's probably the biggest lie I have ever seen in mah entire life. Do you know a lot of the internet :P? Hell, some kid at mah school said that anyone who watches ponies is a faggot, and there are lot of people like that kid who roam the internet.

  • Brohoof 2



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That's probably the biggest lie I have ever seen in mah entire life. Do you know a lot of the internet :P? Hell, some kid at mah school said that anyone who watches ponies is a faggot, and there are lot of people like that kid who roam the internet.

Let me revise what I said: No FRIENDS will hate you for being a Brony. People you've never met might think you're an idiot, but those people don't really matter. If someone's your friend, they're not going to hate over something as trivial as a TV show.

  • Brohoof 1

how even is otter and how can it be if

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Two words, Gangnam Style.


Never liked it, never will.


I also hate, Steam ^^ Steam is pure shit, Crashing, lagging and overalll slow.

This Amazing Signature Made By Miss Cloud Chaser. Judge my English and get Hell all brought over ya!

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Most of bronie music imho sucks. 


Spongebob is extremely overrated. 


I think that Internet has ruined our generations creativity. 


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1: A lot of my friends are really stupid.

2: Sinners shouldn't burn in hell eternally (I'm not completely religious or faithful)

3: Osama wasn't real, he was just a cover up for something else.

4: Video games are really bad for you, even though I love them.

5: There are no "unpopular" opinions, people are just afraid of sharing them.

6: I really don't like the "cookie cutter froo froo" teachers at my school, they just annoy me.

7: Animals are sentient beings and should be treated fairly, but killing them won't matter (better to die than to be stuck in a damn cage)

8: People really shouldn't over react to others deaths, while we kill a million animals a day. But you should still respect someone who lost a loved one.

9: "gay" is one of the stupidest insults in the world.

10: Weed isn't directly unhealthy, but you shouldn't do it.

11: Emoticons are annoying.

12: "proper ladies" and "sophisticated" people are annoying as hell.

13: Board games aren't fun.

14: swag and yolo are some of the worst things to happen to the world.

15: Learning is NOT boring.

16: I really sound like a complete asshole from posting this. I'm sorry if I did, I'm just kinda unleashing everything in my mind right now.

17: Hypocrisy is too damn hard to avoid.

18: Swearing just means you're too slow to think of something else to say.

19: Grimdarks completely ruin MLP for me.

20: Being apart of the forums partially killed MLP for me somehow (I still love the show)

21: Soccer moms should all be slapped.

22: Spoiled children should be slapped extremely hard.

23: Even people like me should be slapped.

24: Lying to make others happy is complete BS.

25: I really hate being in an era with technology and "supa easy shit" instead of actually being hard working and disciplined like in the 30's (for the most part)

26: The native americans should've killed the colonists and taken full control of the american land.

27: I love the Brotherhood of steel and the Great Khans and the Omertas, even if they are dicks some times.

28: I really don't like parties,

29: I Hate growing up.

30: Philosophy is interesting.

31: PMVs in the friday night stream are just damn annoying.

32: I except that I'm a hypocrite.

33: The "never hit a woman" laws are all BS and if you don't wanna get hit, don't look like an easy victim.

34: Running from a fight is actually a decent idea.

35: Bullies that know how to use psychology on you really well are actually kinda cool, even if I hate the hay out of them (yes, I'm dealing with one now.Don't accuse me of being ignorant towards the whole bullying problem)

36: Double standards in ALL cases should be rid of.

37: I really want to beat the hell out of people who think animal cruelty is okay.

38: Peta's annoying.

39: Having a pony (mlp pony) as a pet is just bucked up. It would be miserable in this world.

40: Humans are NOT dominant creatures.

41: Cod is overrated but addicting as hell.


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