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Post your unpopular opinions

Lord Theoretical

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Britain should rid itself of the Monarchy and become a Republic. Just because the only time we tried it was when we were helmed by a crazy overtly-Christian asshole, doesn't mean we shouldn't try again.


Northern, Central and South-Western England should enter into a civil war against the South-East of England, for the sole purpose of burning London down and finally destroying the corrupting, money-sucking, life-draining reach of the bourgeois capital.


People over 75 shouldn't be allowed to drive.


Religion has zero place in modern society.


The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones are utter, utter, utter shite. Oh, and so is The Hunger Games. In fact, i'd even say that the Hunger Games Trilogy is to literature what Pol Pot was to world peace.


I believe IN THE SHIELD.

Edited by The Big Fellah
  • Brohoof 1

"It is a Yorkshire habit to say what you think with blunt frankness." - Frances Hodgson Burnett







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Except for the parts about sex, you get a cookie, especially for #3.  I had a roommate that was a fan of the show and I spent many a Sunday evening watching the show with him.  I couldn't get into it.  You don't alienate potential viewers by not adequately filling them in on what has been happening recently or not placing their actions in context.  Plus, too little dialogue, and no character has any traits worth writing home about.  I find it rather amazing it has its own talk show to accompany it.



I could not stand almost any of the characters, with the exception of Dale (the old man)

Everyone else just seems like a bunch of idiots and is it me, or is everyone ALWAYS angry?  >_>

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"Unpopular opinions."

*Pulls out list* Ahem...

1. Minecraft is boring and overrated. 

2. MLP Internet conquest is not a good thing.

3. EG was not that amazing.

4. World at War Zombies was better than Black Ops Zombies. By a lot.

5. K Pop is not generally that amazing.

6. Communism is unrealistic.

7. Ghosts are a ridiculous idea.

8. Money is not the source of all evil.

9. Bacon is... okay.

10. In my opinion, climate change is actually a serious issue.


I love you. I love you so much. Marry me.



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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1. The AK-47 is actually not comparable to many modern weapons in overall performance.

2. I stopped caring for Star Wars a long time ago.

3. Super Mario Bros. 2 is better than Super Mario Bros. 3, and the best of the 2D platformers.

4. Modern Warfare 3 is absolutely terrible. But Call of Duty as a whole (Pre-MW3) is great.

5. Any game like Farmville is the worst thing ever.

6. Mobile games ALWAYS suck.

7. Picard>>>>>Kirk.

8. The Elder Scrolls series makes me cringe.

9. Google Plus is the absolute worst thing to be a barrier to my Youtubing passtime.

10. Republicans are almost (no, they ARE) as bad as Communists supposedly are.

11. Capitalism has screwed over economies ever since it first existed.

12. Zombies are boring and bland. Nuclear Apocalypses are much more interesting.

13. The death penalty has absolutely no purpose in a proper prison.

14. Third Person Shooters in general are usually pretty bad.

15. Mass Effect is MUCH WORSE than COD will EVER BE (as a series).

16. I can see why people like the Legend of Zelda series, but I personally don't. Sure, some of it's games were GOOD (IMO), but not GODLY.

17. Gordon Freeman is absolutely terrible as a protagonist.

18. Fawful is the best villain in video game history.

19. Power Ponies was an absolutely terrible episode, full of cheesy comic book ripoffs.

20. Revolvers are, in general, much better than semi-automatic pistols.'

21. Final Fantasy IV is the best Final Fantasy yet, it beats VI even.

22. Kingdom Hearts is... Not that great...

23. Goldeneye 007 is pretty terrible, even for it's time. Well the splitscreen multiplayer is fun at times...

24. The USA is not a great country. I would MUCH RATHER live in Canada.

25. Final Fantasy VII was... okay... I guess???

26. Deadshot will always be the best comic book villain. ALWAYS BE THE BEST. AL-WAYS!

27. Rap requires no true musical talent.

28. Dubstep is... Terrible.

29. Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story is my favorite Mario game. Period.

