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Did you love the ending of season two of MLP:FiM?

Devious Detonation

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I don't know about you guys, but I really loved it! there was some drama, but I went well through all that!

I wanted to know the oppinion of all you fillies and gentlecolts, of what you think of the season two ending!

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Luna: "Hello everypony, did I miss anything? :)"


Celestia: "Oh no, the entire city was taken over by invaders, the bride was locked away in some dungeon that nopony knows about, and I was caught hanging upside from the ceiling. You didn't miss shit."



The ending was fantastic. The old cliche of villains being idiots here shined somewhat, but how the really prepared for the wedding went very smoothly and was heartwarming, topped off with a lovely song and the pictures being snapped in the end. Truly memorable.

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I didn't like the final episode anyway. It was pretty poorly done. Where did these changelings even come from?


Not to mention the ending was impossibly cheesy. "Their love was so strong..." I may watch a little girls show, but c'mon, that's just blehh. I would've liked a standard wedding, because that could've been done in a clever manner to make it hilarious. I mean, it was a good plot twist and all, but I was kind of annoyed by how cheesy the "feeding off love" thing was. Once again, though, kids show.


Vinyl Scratch completely made up for it though. Woop!


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It was a fantastic way to end a fantastic season. Though I am less than pleased that they said nothing about Shining Armor until now, it isn't that big of a deal. The way they planned it out, and the way it was executed were top notch. I'm expecting another fantastic way to close out Season 3.


Credits to Cloud Chaser for the signature and avatar.
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The ending of season 2 was phenomenal! For me, it began when Shining Armor and Princess Cadence combined with their love and they started floating in the air and they sort of transformed into light and beat the changelings. I watched that moment at least 10 times. It was just too awesome. Then there's Pinkie Pie lifting Vinyl Scratch out of nowhere and setting her down. The song was amazing as well. I must say, this will go down as a legend (I hope), and I cannot even begin to imagine how they are going finish season 3.

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it was pretty good. not amazingly super spectacular, but i enjoyed it nonetheless. i didnt like the ending as much, but the two episodes as a whole were pretty good

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I enjoyed the ending of season 2. The story, song, and charters were good and it was just enjoyable. I also enjoyed Shining Armor and Cadence. I do wish however that he was brought up sooner or the writers could have put in a hint that Twilight had a brother. Still the way they did it was fine and I felt they put him in very well.


Best part was party cannon can be used as a weapon.


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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I thought it was the most horrible finale ever.






The storyline was very well planned. I hope they have a finales at the beginning of season 3! That would be awesome! I'm also glad they included songs in it. My favorite was This Day Aria. I always listen to that song, and it sometimes gets stuck in my head. :P But I loved every bit of. In some parts I even got goosebumps. However, only until the near-end did the mane six actually be together. I want some more mane six action (although when they fought the changelings, they was pretty epic).

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I loved it


I researched it a few days ago when we where having a discussion about enemies dieting to fast and found that actually they don't and it's really well done.


I really like the way the elements of harmony are not re used once again to defeat the changelings and that they find a new way ( and I don't think they could have done a better job of it ).


I know they feed of love making it feel a bit childish, but I wonder if instead they fed of "life force" and not love, would it have had a better impact on some people who thought that to be really cheesy?


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I found the finale very well done. It may not have had the epic duel between Celestia and Chrysalis that I wanted, but other than that, the story was strong and had some nice twists. At the end of the first part, I thought Cadance actually was good and felt sorry for her. I thought it was going to be a sweet scene where she and Twilight talked to each other, but then stuff went down. My thoughts as Twilgiht melted into the ground with green flames and Cadance's wicked smile were "Oh snap! Things just got real!" The first part made me think "Cadance is obviously evil." Then "Maybe Twilight's wrong on this one." Then again "Cadance IS evil! I knew it!" The first part, to me, succeeded in delivering.


For the second part, I was still impressed, though not as much. I think it's mostly due to time constraints placed on the writers, however. It all felt kind of rushed. The low points for me were the whole "revealing who I am and my plot" thing from Chrysalis, the duel between her and Celestia that didn't even last 10 seconds flat, and the ego of Chrysalis when she has them all captured in the palace and doesn't even watch them to make sure they don't try anything funny. The high points, however, outweigh the low. This Day Aria is easily one of my top 3 songs and I just was in awe of the two different tones of the two Cadances during the song. Lyra speaks! I got to see AJ without her hat for a little while; even though I like her with her hat, it's nice to see her out of it once in a while. Epic changeling fight scene. Party cannon is now a weapon. Vinyl gets pulled outa nowhere to start jamming with Pinkie leading to another great song. And I felt an "Aww" moment when Shining made up with Twilight.


Perhaps the best thing I liked about the finale is that it wasn't another "Go get the Elements and we win!" thing. As expected, the Mane 6 were tasked by Celestia to get the Elements to defeat Chrysalis. I mentioned the epic fight scene, which I will say again, was pretty epic. But surprise surprise, they make it to chamber where the Elements are, and find themselves completely surrounded by a horde of changelings. They get captured and taken back to Chrysalis who is now obviously on a "villain high" as she just kind of lets them do whatever without keeping an eye on them at all. At this time, I was pretty curious as to how victory would come about for the ponies. Then the whole "love power" thing happened and that was that. Still, despite being rather cliche, it was a bold move to throw out the Elements as the only way to beat big, bad villains.


