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Lord Theoretical

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Dubstep rap?! God help us all.... ;___;


as long as nobody reaches that limit in mainstream, hip hop will still have some decency.

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as long as nobody reaches that limit in mainstream, hip hop will still have some decency.

Hopefully... Only the future will tell... :U


                                                         "I warned you about those stairs, bro!"

                                                                                             My OC: Flamespark

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Hehe, I'ma post a pony confession cause no one else is...





*Preparing for the hate*

  • Brohoof 1


                                                         "I warned you about those stairs, bro!"

                                                                                             My OC: Flamespark

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It doesn't need an explanation, unless you have a severe lack of knowledge of twentieth century history.



That's not an explanation. Did you ever think that maybe I asked because I lacked certain knowledge and only wished to reduce my ignorance on the subject? Instead, you insult me and my intelligence, implying that everyone knows why this flag is offensive. If you're going to be this rude to curious minds, I recommend you don't bother answering posts like my original one.


However, I am still curious why you think the Soviet flag is offensive, so I ask, with a little less niceness this time, EXPLAIN.

Edited by Domino

I'm bad because I listen to music with swears.

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That's not an explanation. Did you ever think that maybe I asked because I lacked certain knowledge and only wished to reduce my ignorance on the subject? Instead, you insult me and my intelligence, implying that everyone knows why this flag is offensive. If you're going to be this rude to curious minds, I recommend you don't bother answering posts like my original one.


However, I am still curious why you think the Soviet flag is offensive, so I ask, with a little less niceness this time, EXPLAIN.

I'm actually sorry about that. It's a bad habit I have developed because usually anyone who asks is just trying to push their hipster ideologies on me and is perfectly aware of what happened.


  • Stalin's policies caused millions of deaths by starvation alone.
  • The Soviet Union was largely known for propaganda, authoritarianism, and secret police, which is offensive to anyone valuing political freedom.
  • The Soviets occupied several countries through military force, violently suppressing protests.
  • Although the USSR does deserve credit for helping to defeat the fascists, the Hitler-Stalin pact of 1939 should not be overlooked.
  • Moreover, Stalin alone was responsible for an estimated 40 million deaths, more than Hitler, easily.
  • It could be argued that I am only focusing on the atrocities of Stalin. This is fair but overlooks the Soviet suppression of political freedoms up until its demise.


In the Soviet Union, you could be sent to the Gulag just for mocking a political official. (gulaghistory.org)









"Multiple documented instances of unnatural mass death occurred in the Soviet Union. These include Union-wide famines in the early 1920s and early 1930s and deportations of ethnic minorities.

Soviet diplomatic efforts removed the extermination of political groups from the United Nations Convention on Genocide. This left many of the Soviet atrocities outside the United Nations definition of genocide, because the atrocities targeted political or economic groups rather than the ethnic, racial, religious, or national groups listed in the UN convention." - Wikipedia




"Due to the appearance of the foreign radio stations broadcasting in Russian and inaccessible for censorship, as well as appearance of a large number of shortwave receivers, massive jamming of these stations was applied in USSR using high-power radio-electronic equipment. It continued for almost 60 years. Soviet radio censorship network was the most powerful in the world.

All information related to radio jamming and usage of corresponding equipment was considered a state secret. On the eve of the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow the Olympic Panorama magazine intended to publish a photo with a hardly noticeable jamming tower located in the Fili district. Despite the photo being made from a public place it was approved for publication only after the tower was cut from it.

One more way to limit Soviet citizens in access to outer information was the control over the production of receivers with frequency range shorter than 25 meters. Receivers with those ranges were primarily exported and were sold very rarely within the country." - Wikipedia  (An example of Soviet censorship)




Sig made by Kyoshi.

Cool things people have said about me:

Never heard of him but I guess just you mentioning him is a good reason not to go anywhere near that name.

(In reference to an author I suggested.)



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I don't like Rarity, worst of the Mane 6. 

I agree with you 100%. I never have liked Rarity...


                                                         "I warned you about those stairs, bro!"

                                                                                             My OC: Flamespark

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I don't like Rarity, worst of the Mane 6. 

At least her character is more than act cute, be scared, toughen up to chase away a monster, rise and repeat for 4 seasons.

  • Brohoof 3


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Writers fault, not Fluttershys. Not saying I disagree with you though. 

Edited by Dovashy

Dovashy makes me think of soap xD.

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At least her character is more than act cute, be scared, toughen up to chase away a monster, rise and repeat for 4 seasons.

True, I'm not the biggest fan of Fluttershy either.. :T


                                                         "I warned you about those stairs, bro!"

                                                                                             My OC: Flamespark

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Writers fault, not Fluttershys. Not saying I disagree with you though. 

But if the writers are the ones creating the character, doesn't that literally mean the character's very existence is to blame? I don't know I'm running on 3 hours less sleep than I should be...

  • Brohoof 2


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I don't like that side of her personality either, but the other part makes up for it :)

Other side? I didn't know 1 dimension had more than one side.

  • Brohoof 1


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I.  Hate. Capitalism.

My highschool is trying to turn itself into a buisness school. :/


Life is about working hard at something you're passionate about.

Most people at my school are lazy.


I see the humanity in everyone, even terrible people.

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@ There's her kind side, then theirs her shy side. Two aspects of one personality. 

Oh yeah. Kindness, that kind of gets overshadowed by her shyness a bunch.


But yeah Rarity is my favorite pony. I just hate how the fanbase will call her out the instant she isn't 100% generous. I am an extremely generous person, I will drop $60+ on people I barely know just because, but I will put my generosity on lock down if I am being taken advantage of, see something I want, or just don't feel like using my resources on your desires. I get yelled at for that all the time, "You gave $30 dollars to me the other day so why can't you lend me more today?" "Maybe because you are turning into a leech off of my initial gift and I actually went out and worked for that money myself." or "Maybe because those $30 will be going to something that I want. You got what you wanted last week so I get something for myself every once and a while."

  • Brohoof 3


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I think he was being sarcastic.

I'm running on like 3-4 hours less sleep than usual and I am just dead tired and delusional. I probably should go to bed or something.


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I just feel like K-pop is a little more original in their music videos and songs.


i could probably  convince you wrong but, and most people already had set their minds before coming to threads like this so eeeh.




I think he was being sarcastic.



Edited by twistedmetalero
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