30. My favorite video game of all time was released in the seventh generation.

31. The N64 Controller was not genius at all.

32. Gex was platforming GENIUS.

Edited by Twilly F. Sniper


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-I absolutely HATE E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, almost as much as I hate Titanic :eww:

-I hate sunny days, I prefer cloudy

-Somepony to Watch Over You was a great episode, probably my second favorite after Rarity Takes Mane-Hattan

-Star Wars Episode III was... alright

-Shoelaces are trolls!

-I actually like Daylight Savings time

-Spring is my least favorite season (allergies...)

Edited by Woohoo

Sig by Sparklefan1234

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While I agree with you that there are people who do such things and that such things are rather offensive, I will say (and this may be an unpopular opinion in itself) that I don't think rude or offensive actions are justification for calling the person an a**hole. People, even people who do offensive things, are still just people, and while it's fine to disagree with or show no respect for their choices, I personally draw the line at attacking the people themselves for what they do.


In short, people are not their actions.

The way I see it, somebody that can be counted on to murder is a murderer. Somebody that can be counted on to lie is a liar. Somebody that can be counted on to do something rude and or mean spirited is a rude and or mean spirited person.


As it is, a rude/mean person is an as**ole.

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Final Cut pro X is bad.


OK lemme explain.


So I go to this program at my school where we shoot our school's shows, put out a weekly news show and of course, make films. At this program, we're supposed to use final cut pro X since we're sponsored by Apple and stuff. For most of the people in the program, final cut X is the only editing software they've ever used so when they hear me say I think it's terrible (as compared to premiere pro/avid/Vegas pro) they think I'm crazy or something and call me "anti apple" (even though I like almost all apple priducts) so this post ended up longer than expected but if you read through, have a make-believe cookie.

  • Brohoof 1

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The way I see it, somebody that can be counted on to murder is a murderer. Somebody that can be counted on to lie is a liar. Somebody that can be counted on to do something rude and or mean spirited is a rude and or mean spirited person.


As it is, a rude/mean person is an as**ole.


I think I didn't make my point very well (although you may still disagree anyway).


Something I believe very strongly in is the concept of Identity, with a capital I. And when I say Identity, I'm talking about who people are, at the very core of their being, without looking at their outward selves (i.e. actions, behavior, lifestyle, etc.). On this level, it's also something that I don't believe changes; people are who they are regardless of what they do. So the man who can be counted on to commit murder is not, at his very core, a murderer. That's simply the life that he's chosen to live, not the life that he is bound to by some kind of fate. If he actually was "a murderer" on the level I'm talking about, it would hardly seem fair to punish him for it, since that would just be the way he was born. As it is, though, he's free to choose a different lifestyle at any time, even if he never does.


Of course, there could be a more surface level of identity (with a lowercase i) in which that person is "a murderer". So I suppose it's possible that we actually both agree, but we're just talking about two different concepts. :D

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If you're going to move to another country, learn the bloody language and accept the culture, assimilate. If you want the same culture, go back to your country.

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The way I see it, somebody that can be counted on to murder is a murderer. Somebody that can be counted on to lie is a liar. Somebody that can be counted on to do something rude and or mean spirited is a rude and or mean spirited person.

As it is, a rude/mean person is an as**ole.

I take it you have never lied, been rude, mean, etc. yourself eh? ;) Also, irony!


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I take it you have never lied, been rude, mean, etc. yourself eh? ;) Also, irony!


No, I don't think that's necessary for his point to be valid. Everyone makes mistakes, but there's a difference between Jim lying or being mean on rare occasion, and Bill lying and bean mean frequently enough that everyone just expects him to do it.

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No, I don't think that's necessary for his point to be valid. Everyone makes mistakes, but there's a difference between Jim lying or being mean on rare occasion, and Bill lying and bean mean frequently enough that everyone just expects him to do it.