So, to wrap this post up. There some low points, but the majority of the finale was awesome having the good things outweigh the bad things. Again, I mostly blame time constraints for the low things. So far, for me personally, the Canterlot wedding finale is the best two-episode arc. I'm very interested to see how the cast and crew manage to, not necessarily surpass it, but kind of stay on the same level, if that makes sense.

  • Brohoof 1

So much Friendship!

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I loved the season 2 finale. It had everything I would think it would have. What really flipped it over the top for me was the 2nd part. The 2nd part was just awesome. It had probably the best music out of the entire show. It had a few epic battle sequences. What more could you ask for.

The first half was great as well. It did a great job of creating suspense, especially at the end. It also did a great job in introducing the new characters.

So, if you couldn't already tell, I absolutely loved the season 2 finale.


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I loved it, particularly for it's music. Yes, This Day Aria is epic, but the background music in this scene gave me chills-



This just about proves my signature. Yes, Flash Cartoons ARE art.



Not only that, but I found myself caring for Shining Armor and Cadance much more than I expected I would have. IDK why, maybe the hopeless romantic in me noticed that their relationship is very similar to relationships of Disney characters and therefore made me want to cheer them on? Also, the emotion in Cadance's voice and lyrics during This Day Aria made me instantly like and sympathize with her.


As for the Changelings, I didn't see it coming, and it wasn't predictable as all. Okay, it was somewhat obvious that the Cadance in part 1 wasn't the real Cadance, but I didn't see an entire army of weird creatures and their queen showing up. The action during the battle scene was pretty awesome too, with a huge influence it seems from the Powerpuff Girls.


So yeah, pretty much no complaints, other than Luna only showing up for a brief cameo. I would have liked her to show up right while Crysalis defeats Celestia, just mostly for dramatic tension. I also would have preferred if at least Shining Armor was introduced before the finale, even if for a quick cameo or something.

Edited by Rarietty
  • Brohoof 1


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My only problem was the use of a dues ex machina. It was ok in the situation, but I hate it when a dues ex machina derails a perfectly good plot. It didn't here, and was well executed. It just gives me a cringe whenever such a plot device is used, even if i like how it is.

From bitterness I arise. I shall thrive in the cool darkness of this moonlit winter's night. Oh how far I have arisen to meet you my friends.

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I thought it was the most horrible finale ever.






The storyline was very well planned. I hope they have a finales at the beginning of season 3! That would be awesome! I'm also glad they included songs in it. My favorite was This Day Aria. I always listen to that song, and it sometimes gets stuck in my head. :P But I loved every bit of. In some parts I even got goosebumps. However, only until the near-end did the mane six actually be together. I want some more mane six action (although when they fought the changelings, they was pretty epic).


omg, the part where fake Cadence sings for the second time always gives me goosebumps, SOOOO EPIC!!!

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I did, but it has a bit of a special meaning to me. At another forum on which I'm a regular, there was a thread for discussing ideas of a Friendship is Magic movie. In that thread I predicted the entire plot for the season finale as a movie plot. Many laughs were had and it made everything even more satisfying.

Edited by Artemis
  • Brohoof 1


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Yes, I do did loved it. :P

Bad grammar aside, the ending was good and happy like I expected, but the ride there was just so much more thrilling and worth experiencing over and over again, especially the songs. :D


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I loved the Season finale. Here are just some of the reasons:


I liked the songs. Some of the best I heard so far in FiM. "This Day Aria" and "Love is in Bloom" were the ones I truly enjoyed. This Day Aria was where we see the whole plot of Chrysalis' scheme to take over Equestria, while seeing the real Cadence and Twilight escape the Crystal caves, hoping to escape. Love is in Bloom was nice too. Nothing over the top, but I liked the beat to it. Great song to finish off the episode.


The animation seemed best in this episode. Of course, animation does get better over time in cartoons, but this one really shined.


I found the fighting scene with all the Changlings to be the most iconic part for me. I don't think i ever saw the Mane 6 go in an all out brawl against a bunch of minions. I liked lots of parts, like when Fluttershy pretended to be a Changling, or when Pinkie was amused by the Changing power, and uses Twilight as a gun. That's a moment in FiM history that I won't forget.



The new characters made a good introduction as well. In the beginning of the episode, we hear Twilight talking about her brother, being her only true friend as a filly. Now he is getting married, and Twilight is upset because she didn't hear from him personally. But it was because he was busy protecting Canterlot with a shield. Shining Armor is a nice and compassionate guy. Cadence is alot like Shining Armor too. She was Twilight's foal-sitter, and played with her. Of course, when everyone saw Cadence being a real... Y'know, in the 1st part, I'm sure we all hated her for just being a jerk to all the ponies, and seeing Twilight being dragged down... then we all despised her. Then in the 2nd part, we see that the real Cadence is actually real nice, and was imprisoned as well. I like what the creators did, not spoiling anything until the 2nd part, and having Part 1 end on a cliffhanger.

Edited by Twi Rubix
  • Brohoof 1

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