I know, it was just some simple bait. :P I'll try harder next time! I do think there's a story about that last bit, something regarding a boy and a wolf. ;)


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I know, it was just some simple bait. :P I'll try harder next time! I do think there's a story about that last bit, something regarding a boy and a wolf. ;)


Yeah, like.... the boy kept being a jerk to the wolf, and then eventually he had no friends. Or something like that.

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Yeah, like.... the boy kept being a jerk to the wolf, and then eventually he had no friends. Or something like that.

That would be a fascinating story if only I could relate to it! After all, it's hard to not make friends when you're meeting and hanging out with new faces everyday for the past 9 months in 13 different countries and counting. I think I remember the ending of the story BTW: *spoilers* he gets eaten!


Jeez, that sounds like something one would find on FIMFicton with the mature filter off. Only they are Timberwolves instead.


*train derails*

Edited by K.K. Slider
  • Brohoof 1


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I think I remember the ending of the story BTW: *spoilers* he gets eaten!


Hence the relevance of the XKCD comic I linked to.

Ooh, back to unpopular opinions again:


While it can be alright, I think patriotism is generally really stupid, because it usually boils down to everyone believing their country is objectively better than everyone else's. Which is stupid, false, and frankly the main reason wars ever happen.

Edited by HennyPennyBenny
  • Brohoof 2
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(Seems like BBCode mode is having some trouble with paragraphs...)


People who really pride themselves on their kids are ridiculous. Look, I get that being a decent parent is a big challaenge, and those people do deserve to pat themselves on the back for it.


But unless you kid does something to make a noticable impact on the world, what you're saying is that the whole purpose of your life was to reproduce; a process not exactly difficult or unique. Even if you raise them to be well-rounded people, you still rank among hundreds of millions of other parents througout the history of the world who did just as well or better than you.


It's OK to be proud of your kids, but I'm sorry; if they rank first in your personal accomplishments just because you created them and/or didn't screw them up horribly, your life is really just sad and meaningless.

Edited by Abstract
  • Brohoof 4


"Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears."

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I don't think Tharja from Fire Emblem is as hot as Miriel, when Miriel wears the same (Sorceror) outfit as Tharja.

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: http://SilverStarApple.deviantart.com/Want to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? https://www.tsu.co/Epsilon725

My fanfic, starring Silver Star Apple: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/224996/the-shining-silver-star-of-the-apple-family

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1. I dislike nearly everything mainstream.


2. We should have tolerance for all. For other countries, religions and non-religious belief systems, etc.


3. Scientology is the exception to number two. The whole thing is a joke, a scam, and an insult to real science.


4. One should debate, not argue. There's a difference.

  • Brohoof 2
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Kill la kill is an awesome anime about over the top action, comedy, and mild drama, those who state that it's only for hungry perverts that cater to eye candy and fan service obviously doesn't know the anime too well.


Attack on titan, the english dub, is very okay at best, but nothing too big to get upset about.  


The Playstation Vita is a HIGHLY misunderstood handheld thanks the 3DS and games.


A lot of underrated, JRPG, and anime type games are very abundant on the vita. 

  • Brohoof 4
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Kill la kill is an awesome anime about over the top action, comedy, and mild drama, those who state that it's only for hungry perverts that cater to eye candy and fan service obviously doesn't know the anime too well.


Attack on titan, the english dub, is very okay at best, but nothing too big to get upset about.


The Playstation Vita is a HIGHLY misunderstood handheld thanks the 3DS and games.


A lot of underrated, JRPG, and anime type games are very abundant on the vita.

I Couldn't agree more with your opinions on the vita. It is terribly underrated. It's library might not be as big as the 3DS library, but there are A LOT of 3ds games that downright suck. A good 3/4 of the vita's library are great games. Nintendo fans say that the vita is too expensive, and it is, but in the end it pays for itself when you can get new and used games for $20 or less. EVERY 3ds game I have ever seen costs $40 regardless of condition. Nintendo refuses to drop their prices from retail. Not only that, but vita is region free. So every JRPG that DOESN'T get localized can be imported and played without needing to hack your system. Edited by Judgement
  • Brohoof 1

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